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Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Corauni gave a small giggle at Ariadne's moment of exuberance before saying. "There are libraries full of the truth, Erciyes and Alamut are probably the most well-known and largest though there are certainly others. Perhaps one day you might even get to see one for yourself."

She thought for a moment before answering the next question. "For the most part they do tend to draw their number from the mortal aristocracy. I would say it's more a matter of how we choose one for the embrace, if a mortal is a great leader he has most likely been influenced by the Lasombra or Ventrue and so on. The high clans are the high clans simply because that is the way it has always been, they were embraced before the low and so they are the elders. Just as you lent your wisdom to your younger cousin Anna, the elders lend their wisdom to us."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"I'd love to visit one some day," Ariadne replied with a wide smile. She couldn't help but wonder what a vampire library might look like. Probably not much different that a typical library, but she couldn't help but wonder what sort of strange things she might find in such a building.

"And much like how we hope to receive advice tonight I suppose," Ariadne said, curious brown eyes wondering to the prince and the other members of the court but not lingering long enough to be considered rude. She hoped. "I admit that I am rather excited to meet her."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Exactly the prince is the elder of all in his domain and so he makes the rules. Though if there happens to be more than one elder about I would advise you to make yourself unnoticeable. With age comes terrible power and sometimes a terrible hunger that can only be fed by stronger vitae than mere mortals can provide." Corauni said softly as they continued to wait for their audience with the prince.

"I doubt if you will ever get to see the two libraries I mentioned as the Cappadocians rather zealously guard Erciyes. Or rather the Lamia guard it for their masters. The Lamia are what is known as a bloodline, an offshoot of one of the 13 clans. I know little of them other than they are mostly women and excellent warriors.

Alamut is perhaps possible though unlikely, the seat of the noble Assamite clan is a secret even to many of their clan. Though most would disparage the clan as terrible assassins, I compare them more to wise judges. A great many of them hail from the Midnight Crescent, where they are a high clan. They are not though of highly in other lands however."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Seems like vampires are popping up just about everywhere," Ariadne quietly said as she pondered her sire's words about the two grand libraries and their keepers. As a noble and royal tutor in the Roman Empire, she's studied the Saracens in great detail. They had been a great thorn in the Empire for centuries and been at the heart of too many wars and crusades to count. For some reason, Ariadne was surprised to learn of a large vampire clan within their ranks, but she supposed it made sense since they seemed to be all over Europe too.

"I agree. I don't know much about the Assamite clan, but the people from which they hail. Many call them savages. While I cringe at their lifestyle, they are certainly clever and wise. Anyone who could take so much Roman land has to be. It's dangerous to underestimate them, or any type of people really. That's the beauty of education. Anyone can learn to be a brilliant mind or a formidable foe with enough effort... especially with wise tutors to help along the way," she added with a cute smile before finishing woefully, "I guess they wouldn't be in a great hurry to let me in their library though."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Like all predators we tend to follow our food source. It is indeed very unusual to run into our kind in the wilderness, for this very reason. Of course that is not the only reason to avoid such places, werewolves are a deadly and mysterious enemy as are the fair folk. The only clan which seems to be able to get along in such places are the Gangrel. They are a low clan, very in tune with the wild places and the beast within, though they are often thought of as outlaws by the rest of our kind." Corauni said before adding.

"I can understand your distrust of a clan that hails from a place known as your enemy, but in my experience they are more trustworthy than all save our own clan.

Old prejudices die hard, though I assure they do eventually die. Otherwise I would not be here nor would I have embraced one who believes in christ. You'll just have to trust me that things are seen different when you have seen history unfold. There's nothing like actually knowing what happened compared to reading it in a book."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend," Ariadne said with a look of genuine concern and embarrassment on her face. She wasn't so sure that longevity was the elixir to all human prejudices, but she could also appreciate looking at things from a different point of view. "That's a good point. A scholar should always try to keep in mind who is writing their source material and why. Or even witness events for themselves. I'll definitely try to keep an open mind should I ever meet these Assamite vampires."

"That reminds me!" Ariadne suddenly exclaimed, brightening up again. "You still need to tell me that story of your life before you were embraced when we get the chance. I know this isn't the time, but I'm just dying to learn more about you...

