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The Adventures of one foxxy Mahou Shoujo - IC


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 11, 2015
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Redwater. That was the name of a giant and wealthy City-State that sat on a very profitable piece of coast, which was smack dab in the middle of multiple kingdoms and empires. Being in this position meant that alot of the world's trade flowed through the city which earned it the nickname, The Crossroads of The World, and with so many different parties interested in making sure no one else gained control of The Crossroads, it was safe from the world's conflict. That didn't mean it didn't have its own internal conflicts though. Where ever wealth flowed, crime inevitably followed. As a result, Redwater had one of the largest crime networks in the world, thriving off of the wealth and opportunity that the city presented. Even with the city guard having almost all of its attention on this problem, crime still ran rampart. It was like no one could fight this wave of crime... well perhaps there was someone...

The sky was starting to grow dark, the few rays of sunshine still spilling over the horizon left the sky a beautiful violet color. Yet even with this tell tale sign of darkness approaching, Elysabeth Moonstone sat alone in her home. Her roommate and childhood friend, Julia, had still not returned home yet. Liza herself had just returned from a long and very busy day at her job as kitchen help for a nearby inn, and because she had just arrived home and the fact that Julia did sometimes have to take very long shifts, though they were rare, Liza didn't worry much. Instead she started to busy her self once more in her own kitchen this time, preparing a meal for herself and Julia. She had just started when the relatively quite of her house was suddenly interrupted.

BAM, BAM, BAM! Loud and almost frantic sounding banging was coming from the front door, and only a few seconds later, the banging repeated. BAM, BAM, BAM! Already sensing that who ever it was, wasn't going to give up until someone answered, Liza went to the front door and started to open it and most likely yell at who ever was interrupting her peace. Yet, right as she had unlocked the door and had started to open it, a large amount of force suddenly hit the door, kicking it back into Liza and stumbling her backwards! A large masked man stood there, his foot landing once again after having kicked the door open! In an instant Liza spotted two shorter men, dressed similarly to the first!


Roll initiative!
23487 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Mean Home Invaders; Mood: Tired, hopeful;
Core States: HP (36/36); AC 18; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 14/14

It had been almost a year since Liza had left her parents estate. She had grown tiered of all of the talk with no action, so she struck out on her own, planning to clean up the city of Redwater one criminal at a time. However, she found that vigilantly work didn't exactly pay very well, so she got a job cooking and cleaning at one of the mid ranged inns, The Tipsy Cow. It wasn't the best job, but between that and her best friend Julia's job they where able to afford some housing and food.

The trip home wasn't an especially note worthy one, the sun was quite beautiful in the distance, but Liza was just a touch to distracted to really apricate it. At work she had over heard that recently there was a string of disapperaences throughout Greycross, the poorer part of town. It was always hard to tell exactly what the source of these things where, but Liza was ready to take it head on. Once she gathered Julia and Alex the trio would take to the streets and find the culprits!

Arriving at her home Liza was careful to lock the door behind her, she wasn't in the nicest part of town, and though she could defend herself inviting trouble was always a mistake. Inside of her home was a small shrine, a kite sheild in red and white on display. Liza knelt in front of it, a ritual she did every day. "Keep Julia safe my lady. I will uphold my vow to protect this city so that love may flourish in your name." After her short prayer she stood, dusting her knees off away from the shrine. It was late, and she was hungry, surely Julia would be hungry too when she got home. So Liza tottered off into the kitchen, her bushy fox tail swishing happily behind her.

BAM BAM BAM!!! Three hard knocks rang throughout the house. "Just a minute!" Julia called from the kitchen. She cautiously approached the front door. She had a few neighbors who could get quite rowdy, but she didn't want to assume anything just yet. BAM BAM BAM!!! The knock was forceful, deliberate, no sign of desperation, what's more it no one was calling out to her on the other side. This was wrong. She needed to be ready for anything. "Lovely Hearts, Link up." She said part for her magical incantation, only needing her weapon and armor for this. She was filled with a magical energy, as her clothes took on a more ridged feel, growing heavy. In her right had a glowing pink beam appeared before settling into a long golden sword, almost as long as the kitsune was tall. Carefully reaching out she grabbed the lock and unlatched it, jumping back with her sword drawn, ready who ever was on the other side to burst through.

