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Southern Sanctum

Re: Southern Sanctum

Misha grins at Saul and then says, "Alright, now what group is going where?"

I can Answer that. Saul, your group is going to find a cure. I need you to head to East Sanctum and talk to their head of GenMagika. As for Corvus and your group, you need to find out where he's hiding, go to North Sanctum and talk with the head Geographer. He'll give you a map, and then you can pick up the last person in your group from a town nearby. She pulled out a small money pouch, You'll have to hire him, he's a lizardfolk.
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Re: Southern Sanctum

"Anything else?" Saul's eyes travel from "James" to the secretary.

"Yes, I still say this whole thing stinks. You stink," Servante bites out his words at the secretary, "you stink," he hisses at the newcomer, "humans stink," he spits at the assembly. "Why in the hell should I listen to or help any of you? It's another 'test of the gods' by immortals that only show up to test and punish. And no doubt caused by one of their precious pink-skinned humans." The selkie's disdain for the proceedings are made utterly clear.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Misha snorted, "And I think you forget that your kind, and mine, and every kind in this room came from the humans. With the exception of Mr. Divinity over there."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Rather suddenly, everyone in the room would feel very strange...As if something about the air suddenly changed. All light from outside was cut off as storm clouds, blacker than the sky at midnight, covered the sky. Even the lights inside dimmed, casting shadows over all. James seemed to tower over even his aide. His voice deepened and echoed through the room. "I did not come, Servante Draylor, to bandy words and exchange insults. You will go and help stop the elf that has caused this, or your missing skin will be the LEAST of your concerns!" A flash of lightning filled the room, and the report of the thunderclap seemed to indicate that the bolt struck nearby.
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Re: Southern Sanctum

Servante's hood has fallen, his hair is blown back and his mouth is agape, trembling and not realizing for the twenty seconds or so that he was clinging to and hiding behind the secretary. He discovers his position and, with a great effort of will, lets go of his human shield and stands shakily. "Right, sir. Elf. Um. Okay." Sweat has beaded on his forehead and he looks positively ill. He stammers for a moment, then closes his mouth tightly, not looking at anyone right now.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Once Servante backs down, things seem to return to normal. James' voice and size also return to normal. "Now, are there any other questions that any of you might have?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Yes. How far has the plague spread, in the world?" The were-bear remained expressionless through the confrontation, and now resumed his discourse with James as though nothing had happened. "Also, do the two of you have anything else to tell us?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

"The plague has spread pretty much everywhere, so distribution of a cure may also become a problem. And no, I've said pretty much everything I have at the moment. The minotaur is a mute, so he really can't say anything." James shrugs. "His choice to become one, so I haven't done anything about it."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma says nothing throughout the exchange between James and Servante, seemingly content to watch and not interfere. When they are done, and the mention of a viable method to distribute the cure is brought up, she does finally speak. "That is something we will have to think of along the way. Perhaps some airborne variant can be utilized. If the plague is airborne, which I am guessing it is, then we should be able to create a cure that can do the same."

The added part not spoken, but James might still pick it up was, 'I hope.'
Re: Southern Sanctum

Saul acknowledges the gifted telepath with a nod, "A good idea. Just one more issue, before we head out. Is our elven adversary aware of our efforts? Do we have an active opposition, yet?" Saul queries both information-givers at the same time.
Re: Southern Sanctum

James shakes his head. "Not that I'm aware of. I will try to aid in keeping in that way for as long as I can, but I should warn you: He may very well have some kind of means of finding out that I have not been able to find myself."
Re: Southern Sanctum

The secretary nodded, We haven't been able to overhear anything about where he is...
Re: Southern Sanctum

"If you could inform us when possible, should that situation change, I would personally be quite grateful. Alright, we'd better get going." Saul turns to his group, speaking to each of them in turn. "Misha? Jessica? I need you two to gather camping gear for the six of us. Jessica should know what to get. Don't forget tents, cooking gear, flint and steel and packs."

