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Spam bots strike back

Re: Spam bots strike back

I am so glad you did that in such a way so that i can't help you.

all in all i think this is a problem for the big boss, provided we can wake him from his torpor...
Re: Spam bots strike back

I had one of them the other day that I deleted as spam from one of my RP threads. I hope that was the right way to do it so that you could help, if not just let me know what would be better, Nunu. Though it probably is more of the big bosses problem.
Re: Spam bots strike back

any way that solves the problem ronny. things might be a little better tied off if i can ban their profile but that wont happen as quickly as it has to go through the reported posts stuff.
Re: Spam bots strike back

Getting rid of the individual spam bots won't help any of us either way. They make one spam post, you ban that account, they make another account, rinse and repeat.

The solution I was thinking of was making them go away entirely, not telling each copy of the same bot to bugger off.
Re: Spam bots strike back

Getting rid of the individual spam bots won't help any of us either way. They make one spam post, you ban that account, they make another account, rinse and repeat.

The solution I was thinking of was making them go away entirely, not telling each copy of the same bot to bugger off.

Any ideas for how to do that?
Re: Spam bots strike back

If you're trying to suggest I should have shut up because I have no idea how to stop them myself, I'm going to drown you.

I am, because I've yet to see a way to completely stop spam without some pretty draconian measures that would make more work for Nunu.
Re: Spam bots strike back

We absolutely dont' want to make the people like nunu who run things around here work, you're absolutely right.

Nunu, shut off all security.
Re: Spam bots strike back

RJ you're being dramatic, I shall attempt to tweak our verification a bit more and see if i can wrangle another 1% out of it.
Re: Spam bots strike back

There's another method of banning that can be used on people who know how to circumvent ip bans, it's not the ultimate solution but it will keep those people quiet for a longer period of time. Probably not a good idea to share that info here as they may become wise to it, I'll send a pm to Nunu about it.
Re: Spam bots strike back

I still see the bots though.

Besides the main reason you are seeing them is because i've been working 14 hours days and am tired when i get home.
Re: Spam bots strike back

I still see the bots though.

Besides the main reason you are seeing them is because i've been working 14 hours days and am tired when i get home.

Okay then, try not to strain yourself.
Re: Spam bots strike back

I still see the bots though.

Besides the main reason you are seeing them is because i've been working 14 hours days and am tired when i get home.

Methinks Nunu needs a huuuuuug~

In all seriousness, these guys always seem to show up at the worst times. I remember one time when I was just starting out on a server as a moderator the administrator had juuuust clocked out when roughly 100 alts started flooding in like someone had hung a "Free Beer" sign and started spamming like a mad man. Pretty sure I nearly broke my mouse manually banning them all as fast as I could (had to right click and boot manually because of my permission set)... Worst game of whackamole, ever...

That said, I always buy a round for the following... Good officers, firemen, EMTs, troops, and voluntary moderators. The flack you people put up with... Make sure I buy you a round if I ever meet up with you in person!

Note: I've also been known to buy pizza or soda when alcohol isn't desired... :3
Re: Spam bots strike back

thanks to internet ordering you probably could give me a pizza. although that money should probably go to aika for forum upkeep fees
Re: Spam bots strike back

Do the pizza delivery thing, and note down the address Birdy. Even if it's "The shadowed tree behind the memorial in the park. Be sure that you're not followed."
Re: Spam bots strike back

I tweaked the human verification, hopefully it helps a bit.