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The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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They were right to assume that she had the skill to advance on the devil's land. Blessed by an angel, her power was immense, and she was one of the most skilled with both magic and blade. Such praise was showered upon her without end; however, it all eventually went to her head, and she thought that her power was enough to stand against a cardinal sin, namely...

Jezebel, the Cardinal Sin of Lust.

She advanced onto an encampment of witches, and with the help of friends and followers, forced the great war beast, Baphomet, to retreat. All this served to do was bolster the confidence of her and her warriors. And with the witch's magic, used their own portal to travel to the demon world. Once they were on the other plain, however... Their moral quickly faded. The land was barren, the skies were black with red clouds, with only a bright red moon above giving the land it's light. The vegetation squirmed, and writhed. Slimy, any plant they came near reached for them, and it was long before they lost their first member, when she was snatched away by the plants, and dragged into an ending sea of the plants. Hearing her screams, no one thought to save her.

Quickly, everyone was overcome with fear of the world they just had entered, where everything was out to get them. From all around them, demons appeared, and attacked them. The Hero fight off those that attacked her, but her friends were not so lucky. When she reached Jezebel's palace, she was completely alone. All of her friends, she was forced to leave behind, their screams left in her mind as their parting remarks.

The black bar gates opened for her with a high pitched squeak, as if Jezebel was welcoming her presence, and inviting her inside. The bushes had black, dead leaves, and the plants in the garden appeared more like organs than plants, some of their purple saliva flinging at her as they reached for her, and her pure soul. But as soon as she stepped through the gates, a single figure awaited her in front of a fountain of stone demons relaxing in blood.

"Jezebel welcomes you to a new beginning, Hero." the woman in maid's clothing announced to her. "Dipped in the secretions from my tail, I will strike my blades into your flesh, and infest your blood with our nature." she informed her, before the maid suddenly pulled blades from her sleeves, dripping with a purple fluid. "No matter how good you are, if I strike you once, your fight will be over. Come at me, Hero, if you dare."


Chapter 1: The Cardinal's Rhapsody

Rhapsody would awake from her slumber during the middle of her dream of a distant memory. The maid had met her temporary demise at her hands, but she was unable to avoid her final attack. Her arm was cut with the maid's knife, and the moment the fluid got into her body, Rhapsody, even without her words, somehow knew that she couldn't stop the infection. Before she could reach Jezebel, she collapsed, and awoke to her new life, in this very room she resides in as her bed chambers.

As if appearing from her dreams, the maid from that day was knocking on her door, and stepping through, her red eyes set on the shape of Rhapsody under the covers, lit by the never ending glow from the red moon from her window. "Did you sleep well?" the maid inquired. "I've taken the liberty of preparing your bath and attire. Jezebel has stated that she desires your presence at the best possible convenience for you. Will you require anything else from me?" she asks the demon under the soft, silky bed sheets that clung to her inhuman figure manifested by her demonic transformation.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

The woman shifted under the sheets, coming fully to wakefulness after just a moment. The sight of the woman stirred some hate in her, but only for a moment, a remnant of the memory she was dreaming about. Nowadays, she felt a mix of disdain and jealousy for the woman. they had fought and she had won, after all, but Sakuya had remained Jezebel's right hand, while she had been relegated to the left after she had become what she was now. In eight years, she still hadn't

"I think I'll be fine, thank you. I'll be along as soon as I can make myself presentable." She replied casually, flipping the sheets off her and shuffling to the side of the bed, her naked form sitting there until the maid had left, going through a couple stretches. She continued stretching all the way to her bath. She rarely bathes with the other demons, it wound up taking longer that way, and she found she had things to do first thing in the morning far more often than not. Instead, she had a smaller tub in a side room, which she used now to freshen herself up.

That done, she went back to her room and began dressing herself, ignoring Sakuya's choice for her attire and moving to her wardrobe, humming lightly as she looked for something that accented her bright red hair and pale eyes, eventually settling with some long gloves, a silk miniskirt and thin top, and a collar, all deep black with a thin netted frill along the edges. Her thin sword completed the ensemble. Not that she thought she'd need it here, of all places, but the delicate handle and dark sheath actually did match the outfit, and it help to remind others of her duties to the Cardinal Sin she served. What little makeup she had went untouched, as it was hardly necessary, and her long red hair got a quick brushing to get it to sit well, and was otherwise left wild. Jezebel enjoyed the look, after all. A look in the mirror told her all was ready, a smile crossing her face as she looked at her reflection, the red moon in the background accenting her image nicely.

