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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!

Taken(F).png Taken Farseer, Tag: All Present, Mood: Nervous, On Edge, Team: Outcasts (us), Location: Ruben's Base

At first when they'd started to make their way toward the group's meeting place Taken had fallen into her standard position of leading the small band through the forest. Taking some time to carefully mark a trail that they had followed by scratching a symbol into trees within sight of each other. Eventually they had made it to the meeting location the survivalist held back. Longingly she looked at the mining base and its promise of a warm bed and cool water. Instead, she turned away saying to any in her group that she'd be fine or that she just had some business to take care of. Not long after a well hidden poorly made shelter appeared near the base camp...

As the others had arrived the newly transformed woman had stayed away from the group, putting off and avoiding their contact. Though she couldn't hide from Raja's mental messages, the summons for them to meet. Well it would have to wait for after her bath...

Entering the room with wet tangled hair, her long cloak pulled formlessly about her. She looked to each of the people in the room before setting down on some boxes nearby, watching cautiously as Ruben explained the situation. "I don't care." She said simply, uncharacteristically for normally Taken would be much much more vocal on plan making, though her burning eyes did linger on Sarai as if she were trying to get a message to her.

>OOC: For making the hut - Survival(14) and hiding it Stealth - (21)
Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept and Grelka the Zabarak Slicer Location: Elsewhere and back to the Temple Tag: Darus, Delia, Lasura and Taken Mood: Sexy, Aroused and Still Very Naked!

Sarai manipulated her body tattoos to appear to be dressed in a set of very tight fitting camouflage coveralls although in fact she was stark naked. She traveled easily and quickly as they moved through the forests and swamps to their rendezvous for her life growing up had been one of hunting and gathering in the woods and jungles of her home world. When they reached the mining camp she hugged Raja and Salvie intensely, her emotions expressed as clearly as was her underlying nudity. "It is so good to see you all again. We are so much stronger together than apart. As we grow and change in the Force and in other ways," she glanced at Salvie, "We will be even more formidable."

Sarai nodded over to Taken in her new female form as Salvie questioned them on Taken's presence. "He... she... has changed. Something in the experience in the temple morphed her to a female form," she whispered quietly not wishing to embarrass Taken until she was ready to speak.

She considered Ruben's analysis of the situation and his offer. After a quick glance at her comrades Sarai nodded. "I agree with you Ruben. I am willing to work with you alongside my bro... sisters. There are things here that we need to seek and may have to do separately as they involve the Force but we will share and share alike with you as well as seek out other work."

As Taken approached Sarai took her in a friendly clasp of arms and took her to the side out of earshot. "Taken, whatever happened you look beautiful. You are and always will be our friend and now sister. Is something bothering you?"
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"Hmm....thank you, my little strawberry..."
Tris replied, kissing Raja's forehead "But I need only you!" she then pulled her closer whispering "Hmmm...Bubble told me earlier that she doesn't mind if you take the mouse droid...I guess your sisters won't mind either..."

"You are wrong about that. The Hutts want credits, but paying them will never be enough. You are only safe while you are in debt to them, and only while they think you are going to pay your debt. And people saw you leaving off with two Hutts. It will be assumed you killed them, and their families will want to make an example out of you."
Hel chipped in.

"Ancient artifacts, even old vases and things like that bring lots of credits. While we can't pay off the Hutts, we can use them to hide better...or to defend ourselves better." she suggested.

"By the way, Taken..." she added softly pulling Taken into a hug if she was allowed to "...don't be too sad...we will find new toys sooner or later..." she teased, delivering a soft bite in Taken's ear.


"Hmmm....Sarai right? I like your fashion sense." Ruben said, delivering a firm pinch at Sarai's butt.

"We don't even have to venture deeper into the ruins. The temples themselves have good stuff that can fetch a lot of credits. And with your....persuasive skills we can sell them at a good price too...I think we will have fun if you work with me...or under me..." he added with a wink.

I am not so much into smuggling and shady businesses...maybe if you had some worth that includes piloting? But I am not in a hurry to leave either."
Bubble offered her own view.

"And don't worry, I won't tell where you are even when I leave, I promise!"

"So Many Organics. Infect Them. Infect Them, Slut." she had to pass on the infection...to spread herself to others...leave her little backup copies all over the place...that would be so hot....

