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The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

After turning to the window, and letting him be, a few moments would pass before Rhapsody would hear Shen quietly indulging in the erotic dream she helped create as he would chuckle slightly, and roll over to his side on the bed. "H-heh... Plushie..." he mumbled in his sleep, one hand out like a cat's paw, fingers curling as if grabbing something, but only finding a pillow on the bed which he seemed to be mistaking for something 'plushie' in his dream. Perverted as they were, it would eventually fade, and Shen would lose his excitement as Rhapsody's magic filtered out of his system. Once Shen was quiet, the room was silent save for Rhapsody's constant music... Until...

"What is that music!" demanded the familiar voice of Lyndis as she came down the hall past Shen's closed doors. A moment after, the ponytail wielding woman was slamming in through the doors, a hand on her sword. "You?" she questioned Rhapsody's presence, and didn't look pleased at all. "Get out. Now." she commanded Rhapsody strictly, with venom on her tongue. "Go to the town and practice your craft, you do not belong in the Lord's bedroom!"
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

The demoness couldn't help but chuckle at the antics of the sleeping man, rolling her eyes as she leaned back in the chair some, getting comfortable as a rueful thought about men in general crossed her mind, there and then gone.

She stayed like that until she heard Lyndis outside the door, sitting back up in the seat and pretending to jump as the woman barged in, her music ending with a horribly offtone note, loud and sharp in the hopes that when added to the yelling woman, it would be enough to wake him up. She made a big show of jumping up from the chair, fumbling her bow into the small clip on the neck of the violin, and settling it around her neck and behind her on the strap. "Sorry! Yes, right away, sorry! Just... Lord Shen told me to follow him and play, and then he came in here and told me to keep playing, so I did. Sorry!" she stuttered quickly, ducking her head as if the feared Lyndis would strike her as she started to shuffle from the room.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Shen awoke as soon as Rhapsody played her sudden note, though he took his time actually getting up. Stretching and yawning as Lyndis glared at Rhapsody, making sure she'd leave, he rose from bed. "Lyndis, cut her some slack." Shen requested.

"My lord, with all due respect," Lyndis faced him directly. "You must not be so casual! What if-"

Shen cut her off. "What if, Lyndis, you are a demon impersonating my lovely Lyndis, and seek to get me alone without this girl in the way?" he asked. Lyndis only replied by growling and shaking her head. "It's just ridiculous... Besides, I won't be simply attacked. No one's that stupid, as whoever does it will not benefit."

Lyndis turned her back to Shen. "Forget it," she growled. "Let's just go, you are needed to perform the speech, My Lord Shen." she announced.

As he walked out, Shen looked to Rhapsody. "Echo, go ahead and stay here, alright? I'm just going to talk about how I'm still undecided, so it'll be boring. I'll ask one of the servants to bring you food if you need it." he said, before leaving the room after the persistent Lyndis.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Rhapsody stood there in between them as they bickered, still in half a kerfluffle after having to jump up and start leaving so quickly. Inwardly she smiled at the way the conversation turned, watching the back and forth and seeing how they played off one another. It ended quickly enough, and she nodded at Shen after he said to stay here. "O-okay. Thank you, Lord Shen." She said with a bit of a stutter, offering a curtsy as he turned and left. Letting in and out a long and deep breath, she went to return to her seat, edging it closer to the window and watching what she could of the people below.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Little activity was in the town below. All of the citizens were heading in a general direction, a balcony high above, where Shen was to appear. The few in the town were still taking care of their businesses, likely to prepare for when everyone came back and might be hungry. The streets were mostly barren except for various guards standing in front of shops who's owners were not present.

Walking into the room, a maid with a peculiar presence approached Rhapsody with a bright smile. A peculiar presence was all she gave off, but her true nature would be known to Rhapsody, simply because she'd recognize her appearance.