[Init 7, tie breaker 17]
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First Round of combat:

Big gang member -> Minion #1 -> Liza -> Minion #2

[Attack =16, hit, Both Fort saves failed]
Still in motion from having kicked the door inwards, the big thug in front of you swiftly takes one giant step towards you that brings him right in front of you. He quickly raises something in his hand and stabs it towards you, and you feel a sharp prick of pain in your neck! He stabbed you with a syringe filled with grayish colored liquid! Well previously filled. Its all happening way to fast for you and by the time you even got a clear look at what had stabbed you, a warm and comfortable feeling starts to spread throughout your body as its contents start to flow through your veins. Your entire body suddenly feels oh so weak. You just needed to rest for a moment, just close your eyes for a second~

The instant you go to blink the world goes black and you feel weightless. You are now unconscious. Your body tries to fight off the poison, letting you pass in and out of unconsciousness for a second or two and then you go back under. This continues for a few mins, and during this time, you awoke once again, hearing and understanding what was being said this time, while also feeling kind of weightless, like you were being carried. "Heh, look here newbies. Didn't I tell you she was a beauty? She will be a hot product, and shes probably even still a virgin! HA! I could tell the way she lit up after I told her a lewd joke." That voice... you've heard it somewhere recently [Int check =20] All of the sudden it hit you. Earlier in your work day, it got so busy you were asked to help bring out some of the food to some patrons, and when you did so this big burly guy, practically covered in tattoos had cat called you in an especially lewd manner, patting his lap like her wanted you to come and sit on it. Even his gaze on you was disgusting, like he was inspecting your body! The guy who attacked you was the same from the Inn! Yet even as you realized this, you went back under...

When you awoke this time, you instinctively knew that you had been out for a while, a very long while. Your body while feeling groggy, it wasn't weak like it had felt right after being injected with the poison. Everything was cold, especially where your bare skin touched the cold floor around you. Your entire body was equally cold because of this... It took a moment to process... and then you realized it. You were naked! You could feel cold metal around your wrists and ankles, and something around your neck as well. This takes a while to describe, but you feel it almost all at once when you finally awake! Taking a look around, you were in a small stone cell, iron bars preventing you from escape, but allowing you to see past them. On the other side of the hall was another small cell, also occupied!
The girl across from you was chained up just as you were, and she was already looking over to you when you finally spotted her. "A-are you awake finally?" She called out with a tired and timid voice.

"How did they get you?"
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23490 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Liza and Julia's house; Tag: Mean Home Invaders; Mood: Tired, hopeful;
Core States: HP (36/36); AC 18; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +5; Ref: +3; Will: +3
Mahou Rounds: 14/14

All at once the door broke down, Liza's readied blade was overwhelmed by the massive man. She couldn't even resister the needle in his hand before it was plunged into her. A strange soft feeling washed over her. It had been a really long day, work was a killer she had to deal with that stupid customer trying to groap her, and really she just wanted to sleep. This fight was too much. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she collapsed on the ground, out cold.

Liza briefly surfaced from her slumber, she could hear distant conversations, almost other worldly. She knew it was the sleazeball who tried to group her, but it almost didn't seem to matter, really all that mattered was trying to get back to sleep. She was just so tired!

Awareness came to her in an instant. The cold jail cell, the bindings at her feet, hands, and neck. Elysabeth had been captured by those slavers, "He must have scouted me at work!" Liza sighed angrily. She didn't have her weapons or armor, but she did have her brains and her powers at her disposal. She started to work the chain around her arm back and forth, building slack on on end so she could yank hard. That was when she noticed the woman in the other cell. "They burst into my home. Don't worry ma'am, I'll get us out of here. Is there anything you can share with me, anything at all. Like the how many guards come, which one has the keys, things like that?" well Liza spoke she made a strong yank on the chain, breaking her left hand free. With that she got to work on the chain around her feet, however it seemed that one was much tougher and she was unable to get a good angle to help her break it.

Giving up she instead waited for the sounds of the guards approaching. She holds her hands above her head as though she where still suspended by the chain. [Bluff: 22] Liza hatches a plan. She will wait for the men to enter her cell, and which ever on has the key she will trip him using the chain around her arm. Once he is down she plans to get the key and free her legs and neck, then transform and fight her way out.

Readied action: Attack with trip attempt
Trigger: The man with the keys gets in melee range.
Improvised weapon: (It's a chain so this sounds like the best match to me.)
Attack: 20 = 19+5-4
Damage: 6 = 4+2
Trip attempt: 25 = 19 + 6

The girl across from you looked a little scared that you were trying to escape. "I-if they catch you, t-they will probably make you regret resisting..." The defeat in the women's voice hinted that she had tired and failed too escape herself. Even though she seemed to have already given up, at least some what partially, the women answered Liza's questions as best as she could. "Two u-usually come at a time when they are bringing a new slave to be broken in, a-and I don't know which would have the key." A small, very small hint of hope had been in her voice as she talked, but then it disappeared as she seemed to remember something. "E-even if you do overpower both of them, there's a room at the end of the hallway with even more in there..."