He looks to the shark lycan and beautiful young telepath next. "Orma and Kua, we need maps and weather information; the two of you probably spend more time in the library than the rest of us."

"Maithgen, you and I need to get dry rations and food stuffs for our journey. Some of us can hunt and fish, but we don't want to rely on that." The last part is worded to the centaur, and then he looks back to the group as a whole, his baritone voice ringing quite clearly in the chamber. "Each pair should take one hour to complete their task, and one hour to get anything they need from their dorms. Do not separate, please. We're going to be spending a lot of time together, so I'd encourage you to learn everything you can about each other."

"Let's meet up at the East Gate in two hours. Again, NO one travels alone. That includes you, Jess. Alright. Go."

(sorry for the length of the post. PM me if you need a condensed version.)
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Re: Southern Sanctum

The secretary handed out strips of paper, Here's permission slips should you need them, as well as some money to help you along. she handed out some pouches too. Orma, if you would stay behind a minute?

Misha already sidled up next to Jess and smiled, "So we're partners. That's good, I'm sure you're not as bad as everyone says you are."
Re: Southern Sanctum

She took the offered money and slip, pausing for a moment as she received the telepathic message. Of course, I'll stand to the side until everyone else has filtered out.

She moved to one side, allowing everyone else to filter out and go about what they needed to, save for likely Kua, who she was paired with for the groupings. While she was, as far as she knew, the only telepath in her group, she was more than content right now to let Saul make decisions and lead, since he seemed at the least level headed and was most likely better qualified for it than she was.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Corvus gathers his team off to the side and addresses them.

"Alright, I wouldn't have thought myself much of a leader, so I'm sorry if some of my decisions seem off. I'm open to suggestion, of course."

"I have a suggestion."

"Is it serious?"

"Not really."

"Then it can wait. The Head Geographer should be in the North Sanctum, so we should get moving. Assuming he's caught the plague too, we might be on a time limit to reach him."
Re: Southern Sanctum

The secretary hands Orma a small pendant necklace and in a private message she says, This will enable you to speak to me and give me a full report of your day.

Cally Followed Servante close, "You're right, we do need to reach him before he dies. If he can..." she thought, "Isn't he a Dragon? If they can get this we really are doomed."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma gently took the pendant, pausing her thoughts only long enough to place it in her pocket for now. She would put it on later when she got to her room, allowing the others to believe it was just something she treasured. She was worried after the mention that the person they were looking for was an elf, that he may be telepathic and capable of invading minds. While she could probably resist, those who had no skill in telepathy at all would in theory be highly vulnerable, and since she knew almost instantly what was being given to her, it seemed a safe course of action.

Thank you. I promise that we will do everything we can to come up with a cure for this disease and cure all of you. Might I ask though, your name, so I may communicate more directly and with the respect due to you?

She waited for a few more moments to see if she would garner any response from the secretary.
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Re: Southern Sanctum

((Crazy people awake during the day, i have missed so much...))

Jess nearly falls off of Saul's shoulder at James' disturbance, looking genuinely terrified until it was over. She was quick to compose herself, however. She hops off his shoulder just in time to be sidled up against by Misha. She takes the slip and money the secretary handed out, and goes to sneak out, but Saul caught her without turning around. She drops her shoulders in shame for a second, then turns to Misha and speaks. "Alright then, come on, lets get some camping supplies then."

She amuses herself by lightly tossing knives so they land directly in front of Misha's back foot right before she takes a step, every three or four steps. "I'm not bad at all, who told you that? I just love making people smile. So where are we going first, dorms or the market?"
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Re: Southern Sanctum

((Yeesh I gotta stop working all day))

Maithgen stays silent through the confrontation between James and Servante, as well as the questions. He takes the pass and money from the secretary as Saul gives out his orders for their group.

"All right should we go to the dorms or get the food supplies first, Saul. I can carry quite a bit if anyone needs help with their stuff as well?" He says as he walks up next to his partner.