"Pick One....Seduce Them And Infect Them. Or Cum In The Water Supply...Have Them All Drink Your Fluids..." probably she shouldn't do such a thing to her sisters...but spreading herself was so hot...just the thought made her wet...
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Back together Mood: Shy Tag: Open

Raja tilted her head towards the silent Taken, before grinning over. "Oh.. oh hey, you let your hair grow! Cute.

And you adjusted your cheekbones.

... a.. and you.. have..."

She made a motion infront of her chest, befor gasping. "G-Virus! Watch out for the Gender Virus!"
She half hid behind Tris, the other half being behind Sarai.
"I.. I don't wanna be a bi.. big burly dude.."
She insisted with concern in her voice, until corrected.. hopefully.

She watched Sarai, admiering her for her ability to smithe words.. Raja was not really a good talker. Then she glanced back over to Tris, positively blooming up under the kiss on her forhead and kinds word, agreeing: "You got me!", before tilting her head, leaning in. "W.. wait.. aaah.. uh.. Y.. you're sure about that? Idon'twanttobegreedybut.."
She positively bounced over to Bubble, giving her the biggest of puppy-dogged looks that was accompanied with a subtle dosing of pheromones in a clear yet unspoken request..
(Raja does a persuasion on Bubble and spents a force point! 23 total!)

She was a bit distracted following this, which was perhaps a good thing, because at least Tris and her siblings could tell that the whole 'chased by the hutt' thing managed to cause her some anxiety. Raja didn't speak up about how she had kind of tried her hardest not to antagonize the hutt.. her siblings definitly had only done what was necessary, they propably knew better than her! "I ah.. I guess I'd like to hide really good so I will help get the credits if thats necessary.. ah.. uh.. perhaps could hide ah. at.. a .. repair.. shop. or.. something..."
She mumbled out, growing progressively silent at the last bit as she glanced over to Tris. She actually hadn't been seen leaving with the Hutt at all, but the empire might still be after her, and her name might have come up somewhere..

She did cough a little when Bubble claimed to be above shady business. Whilest it hadn't been her fault, she hadn't been innocent either, so subtly to the side, Raja hinted: "... pussy melter."

She then cleared her throat however, looking for the Mouse-droid distraction but also adding:
"So ah uh.. there have to be err.. downsides to .. aah.. plundering if that's ok to call it, the temples, mr. Ruben...

If ah.. uh..it was as easy as going in, collecting non-nailed down old things we'd already be doing it..s.. so ah.. I guess there's a plan or we uh.. look for something specific?"
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: The Temple Tag: All the Gang Mood: Sexy, Aroused and Still Very Naked!

Sarai giggled at Ruben's words and yelped and wiggled in a not unpleasant fashion as he pinched her naked but well colored butt cheek. "Yes, I'm Sarai Ren and glad to finally meet the great Ruben," there was humor and a bit of teasing in her voice as well as a definite degree of interest as the Togruta replied. "I'm sure if we combine my skills in persuasion and seduction with those hands of yours as well as my sisters and all of our friends and comrades we can come to a very profitable position." She stepped closer to Ruben and looked up at him, nipples perky. "I can think of a number very deep and thorough ways we can prosper with me working openly and diligently directly under you. I'm prepared to spread myself widely in the interests of total success."

She did sober up a bit at the mention of the Hutts but as Raja hid behind her she kissed her sister and pushed her out toward Taken. "Nothing's going to change you Raja. There must have been an unbalance in the Force with Taken to make him into a her. You're too sexy to turn into a big hairy guy." She slipped an arm into Ruben's and smiled at him. "We have Ruben for that..."

"But let's go in and get what we can easily but respectfully."
1577652902327.png Taken Farseer, Tag: All Present, Mood: Nervous, On Edge, Team: Outcasts (us), Location: Ruben's Base
Still huddled in the corner, Taken watched how her siblings discussed plans with the smuggler. Sarai must have recognized the look, for soon the lovely Togruta had approached and was inquiring into what was happening. "I, erm. I feel mostly the same, but still this..." She trailed off pressing her breasts together for a moment and bashfully turning her eyes to the ground. "It feels off, like something isn't quite right. I.. thank you for being here with me. It might just take me some time to get used to my body again. I think the worst change was that I think I'm a little shorter now, so even my gun feels off in my hands. Everything is so different and I just don't know how to handle it yet." The now sparkling red eyes turn back to her sister's as she asks even quieter now with a slight purple coloring to her cheeks, "and di-did you mean it? About me being beautiful?..."

