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Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"That's the problem with prophecies, they rarely mean anything until they actually happen and getting a proper explanation beforehand is close to impossible. Perhaps if you meet her again you might be able to provide some temporary relief from her madness. Sadly even our powers at healing are not enough to permanently remove such a powerful curse." Corauni said after thinking about the Malkavian's words to Ariadne.

It looked as though they might be getting their chance to speak with the prince soon as Galatea stepped forward to converse with the prince once more. Corauni leaned in and said, "It's time. Just remember to be polite if the prince decides to speak to you."

Soon Ariadne found herself following behind her sire as they approached Maloosha where she continued to sit. The prince merely looked upon the pair without a sign as to what she might be thinking. Corauni bowed her head, and politely spoke, "Greetings, my prince. I come to humbly beg a boon of your court, if you would but hear me out?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"I would like that," Ariadne said when Corauni suggested she might be able to help the Malkavian girl one day. Although they'd only met for a brief moment, Ariadne felt like she owed the girl a boon, even if she wouldn't openly admit to that in court. Sometimes it just felt good to do something nice for someone.

Ariadne didn't have more time to think on it because her mind quickly raced to the excitement of finally getting to meet the prince for the first time. She nodded and inwardly composed herself as she followed her sire to meet the powerful vampire. It probably wouldn't be much different from meeting the Emperor or Empress. She hoped.

Taking Corauni's advice, Ariadne remained quiet by her sire's side. She averted her eyes slightly and did a polite curtsy, having no real idea of what the vampire customs for this situation might be.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"You are always welcome in my court, Corauni. Though it is not often that you visit us, some might get the idea that you do not enjoy our company." The prince said in an almost neutral tone. Ariadne was not exactly encouraged by the prince's tone but then people in such high position often acted differently when in a court setting.

"I will always gladly do what I can to aid your noble clan, as you know. But first tell me about the overly excitable fledgling behind you?" The prince added.

Corauni continued to smile peacefully, as was her custom, while she bowed and turned as though to present Ariadne. "Prince Maloosha this is my childe, Ariadne. You will of course hopefully excuse her nervousness as this is all very new to her, she is only one night removed from her embrace."

Ariadne was once more conscious of the entire room staring at her. Especially the prince who seemed to be looking her over like a cat who just caught a mouse. "A pleasure to meet you, Ariadne. I hope you make yourself a welcome addition to my domain."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

As she listened to her sire's exchange with Prince Maloosha, Ariadne couldn't help but think back to her time in the Roman court. If she were to give advice to anyone wishing to survive as long as possible, she would say to try to keep conversations with the Emperor as short as possible. Ironically, Ariadne's instincts were a bit different as a long time confidant and friend to princess Anna. She had grown more accustomed to mingling with royals. They were people too. Usually. Ariadne found herself wondering if Prince Maloosha had been a princess or queen in her mortal life.

"Thank you, my prince. I'm happy to make your acquaintance," Ariadne mimicked Corauni's address in her naturally soft voice before briefly working up the courage to look up at the Prince. "I believe I can be a welcome addition. If you would like to get to know each other, I would be honored."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

The prince didn't say anything for what seemed forever, her predatory gaze boring into Ariadne's eyes. Finally her stony exterior softened a bit, a slight smile forming as she laughed. "I like your youthful exuberance, We'll just have to see how welcome of an addition you shall be."

Her eyes shifted back to Corauni as Ariadne stepped back, already her demeanor had changed with but a glance in the opposite direction. "What exactly is it that you need, Corauni?"

Ariadne listened as her sire told the story of the girl quickly and quietly, occasionally slipping into a voice so quiet that Ariadne could not catch what she was said. Though it seemed to be whenever her sire mentioned the Baali. The prince listened until the problem had been presented and then leaned back slightly in her chair as though in thought before saying.

"I don't doubt that you at least believe a demon to be behind this girl's malady, but I don't believe any of them still survive. Still I will do what is in my power to protect the girl. It would probably be best to move her elsewhere till you can find a means of aiding this mortal."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Time seemed to stand still for the few short moments that Prince Maloosha's stony eyes bored into Ariadne. Had she been too bold? The young Salubri silently fretted to herself for what felt like an eternity, ironically noting that her heart was not racing like it should have been. Ariadne was nearly overcome with relief when the Prince smiled, but she somehow managed to keep her outward appearance in check and smiled in return.

"Thank you, my prince," Ariadne said in what she thought was a gracious tone, tinged slightly with a hint of her burgeoning self-confidence in her court navigating skills, before stepping back to let her sire explain why they had come.