Flicking her wings lightly to fling her hair around just a tad more, Rhapsody headed off to where Jezebel was waiting, that self-assured smile still on her face.
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Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Walking down the hallway to Jezebel's quarters, Rhapsody bumped shoulders with a few other demons along the way. The first two she saw were always together as partners of crime, and as always, they were harassing the male servants. A blond man of youth had his back against the wall, his pair of blond bunny ears sticking over his head as he was surrounded by the two assertive women. They didn't hesitate to do whatever they pleased either, pinching and grabbing him as he gave quiet complaints for them to stop. It was half-hearted, since just about every man here knew what the deal was. When a demon wanted you to give them some energy, if you were a man, you had no choice. It wasn't much a rule as a fact. By physical or magical means, only the most clever and evasive of men managed to recover enough to put up a fight. But in the end, the demons always win.

Rhapsody would have a lot of work on her hands if she tried to prevent this kind of activity, as not only was the entire palace, including Jezebel, engaged in this, but the towns outside were even worse. That wasn't the last sighting either. As she went down the hall, a man Rhapsody would recognize as a Hero who came to Jezebel's palace just as she had was on his hands and knees, with the succubus who defeated him holding a leash attached to a collar around his neck. She was attempting to break the ego he acquired while being praised for being a Hero in the human world, which was always a chore for every demon doing it. But over time, the harsh punishments for not listening and obeying eventually sunk in to even the most dense of men.

What really hammered home the seriousness of the situation was the grand palace that they were in. The floors were a dull gray marble, and the walls were constructed out of magically weaved obsidian. Pictures on the wall were of specifically gloomy scenes of Hell's landscape, which was a style that older succubi seemed to enjoy. Evil, gloomy, and dark, those were the styles that were accepted in Hell, though not to say that there weren't exceptions such as the oldest succubus in Hell, Agatha. The one time Rhapsody saw the castle where she lived, it was bright, and seemed to have been made for a child, something that complimented her appearance.

Walking through the vast complex of Jezebel's palace, Rhapsody spent fifteen minutes before she reached Jezebel's quarters in the center of the building from her own room. The sound of sex on the other end of the large double doors decorated with an etched scene of total debauchery was not something that would surprise anyone. And after spending so long under Jezebel's rule, Rhapsody knew that waiting for her to finish would be a useless endeavor, as Jezebel's average session lasts for hours, only stopping when her partner is completely exhausted and little more than a limp doll. Even then, she only waits a few minutes before bringing another victim inside, starting all over again.

Even through just the crack in the door, she could see Jezebel in action. Her serpent tail was completely wrapped around her latest victim as she thrusted herself down on top of him. The sound of slick, wet flesh colliding together filled the room and even the halls outside with each and every thrust she brought down upon her partner. She sheets on the bed were stained and soaked with the mess as a result of their passion, and probably the result of other sessions as well. A pair of pale white legs stuck out over her hips, bucking weakly with every thrust, and a pair of purple rabbit ears stuck out above the spiral of her tail, yet another rabbit victim of Jezebel's, and the eleventh Rhapsody has seen. One might suspect that there was a deep meaning behind why she, a snake, would be so appealed by bunnies...

When Rhapsody would make herself known, Jezebel stopped her motions to glance back at the one who entered her room, but grinning. "Ah, Rhapsody, darling!" she exclaimed at seeing her, before turning her body to face her, unraveling her tail to slowly reveal the young bunny underneath. His flesh was red from being squeezed, and as she pulled her tail free from around him, he limply rolled along, before collapsing in a naked heap on the floor, panting with desperate exhaustion as his purple tail twitched occasionally.

Slithering off the bed, Jezebel was quick to glide up to Rhapsody, and embrace her with both her tail and arms, "What took you so long? I'm an impatient woman," she giggled.
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Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Rhapsody wore a large smile as she walked the halls, running her fingertips along one of the smooth obsidian wall as she went. Eema and Vess were up to their usual fun, pairing up on some bunny man as she walked by. Three corners later she spotted a succubi with her pet Hero. He appeared to be a recent addition to the palace, and still hadn't acclimated to his new lot in life. Such a shame. She met the other succubi's glance and gave her a smile and nod, her tail brushing the man's cheek and under his chin as she continued on her way.