It was about right as the girl finished talking that Liza managed to free her hands, yet no matter how she tried to pull at the chains around her feet, her previous tactic didn't seem to work nearly as good on the chain holding her feet, but with at least her hands free, she just might be able to pull something off... "B-before t-they take you, whats your name? Mine's Jenny." The girl, no, Jenny seemed relieved to finally have someone to talk to, trying to find any excuse to talk before the guards arrived.

It wasn't too much longer till you heard 2 sets of loud footsteps from the right of your cell, down the hallway. One of them seemed to be laughing a disgusting laugh as they approached. Finally they appear where you can see them, and by now the man's laugh had turned to a chuckle.

They looked rugged yet strong men, the chuckling one wearing leathers, while the second wore slightly rusted chain mail. The second went to the door and brought out a set of keys, fumbling with them before finding the one to your cell door and unlocking it, meanwhile the other thug says, "Well it certainly looks like the sleeping virgin is awake, don't it?" His very gaze felt violating, yet his words even more so. Unwanted thoughts suddenly enter her head, 'How did they know she was a virgin? Was it a guess, or... who had undressed her? D-did they do something to her while asleep?' Finally opening the door and stepping in, the second responds. "Ha! Look at the look on her face, tonight is going to be fun!" They both enter the cell and the one with the keys finally steps within range! All of the sudden the chain that was supposed to be holding their victim down, was unlooped from the wall and was painfully wrapping its self around his ankle, and with one strong tug, the man went weightless as he started his fall to the ground! Prepared for this you dive for the keys and managed to grab them! With out you arms also chained to the wall, you had a small and limited area you could move about, but with another quick movement you managed to free your legs, and try to do your neck as well, but the two finally react! "Y-you bitch!" "Shes free!" Both of them cried out practically at the same time!

Roll initiative! You and one of the thugs both start on the floor!
23514 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Slaver Goons; Mood: Worried, determined;
Core States: HP (36/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +7
Mahou Rounds: 14/14

With a confidant smile Liza assured the woman, "I'm sure they will, but they have to catch me right," She was hiding how much this development scared her for the sake of the woman. Though sitting on the ground waiting to be drugged again, or turned into some sicko's toy wasn't her idea of fun. She nodded along with all of Jenny's information, trying to take it and formulate a plan. "I'll have to be careful... If I can get my sword and armor back, I should be fine," She thought aloud. "I'm Elysabeth, you can call me Liza though. I wont leave you here Jenny, I'll get you out no matter what."

Keeping her hands above her head, she listened to the men. "I guess you two think you get to play with the merchandise? I would hate to hear what your boss has to say when you ruin my value with your putrid stench," She gave them a cocky smile trying to keep them from noticing the chain by riling them up. It seemed they knew she was a virgin, whether that was based on the scouters word, or if they had done something to her while she slept she couldn't say, now wasn't the time to worry about it though.

Once the man with the key stepped near enough to her, she whippet the dangling chain around his foot, curling it around his ankle and yanking back hard. Ready for this, Liza dove for the keys quickly unlocking the chain around her feet. With her feet now free she scrambled up. She placed one hand on her hip, using the other to place her hand in front of her pointer and middle finders spread out into a 'v' in front of her eyes. "Protector of love, and happiness. I call upon you now, guardian pink angel. Lovely Hearts, Link Up!" She chanted. Glowing light consumed her, spreading a clean felling all throughout her body. Once the light faded she was wearing a one piece dress with a poofy skirt, all white with highlights of pink. Her hair had gone from brown to pink, and her eyes where now a deep amethyst.

With her transformation done she took the key to the collar on her neck, finding the lock and undoing it. Now fully free, and ready to fight her way out. "You two aren't going to let a naked piece of merchandise get the better of you, right," She added sticking her tongue out at them.

Init: 11
Move Action: Stand Up
Free Action: Transform
Standard action: Unlock neck collar
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"T-thank you for saying that" Jenny replied right before you could hear the guards coming.