Ariadne remained quiet, smiling supportively for her sire unless she was called upon to speak. She wasn't quite sure what to make of Prince Maloosha's reaction, but she certainly wasn't going to be trying out her new presence abilities on the Prince! Ariadne was at least cautiously optimistic that Maloosha wanted to help.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Corauni at least seemed pleased by the prince's response as she nodded her head in agreement. "Of course my prince, I understand your reluctance in believing a clan lost to myth could be behind this. I am also quite overjoyed that you will do what you can to earn me more time in discovering the truth behind her possession..."

The prince's smile returned once more, as she said, "Of course I have a small request of my own before your investigation begins. I'm sure it will aid your search if you aren't burdened by a still wet behind the ears fledgling. Therefore I ask that she be placed in my care for two nights, someone has to teach her how to hunt...properly."

Corauni's mouth opened in shock for a moment before stuttering out, "A-Are you sure my prince..."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne was equally shocked! She had hoped to build a relationship with the Prince but wasn't expecting it to be so soon. Dozens of thoughts raced through her mind, from excitement to wonder and fear. Would she be able to hunt properly like Prince Maloosha suggested? Did she want to? Most of all, would her sire be okay on her own against these demons? Surely Corauni could take care of herself but...

"I.. I'm honored that you care about me, my prince. B-but I worry about my sire being alone with these ...demons... possibly on the loose. Surely she might need assistance?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

A withering sidelong glance from the prince in Ariadne's direction made the fledgling quake in sudden fear. Thankfully the glance lasted but a moment before the prince's eyes returned to Corauni who had suffice=iently recovered enough to speak normally. She gave Ariadne a reassuring smile before giving an answer.

"I suppose you are right, my prince. It will be most difficult to care for my child while attempting an investigation, and I doubt if there is any place safer than within your court. I just wanted to be sure you were aware of her special requirements for feeding."

The prince nodded as her smile returned, "Oh, I am quite aware that she needs permission to take another's blood. I will treat her as though she were my own childe, so you need not worry. Now I suppose you will want to give her some last minute words of advice before departing."

Corauni bowed once more before leading Ariadne towards the side of the room, while the prince commanded Galatea to see to the girl. Ariadne's sire looked more confused than worried, though her voice managed to sound reassuring as she said, "I promise you I will be quite safe, just be glad that we will be able to help the poor girl. I'm sure you will do better in this situation than I would, just try to remember what I've taught you so far."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne felt like she might wither under the Prince's withering stare. Thankfully it was only for a few moments, but those moments felt a lot longer than normal, that's for sure.

Too bold... too bold, she inwardly scolded herself when Corauni came to the rescue. But then, talking to royalty always took a bit of trial and error... and boldness if you wanted to be worth remembering. The trick was to leave the right kind of memory.

"I'll do my best," Ariadne reassured Corauni with a genuine smile and then gave her a hug. "Do be careful. I'll be looking forward to seeing you again in two nights and praying for your safe return."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Corauni nodded and gladly accepted the hug from her childe, giving a reassuring squeeze as they let go of each other. "I'll be sure to stop by and see how your time with the prince is going tomorrow night. Though you needn't worry she is a woman of faith like yourself.

I'm just shocked by the prince's unusual request is all. I've never heard of a prince doing as such, but then I have never spent much time among any court. Whatever you do though, be mindful of the blood oath as I have no doubt she will try to get you to do as such."
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"The blood oath?" Ariadne asked uncertainly, wanting to be sure she understood Corauni's warning. She tried to think back but couldn't recall anything. Was it something like the masquerade? There had been so much information to process, even for a scholar like her that prided herself on her memory!
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Perhaps I forgot to mention it, as I did not think it important till now. A blood oath is when you imbibe the vitae of another of our kind, creating a supernatural bond between the two much like a mortal would when he swears to serve or aid another. Though taking a single drink from another is only a partial bond, you would have to drink on three nights in succession in order to create a full bond." Corauni said in answer.

"Just be careful, I promise to return as soon as possible. Maybe the added feeling of urgency will even help in my task." She added as she prepared to depart, leading the way back to Prince Maloosha.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

If she weren't already a vampire, Ariadne might have turned a bit pale after hearing Corauni's explanation. The strangest thing though is that supernatural things like that didn't really surprise her that much anymore. After what she'd seen and heard, she'd be willing to believe just about anything - and that was just the tip of the iceberg.

"You be careful too, and hopefully return with good news," Ariadne said with a smile, as she said her goodbyes and made her way back to the Prince.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

The prince had just finished speaking with Galatea as Ariadne made her way back over towards the older vampires. She found herself having to look away one more as she saw the shocking beauty of the seneschal. Thankfully it was not for long as she quickly hurried after her own sire, Corauni, likely to ensure the girl was taken to a safe place.