She didn't see any other noteworthy events on her way, but the architecture of the place held her attention enough to keep her mind occupied. The place seemed so horribly dull at first glance, but the ancient style that still seemed the norm all through hell spoke volumes to Rhapsody of how the place worked. Every aged picture of nothing hanging from the walls was further proof of that. It was kind of homely.

Eventually she had worked her way to the giant doors marking Jezebel's personal chambers. The sounds from within came as no surprise, the Lady she served was well known for her proclivities, after all. She entered with just the slightest of knocks beforehand, and stood by the door, Jezebel noticing her immediately.

"Ah, Rhapsody, darling!" The Cardinal Sin exclaimed, Which she responded to with a wide grin and a sweeping of her hands, bowing graciously as the Mistress unwound from her current pet, the bunny man collapsing to the floor, not quite dead, but certainly spent. She slithered right off the bed and over to Rhapsody, embracing the succubi with both arm and coil. "What took you so long? I'm an impatient woman!" She asked the succubus with a giggle.

Rhapsody smiled wider and wriggled a bit in Jezebel's grip, getting comfortable. "I had to make certain I looked presentable!" She informed with mock severity. "After all, it wouldn't do to appear in your presence looking like I had just been drug in off the street! Sakuya sounded rather urgent, so I made all due haste, even avoided the public bath in my hurry this morning. What do you need of me in such great hurry, My Mistress?"
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Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

"Presentable?" Jezebel questioned Rhapsody, pulling back a bit from her embrace to look at her directly, and raising a hand to cup her palm along Rhapsody's cheek, "Darling, if you were so worried, then the less you're wearing, the better! After all these years, the process of disrobing has become so mundane." she stated, and made a fairly prime example using her own body, which was completely bare at all times. Never once would Rhapsody see Jezebel with any clothing on. She didn't stand out either, being naked just seemed to come to Jezebel naturally. All of the jewelry she had on her body seemed to be the only covering she needed to not just be plain naked.

Raising a brow at Rhapsody's thought that her presence was required urgently, Jezebel laughed and shook her head, "If I wanted you to hurry, Rhapsody, I would have told Sakuya to make sure you hurry. But now that you're here, make yourself comfortable," she instructed her, her lower snake-half slowly shrinking up, and changing it's texture to that of her purple skin, until Jezebel stood next to Rhapsody, any sign of her snake half completely gone. She gestured to a nearby table made of the dark blue bark from one of the otherworldly trees, and one of the two egg shell seats next to it, the inside covered with red silk and plush padding to make for an exceptional seat.

Taking her own seat across from Rhapsody, she snapped her fingers at the bunny still laying on the ground pathetically. He looked in a state of agony, as if Jezebel really drained him for all he's worth. Yet still, she demanded more of him. "Stand up," she commanded him, "and make yourself useful. Fetch some tea for me, and something for Rhapsody as well," she said, looking at Rhapsody for her to state what she desired. Food, a massage, or even pleasure, Jezebel let it be known that all of her residents were allowed to ask anything of her servants, short of telling them to end their own lives.

"Yes... Mistress..." he groaned with a pathetic, breathless tone and strained to push himself back to his feet, but did so none the less, fear for Jezebel's punishment being far worse than his pain a very present thought in his mind. Barely able to walk, he still managed to present himself as humble as he limped to Rhapsody, and gave her a strained bow. "What do you desire of me...?" he inquired meekly.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

"Oh, but one has to accessorize!" Rhapsody admonished. "I just use cloth, instead of jewelry. Wouldn't want to steal your spotlight, after all."

She took the seat offered, leaning back into the luxurious padding with a bit of a sigh. "I had a feeling it was just short of that urgent, but I may have misread." She said with a shrug and her usual smile. She remained silent while Jezebel ordered the bunny to stand and serve them. She remained so right up until he made it over to them, when she responded.

"Some tea sounds wonderful. Perhaps a mint tea, yes..." She informed him with a nod, her tail slipping out from the chair and sliding up his bare leg until it reached his behind, which she gave a light swat. "And do hurry on the way back, wouldn't want it to get cold, hmm?" She said as he limped away, before turning back to Jezebel.