"Misaka-Misaka maid is here!" the maid announced with a bright and cheerful voice, holding a tray with tea and a tasty cake. It didn't seem she recognized Rhapsody right away, as she normally would. But Rhapsody would know this girl as a demon in disguise who escaped from Hell. Essentially, she's a traitor who's now serving as a human maid. Her presence is so weak that even Rhapsody would not have been able to tell she was a demon, which probably served her well in her survival in the castle.

With a smile, she brought the tray over to Rhapsody with a kind of grace only a maid could possess. "A drink and treat for you~!" she sang with a happy tone, before standing straight with her arms folded in front of her, facing Rhapsody with a smile. "Anything else for you~?"
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Live chat log:
Shrike7: "Oh, wonderful, thank you!" Echo said with a smile, straightening in her chair and offering her lap to put the tray on. "Have you been here long?"
RJ: "Misaka-Misaka has been a loyal maid for a year now!" she replied, putting the tray on a table and bringing the table over to Rhapsody. "I say my name twice for the men, they think it's cute, but some girls have enjoyed it as well~"
Shrike7: Echo nodded, taking a sip of the tea. "It is, reminds me of a pair in my troupe. This tea is quite good, thank you." She said, before turning back to the window. "Lord Shen and Lyndis... Are they always like that? She's quite scary..."
RJ: Misaka nodded. "Lyndis is quite clearly in love with Lord Shen. Right before she was to practice swordplay with him, I accidentally spilled a little honey on her dress, and she nearly had me fired," Misaka giggled.
Shrike7: Echo let out a little giggle as well. "She may want to listen to him more, then. But it isn't my place to say. Thank you for the tea and cake, Misaka."
RJ: Misaka gave a bow to Rhap. "Will that be all from Misaka-Misaka?"
Shrike7: "Perhaps something more substantial than cake, it's been a while since i've had the chance. some soup, perhaps?" She replied.
RJ: "Misaka-Misaka will bring you some soup right away, master!" the maid announced, before striding out of the room.

Echo nodded, leaning back in her chair after the secretive demon had left. Seems it was not so hard to find a life hidden among humans, if you were weak enough to live like them... Shrugging slightly, she finished the cake that had been brought, and managed about half the tea, which was quite good, before Misaka returned. "Thank you again, I don't think I need anything else." She told the maid once she had delivered the soup, trying not to gulp it down too greedily, putting on the show of a tired and hungry traveller.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Misaka grabbed at the skirt of her dress, giving a polite bow to Rhapsody. "Very well, master!" Misaka replied with cheer. "Lord Shen told Misaka-Misaka to tend to any need you may have, so Misaka-Misaka will stay just outside in case you need anything!" she announced, before walking outside, and closing the door... And almost immediately after, Rhapsody would detect eavesdropping threads squirming through the door she just shut.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Rhapsody let out a bit of a smile as she felt the slight magic intrude on the room. Deciding to ignore it, she started on the soup Misaka had brought, humming a quiet tune in between mouthfuls and considering the pacing she planned on in the coming days.

Once she finished the soup, she had the part of a weary rescuee to play before anything else, and so Echo curled up on her chair and got comfortable, pretending to nap where she sat, while keeping half an eye on the tendrils of magic the little demon outside had slipped into the room to pass the time. Shen should only be a short while, but she was patient enough to wait if it turned out longer.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Fifteen minutes went by... The crowds below slowly went back to the city as the distant shouting of Shen's voice vanished. Soon, Shen's footsteps were echoing down the hallways, before Misaka's threads retracted from the room, and her voice went down the hallway. "Lord Shen! Misaka-Misaka fed our guest well!" she announced. "She's resting now... So, um..." her voice suddenly got nervous, and embarrassed. "Lord Shen... I-It's been a while, so... Um... If I could get a reward for all my hard work..." she asked him with a nervous tone, as if wondering if she'll be refused.

