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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well... I'm sure getting pinned by those two had something to contribute as well..." Rosieta replied to Adelle's apologies, staying remarkably silent at the face of the remaining things. "Life is... pretty bad sometimes..." was the only thing she managed to say about the remaining things that she was being confessed to.

When she did manage to get up and move again, Adelle found that the dress did act like a normal piece of clothing by now, not showing any weird qualities anymore. Thus, she was easily able to dress it up again and get herself covered in at least some meaningful way. Rosie did take the lead for a bit, deciding against the blue-haired girl's earlier decision and leading them to the door on the opposite side of the entryway they had arrived from. Again, the keys were needed to open to smaller door on the shutter. Beyond, there was another manufacturing area, this time one used for making clothes of various kinds. Only one door was present here besides the one they came from, on the left from their current position.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well yeah, and these damn panties. If it were any other time I'd appreciate the stress relief of them, but in the middle of my job... well then they're just annoying. And yeah life can be pretty bad at times, I know that from experience," Adelle replied while she redressed in her thankfully normal dress now, so now she was at least covered, though she would prefer her normal clothing to this dress, but there was nothing she could really do about that.

When she was ready to leave, Adelle followed Rosieta out through the other room, as the maid had decided to go the other way from where Adelle had chosen earlier. Adelle was fine with this, as she'd only led them into disasters so far and felt terrible already because of the night before, but all this was just adding more and more to how terrible she felt. She'd taken this job in an effort to forget the bad memories of the night before, and had only ended up making them return with every lewd thing that happened to her in this place, shaking her confidence in everything she did now. When they got over to the door, she got the proper key ready and opened the thing, where they then went on through.

In the next room, Adelle saw an area used for making different kinds of clothing, with only one door on the far side of the room. When she noticed the clothing, Adelle decided to look around for a moment as they went across to the other door, hoping to find something that would fit and cover her a bit better than what she had on, as this skimpy dress was a little embarrassing to wear. However if she couldn't find anything worth wearing, or nothing that would fit, then she would move on with Rosieta.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Looking around for clothing in the area they had reached, Adelle found little beyond what one might expect from a sex store. The leathers, bodysuits of a very tight and thin nature, corsets... But there were also some fetish uniforms there, the ones that were usually depicted in porn movies. Maids, nurses, sexy cops and the like. While she did kinda look at Adelle in an odd way, Rosieta didn't seem to be in a hurry, and didn't try to poke her forward in any way.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle found that there was little in the way of clothing that would be much less revealing than what she had on at the moment, but she thought to herself that most anything was better than the thing she wore now. She eyed some of the corsets as she looked through the clothing, having always wondered what it was like to wear one and so grabbing a couple in her size and slipping them into her backpack with the rest of her loot, feeling that she needed at least something to show for the loss they'd just had to go through.

"W-What? I want to at least have something to show for losing," Adelle said, looking a little disgruntled still about losing, even though she had thoroughly enjoyed herself with those bottle like creatures quite a bit.

After that, regardless of whether or not she found a couple of corsets in her size, Adelle would tell Rosieta she was ready to go, where they could then move onwards and find what they'd been looking for, and then get the hell out of there.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Silly Adelle, how many corsets does she need XD?)

"No, do as you wish." Rosieta shrugged off any further discussion about Adelle bonus-collecting habits, even though it had kinda been her funny looks that had caused it. There were indeed some articles that would definately fit the girl collecting them, so she did score some further clothes.

It appeared that all the doors between the areas were sealed off, for there was need for the keys yet again. The same key seemed to be fit for all these doors, most likely a good thing to know. Beyond the only other door they had, there was an area that was a bit more rough in manufacture, for this particular zone was for the BDSM crowd. Bigger equipment could be seen here, along with all kinds of restraints like chains and cuffs. Right away, there was cause for carefulness, for a wooden horse with a triangular body began to rock back and forth restlessly on it's base as the two entered. It didn't appear to be capable of moving around, but there was no real way to confirm the fact. At least with the amount of time the two had been there. Two doors awaited them, one that seemed to lead outside to the inner cargo yard and another on the left again, leading to another yet unexplored production area.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Adelle didn't actually get any corsets earlier. She just got some lingerie and toys.)

Adelle did manage to find a few corsets that were in her size so she snatched them up and stuffed them down into her pack, stowing them in there for now. After that the two of them went on through the doors, with Adelle following Rosieta's lead for now. The next room they found looked like it was catered more to fans of bondage and such stuff, as Adelle saw all manner of restraining devices and such, like fuzzy handcuffs and the like. She also noticed a wooden horse rocking back and forth quite a bit after they came into the room, making quite a bit of noise, but it didn't look as if it were able to move around or anything thankfully, but then again Adelle was beginning to get paranoid about everything in this place.