"So what was the reason for calling me, may I ask? I understand you enjoy my company, but I'm sure my Mistress has something more in mind, perhaps?" She asked cheerfully, leaning further back into her chair.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

The young man flinched when Rhapsody's tail touched his thigh, and gave a small yelp when the tip smacked against his rear in a way that suggested it was sore. Flushed red, he frowned at Rhapsody in both shame and anger. Wanting to escape quickly, he bowed and turned to walk to the small kitchen he'd be able to prepare what she desired. "Yes, mistress," he said while walking away, eager to escape from the perversions of both Jezebel and her guest.

"He's a fresh one," Jezebel explained. "He was brought in as a natural born bunny, and never ceased to complain about his little sister." Jezebel sighed, slouching in her chair, "Being nice and giving boys like that a wonderful life inside of my palace is such thankless work."

Then, as Rhapsody seemed to want to get right to business, Jezebel waved her hand at the succubus, "All work and no play, that's unfortunately who my Rhapsody is. Yes, I have something in mind, but to tell you what it is and send you on your way is not my style. I'm not a woman of business, I'm a woman of pleasure. Exactly why Avarice and I don't get along; however, Snow is one of my favorites of my sisters," she mentions the self-given name of Sloth, who claimed the name after discovering snow to be the perfect thing to fall asleep to. "Right next to Alma, though her endless appetite grows on my nerves ever since she tried to swallow me without thinking. The indigestion she got from that taught her a fair lesson!" Jezebel nodded at the short story of Gluttony, another sister of Jezebel.

The youth soon returned with the tea both women asked for, and he set it on the table quickly, still feeling threatened by the fact that both women showed him no kindness. When he tried to turn and leave, Jezebel grabbed his arm, causing him to shoot her a fearful glance back at her. "Fetch one of your brothers," she commanded him, before letting his arm go, and shooing him off. Then, she looked to Rhapsody with a grin. "Truth be told, I put such lax on this because the person I want you to meet is not here yet. She's still in the human world, taking care of business in the north, or so she says. I know she only respects my power, and mostly respects herself. I keep her around because she reminds me of myself." she claimed. "So, while we wait..."

Just as she trailed off, the sounds of a timid bunny, similar to the purple haired one Jezebel sent off, came from the door to her room. Peeking in, dreadfully nervous and fearful, his white ears poked out from where he was leaning in through the door. Looking at the two women at the table with his red eyes, he had short and ruffled white hair, and was wearing a similar bunny suit as the other bunny, which seemed to have a similar effect of degrading his appearance of both masculinity and pride. Jezebel rose her hand, and curled her finger at him, encouraging him towards her. Fearfully, he did as she requested, stepping over to her, before she grabbed his arm, and pulled him over so that he was standing next to her on display for Rhapsody.

"Shall I share a bunny with you?" she asked Rhapsody. "For your task, I'm sure you'll need to be well fed, after all."
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

"Mmm..." Rhapsody said in wordless agreement. "I'm sure he'll pick up the proper attitude soon enough. What was that about his sister?" She asked idly, a playfully concerned frown appearing in her face.

She listened intently to the stories, not speaking up until after. "Now now Mistress, I have my fun too." She said with a bit of a pout. "I just have nowhere near the stamina of your fine self. Business is just my way of making sure I'm contributing in the meanwhile." She says with a smile. "If we have some time before business can begin, I'm a fair bit less worried."

She considered the hints on who she'd be working with while they waited for the bunny to appear. "I can think of a lot of demons who aspire to be like you, but few who come close. Of which do you refer?" She asked, the compliment obvious.

And finally, the bunny appeared. Rhapsody appraised his form while Jezebel held him still, grinning wickedly. "Oh, surely you don't expect me to keep up with yourself, do you? I'm glad you think so highly of me, but if I should be feeding, and I suppose I really should, then I'd have to have my own, or I'd manage nothing but the spoils, I fear..." She teased. "Shall we call a second in, perhaps?"
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

"He simply didn't want to be removed from his family," Jezebel replied simply, leaving her story at that, before taking note of what Rhapsody had to say next. "Tish tosh, dear!" she said, dismissing her businesslike approach. "I don't care for that quality you and Sakuya share. 'Yes mistress, it is a very funny joke,'" Jezebel imitates Sakuya. "Truly, I don't understand how either of you can stand to be so stiff. You're not as bad as Sakuya, but still, you have to loosen up. Whenever I invite you to my quarters, it's like you think I'm going to send you to war!" she laughed, lifting her tea cup to her lips, and sipping merrily.