A squeak followed, before there was silence for a time. If Rhapsody counted the seconds, half a minute passed following the squeak, before Misaka gave out a sudden gasp for breath. "T-thank you so much!" Misaka said happily, though tried to keep quiet so as not to disturb the supposedly resting Echo. The door handle clicked slightly, before Shen slowly pushed the door open. Looking exhausted as if he ran a marathon, Shen looked ready to jump into his own bed and curl up. Behind him, down the hallway, Misaka was skipping with absolute glee, as if this was the best day ever.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

((On phone again, so short on formatting options))

Rhapsody listened silently to the exchange just outside, raising an eyebrow as her imagination filled in the gaps as to what had happened during the quiet time. Obviously, Shen knew of that woman's darker side as well, and was more than willing to indulge it.

She was still hanging off the back of the chair and facing the door when Shen came in, standing up and stretching slightly before giving him a bow. "Welcome back, M'Lord. I must have passed out in the chair, has it been long?" She asked, giving Misaka a glance through the open door as the maid skipped away. "I can't tell if she's happier now, or when I told her I liked the soup." She said idly, letting out a chuckle to go with. It was then she chose to notice how tired the man seemed. "Oh, are you alright, M'Lord? Do you wish me to play for you again?" Her tone seemed worried, and she fumbled for her violin, in case it was needed.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

"You slept through all the boring stuff, so you didn't miss a beat." Shen said with a sigh as he came in. He walked a few paces, and stopped when Rhapsody noted how happy Misaka was now compared to before. His face looked to seemingly nowhere in particular, before slowly looking to Rhapsody in her chair. "I figure you must have seen or at least heard what went on outside that door." he said suddenly. "Misaka is a maid like many others who fancy their lord. She sees me similar to her own father figure, so the poor girl acts out her fantasies on me. As she wished her father to do, I reward her with a kiss whenever she does well." Shen revealed. "I'm not proud of it, I don't feel better for anything other than kissing a pretty girl's lips. It is not me she fancies truly, but it does make her feel better and work harder, so I indulge her."

Shen's words were more firm then they ever had been, and the weariness in his face vanished for that moment, before it returned with a vengeance. With a groan, Shen fell back and sat on the bed without grace. "What about you, Echo?" he asked her. "I find myself fancying a lap pillow as of late..." he said, doubtlessly recalling the dream she gave him. "But what do you fancy? Are you so saintly that playing soothing melodies to your peers brings you joy?" he asked, though in truth, it was clear he was merely saying, 'you know my secret, now tell me one of yours.'
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Rhapsody listened closely and attentively, nodding along as he spoke, when the time came for her to share, she hesitated a moment, ostensibly out of reluctance, but in reality out of a need to settle on a story in her head. Finally, she took a deep breath, and spoke. "When you live as I have, you don't have much chance to fulfill grand ambitions. I like music, I'm good at it, and people appreciate me for it, so I do find it quite fulfilling just to play and be heard. However," She added quickly, raising a finger to let him know she wasn't done, and he'd get his secret. "Almost every place we stop, I have wanted to find a place and just stay for a while, see what it's like to live as a farmer or a blacksmith, instead of a transient. I see places like this castle from afar, perhaps sometimes have a noble man or lady come down to watch us personally, and..." She paused a moment, then sighed, gesturing about the room with it's opulence.

"You have so much here, Lord. That is why I will do anything to please you, to be allowed to stay. I look at these halls and imagine how little you have to worry about food, or clothing, or a safe place to sleep, and I want that. I -need- that." She said slowly, giving him a nervous grin as she finished. "So... Do you still wish for a lap pillow, Lord?" She asked sheepishly.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Shen let out a hum as he heard her reply, stretching his arms over his head and yawning in the process. "Fancy a lap pillow I still do." he replied, but where she was, that wasn't possible, so he sought out the bed once again, and collapsed onto it. It reacted to his fall as if a giant, soft marshmallow, letting him sink in and enjoy a bed so comfortable that it might rival Sloth's very own star attraction in her bedroom.