I suppose in the mean time, there is something that's been troubling me. Vampires are predators like you said, but you and I are unable to hunt and yet still sworn to secrecy by these codes. How is it that we can survive like that?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"It is more difficult for our clan to feed I must admit and transgressions such as the one I almost suffered last night are common. Many of us feed on either animals or ghouled servants, though I personally find it easiest simply to feed on the blood taken during the process of healing. They only need to give you the blood willingly, they do not need to know what you do with it afterwards." Corauni looked a tad bit ashamed at this statement before adding.

"Of course many of our cousins are quick to point out that we are really not so different than they. I would say that though our means are similar our ends thankfully do not coincide. We guard and protect humanity much as the shepherd protects his flock, is it really unusual to receive something in return for our efforts."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"It will be a challenge for sure, but I think I prefer that to being able to take whatever I want." Ariadne shuddered at the thought of what some vampires might do who weren't held in check. Some might call her condition a flaw, but it all depended on perspective. Some people find flaws beautiful.

"I think you're right," Ariadne said with a smile. "We'll just have to make sure we use our gifts for good." She paused, reminded of the first vampire she'd met on her journey and how she so desperately wanted to help. "I feel bad now that I didn't offer myself to that poor vampire I met in the dungeon. It was just so much to take in at the time. I hope she's alright."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Corauni looked a bit shocked for a second as she asked. "I did not know you had already met another of our kind before the embrace. Though I am also a bit shocked that she did not simply take what she sought. Are you sure it was one of our kind and not simply some poor soul gone insane?"

Corauni grew quiet and her attention turned away as the prince dismissed the cloaked figure with a courteous nod. The stunning Galatea moved forward to converse with Prince Maloosha while the cloaked figure moved towards them and the nearby refreshments.

Ariadne's attention had been drawn towars the beauty of the seneschal once more and as she reminded herself not to stare she turned her head away. Her gaze fell on the hideously bat like face of the cloaked figure as he glanced passed. It's appearance was so hideous that she was unable to stifle an audible gasp as she took a frightened step backwards into the table, knocking over a few of the goblets.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Oh yes. Very sure." Ariadne said confidently, thinking back to the moment when she saw those dangerous looking fangs for the first time with a bit of a shiver. "She wanted salvation, but I was quite distraught at the time. It was so much to take in. Still, she was quite adamant that I should 'beware the magi'..."

Ariadne trailed off, her attention caught by the high ranking members of the court. While she was intrigued by the Prince and her aura of power, Ariadne still found herself gazing at the beautiful seneschal. For a few short moments, the young Salubri was mesmerized. That is, until she remembered herself and tore her eyes away, flustered... only to find herself staring right at a ghastly bat straight out of hell! Ariadne gasped in horror and stepped back from the monstrous sight, only to realize her breach of etiquette, which just flustered her ever more. She banged into the table, sending several fancy goblet clattering on the table top. This was not a good way to make an impression!

Completely mortified and not knowing what to do, Ariadne quickly tried to pick up and reset the goblets on the table. She steadfastly avoided the gazes of anyone staring at her and did her best to act dignified, but it was very difficult under such embarrassing circumstances! All the while, she gave Corauni an apologetic look with her pleading brown eyes that silently screamed out for help.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

For the briefest of moments Ariadne could feel the eyes of the entire court focused on her. Though the prince and her retinue soon returned to their courtly business she felt herself blushing uncontrollably as she righted the ornate goblets. She looked down as she tried to avoid the gazes of anyone as she heard Corauni speaking to what she assumed must be the man with the hideous bat-like face.

"I do hope you will accept my apologies, Caias. Ariadne is but a single night in age and I had yet to tell her of your honorable clan. I am sure she would not be so quick to judge you had she known you personally." Corauni said softly as a small tittering of gossip seemed to erupt from a few of the more beautiful court members. A period of silence seemed to follow as though Caias were debating with himself before a soft raspy voice whispered.

"I understand and there is no need to apologize. It is my own fault for not hiding my appearance better. You should not worry about me my skin had grown quite thick over the years but the harpies will talk of your apologies to one as low as myself."

She listened as the cloaked figure took a glass and quickly drank before he whispered once more. "I'm sorry once again for frightening you. Some of us have a far worse flaw than you could imagine."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne forced out a deep breath. Even though the action was unnatural, it still helped to calm her a little bit. As she took the couple moments to compose herself, she was relieved that Corauni helped diffuse the situation - at least with this poor soul. There were clear division among the court, and apologizing to him might not win many friends on one hand, but on the other hand, he had a personal audience with the prince herself... and maybe it was just the right thing to do. Ariadne could never completely ignore her heart, and that was the reason she'd died and become a vampire in the first place.