She only smiled when Rhapsody inquired as to the name of their incoming guest, not saying a word on the subject, before bringing the bunny in, and grinning at her request. "I'll answer your request, but I did intend for you to claim your fair share. Perhaps you can tame one of our most recent catches from the north where the rabbits dwell?" she suggested, and sent for another servant. A moment later, and a far more feisty bunny was brought in, struggling as his arm was held by a Dullahan in heavy armor. She pulled him around effortlessly, and then threw him to the floor before placing her hand on top of her own head, and giving a bow to Jezebel so her head wouldn't fall off, before turning, and leaving the room.

Brown hair, red eyes, and in a brown bunny suit that matched the color of his hair, another preference of Jezebel, the bunny stood to his feet immediately, more facing Rhapsody, as Jezebel seemed more intent on keeping the white haired one to herself. "Are the you the ones responsible for those demons kidnapping me while I was sleeping!?" he questioned aloud. "The reason why all my brothers have gone missing, it's because of all of you, isn't it!? Just wait until Fio finds out, she'll kick the crap out of all of you!" he boasted.
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Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

"He simply didn't want to be removed from his family," Jezebel replied simply, leaving her story at that, before taking note of what Rhapsody had to say next. "Tish tosh, dear!" she said, dismissing her businesslike approach. "I don't care for that quality you and Sakuya share. 'Yes mistress, it is a very funny joke,'" Jezebel imitates Sakuya. "Truly, I don't understand how either of you can stand to be so stiff. You're not as bad as Sakuya, but still, you have to loosen up. Whenever I invite you to my quarters, it's like you think I'm going to send you to war!" she laughed, lifting her tea cup to her lips, and sipping merrily.

"Surely you must care for it in some fashion, for us to be held in such esteem." Rhapsody pointed out. "And I'd like to think I'm more lighthearted than Sakuya, at least, give me some credit!" She added with a chuckle, sipping her tea.

She only smiled when Rhapsody inquired as to the name of their incoming guest, not saying a word on the subject, before bringing the bunny in, and grinning at her request. "I'll answer your request, but I did intend for you to claim your fair share. Perhaps you can tame one of our most recent catches from the north where the rabbits dwell?" she suggested, and sent for another servant. A moment later, and a far more feisty bunny was brought in, struggling as his arm was held by a Dullahan in heavy armor. She pulled him around effortlessly, and then threw him to the floor before placing her hand on top of her own head, and giving a bow to Jezebel so her head wouldn't fall off, before turning, and leaving the room.

Brown hair, red eyes, and in a brown bunny suit that matched the color of his hair, another preference of Jezebel, the bunny stood to his feet immediately, more facing Rhapsody, as Jezebel seemed more intent on keeping the white haired one to herself. "Are the you the ones responsible for those demons kidnapping me while I was sleeping!?" he questioned aloud. "The reason why all my brothers have gone missing, it's because of all of you, isn't it!? Just wait until Fio finds out, she'll kick the crap out of all of you!" he boasted.

"I can most certainly try, Mistress." She answered with a grin, taking another sip of her tea as she watched the second bunny being brought in. She continued watching with amusement, leaning back and crossing her legs as he spoke to her. She calmly placed her tea back on the table before resting one arm on her knee, and the other under her chin. Adopting a concerned expression, she replied. "Out of curiousity, what would you do if I was responsible? I can assure you, everyone here is being treated with the utmost care." She assured him, nodding seriously as her tail tapped lightly against her thigh. She vaguely wondered how much this particular new arrival had been introduced so far, and whether she should try and get information out of him as well. "So, who is this Rio person you speak of? They sound wonderful, I'd love to meet them..."
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

"That's Fio to you!" the bunny replied, "If you do anything to me, when Fio shows up, I'll tell her everything, and she'll make you regret it! She's a master martial artist, you know!" he boasted, though he was stepping back when Rhapsody tapped her thigh with her tail. "So... Just stay away from me, if you know what's good for you!"
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Rhapsody looked a little disappointed when the bunny started to back away. "Aww, don't be scared, little bunny..." She said slowly, her tail stopped as she started to send unseen magical threads out towards him, wrapping lightly around his soul and mind. She didn't try to paralyze him, not yet, she had something much more fun in mind...

Uncrossing her legs and patting her lap with a hand, she smiled pleasantly. "Come sit here, Dear..." She said slowly, the threads around the bunny's mind wriggling a bit deeper. It was one of her favourite tricks, much more subtle than the heavy-handed approach most demons take with their food. The bunny still felt like it would have a choice, but in the end, it always made it's own justification to do exactly what she wanted it to...