"Ha! You hear how cocky she is Jiang? Listen here girly, we may not be able to take your virginity, but you have plenty of other holes for us to fuck!" The guard who had been violating Liza with his gaze said to her, while the other, Jiang, came forward to collect her.

Guard #1 -> Guard #2 (Jiang) -> Liza

Round one:
The first guard who had been close behind the second, quickly scrambles for his rusty longsword, takes a step around his fallen comrade (5 foot movement) and takes a stab at the still scrambling Liza, nicking her on the arm! (Attack =16 Hit, Dmg = 5) "Stupid bitch, you cant escape from here!"

Meanwhile, Jiang is scrambling up from the floor, making it to his feet faster than Liza did, but he is only able to draw his longsword before Liza acts! "Dammit Shawn, don't stab her! The boss will kill us if we kill her!" Shawn snorted at that, keeping his eyes on Liza. "The bitch deserves it, and if we heal her right after then the boss will have nothing to complain about. Its what she gets for resisting." With that it seemed the duo had come to an understanding that they would take Liza down as quickly as they could and just heal her after they made sure she was tied up this time.

Round two:
"Would you look at that! A Mahou Shoujo, jackpot!" Jiang laughed at the sight, seemingly not even intimidated at the sight, either being ignorant of what a Mahou Shoujo could do, or not intimidated with the lack of equipment. "Hmph, idiot, take her down fast!" With that the man swung once again at the now clothed Mahou Shoujo but he missed badly this time.
Thankfully for him, his fellow guard stepped up and took hit first swing, resulting in rusty metal cutting across Liza's thigh, leaving fresh blood! (Attack = 15, Dmg = 5) "Come on girly, no need to get cut up some more, just give up!" He taunted.
23526 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Slaver Goons; Mood: Worried, determined;
Core States: HP (26/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +7
Mahou Rounds: 13/14

Her tail had bushed out to be almost as she was at the mention of using her 'other holes'. "Impure scum like you should be banished from the streets of Redwater. You can't even treat your own merchandise with respect, how can you ever expect to make it big!" Her goading was clearly falling on deaf ears. Her own ears cocked back a little as she let the situation fully settle in. Her ear pricked back up, and her tail began waving back and forth happily. "Don't blame me if you two get hurt," She grinned. "I pronounce judgement on you Jiang! You're evil survive this day, I will smite you in the name of love!" She lunged at his, swinging the chain at his feet, trying to make another attempt at hitting him, but sadly it didn't seem to work as well the second time...

Swift Action: Smite Evil[Jiang]
Standard action: Attack [Miss]
Guard #1 -> Guard #2 (Jiang) -> Liza

Shawn's eyes seemed to light up at her tail puffing up, reminded of her tail and ears. Liza got a bad feeling about it, but she didnt get to focus on it for long.
"You have to hit me first if you even wanna hurt me" Jiang taunted as Liza's swing missed him, yet even though he was taunting you, it was easy to see how pale his face was. He had no idea what you just tried to hit him with, but his gut feeling was enough to scare him. With a snarl, he jumped at you once again with his sword raised! missing horrible as a tremor went through his sword arm, driving it off course!
Shawn also tried to stab at you once again but he only managed to scratch you. [Attack =16, Dmg 2]
23532 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Slaver Goons; Mood: Worried, determined;
Core States: HP (35/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +7
Mahou Rounds: 12/14

Though Shawn was giving her tail a bit of a wired look Liza tried to pay it no mind. "What's the matter, you want to fluff it? I would but I'm sure your nasty hands would ruin my coat"

Liza took a deep breath, focusing her healing power on herself. The cuts and abrasions that the two had inflicted melted away. Once done she flicked her hair back with a smile, "Come on you can do better then that right?" She lunged in to Jiang, trying to sink her teeth into him, giving up on the ineffective chain. However it bounced harmlessly off his armor, taking a moment to rub her chin, remembering why she never bit villains in the first place.

Swift Action: Lay on Hands[self] [Healed 11 damage]
Standard Action: Bite Attack [miss]
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Guard #1 -> Guard #2 (Jiang) -> Liza

The thugs stared in disbelieve as Liza basically healed all of the injures the two of them had just inflicted on her. That disbelieve quickly blossomed into anger as Liza threw taunts right back at them. Jiang immediately took another stab at the fox girl, yelling as he did so, "Just give up already you Fox slut!" He hit! His sword drawing a bloody line across her arm where a wound had just been healed! [Attack 15, dmg =7]. "Ill just keep hitting you till you stay down then you bitch! Then Ill play with you all I want, especially with that fucking tail of yours!" Shawn took a wild swing at Liza missing horrible once again. Perhaps he had been staring at Liza's tail too much?
23533 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Slaver Goons; Mood: Worried, determined;
Core States: HP (28/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +7
Mahou Rounds: 11/14