Taken smiled and straightened up a little as Sarai left, giving way to Hel as the lusty Devaronian wrapped her in soft, warm arms. Taken's blush grew darker as her lover whispered and nibbled her ear. Quietly she spoke, "Thank you Mistress, you-you're right. There is no need to be sad about this." She giggled a moment before adding, "Though I'm not sure where the cock ring went..."

Turning to Raja who had decided it was the right moment to look Taken over the newly made girl shook her head. "No, as Sarai said, this isn't contagious just something that affected me. I guess there is no point in hiding it though, since everyone saw right though that." Releasing her cloak so it fell in a more natural position it was now clear just how much the sniper had changed. Not only was she a little shorter than before but her shoulders had narrowed, hips widened and breasts blossomed giving her a very feminine and rather pretty figure. Taking the cloak and laying it aside Taken wraps an arm about Hel's waist and approaches closer to where the others are discussing the plans. "I already have a mission that I at least need to take on. Sarai, you too were asked to join me, though anyone's assistance is welcome." Turning her glowing eyes to Salvie the blue mechanic bit her slightly plumper lower lip, waiting for a comment.
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: The Temple Tag: All the Gang Mood: Sexy, Aroused and Still Very Naked!

Still holding tightly to Ruben, indeed pressing one breast against his upper arm Sarai looked over at Taken and smiled. "Oh, you are very beautiful now Taken. You were handsome as a man but you've blossomed into a full and ripe woman. Your skin and hair and eyes are all in balance with one another in such a lovely fashion." Sarai perked her head at Taken's offer. "A mission? What do you have to seek out Taken?"
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Back together Mood: Shy Tag: Open

"Am.. am I in balance too?" It came from the backlines, a soothed Raja approaching to check on Taken's hair curiously!
med.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: The sisters united!, Mood: Aroused as always

Not now! Salvie chastised the voice inside her. I'll find someone to spread to. But right now, I have to focus! She shook off the arousal, for a while. Her newest sister needed comfort...

Salvie left Ruben and the others to work out the details and approached the others gathering around Taken. The girl almost threw herself at her former brother, her body with its fake suit rubbing against Taken.
"You look beautiful, big sis! Don't hide out here! Join us! How could you ever believe we would think any less of you!" She licked over Taken's face before whispering into her ear:
"Don't worry, sis. I'll help you. I'll help you be a slave. Like before. How to use your new pussy. How to let it control you. Oh, I have so much to show you..."
She stepped back, showing off a lewd grin. "I do think a new name is in order though. We all have gone through some changes, haven't we? But still, yours is the most... transformative... from a certain point of view."
Despite her own body having been literally remade, Salvie did not consider herself changed much. Her body had merely followed her mind in becoming an obedient, slutty tool for Mistress, after all. Salvie did not think she had changed at all. She was still a devoted slave, after all. That was all that mattered.
"Ah yes sure! I mean, it's not that I have something to do with a mouse droid..." Bubble blushed looking away "I haven't given it a name yet..." she added!

"Hmm...we could maybe find some ancient things, and with the money we get open a repair shop somewhere?" Tris suggested, kissing Raja's head "It could be useful as emergency cover if you ever need it." she continued.

"Could work." Ruben chuckled "But you would need some starting creds first for sure."

"Hmm...did you hear that, strawberry?"

"Well, there are downsides. First of all, one has to actually find the temples first. Then, sometimes they have defenses. But nothing one can't deal with."

"The temples on the surface have antiquities that can be sold to collectors. The temples below the surface are...a tougher nut to crack. But luckily, we don't need to!" he explained.

"The biggest danger is outside of this planet...the Hutts and the Empire." he hesitated a bit before adding "We could make peace with the Hutts...if we offer them a...collaboration. But they will still be waiting to play tricks on us at the first opportunity."

"And Taken, don't worry about it. If you changed, there probably is a way to change back." he encouraged. However, even if he could, would Taken really choose to turn back? Her new body was sexy, after all...and how would having sex feel...

"Sarai...we should definitely talk about...a closer cooperation later tonight. There are some missions your skills only could solve." he offered "But first...Taken, you should tell us more about that mission? Forging IDs is not something that we have to bother with right now, at least before we have something worth creds in our hands..."
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Back together Mood: Shy Tag: Open

Raja got big eyes, first at Bubble, then when she spied the Mouse-droid rolling around lazily in the distance. "R.. really.. oh thanky ou tahnkyouthatnk chh..."
She coughed a little, stumbling over her words, shaking Bubbles hands with enthusiasm, before bouncing over to Tris.
"We need to think about what to call the mouse droid!"
She enthused, before purring under Tris's kisses.