Once the bunny made his way to her lap, she'd wrap her arms around him, hugging close as she breathed into his ear. "See, that wasn't so bad, was it? I don't bite... Unless you want me too..." She teased, one of her hands slowly sliding down between the bunny's legs, cupping and starting to rub at the package there. "Now... Tell me everything you know about Fio, that friend of yours..." She said slowly, reinforcing it with another tug at her threads. She slowly shifted the Bunny's suit aside, the thing tailored with easy access only marginally less important than style, and wrapped her hand around his shaft more firmly, slowly stroking it to full hardness with her fingertips as she laid a soft kiss on the bunny's neck.

She spared a glance over to Jezebel, having spotted movement a while ago, curious as to how much she had chosen to play with her food before simply losing herself and taking the poor thing.

She continued to slowly tease the bunny as it talked. She had actually been mostly full when she had come to Jezebel's room, so the extra time to spend some energy practicing her weaving was almost welcome, if only to get her actually hungry again. Once she was sure the bunny had spouted everything off that it knew, she spoke again. "Thank you Dear, that's simply wonderful! Tell me, how do you feel now?"
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Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

His slow retreat would eventually stop as her threads took hold. His eyes looking to her and her commanding posture, he shook his head at her command at first; however, he found himself making sluggish steps towards her. The presence of Rhapsody's corrupted magic weaving itself into him quickly bringing about his package that Rhapsody would soon be searching out. "I have no choice..." he announced the reasoning that Rhapsody's mind desired he search out. "Fio doesn't even know where I am... I have to give in..." he announced quietly, sitting in her lap, and leaning back into her embrace, spreading his legs wide.

Moaning, and squirming in Rhapsody's grip, his energies slowly seeped into her as she slowly pleasured him. "Fio is our mentor..." he began to tell her what she wanted. "She's a master martial artist and daughter to the bunny who reversed the time of the entire island to a point before it was nearly destroyed by the demons. She is very kind... Nnn!" he moaned, squirming as his hips bucked from her rubbing of his length. Yet even though he was moaning, and whining from her breathing on him, and nibbling on his neck, he diligently kept revealing more secrets, giving Rhapsody both information, and his very essence. "And she has very powerful time magic. She can stop the motion of things within her influence in a perfectly still state... She teaches the girls of the village this technique because the girls have higher potential than the boys. But... She cannot use her time magic right if you're holding onto her..." he revealed the weakness of her power.

Meanwhile, the other bunny was completely wrapped up in Jezebel's tail, mind his lower half. His bunny ears along stuck out above her slick tail, while Jezebel herself was leaning over, lunging her tongue out like a serpent equal to herself, curling around his balls, and then making fine swirls around his dick, squeezing and slithering all over his cock, drawing muffled cries from within her coils, while Rhapsody would identify why his cries seemed extra pained, as the end of Jezebel's tail was seen just under the bunny's thigh, dipping into his ass. Rather than toying with him, she just seemed to be following her instinct and squeezing him until she stopped fighting back.

"I feel so warm..." the bunny on Rhapsody's lap informed her. "I feel like I'm melting away into you... Your hand feels so good..." he whispered to her, the succubus powers in her threads driving him to lean back into her, resting his arms on her own to feel her embrace and rub him, letting himself sink into her being, and become her food.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Rhapsody's smile turned into a grin as she accommodated the bunny, making him comfortable as he leaned back even further, spilling forth all his secrets. She listened intently, never slowing in her own ministrations, feeling the bunny's energy leech out of him and into her, filling her own reserve as full as she could. She never left a job half finished, however...

"Mmm, feels good, doesn't it?" She whispered seductively, easily shifting them both around until they had swapped, the succubi on top. "You've been so good, you deserve a more proper reward..." She told the bunny, swiftly revealing her own bare hips for him to gawk at. It didn't last long however, before the succubus crawled up onto his lap this time, facing away as she lined up his member, and slowly forced her hips down onto it, moaning lightly as she felt the draw from his soul increase from a trickle to a flow...