"Lyndis let me off the hook for today, but instructed me to wear a chastity belt if I'm to keep you around." he announced. "I can sense such intent a mile away, sort of learned to look for the signs after seeing so many like that. With that in mind, I do not feel in danger." he stated with confidence, before glancing at Rhapsody from where he lay on his soft bed. "The sun is beginning to set, Echo. You may ask a servant for your own quarters, and tell them that Lyndis will get them in their sleep if they don't do it." he instructed her. "Ah," he gave note. "But not before my lap pillow."
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Echo nodded, smiling widely as she got up, leaving her violin on the chair as she moved to the bed. "I will, Lord, thank you!" She said happily, climbing up and getting comfortable, letting him rest in her lap and smoothing his hair out idly.

Mentally, Rhapsody was pleased at how things were going, though something in the back of her mind told her she should hurry, in case her backup grew tired of waiting, as at least one was known to do.

Deciding to try and talk more, she spoke up slowly. "How long have you known Lyndis, Lord? You two seem quite attached, in a way..."
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

It could have almost been called a talent. The way Shen moved, positioned himself, and laid into her lap in the most comfortable way imaginable. When he took his place with his head resting on her legs, Shen did not need to move nor adjust himself. In a swift motion, he went from effort to comfort. His eyes closed, and he looked blissfully at peace. "One day, when I grow up, I'm gonna call you Lord Shen, and I'll be your best knight, and we'll fall in love, and I'll get to be a princess." Shen replied to Rhapsody with a monotone voice. "I'll let you guess how far back that goes."

"Frankly, I'm not sure if Lyndis has embraced her childhood or is trying to reject it. I'm fine with helping her do either but she seems to want me to help with a specific one of the two. Problem is, I don't know which, so I wait for her to let me know so we can go on with our lives." Shen sighed. "Lyndis is my most faithful and talented knight, and so she is charged with being my bodyguard. The child within her got half of her wish," he stated.

"A dullahan once came and announced she was going to make me her husband, and that I'd have no escape from her as she could come and go from this world when and wherever she pleased. A dullahan of all things." Shen sighed as if the memory bothered him. "Lyndis managed to duel, and defeat the demon. Now, I'm not an idiot. I know something powerful inspired her to get such crazy skill, but if I called it love, that would put Lyndis in a tight spot if I was wrong. Ears are everywhere, and if I questioned Lyndis of having feelings for me, our very society would demand of someone like her to say she did have such feelings, because if she said no, everyone would want to hang her for refusing an opportunity to procreate, between a lord and a powerful knight, powerful genes that would create heroic children..."

Echo would feel Shen become a little more heavy. "What a bothersome society... Things would be so much more simple if everyone just..." Shen yawned. "... Just relaxed..."
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Echo nodded softly, placing a hand on Shen‘s head and slowly petting his hair. “I agree, Lord. People would be so much more content if they just stopped to relish the moment more.“ she replied, leaning back slightly until her head rested on the massive bed‘s headboard.
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Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Shen gave only a small moan of content as he went silent, relaxing in Rhapsody's lap. Like that, his dreams could be played with by Rhapsody even more. Should she take her first peak, she'd find him apparently dreaming about that little demon he met before.

He was riding a horse idly. One didn't have to see his face to know he wore a bored expression. The sky seemed to be dark, and men carried torches and weapons at the ready. "It's just one small weak demon, why are you raising a stir over this." Shen complained. Lyndis suddenly came into view, wearing an angry expression Rhapsody would have come to know very well by this point. "Where there is one, there may be more, Lord Shen!" she chided him, but Shen didn't seem to buy into it as he yawned. "What a bother..."