"Aww alright... I'll get you all the cred you need.. but for that, we gotta use the Mouse droid for repair-assistance and stuff!"
She cheered, before bouncing over to the small thing with a happy smile, leaning down, clearly stopping forcefully short of hugging it with everyone watching.

"I'm all for making peace and using the force to do some grave-robbing if err.. it doesn't inconvenience anyone and for the creds for the best repair shop ever!"
She enthused before focusing on what was important.

"A.. ah.. hello little guy, My name is Raja Eren, I'm your new owner..."
She said, clasping her hands together shily. "C.. can you do the cute cleaning thing with your little brushies?"
Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: The Temple Tag: All the Gang Mood: Sexy, Aroused and Still Very Naked!

"I like the idea of a repair shop as well. Not only would it give us a cover but knowing our group I am sure we'll need repairs or upgrades on a constant basis." She smiled at Raja. "What better way to get extra blasters or modify that star fighter than in our own repair yards. That will let us do a lot more with a lot less questions."

She nodded slowly in agreement with her sister Raja and Ruben. "I'm afraid Ruben and Raja are right. We'll have to come to some agreement with the Hutts but it is always going to have to be one where we expect to get back stabbed at every moment. We can probably use them to fence a lot of the more common 'finds' we make in the temples while we deal with the better stuff on a case by case basis. I certainly know nothing about interstellar antiquities markets." She thought for a moment. "Let's start with the temples on the surface and get the hang of it before we go down deep."

Sarai snuggled even more closely to Ruben as he looked at her. "Oh, I intend to cooperate to the very fullest Ruben. I definitely have skills and abilities that would allow me to perform exactly how you desire." Meanwhile she looked over at her new sister Taken to see what was next.
@ Raja

"BEEP, mousedroid.jpg beep, BEEEEEEP!" the little droid greeted Raja, rolling back and forth happily!

"BEEP-beep-beeep!" it said, then it did a small circle, spraying some white foam on the floor, and then it turned around as two little spinning brushes appeared under it's face, and started scrubbing the floor with a tiny "brrrrrrrrrrrrr"-ing sound!

After passing through it two times, it went over it again, this time with a small "woooshhh"-ing sound, as it blew hot air to dry the floor!

"Beep-beep-beeeeep-beep!" it then circled happily around, as if it was showing how shiny the area it cleaned was, when compared to the rest of the floor! It then returned proudly back to Raja!
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Back together Mood: Shy Tag: Open

Raja wrung her hands together, looking at the little thing in amazement. "Y.. you are the best! We'll name you if you don't already have one and that's ok!"
She then watched the little guy spray-cleaning the floor with the excitement of a child at christmas, before clapping excitedly, and reaching down to pat-pat the little metal thing encouragingly.

"Good job! Very shiny! Even dried it! I'll take you along everywhere.. where it's safe!"
She nodded, pat-patting her leg like one would to lure a dog, and returning to Tris. "They can do simple repairs too right? It's the best! Our repair-shop will be the cleanest!"
She enthused, pat-patting the droid again and nuzzling to Tris, giving a nod of agreement to Sarai along the way.. it seemed she was waiting for someone else to decide where they would go.
Taken(F).png Taken Farseer, Tag: All Present, Mood: Greatful., Put-off and Excited, On Edge, Team: Outcasts (us), Location: Ruben's Base
Smiling a little and blushing as her sister continued complimenting her Taken was a little lost for words. Eventually she said, "Thank you, I've always thought you were rather pretty too." Then Raja started acting flighty and cute. "You know Raja, I'm not really a good judge of it, but I find your face pleasing to look at." Well, perhaps that was a little too honest. The blue woman giggled as her sister played with her new toy, the mouse droid. It seemed they would be a good pair. Salvie was a different matter though.

Taking a deep breath the Chiss listened to her younger sister's proposal then gently pushed her away, subtly stepping back into Hel. "No thank you Sal. I, I think I'm fine. As for my name, it seems fitting to me still. Also changing one's name suddenly isn't very conducive to getting dangerous work done, which it seems we'll be doing for a while yet." To make her point a little more, Taken wrapped her arm about Hel's waist and pressed into the Devaronian. Red eyes silently saying, "I have my own Mistress to worry about."