The bunny was well past being able to put up any resistance, or to help out in his own draining overly much, so Rhapsody took over, bouncing on top of him in the egg-shaped seat until he had finished, pulling out and leaning on his member so he spurted all over himself before passing out. Rhapsody chuckled, and climbed off the unconscious meal, straightening herself out and checking on her Mistress' progress with a content smile. Last she had checked, Jezebel was slowly squeezing the energy from her meal, but things may have sped up since then.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

"How unsightly of you, Rhapsody!" Jezebel commented as Rhapsody let the bunny spill all over himself. "Do you not know how to finish your food? Such poor table manners!" she sighed with mock offense. During the time Rhapsody had so casually drained her fill, Jezebel had already finished with her latest meal, rolling him out of her tail ceremoniously, as she has done countless times. After disposing of the limp rabbit, Jezebel seemed to look beyond Rhapsody, as a flaring soul Rhapsody would find familiar by it's spunky smell made itself known from the entrance to Jezebel's room.

"I agree, milady!" chuckled the voice of the spunky girl. "You could say Rhapsody just doesn't have what it takes to be a real demon!" she exclaimed. When Rhapsody turned to her, her red pony tails bobbed, and one of her red eyes winked at her as she struck a dramatic and sexy pose.

"Your Queen has returned, Rhapsody!" Etna announced, before pointing her fingers at Rhapsody as if her hands were guns, and then lowering her thumbs down and exclaiming, "Bang!" as if she just shot her 'guns' at her, before lowering her arms, and approaching Rhapsody, resting an arm on the demon's shoulder, and leaning on her as she observed the still quite conscious bunny simply lying on the chair. "You're never gonna rise to the top with such a reserved attitude, Rhapsody. I heard that in the time I've been gone, you've only absorbed a handful of souls." she scoffs at Rhapsody's observed count as if it were pathetic. "Meanwhile, I've got an entire village in the snowlands as my playthings, well over fifty men and women. And you've got, how many servants?" she giggled mockingly at Rhapsody as she playfully brought her fingers up, counting slowly on purpose. "One... Two... Three... Oh, that's right!" she put her hand on Rhapsody's head, "Zero! You have no servants at all! Is someone like you really my competition? What kinda joke is this, Jezebel?" she laughed as if Rhapsody being more capable than her was the worst joke she ever heard.

"Be nice, Etna," Jezebel booed from where she was slouching on the bed. "Rhapsody still has a lot of 'human' in her, and she still needs time to adapt. Naturally, she will still be reserved~" Jezebel giggled.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Rhapsody groaned a little as she felt the presence grow near, recognizing it almost immediately. She put on her 'business' face, the knowing smile and easy posture, by the time Etna strode into the room.

She listened to the pair tease her without comment until the end, then smiled a little wider. "Why, whatever would I need my own servants for, when our Mistress is so kind as to provide for me? Gives me much more time to learn, grow, and practice..." She said simply, letting the implied threat towards Etna and her 'Queen' comment hang for a few seconds before continuing.

"All joking and fun aside, you have something you need from us, my Mistress?" She asked calmly, hoping to move the meeting along so she could ignore Etna from a hopefully greater distance.

(bleh post, but it gets the ball rolling again, at least.)
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Etna seemed to miss the threat completely, either that or it didn't bother her. "You like being spoiled by Jezebel that much, eh? Rhapsody, the precious little princess." Etna labeled Rhapsody with a doting tone, as if really a Queen talking to her special royal daughter.

Jezebel's tail extended from her bed to pet Rhapsody along the cheek as the snake grinned at her. "I spoil all of my vassals, even you, Etna," Jezebel stated. "I love you all dearly~ Your the ones who help give me all the pleasure and power that my heart desires, after all." she told the pair, before pulling her tail back to the bed. "I do, I do, Rhapsody. I have discovered a kingdom castle of humans to be considering converting themselves over to the Order church, and as such receive the divine protection of the angels." She said 'divine' with a very mocking and sarcastic tone. "And this is mostly because they're being harassed by the angels themselves along with Order missionaries. What I want 'you' to do, Rhapsody," she directed her gaze to the taller of the two women. "Is make your way into that kingdom, find a way to get in 'intimate' contact with the lord, and kindly let him know that siding with the demons is the best choice for everyone's benefit~" she giggled.

