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Southern Sanctum


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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The campus of Southern Sanctum is the sprawling remains of an ancient stone city that was abandoned by an ancient unknown race. The dorms are all old houses, and the classrooms inhabit a large castle that seems to have been carved from a single piece of granite. Students of every race study here, all for the chance to return home and make something of themselves within their communities. Many are recruited by their governments and still others choose to stay and make their own ways on the island, free from whatever life they led before.

The secretary blinked as she took a deep breath through the thin paper mask on her face, Any students unaffected by this sickness please report to the bottom floor main office. We need you, to help us. Please report as soon as possible. She sent out in a mental broadcast before she slumped in her seat and coughed raggedly.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma may have been the first to get the warning, she couldn't be sure. What was sure was she was the first one there.

Hold on, I'm on my way.

Mere minutes later, she was standing not far from the secretary, though she was for the moment, lost for words.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Maithgen heard the call, and quickly made his way to the main office.

Only one other had made it before him, it seemed. "What's going on?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

Saul "Mom" Uziel ducked to enter the doorway, his face neutral and composed. A thin layer of sweat remained from his morning workout, which had just been interrupted. He unslung his gym bag from his shoulder, dressed in a t-shirt and running shorts. Saul gave a nod to Orma, remembering her name and face but unsure whether she had been in classes with him or whether she had learned self-defense in one of his courses.

He stands beside Orma, a look of grave concern for the secretary on his face, but said nothing as yet.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Kua slumbered in, rubbing his dark eyes, both because he was sleepy and because he wanted to appear more tired than he was.
He hoped if he looked weary, people would be less inclined to approach him, deciding best to stay quiet.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Vance Kuruseb comes slithering into the building, his sword strapped to his back, as it always is, yawning as he enters, the announcement waking him from his nap. He looked around at the others that were around and stays silent as he slithers up beside Uziel, looking up at the large Lycan, then sighing and closing his serpent-like eyes and crosses his arms "I also would like to know the meaning of thissss" he says, his purposeful slur of the 'S' present
Re: Southern Sanctum

The secretary smothered a cough and looked back at the short balding man behind her. He nodded and she said "We need to wait to see if more students or teachers arrive..." she coughed again with a wet tearing sound, "When we're sure you're all here we'll tell you everything."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Corvus and Calcuis appear in a flash, teleporting in.

(((BLACK=Corvus , GREEN=Calcuis)))

"I ran into this guy on the way here. Decided to shorten both our trips."

"A warning would have been nice."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Walking slowly into the room, Servante enters wearing a crimson robe with the hood down and a sour expression. Stopping a little way away from everyone else he brushes his hair out of his face and lets out a sigh.

"Well, what are we here for then?" He says bluntly and unemotionally, his arms folded over his chest.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Saul decides to take matters into his own hands.

"If I could have everyone's attention for a moment please?" In the hush that follows, he continues in a calm but loud voice he often used as an instructor. "People, I think it's fairly obvious why we're here. We're here because of the sickness, and those summoned are those unaffected thus far. My strong advice would be to keep your distance from our host. Given her condition, she's understandably going to wait until we're all here before she explains things. Let's all just relax and be a little patient and we Will figure this out."

Satisfied, the grizzled lycan continues waiting, moving towards the door so he can repeat his explanation to any that arrive. In times of trouble, he always found it reassuring to treat things like a game. Even if one lost the game, one could usually come back for a rematch.
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Re: Southern Sanctum

The Secretary coughed some more, "Thank you Saul."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma nodded once. "Agreed, no sense in repeating vital information more than once and having to do multiple explanations when everyone can be informed at the same time, making our course of action more concrete."

She did however take a small step backwards, just in case, and sent a brief message to the Lycan. Anything I can do to help you out now, or do you prefer I just wait here with the others to avoid more confusion?
Re: Southern Sanctum

Maithgen seeing the dark colored bird-folk teleport in moves to the opposite side of the room, and keeps watching him out of the corner of his eyes while he waits to find out what's going on.
Re: Southern Sanctum

"I ssssee" Vance says, slithering over to beside Maithgen and sighing "I jussst hope you are better company then the rat that resides where I nap" he says, coiling up his scarred tail and sighing as he closes his eyes once more, nodding off to sleep "Wake me if anything happensss"
Re: Southern Sanctum

The were-bear drops his careful composure for a moment as he receives the green-haired elf's communication, shooting a worried look at the poor woman suffering behind the desk. The look barely lasts long enough to register in Orma's eyes before he regains control of his expressions, his face shifting back to a calm, collected look. Indeed, she might have mistaken it for a facial tick had the emotions not been clear as day in his surface thoughts for that instant.

He gruffly shakes his head and raises a steady hand barely up to waist level, gesturing her to stay put for now.

More information would follow, or so he hoped. Maybe he'd even remember exactly which class he knew the gifted young telepath from.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma did catch the emotion as well as the motion made, choosing to not embarrass the Lycan by letting him know she had seen his mask falter. She did however, let him know she understood his gesture. Understood.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Maithgen nods that he'll wake up Vance if anything happens.
Re: Southern Sanctum

"I say the filthy humans brought this upon themselves," Servante says under his breath, though not trying too hard to be unnoticed. His expression only worsening now that he knows that he has been summoned due to this illness.
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Ooh, looks like someone's a little biased."

Calcius slithers over to Servante, and looks him over.

"Hmm. He looks like a human. He talks like a human. He acts like a human. But he doesn't seem to like humans, does he? Looks like there's more to this one than meets the eye. What's your secret, boy?"
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Re: Southern Sanctum

"Secret?" Servante says to the serpent, affronted by the way he's addressing him. "I'm a Selkie, not some filthy human." Servante answers him, hatred for humans in his voice. "I'd not be here if it weren't for the fact that some scumbag stole my seal skin."