Smiling over at Ruben who clearly had a thing for Sarai and nodding the Chiss mechanic filed the information under advisement. There might be a way to change sure, but that would be expensive. Also, none of her sisters seemed upset about the change, and nor did Mistress so that was good in her eyes. She'd have plenty of time to consider while adjusting to her new... proportions since they probably couldn't do anything about it now. She'd just have to practice a little more before setting off because it would be rather bad to go into combat with her rifle like this. There was Hel to worry about too...

Taking a steadying breath the blue girl began, "When I was, erm, transformed I was having a vision. The temple keeper in the vision had started to request that my sister and I venture under the temple we were in to delay doomsday as she called it. I have an idea of where to start looking but Raja's call interrupted the vision." Looking over to the Zeltron Taken smiled, "Oh, and don't worry about it too much Raja, I wasn't sure how I'd get out of that vision so you helped me."
After some more talking, and considering all given circumstances, a (mental) list of things to do or things that possibly could be done revealed itself..

Investigate the Ancient Temple
According to the temple keeper of the vision, a ritual has to be performed by a team of blessed ones (force sensitives). Maybe it is urgent, but it has been delayed for countless years already, so what's a few more...

Recover Memo (and or other things)
It is a high-risk mission, however, it only gets worse the longer it is left for later.

Sale Negotiations
It seems that selling some ancient artifacts is the easiest way to make some credits. However, someone needs to talk with the collectors who would buy them...

Hutt Problems
You have a Hutt in your prison...

Black Snake Pirates
It seems Ruben had some connections with a pirate group, which had helped him distract those who were after him for a while. Of course, persuading them to do the same will probably not be just as easy...but it could buy some time. Maybe there could be other uses for some pirates too? Their captain, however, is a pervert, so it is not an easy mission for sexy girls...

Salvie: INFECT! You have to spread the virus!
Sarai: Investigate her new power!
Raja: Find the ideal location for a repair shop...
Taken: Investigate his origins...
Everyone: Find Allies! Find Weapons! Find Info! Find Ships!
Raja The Extra Innocent Zeltron, Location: Back together Mood: Shy Tag: Open

Raja was very content letting others make the choice and watching the Mouse-droid do it's duty. "O.. oh look at it's little brushies.. you go!"
She nodded, and then smiled happily at Taken's praise while at it.

"Ah uh.. err.. glad I could help!"
She smiled, leaning up against Tris and watching the droid, whilest pondering, half-loud to herself... "I wonder where a good, safe place for an undercover repair shop could be..."
Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Location: Back together Tag: All Mood: Sexy, Curious and Still Very Naked!

Sarai listened as her sisters spoke. "We have a lot of things to accomplish. I think that attending to the ritual in the temple is the most urgent and may require all of us to accomplish. After that we can split up for a while and track down leads." She looked at Ruben; "Maybe you, Salvie and I can try to make a deal with the pirates? They might also be influenced by ancient relics if we have some from the temple."
med.jpgDesignation: Salvie Avers, the Obedient Droid Slut, Location: Unknown planet, Tag: The sisters united!, Mood: Aroused as always

"I'll leave persuading the pirates to you sis..."
Salvie cooed while snuggling up to Sarai, squeezing the Togruta's buttocks. "That said, if you could talk them out of some equipment or spare parts, I and our new ship would appreciate that."

She turned to the others. "Honestly, the thing I would like most is to return to our previous... 'home' and take as much as we can. I'm still not sure if we're actually fugitives from the Empire now or if it's only Alk'ula who is gunning for us. But if everyone wants to explore the ruins, I'll join of course."

Yes, I'll infect somebody, just be patient for a little longer.
Taken(F).pngTaken Farseer, Tag: All Present, Mood: Greatful., Put-off and Excited, On Edge, Team: Outcasts (us), Location: Ruben's Base
Seeing how her sisters seemed split on this decision Taken added her two sense into the discussion. "Please also be aware that many of our options require time to travel while the temple is right here and could aid in other missions. Instead of a matter of weeks this one would only be a matter of days." With that she'd listen to the rest of the conversation but start preparing herself to head out as soon as the meeting was over. Re-familiarizing herself with her kit and even making a couple adjustments. If she had some extra time she'd be found meditating out in a sunny spot eyes closed and clearly relaxed. Sadly, however, she couldn't manage to find the new flow of the force about her as she sat.

>UTF: Nat 1, for total of 7