So as they looked at the two directions to choose which way to go, Adelle pulled her pistol out of its holster and reloaded the thing before she pointed it at the rocking horse, keeping it trained on the thing and pulling the trigger if it made any move towards them other than its rocking. She was a little annoyed by the amount of noise it was making, as it may prevent her from hearing anything else trying to sneak up on them, but still she knew they had to keep going.

"I don't like the looks of that thing Rosieta... so let's try and hurry up in here okay. Which way you wanna go? I doubt what we're... looking for is outside... so I think we should go left... through that door over there," Adelle said in a more determined voice as she fought the pleasant buzzing in her lower holes, keeping her gun trained on the wooden horse and glancing around the room to make sure nothing else tried to attack them.
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Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rosieta had decided to take looks around the room as Adelle trained her sights on the loud and obviously animate wooden horse, making her way towards the doors that appeared to lead outside. "Yes, there doesn't seem to be anything there... Looks like it's only destroyed crates and a few husks of semis..." she replied as she took a look out through the window that was partially stained unusable. "Should move on before that thing decides to move from it's place or something..." she told her companion, getting ready to join her.

As she passed almost dangerously near the wooden horse, a sudden opening of a floor grate alerted them to something being there. Adelle could see the maid getting grabbed, and soon the perpetrator came in sight. It was what seemed to be a long coil of rope, now formed into a vaguely humanoid shape that was grabbing at the other girl. The attack had alerted her enough, and the blue-haired girl managed avoid getting grabbed as well when another of the things dropped towards her from a pile of boxes. It wasn't too big, but surelly the two creatures would like to have some fun with the ladies, if the previous places and creatures were any indication.

Adelle 5/5 FP 3/10 AP Rosieta 5/5 FP 3/10 AP (grappled)
Small Rope Demon x2 (3 HP each, other grappling Rosieta)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I think we should hurry on too," Adelle said, agreeing with Rosieta as she waited for the maid, keeping her gun trained on the wooden horse just in case.

Once Rosieta came back over to her, they started for the door on the left of the room, passing very close to the horse. Adelle moved as quickly as she could past the thing, but just as she got past she heard something that sounded like a floor grate opening and when Adelle glanced over at her companion, she saw Rosieta was grabbed by a long strand of rope that had formed into what could only be thought of as a humanoid. Adelle figured another was coming for her as well, mainly because they hadn't been attacked by a lone enemy yet, and as such she was able to avoid the one that had indeed been coming for her by ducking and spinning away. The things weren't all that large, but she didn't let that fool her, as the bottle creatures hadn't been all that big either and they managed to defeat the two of them easily enough.

Adelle quickly drew her sword from its sheath and decided to attack with it instead of her gun, as it was rope after all and a sword would more than likely do a bit more damage to a rope beast than a gun would. She slipped her gun back into its holster for now, opting for a two handed stance with her sword to get the maximum amount of damage potential in her strike as she cautiously moved in and swung at the thing, aiming for the strand of rope that made up its arms.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The battle began in much better ways than the previous ones had for Adelle, as she was quick on the draw and could easily gouge some bits off from the fibery opponent she was facing before it tried for her again with it's long limbs. Easy backstep took the girl to safety though and even left her in a good position to attack again. The maid was a little less succesful on the other side of the room, not quite managing to escape but nonetheless avoiding getting tangled worse against her opponent as she wrested with the ropey critter.

Taking another swing, the busty girl connected her blow again, even with the slight distraction of the buzzing panties that they had been burdened with. And again, the creature she was dueling with was too slow and predictable, not managing to catch it's target. It had taken damage though, so that might be of some explanation towards it's failure. The other rope humanoid was faring much better, not only preventing Rosie's attack but managing to subdue her by a significant amount as ropes emerged from it's body mass to coil around the maid's limbs and body while simultaneously whipping her. Already Rosieta had been reduced to a state where she could not attack, but only try to escape the demon's clutches. There sure was a lot of rope in the smal creature.

Adelle 5/5 FP 3/10 AP Rosieta 3/5 FP 3/10 AP (grappled badly, can't attack)
Small Rope Demon x2 (3 HP and 1 HP, other is grappling Rosieta)
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle managed to draw her sword and slashed at the rope monster, cutting a bit of it away as she faced off with it. Then when the thing tried to retaliate against her, Adelle managed to hop back a step or two to avoid getting hit and or grabbed like Rosieta's foe had managed to do to her. Rosieta it seemed was getting herself nowhere with her foe, though she managed to keep from getting more badly entangled at least.

