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Spam bots strike back

Re: Spam bots strike back

Working now.

EDIT: Okay, think I've gotten all of the currently undeleted threads removed now. There's a post or two in an existing thread, but I'm not going to mess with those, at least until I'm sure I can do so without totally nuking the thread.
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Re: Spam bots strike back

You can always try 'soft' deletes. They will delete everything selected from being viewed by non-moderators, but for moderators, there will still be a check mark for the post so it can be viewed, edited, undeleted, whatever. This way, if you attempt to delete something and accidentally bork the thread, you can undelete it. If what you did was correct, you can delete the post again, but do 'physically remove' instead. The difference between delete post and delete post as spam is the spam one can give the option of banning the user (if you have the power) at the same time of the post deletion and also of checking a box that will delete ALL other posts by the user. This way, you can just find one post by a bot, mark it for deletion for spam, then check the box that will automatically delete their other posts too.
Re: Spam bots strike back

speaking of which later today i'm going to do the clean up. probably deleting several thousand posts that have been soft deleted. If something of yours went missing this is your last chance.
Re: Spam bots strike back

Sorry :\
Re: Spam bots strike back

Why are you sorry, as far as i know i'm the only one with a delete as spam function which is the cause of this. I remember a few years back a whole bunch of threads went missing because the function deletes an entire thread if the bot has posted there. This is why we soft delete now days.
Re: Spam bots strike back

I've never had such a problem on my other forum. Deleting should never delete the whole thread unless bot was the op
Re: Spam bots strike back

Re: Spam bots strike back

I love you too
Re: Spam bots strike back

Threads pruned, most of you wont notice a difference but in total about 11 hundred threads that you couldn't see are gone now.
Re: Spam bots strike back

That's a high number and stuff.

Meanwhile, I'm not sure if it only occurs during specific times, but the bots appear to have died down. Though given recent events, they usually swarm en mass on certain timeframes.
Re: Spam bots strike back

Hey, just wanted to say that there's a clear spam bot that goes by the name "verified_store"; and yeah, just sayin'.

Can anyone explain to me where do these guys come from? Is there anything I can do to help get rid of them?
Re: Spam bots strike back

That one is dealt with.
Re: Spam bots strike back

Apologies on that epic 89-post cluster-fuck of a spammer. Had to nap, and seems it had the runs on us then.

Think I've cleared all the excess crap now.
Re: Spam bots strike back

Apologies on that epic 89-post cluster-fuck of a spammer. Had to nap, and seems it had the runs on us then.

Think I've cleared all the excess crap now.

Spambot uses Confuse Ray! But it failed!
Re: Spam bots strike back

I just want to thank you guys for keeping the spam bots at bay. Other sites have fallen to the bastards.
Re: Spam bots strike back

It was a long fight, and I am still paying the price (as are some users who have to wait for a gap in my busy schedual, but i do my best).

We've got an impenetrable shield now. /tempt fate
Re: Spam bots strike back

Well, then... Perhaps those I nuked this morning (for me) were the last.
Re: Spam bots strike back

You need to get banned.