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Southern Sanctum

Re: Southern Sanctum

Kua turned and waited, watching the exit, not wanting to seem nosy about what the secretary was giving Orma. He just waited until they were ready to leave.
Re: Southern Sanctum

Still trembling slightly, Servante goes to follow Corvus, for once not minding Cally's close proximity. A few times it seems almost as though he is going to speak, then thinks better of it.

Saul walks with Maithgen to the exit, "We should probably procure rations before we worry about personal effects. Mostly I'll be relying on you to help us with carrying things over the long journey ahead; you, Kua and I probably have the highest capacity for weight. That being said, don't overdo it. I don't need any of us falling behind or getting injured due to overburden."
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Makes sense to me, so the marketplace or the kitchens then?" Maithgen asks of his ursine companion.

((Weird I just realized my name probably fits you better than me.))
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Market I think..." she said hefting the bag, "With these coins and the note we should have enough to get what we need..." She stepped outside and spread her wings. "Meet you there?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Yeah sure." Jess says as Misha flies off, then she breaks into a run in an attemp to beat her there. "Show off... Short legs..." She huffs between breaths, dodging people and knifing walls ahead of her to give her climbing handholds.

((You'll win, but not by much methinks, feel free to stick the first post in the marketplace))
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Let's head off to the kitchen first; they're more likely to have these items in bulk. We should probably look for food that keeps for a while, like jerky, rice, oats, dried fruits and nuts. I spent some time amongst the centaurs while I was a mercenary. You mind telling me a little about your tribe? I might have worked with them..." Saul starts off towards the kitchen with the centaur, chatting amiably.

((Nice. Feel free to post first in the kitchen, then I'll continue as well.))
Re: Southern Sanctum

The secretary smiled, That will do Orma. Your companions is waiting. She switched private thoughts to Cally. I need you to contact me at the end of the day, do you understand? I need a full report.

Yes Ma'am. I can do that. Cally turned her attention back to Corvus, "I think you'll to fine. Isn't the mark of a good leader one who thinks he won't be a good leader?" she let out another short giggle.
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Really? Thanks, though I can't say I've heard that before. I suppose time will tell."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Very well. Again, thank you.

She finally turns to Kua and walks up to him. "Alright, I guess we should hit for the library first and get the maps and weather information done first since it is most important. What are you better at getting a hold of?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

Servante half-mutters, "Yes, and a lack of confidence in one's leadership abilities COULD just be based on fact," but he still follows along, needing a little time to regain his own confidence after being intimidated by a god.
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Nobody asked you!"

"Alright, let's not start this again. Besides, I've already said I'm open to suggestions. If you think you can do it better, go ahead and make some."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma stopped long enough to face Corvus. "Here's one then Corvus. Play to your squad's strengths, and remain open to suggestions at all times. Remember that while you may be group leader, you have companions and do not have to do everything yourself. Trust that your team mates will perform to the best they can, and focus on the important task ahead of you. Do that and you should do just fine."
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Thanks, uhh *He pauses for a second as he tries to remember the name* ...Orma? Though that was pretty much my idea anyways. I was referring to suggestions about what to do when we reach a crossroads. Metaphorically speaking, of course, but I'm sure you know what I mean."
Re: Southern Sanctum

She nodded once and smiled. "I do know what you mean. That I can't help you with. No matter what advice you get, or how much you prepare for something, you will never know how you will react to a situation until you are faced with it. The best I can say is go with what you believe is right. I believe you will do fine."
Re: Southern Sanctum

The selkie speaks up unexpectedly, "My uncle, he used to say, 'You steer the ship the best way you know. Sometimes it's smooth. Sometimes you hit the rocks.' He was a weird one, spent a lot of his time out of his proper skin, sailing with humans." Servante's face takes on a wistful expression.

"I always kind of wondered what happened to him."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Kua shook himself out of a day dream. "Oh, sorry. Umm, do you think I should start with helping people carry things or should we head right to the library? I'd probably be best at getting maps, I don't know the first thing about checking on weather."
Re: Southern Sanctum

Orma thought for a moment then softly spoke. "I think it may be best for us to gather the maps and weather information first Kua. We need those for sure, and it will take time to condense everything that we need for that. If your ready to head on out, we can go now?"

((Barry is to have been considered to be there from the beginning according to Chibi. He is replacing Burrito's character Vance, so I will defer how you want to set pairings up Bartnum.))

Barry stood there, having remained mostly silent throughout everything. Finally he spoke in a deep tone of voice. "I'm Barry Edwards, sorry for not saying earlier. I get wrapped up in listening sometimes and forget to speak up. Where do you want me Corvus?"
Re: Southern Sanctum

"of course, after you," Kua managed to squeak out. He can't help but doze off and imagine what particular skills he has that would help them in the slightest. He wanted to be done with this as soon as possible but he didn't want to feel like he wasn't helping
Re: Southern Sanctum

"Hey, he does have a mouth!"

"Just stick with the rest of us. Right now our only port of call is the Head Geographer, so there's no need to separate just yet."
Re: Southern Sanctum

A small grin crosses his face as he replies to Calcius. "Indeed I do."

A nod back to Corvus. "Very well. You lead on, I shall follow and protect if need be."