Adelle moved in and took another swing at the rope monster, managing to cut some more of the thing away in her attack. She was a little distracted by the torture panties she was wearing, but that did little to stop her in her attack thankfully. Then as it swung its ropes around to attack her again, she again managed to evade the thing, ducking under the predictable rope as it swung overhead. She glanced over at Rosieta and noticed that she was getting more badly entangled with the rope creature she was facing, which was coiling about her limbs and preventing her attacking the thing and preventing her struggling as effectively.

Adelle knew she had to help her companion, but she also knew that she couldn't afford to go to her aid just yet, not with her own foe still alive. She had to focus, she needed to win, at least once in this god awful place. While ignoring the buzzing in her nether regions, she quickly, but cautiously moved in at her foe again, trying to fake it out with her movements and fast footwork, so that she could behead the thing, praying to any of the gods out there to hear her plea and grant her success and to grant Rosieta the ability to break free.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle moved again, her foe got careless and tripped as she swung her blade, the whole deal ending up with the rope pile unanimating as it was cut in two. Success was with the busty girl this time. Even Rosieta seemed to be breaking her terrible luck, finding weaknesses to exploit and escape the clutches of the remaining rope creature. As the thing attempted to recapture her, the maid evaded backwards, cartwheel-flipping away from attack in a swoosh of uniform. When she landed, the trench knife was once again there in her hand, ready to be used for lethal effect.

The only thing that had impact on the battle besides Adelle was the panties the girls wore, an increase in arousal coming from them as they were worn longer.

Adelle 5/5 FP 4/10 AP Rosieta 3/5 FP 4/10 AP
Small Rope Demon (3 HP)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle managed to move in at her foe quickly where she swung her sword at it as the thing tripped, her blade slicing through it and ending its animated life. Rosieta also managed to break free from her foe as well, bringing her trench knife out of its sheath as her foe failed to grab her again when the maid flipped back and away from the thing, landing with her knife ready to fight.

Adelle glanced over at Rosieta, "Are you okay Rosie? Come on, let's get this thing okay," Adelle said to her maid friend, readying her sword for another fight as she and the maid closed in on the other rope creature.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Nothing wrong here... let's go..." Rosieta shushed Adelle's concerns away as she too moved up to attack with her shorter blade. Adelle's luck simply refused to pass, for she managed to score a hit for the fourth time in row. But the maid was not as good as her companion was on that department, her stab attempt pretty much hitting only air. To make matters worse, the rope thing landed a whipping blow on her, grabbing the maid's knife arm and one of her legs again.

With Rosieta's body on it's grasp, the foe creature distracted Adelle's next blow enough to make her miss for the first time in the encounter. To further a sudden turning in the tide, the creature once again lashed harshly at the grabbed Rosieta, the coils knocking her on the head and kinda causing her to get stunned as a result. Seeing their victim go limp, the monster released some of it's component ropes at the maid and discarded her to the side as it faced Adelle one-on-one, the snaking ropes working themselves around Rosie as she was completely restrained on the ground nearby.

Adelle 5/5 FP 4/10 AP Rosieta 0/5 FP 4/10 AP (Unconscious and bound)
Small Rope Demon (2 HP)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded at Rosie as she moved in, slashing the rope beast with her wakizashi, cutting some of the strands of rope off the thing. However Rosieta wasn't as lucky this time around as she swung her knife, missing completely and hitting nothing at all, which gave the rope beast time to whip her again, grabbing her weapon arm and a leg once more.

As Adelle saw her companion grappled by the rope, she immediately moved to her aid, though the rope creature managed to deflect her blow while it held Rosie. then the rope beast slammed a coil of its rope right into the maid's head, stunning her enough to make her limbs go weak from its blow. Adelle watched the rope thing turn to face her after dealing with Rosieta, the poor maid being wrapped up in the coils of the rope.

"Dammit... hang on Rosie... I'm not going to let that thing have you... even if I have to let it take me instead," Adelle called to Rosieta, not caring if the maid could hear her. She had a determined look on her face and readied her sword for another bout with the beast, ignoring the buzzing of her new panties, not willing to lose this time as they couldn't afford it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With no further distraction between them, Adelle had an easier time at drawing lines of sight to her swing, which hit her target neatlly and almost killed the thing off for good. The duelists took some swipes at each other, the girl evading a blow from the whip-limbed foe, which did the same to her follow-up attack. Throwing another lash at Adelle, the creature managed to hit her with the next incoming whipping. The fibrous coils wrapped around her limbs then, bringing the grapple to the busty girl as she received further pleasure from her panties to make things worse.