"No, no. I should be the one apologizing," Ariadne replied once she'd worked up the courage to turn and face Caias again. "I just. Well. I didn't expect anyone to look as you do. Then again, it seems like the transformation couldn't touch your soul, so maybe that's the important thing? Sorry again for embarrassing you. My name is Ariadne, and like my sire said, I'm very new to all this."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

By now the attention of the court had faded from the trio, easing the nervousness of both Caias and Ariadne. Ariadne's eyes slowly raised once more to gaze upon the loathsome appearance of Caias once more. His appearance reminded her much of one who had suffered the ravages of leprosy, yet somehow more horrible. That was fortunately all she saw as his hood was pulled forward to keep his face deep in it's shadows.

"I suppose there is little point in trying to dissuade the Salubri from showing kindness to those not in need of such. Still I appreciate the sentiment and perhaps one day I might be able to repay it in some way. Now if you'll excuse me I have other matters to attend in the city. Thank you both once more." The heavily cloaked Caias said with a deep nod of his head before making his way from the court.

Corauni leaned over and whispered with a smile. "An excellent recovery. Not many fledglings would manage to earn a boon after such embarrassment. Thankfully we won't have to wait much longer."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Good night to you too," Ariadne managed a small smile and nod in return to Caius. She was glad she hadn't just eaten. Even if she had a stronger stomach than most, some sights and smells were hard to take for anyone. Still, people couldn't help their conditions, and she was glad that the conversation went better than she hoped for.

"Thank you. A boon?" Ariadne asked curiously, slowly transitioning back to as normal a demeanor as she could manage once Caius had gone and people seemed to not be staring at her. "You've mentioned that word a few times before. It sounds important."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"A boon is more than a simple favor as you no doubt have guessed. When you give another a boon it gives them some measure of power over you. Money, lands, and goods mean little to the undying so we instead trade favors among ourselves.

As such it would be wise to be careful about who you give them to. I highly doubt any would forget a debt owed, even the Gangrel. Caias is of clan Nosferatu, their curse is to bear the visage of the beast within all of us. As such they are not often seen even when they are present, though that does help them to learn a fair number of secrets." Corauni said as they waited for their audience.

"The Gangrel are the clan of the wild, living far from the cities and the politics of the other clans. I think that is all of the clans, how many have I mentioned again?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"That makes sense, though presumably all this wealth comes from somewhere," Ariadne said with a wry smile, gesturing to the goblets she'd unceremoniously knocked over. "Still nice to have an ally even if it's temporary... And I guess you also gave a boon to Lady Galatea."

"We've gone through quite a few clans actually!" The younger Salubri said with a bit of an embarrassed giggle after a brief pause to think. "I hope I can remember them all. I still wish there was a tome for all this information... I think we've talked about... maybe nine or ten? Vampire nations and families are just as varied as our human counterparts, it seems. How many are there?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Actually I traded a minor boon owed to me by another of our kind, which means I now owe Eudora another favor. And yes it can get difficult to remember such things over the ages, which is where the harpies of the court come in." Corauni said with a smile.

"There were 13 clans in all counting the Baali. Let's see: Salubri, Baali, Ventrue, Tzimisce, Lasombra, Toreador, Brujah, Cappadocian, Assamite, Gangrel, Malkavian, Nosferatu, and... Oh, I forgot the Ravnos. Nothing but charlatans and thieves, though I suppose they aren't the worst among our kind."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"I suppose the worst of them is the reason why we're here..." Ariadne trailed off as she thought of the poor girl in Corauni's haven. She hoped they weren't too late to help her or to find out clues to prevent worse things from happening. She hoped the prince would be helpful too.

"Though actually, I'm not sure that you mentioned the Malkavian before. Who are they?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"It would depend on who you ask, some would call the Malkavians the only ones capable of seeing the truth in all things. Other's simply call them mad, though both would usually say they deserve pity." Corauni said as she realized she hadn't mentioned them.

"It's quite probable the one you met in prison was a childe of Malkav. What did you say she warned you about, again?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"I think it might be both wisdom and madness," Ariadne said as she thought back to the first vampire she'd ever met during the darkest time of her life. She remembered being afraid, but most of all, the overwhelming helplessness from wanting to help the girl but not knowing how.

"There was just something about the way she spoke and the look in her eyes that made me feel it was important. She told me I would become a vampire, that I would help many people, but over and over, she kept saying to 'beware the magi.'"