Seeing that Shawn had risen to the bait, Lize continued her attack on Jiang. Lunging in to sink her teeth into him once more, she swished her tail playfully at Shawn as well, brushing it against his thigh. She found purchase this time, and drew blood. A putrid iron smell filled her nostrils as the thick red filled her mouth. She reeled back, spitting out the blood. "Disgusting! It's like lard is your diets staple!" She spat again, this time intentionally aiming it at Jiang's feet.

Standard Action: Bite attack [to hit: 9+9=18; Damage: 1+2+4=7]
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Guard #1 -> Guard #2 (Jiang) -> Liza

Jiang cried out in pain, and perhaps a little bit of disgust as he was bitten by the she fox! "F-for real!? You whore, take this!" He briefly cradled the place where he was bitten before once again taking up arms against Liza! Liza was just barely hit, she was mid dodge and Jiang's sword only managed to nick her! [Attack =12, Dmg = 4] Meanwhile Shawn's movements seem to go slightly still as Liza's tail rubbed up against his thigh, it took him a second till he swung again, and all though he struck true, he hadn't put enough strength behind the blow! [Attack = 19, Dmg =2] If Liza looked for it, she could see a bulge in Shawn's pants!
23534 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Slaver Goons; Mood: Worried, determined;
Core States: HP (22/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +7
Mahou Rounds: 10/14

Ready to just move on now, Liza adopted a serious face, her ears folding back and her tail waving about, ready to pounce. She lunged at Jiang, but was yanked to the side suddenly. Her body trembled as shivers ran up and down her spine. The shockingly sweet sensation of having her tail pulled so roughly. She glanced over at Shawn, trying to hide the bit of drool traveling down her obviously smiling face.

Standard action: Bite attack [Nat 1]
Guard #1 -> Guard #2 (Jiang) -> Liza

Both Jiang and Shawn pause for but a moment when they saw the drooling smile on Liza's face. And in that moment they shared a grin between the two. Jiang suddenly says, "Fuck it! Shawn hold her down, Ill just use something from my own stash!" With that he took a step back, sheathed his sword and began searching his pockets! While Jiang does so, Shawn tries to hold onto Liza's tail and pull her into him so he could grab her "Come here you fox slut!", but Liza's coat is too thick and silky for Shawn to get a good grasp on her, and she is able to pull away!
0c42c858dec2ebf2d7032391620d7825.jpg Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Slaver Goons; Mood: Worried, determined;
Core States: HP (22/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +7
Mahou Rounds: 9/14

Still trying to gather her thoughts form how good the tail pulling felt Elysabeth looks from one thug to the other. It seems that they are planning something, "Really, you can't even finsh a fight with an unarmed naked girl?" She smiled whipping her tail free from Shawn before culling it around her waist like a belt. One last time she lunged forward biting Jiang. She was able to catch him near the neck, dealing a far bit of damage to him. The warm red liquid still tasted putrid and the metaic smell was making her dizzy. She spat a glob of it on Jiang's shirt.

Standard action: Bite Attack [To hit: 8+9=17; Damage: 4+6=10]
Guard #1 -> Guard #2 (Jiang) -> Liza

The bite near Jiang's neck seemed to do it, as when Liza pulled back, mouth full of blood, Jiang stumbled, back mumbled something you couldn't understand, and then fell backwards with a meaty thump! "Y-you bitch, look at what you did to Jiang!" Shawn cries out, unsettled and angry at the same time he raised his sword with righteous anger. This bitch had dared to resist so hard and had even managed to take down Jiang! Shawn quickly dropped his sword towards Liza, and drew a diagonal slash across her chest, returning the favor for Jiang! [Attack= 25, Crit Confirm = 25, Damage =18]
23539 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Slaver Goons; Mood: Worried, determined;
Core States: HP (04/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +7
Mahou Rounds: 9/14