Adelle 4/5 FP 5/10 AP (Grappled, attack -2, escape normally) Rosieta 0/5 FP 5/10 AP (Unconscious and bound)
Small Rope Demon (1 HP, grappling)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With just the two of them standing off with one another, Adelle was able to fight without any distractions, save the torture panties she wore, which she was able to handle for now. She swung her sword at the rope beast, cutting another few coils of rope away, then she managed to avoid being hit yet again as she stepped back, but then after a few attacks against one another Adelle was grabbed by the coils of rope that remained, which wrapped around her arms and legs a little as the panties began buzzing perfectly against her most sensitive areas, causing her knees to wobble a bit.

"N-No... I can't... afford to lose... not again please... please someone... anyone help me," Adelle grunted as she began struggling to get the ropes off and finish them off, praying to anyone or anything that could and would help her and grant her freedom and victory. If she was able to pull the rope creature off of her, then she would attempt cutting what was left of it up, however if she wasn't able to get free at first then she would attempt to slide her sword between her and it, then swing outwards, cutting it easily because of its close proximity to her which would give it the inability to evade very well.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There might have been some higher being actually listening to her, for Adelle found herself quickly slipping the grasp of the remaining creature within seconds of being grabbed. The thing had failed to get her gripped properly or something to that effect, thus allowing the gun girl to escape. From there, the battle went on for a few exchanges further, each participant missing the other for their next few strikes as the other evaded until finally there was a closing to the fight. Another slip caused the rope thing to fail at it's backstep maneuver, where it was caught in the arc of the busty girl's blade and cut to half in a diagonal line going from shoulder to leg. Adelle had indeed won this battle, even with the distraction and urgency that was being provided by the surroundings.

Now that she had dispatched the rope monster, Adelle could take a look at Rosieta, who was still quite helpless and down on the floor as the ropes around her hadn't loosened any. The maid was pretty thoroughly restrained, her knees and ankles bound together, arms behind her back and bound together from the wrists and elbows. There was some rope around her upper body as well, to keep those arm restraints in place, and even a gag. It appeared that the servant girl was still somewhat stunned from the blow to the head, for she gave very little response to seeing that the battle had been ended.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle found herself getting very lucky by some stroke of good luck as she slipped free from the coils of rope holding her, quickly freeing herself after being grabbed. She and the rope creature traded blows with one another a few more times before Adelle finally managed to slice through it and finish it off, finally managing to win herself a battle pretty much by herself, as Rosie had only provided a distraction to the rope beast she'd been fighting, but it had still helped Adelle to win.

"Take that you bastard. I don't even know what you were going to do to me and Rosie, but then again I don't want to know," Adelle said, giving a very satisfied sigh as she turned to see Rosie laying on the floor, still tied and in quite bad shape, though nothing life threatening it seemed thankfully.

After taking a good look at how Rosieta was tied, Adelle moved over to her and began slicing the bindings on her companion, taking care not to cut the maid any with her blade as it would be some close cutting. Once she had Rosieta freed from all her bindings, Adelle grabbed all of the ropes used against them and stuffed them down into her pack, thinking to herself that she could always use a good bit of rope, and then she sat down beside her companion, pulling the maid's head up into her lap to rest for a few minutes while she recovered.

"Hey Rosie... are you okay? It's okay this time, I managed to win somehow," Adelle would say to the maid as soon as she was coherent enough to hear her words.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It took some careful positioning of her blade and steady hands to get Rosieta free from her bonds, as Adelle's blade was perhaps a bit too big for this kind of precision work, yet the sharpness of the weapon also made it easier somewhat. But the blue-haired girl managed it in the end, soon getting to stuffing the ropes away into her pack. There were still usable long lenghts, so it might prove to be useful having them. A few minutes later, the maid began to get back to her senses, nodding as she was spoken to. "Would like to get bashed on my skull a little less... I swear... There will be hell to pay if they hit me like that again... Getting tired with this shit..." she muttered, taking her glasses off and looking into the ceiling. The hardness was there again, only more intense than before, even as the servant was still adjusting her blurry vision. It really did appear that she might snap if the beating repeated itself.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankfully she was able to cut the ropes away without hurting her new friend, though it took her a little doing as her sword was a bit too big for something of this sort. After putting the now loose ropes into her backpack and pulling the maid over into her lap to check on her, Adelle listened to her grumbling about getting beaten again.

"I... I'm sorry I wasn't faster to keep that thing from hurting you Rosie. I'm a terrible body guard aren't I?" Adelle said in a bit of a self deprecating tone, and looking a little downcast at Rosieta's darkening mood and feeling that it was her fault, thinking if she'd been a better fighter, if she'd been faster, this wouldn't keep happening to the one she was supposed to protect.

Once the maid was rested enough to get back to her feet, Adelle would pull her up, trying to be as helpful as she could, then they could head on in the direction they'd chosen to go before the rope things attacked them, to hopefully find their objective and get out of there before Rosieta got pissed at her for not protecting her better.