This left Ariadne alone with the prince, or at least most of the way alone. There were still another four other vampires remaining in the court, though they seemed more content to speak among themselves and gossip. The prince did not immediately respond or look in her direction as she merely sat in thought. Leaving Ariadne to think on her own for a moment, looking up the young vampire could not help but notice that most of the gossipers seemed focused on herself and the prince. Not quite as unnerving as her reaction to the nosferatu had been but still it did nothing to calm her nerves.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne couldn't help but feel a little nervous once her sire had gone off on her own mission. It was her first time being on her own as a vampire, and she'd have to fend her herself. Luckily, the current situation wasn't all that foreign to her. She knew better than to bother a monarch before she was ready. She would just wait patiently until she was called upon, using the short break to get a better control over her nerves and keep going over all those clans Corauni had told her all about. Maybe one day she would write that tome she wanted herself... and more importantly, one never knew when a little knowledge might come in handy. The young Salubri couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable from the attention of the other vampires. People looking at her wasn't something she was entirely used to. People at court rarely cared about a tutor even if she was a friend to the princess, but Ariadne tried to put that out of her mind as best she could.
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

The prince continued to think for several more minutes allowing Ariadne to become a bit more calm despite the stares and gossip. Her thinking over of the clans and what she had learned so far allowed her to forget about everything fro a few moments as her mind wandered. Finally she noticed the prince perk up as a smile spread across her face, standing she motioned for Ariadne to follow.

Once they had exited the room through the back of the throne room the prince said. "Before we get started, we'll need to get changed into something more appropriate for our hunt. Our current clothes are not quite the appropriate fashion for where we're going. In the meanwhile, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? I take it you have some experience when it comes to dealing with nobles?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

Ariadne perked up too when she saw Prince Maloosha's smile and quickly followed her out of the royal court room. She walked a bit more relaxed and confident once they were away from the prying eyes that Ariadne wasn't quite used to.

"You honor me with your observation and your interest, my prince," Ariadne said in reply when asked about her noble background, a look of genuine surprise appearing on her face.

"It's true I have some experience with nobles and aristocrats. My father was... is... a general of Rome and brother-in-law to the Emperor. Naturally, that made me a noble too, but also largely irrelevant in terms of court politics or hierarchy." Ariadne smiled with a bit of embarrassment before continuing. "That actually suited me just fine, for the most part. We all dream of course, but I always loved reading and studying. One day, I impressed the Emperor with my knowledge of science, medicine, and other subjects. He decided to appoint me as royal tutor to his oldest daughter, who was born in the purple. I spent most of my life until now teaching and spending time with the princess. We became quite good friends... so I guess you could say I'm well acquainted with that kind of life even if it was more as an outsider looking in, ha.

Would it be proper of me to ask about your background too?"
Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"You need not be quite so formal for the time being, Ariadne. There is no one around to put on a show for now that we're outside of the sight of the others." The prince said as they continued walking until they had reached a room somewhere deep under the church. It was no lair but still a place of comfort, it was of course far more opulent than anything Ariadne imagined might be found in a church. Maloosha pointed to a wardrobe as sat on a comfortable divan and began to remove the nun's habit she was wearing while saying.

"I suppose one recognizes those most like themselves, being noble is something one is born to after all. Even if they don't quite make use of those gifts to better themselves. I suppose that is the difference between our clans, both noble and yet so very different. I could certainly see you as a tutor to let me see...Princess Anna I would guess. You are about the same age as far as I can remember. It has been sometime since I have really seen anyone from the court here in Thessaloniki." The wardrobe in front of Ariadne of course had clothes of every style imaginable though they were more the style that her own Anna might wear to a gathering rather than something she herself would normally wear.

"I would happily tell you of my own background if you wish, it is similar in some ways to your own." The prince had by now finished undressing and stood naked in front of the young vampire. She was not perhaps a classic beauty but she was attractive none the less and she certainly did not seem to have any shame in her body being displayed as such.
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Re: Sweet Sacrifice (Ariadne)

"Of course," Ariadne said politely with a little smile. "Would you like me to address you by name?"

Ariadne opened the wardrobe and grinned. She'd always enjoyed the fashion and prettiness of court life. Her cheeks might have tinged slightly at the sight of of Prince Maloosha's beautiful naked body, but it wasn't completely unusual. They were just getting changed after all.

"Why yes, my cousin Anna was my pupil." She continued before pausing, a mix of pride and sadness flooding through her face. "I do miss her terribly. She never had much chance to inherit the throne once her brother was born, but I tried to teach her as if she would. She'd make a much better ruler. I just hope I did enough to help guide her...

I'm just dying to hear about your story. I bet it's quite the tale. Would you like me to pick out a dress for you?" Ariadne asked with a little giggle and a friendly smile.