They rode on, the men splitting up as Shen couldn't help but cringe at their actions. He completely doubted that there were more demons, their presence just wouldn't make any sense. It wasn't clear why Shen thought this, but he firmly believed that they were in no danger. Besides... The reason Shen cringed is due to the fact that they were splitting up when they were under the impression that there was an attack force of demons ready to strike and rape every man and convert every woman to their cause. Shen had seen it before, a woman attacking a husband. He'd been tied to his bed and fed for weeks it seemed while she used him. It wasn't Shen that killed her. He didn't want to. He just felt pity at how a woman was warped in such a way, and at the way she died with her husband, both struck down by the religious men at his side. "Seems like the demons are equally the victims." Shen idly thought.

Suddenly, a monstrous form darted from the bushes and ran off. "Stay here my lord!" Lyndis shouted, shouting to her horse before she and a group of other men went with her on Shen's command. He sent every man around him off, leaving himself unguarded, and for a very important reason. Once all the men had left, the bushes rattled a bit, and a youthful face peeked out, before giving the smallest whimper upon seeing Shen and hiding once more. He could hear her panic the moment she hid, before he got down from his horse with a sigh. "If you run from me, they'll find you. I will hide you." he suddenly announced, walking over to the bush, before parting the leaves, revealing a little demon girl, the very one that was hiding in his castle. She was crying, terrified, her leg stuck on a branch with thorns, cutting her as she tried to flee from Shen. With a sigh, he reached down, and picked up the little demon as she looked up at him, silent, with wide, scared eyes.

"Don't let them see your red eyes." Shen told her, before using the long sleeves of his robe, and wrapping her in them. He hid her tail, and her horns, before holding her against him as if she were a child. He went back to his horse, and rode with the girl in his protection. Lyndis and the others never suspected a thing, nor did any of the mages inspect her. He shielded her, protected her, and brought her into the castle.

Inside the gates, the demon had fallen asleep as Shen sighed. "Indeed, demons are equally the victims..."
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Echo watched Shen's dreams, starting to softly hum as she apparently relived Shen's first meeting with the small demon she saw earlier. She let it run it's course, dream Shen entering the castle with the sleeping demon when music started filtering through.

Following the soft melody led the lord upstairs, the small demon forgotten in the ephemeral quality of the dream. It led to his chambers, Echo sitting in the chair and calmly playing her violin, swaying gently in time with the music. Dream Shen strode up slowly behind the woman, reaching out and running a hand through her hair. Echo jumped slightly, her hands stopping on the instrument, though the music continued in the dream. "Lord Shen, I didn't hear you come-" She started, interrupted when Shen leaned forwards and planted his lips against hers.

The kiss lasted forever in dreamtime, Echo pulling away slightly at the end of it. "M-my Lord, I don't think Lyndis w-would approve..." She stammered slowly, blushing.

"I don't care." Dream Shen answered quickly, leaning in to kiss her again, this time eliciting a small moan from the woman...
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

After their lips connected, Rhapsody's own essence began to betray her as her instinctual lust began to kick in beyond her consent. Her body began to heat with a succubi's desire. Her lips embraced with Shen's, when her body reached a dangerous point and sweat began to roll down her body, Shen suddenly broke the kiss, retreating and leaving her with that hunger that she could only blame herself for acquiring. From there, Shen only smiled at Rhapsody, as if a little happy he could made her feel like that. Shen's teasing nature showed itself in that moment, as Rhapsody would only see him retreating, leaving her with the heat of lust.
Re: The Cardinal's Rhapsody (Rhapsody)

Rhapsody gasped slightly, her eyes opening back in the real world to find herself starting to burn with lust. She cursed herself for paying too close attention to the dream she was weaving, letting her mind slip into it almost as much as Shen's was. Groaning slightly, she started slipping out from under the man and off the bed entirely. She needed to find someone, but down in the city would be safer to her cover. She replaced her lap with a pillow for Shen to rest on as she extricated herself, taking her violin and slipping it over her shoulder, trying to slip out of the room, and then leaving the building, headed for the market.