Stumbling backwards from the blow Liza's powers faded. She was covered in cuts and bruises, but that last one was too much even for her. "I Yield! You can't kill me! you said so yourself!" She curled up in a corner , trying to stop the bleeding from the last attack.
Shawn was still breathing heavily with adrenaline running through him, seeming about to attack once again when Liza yelled and backed away into the corner. He looks uncertain for a moment and then rushes to pick up the keys, and quickly drags Jiang out of the cell, who was starting to bleed out at this point. Once outside he locks you into the cell and runs off. He is gone for less than a minute when you hear fast approaching footsteps again, more than one set. Almost immediately Shawn shows up with 3 other guards. One goes down to Jiang, forcing him to drink a potion which stopped his bleeding and stabilized him. The other three, including Shawn reenter the cell with you. Shawn has some manacles in his hands and and what looks like a collar, another guard has another potion for you, and you cant really see what the third has. "Turn around slut so I can lock you up nice and tight before you can get any more stupid ideas." Shawn says to you, and even if you do resist, the three of them are enough to turn you around and lock your hands behind your back with Shawn's manticles! After that before you can turn around, a pair of hands come from behind you and quickly attach a metal collar which was slightly padded with leather around your neck. "Give her the drink, and watch her teeth!" Shawn commands his fellow guard, who steps forward and holds a potion up to your mouth, and if you dont drink obediently, then your nose gets held close till you have to open your mouth to breath. When the potion runs down your throat, a warm and relaxing feeling goes through your body, reducing pain and healing some of your wounds [Heal 15 HP]. At the same time, even though your wounds heal, the potion didn't refresh your strength. You were still weak after all the injuries you had taken.

"Ok, heal her up then lets bring her to Vulk." Shawn directed his voice to the third member and this time you could see them clearly. They weren't wearing leather armor like the others, no this one wore robes, and they place their hand atop your head. You could see a glow of some sorts and then even more healing energy passed through you! [Heal another 15]. "Come on, get up! Its time to break you in!" If Shawn grabbed you and pulled you up wards. The collar you now wore had a spot for a leash but Shawn had a better alternative. He grabbed your tail which was long enough for him to lead you by it! He tugged on it every once in a while as you walked out of the cell. Two followed right behind you, and the third stayed with Jiang tending to him.

You were lead down the hallway and through a room at the end of it that looked like a guard post, down a few hallways that twisted and turned until you arrived at a big set of closed double doors. Shawn turns to you, still holding your tail with a strong grip. "Ready to learn your place slut? Its play time behind these doors." Shawn said with a taunting grin and went to push the doors open. Already you could hear what sounded like moans coming from the other side of the doors...
23562 Elysabeth Moonstone; Location: Slavers Dungeon; Tag: Shawn and Vulk; Mood: Scared;
Core States: HP (34/36); AC 12; CMD 18; Init: +2; Fort: +9; Ref: +7; Will: +7
Mahou Rounds: 7/14

When Shawn leaves Elysabeth looks over to Jenny. Ashamed of herself for being unable to save the woman, let alone herself. At this point resisting further was only going to get her killed... She needed to think of another way out, or hope for Julia and Alex to piece things together and save her. With Shawn gone she scoots closer to Jiangs body. "Lovely Hearts, Link up!" She chants downing her mahou uniform once more. Rather then fighting she reaches out and rests a hand on Jiang. "I don't want you to die... I just wanted to get out. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. Healing Heart Power!" She sends some of her energy into Jiang, closing his wounds and giving him back his energy. Before the other get back or Jiang wakes up she scoots back into the cell, releasing her transformation so she was naked and helpless once more. [Jiang recovers 22 health]

When the three guards return, Elysabeth stands back up. "Took you long enough... It's not nice to keep a lady waiting you know," She smiled, getting a rough shove for her mouth. "Ok, ok, I get it. I'm turning around," She turns around letting Shawn bind her hands once more with sturdy manacles. Next was the collar, firm hands latched it around her neck, as it clicked shut with a solid thud. She couldn't see it, but she could feel the weight of it resting on neck. The fit was tight, but the soft leather made it some what comfortable... she didn't hate wearing it, though she didn't find the idea of it signifying she was a slave all that great. Finally was the potion. It was shoved to her lips, and at this point she knew that resisting was pointless. The potion smelled of crushed fruits, but tasted of oats. It was a strange mixture that was thick and altogether unpleasant.

Following along until Elysabeth stayed mostly quite. That was until Shawn pulled on her tail to get her to start moving. It hurt, it hurt a lot, but somehow the pain tingled, and rippled through her body. She let out a soft, "eek" Trying to downplay the complex feelings of having her tail handled so roughly. She followed Shawn quietly, every now and then he would yank hard on her tail eliciting a moan or cry from Elysabeth. Already she was smiling, with a bit of drool trickling down her face. "Do your worst," She panted as Shawn taunted her.