"Now, for the second part." she added. "I sent a request out for another high ranking demon to assist you, both in getting into the town and leading succubi into the town in order to occupy it in our favor and turn it into a paradise for us. Etna was the only one who answered right away, coming straight here, just to help you~" she giggled, while Etna smiled, hands on her hips, looking proud. "And I would say that Etna would make a fine choice, but you may choose another high ranking demon if you wish."
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

"That sounds like a fine plan." Rhapsody agreed with a nod. "I can work with Etna, if she is willing to show patience once I'm inside." She added, turning to the demon in question and leaning forward in her seat, addressing Etna as you would expect someone to address a petulant child, with only the slightest teasing undertone thrown in. "Is it possible for you to sit still for a day or two, or are you going to lose patience the second I'm out of sight and start knocking on the gate before I can meet the lord, Dear? Shouldn't take any longer than that, even if I dawdle to admire the scenery, I promise."
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Etna laughed at Rhapsody's response. "I was prepared to wait a more realistic time for you to accomplish your task, about a month or so. But you seem awfully confident that this guy will just jump all over you in this day and age. Men are a lot more cautious now with the dangerous uprise of our kind. I'm willing to place a bet that you could never romance him in less than a week!" Etna announced.

"Enough already, Etna." Jezebel sighed with a smile. "Be nice to Rhapsody instead of picking on her all the time~ She doesn't wholly appreciate it you know, although a little bit is fine. I can't have my important demons getting soft from too many compliments like that fool Envy always demands from her limited followers." Jezebel suddenly blinked at that thought, putting a finger to her lips, "Ah, that reminds me... I recall Envy vanished a while ago... I wonder where she went?"

Sakuya surprised everyone by revealing her presence in the room, stepping forth from the wall where she just seemed to stand immobile, not attracting any attention. "Luna reports that Envy is staying at her vacation resort with a Chosen and a goblin under strange circumstances, mistress." she reported.

"Ah~ You are reliable as always, my dear~" Jezebel giggles. "It seems Envy is having fun at least, perhaps I shall go take a vacation myself." she said before looking to Rhapsody, "If everything is fine, then please go to the Ritual Grounds behind the mansion and speak with the Baphomet there. I've asked her to gather her witches and create a portal here so you can go to the human world near your location. She and her witches have all the information, so they'll be sure to tell you all they know."

Etna giggles, and throws an arm around Rhapsody's shoulders, "I suppose I was wrong, Mistress!" she announced before looking to Rhapsody, "I'll try not to pick on Rhap anymore~ I'll be nice to my junior demoness from now on, like a big sister!" she promised.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Rhapsody smiled. "Oh, I may have time to have some fun with it after all, hmm... Well, I could do it in under a week, but if I can have a month before you start to get antsy, I'm not going to rush things just to win at a bet. Sorry Dear, not going to take you up on it." She told Etna, poking her in the side lightly once the other demon put the arm around her shoulder.

To Jezebel, she was a little more serious, as always. "I just have to stop off for a change of clothing, and I should be all set to go." She informed her Cardinal, slipping out from under Etna's arm and moving to step out once more. "I'll see you at the ritual grounds, Etna." She told the other demoness, then went back to her quarters.

The trip there, she occupied herself with thinking of appropriate cover stories. By the time she arrived back at her door, she had picked out her favourite and set to work. Taking off her racey and revealing clothes she enjoyed so much as a demon, she went to her wardrobe, where she kept samples of clothing from all their visitors and guests that decided they would stay around, picking out something more modest, but quite colourful, kneehigh stockings striped in a rainbow of colours climbing her leg, a leaf green skirt and matching top, bright red fingerless gloves, and a caricatured top hat of black felt, with a white band around the base holding a trio of feathers in place. She set all that aside with a well worn travelling cloak, then walked over to the full-length mirror and began on herself.

Looking over herself, she called on the natural ability of all succubi to change their shape. She grew shorter and more modest, evening her curves and making herself look more modest. Her raven black hair changed to a sandy brown, which she did up in a pair of pigtails, shortening the hair and fraying it until it looked like a pair of sandy pomphs sticking out the side of her head. Her facial features softened, looking more homely and with a few laugh lines, her eyes shifting to a green that sat well with the clothes she planned on wearing. Satisfied for now, she dressed in the clothing she had picked out, and left for the ritual grounds. She still had a prop to make, but she had no supplies to make one in her room. She'd ask to be dropped off near some trees, or simply make a sidretrack before they left.

Striding into the grounds in her bright clothing, she looked over all who were present, her trademarked smile on her new face for those who couldn't recognize her. "Greetings." She said, offering Baphomet and her witches a bow. "Jezebel said you'd have more information about my mission, I'm eager to hear it."
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