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Re: The Database




Most Terran infantry combatants are either military or ex-military, both naturally employing tactics of the TPD.

Assault units wearing medium armour, often equipped with semi-automatic carbine rifles. They excel in taking positions quickly and offer valuable long-range support and suppression fire for the Directorates more unwieldy units in the field.

Armour: White alloy plates over synth weave.
Sidearm: Heavy Pistol/SMG.
Longarm: Semi-automatic carbine/Assault Rifle. Rarely Shotgun/Sniper Rifle.
Noteworthy unit: “Frontschweine,” the German word for “grunts.” Close combat specialist quad equipped with “Leaper” jetpacks that enable them to quickly close the distance to a hostile unit or to take higher ground quickly. Carry large , serrated combat knives they call “tusks” and are their trademark.

Slow, highly armoured units wearing semi-robotic combat suits dubbed HIT suits. They often brandish the heaviest weapons that the TPD can provide.

Armour: White steel plates, semi-mech suits.
Sidearm: /
Longarm: RFC/Hydrogen Lance/Rocket Launcher.
Noteworthy units: “Ice Giants.” Anti-infantry specialists in especially heavy HIT suits equipped with two wrist-mounted hydrogen lances, forcing them to lob around four tanks per soldier.

Light units often paired up with riflemen. Tasked with quick repairs to mechanical units and demolition – often carry around mines and several types of grenades.

Armour: White synth weave armour, alloy helmet.
Sidearm: Pistol/SMG.
Longarm: /
Noteworthy units: “Bob-Ombs.” Nerds. Anti-vehicle specialists with black, round helmets.


As the Garikian Imperium is less strictly organized and its units specialize in guerilla tactics, their military forms small, individual groups called cells. Several cell's Commanders reports to one Imperial Coordinator, experienced officers that put each cell to its optimal use. In large-scale combat, all cells of one Coordinator are often joined together.

Light, stealthy units engaging in long-range combat. Specialize in setting up ambushes to take out important targets before quickly disappearing. In combat, often supported by standard soldiers.

Armour: Black synth weave armour.
Sidearm: Pistol.
Longarm: Sniper rifles.
Noteworthy units: “GIIC 8” Assassination cell. All trained snipers, they often use other means like poison or explosives to get rid of enemy operatives and high-ranking officers.

Elite troops of the Imperium that are judge, jury and executioner in one person. Luckily for Garikian citizens, there are very few laws to enforce to begin with. Pay your yearly taxes and you will never see an enforcer up close. They only came out in force during the uprising of the Knightly Order Of The Black Sun, and even then only when the Black Suns had almost taken the Imperial Palace.

Armour: Black alloy plate armour.
Sidearm: Heavy Pistol.
Longarm: Very rare single-shot rifles loaded with Kinetic Amplifier ammunition. Is used next to never, more of a symbol of their high status.


Telarin DNA strain developed to be obedient and effective soldiers. While not as deadly as Omega strain Telarin, Sampis are a lot more versatile, easily coordinating within groups. Squads of Sampis have their suits linked up to each other, increasing their effectiveness by a manifold. Often serve under Alpha Telarin.

Armour: Telarin weave and silver-colored Telarin alloy plates.
Sidearm: Pulse Laser SMG/Laser pistol.
Longarm: Laser rifle/Pulse Laser Assault Rifle/rarely a P.O.L.L. sniper rifle.
Noteworthy units: “The 900.” By some definition the largest joined consciousness in the known galaxy. The 900 never leave their suits and are constantly fully synched with each other, even when serving on different ships. They gave up what little individuality the Telarin have to better serve as an army.
Re: The Database




The cruel, aquatic Ashotur rarely formed their own, exclusive units, often delegating these tasks to their slave races. While not as big as the Pan Kor, the Ashotur were just as ruthless and twice as brutal when fighting themselves.

Ashotur commandos were a dreadful thing to face for the units that had to deal with them. Frightfully fast for a creature of their size, commandos preferred to settle scores up close and personal, their muscular form easily able to overpower a single human. Combined with the commando's high intellect this made for an almost guaranteed demise for an unprepared unit. The most outstanding piece of equipment was a massive, two-handed saber, laser-sharpened to cut even through alloy plates. Only few Ashotur commandos ever had their saber taken, and the blades are now scoring astronomical prices on the trophy market.

Armour: Grey synth weave, alloy plates in appropriate camouflage.
Sidearm: Heavy Pistol/SMG.
Longarm: Automatic Dart Cannon. Carried several different types of ammunition with them – explosive, incendiary or armour-piercing tips. Their specialty were flat, blade-like tips that were meant to cut, maim and disfigure rather than kill.

Blurring the line between infantry and cavalry, the bipedal Ashotur Walker mech suits were towering over the other troops. Heavily armoured, shielded and equipped with ship-level weaponry, the water-filled walkers were able to withstand several direct hits from RPGs before going down.

Armour: Heavy steel plates and shields.
Sidearm: /
Longarm: Harpoon Cannon/Missile Launcher/Heavy Laser Cannon.


The bestial Wendigo often found themselves stuffed into capsules and fired at an unshielded ship out of massive railguns. The ones that survived the trip were often enraged to the point of utter bloodlust, tearing the ship's crew apart with their claws, tusks and what little weaponry the Ashotur deemed safe handing them.

Armour: Scrap steel armour.
Sidearm: -
Longarm: Shredder Rifle/Dart Cannon.


The robotic slaves of the Ashotur made up the bulk of their army. Easily replaceable and completely devoted to their masters, the Vakauri marched forth without fear or remorse.

The most common sight on the battlefield, the Vakauri gunners looked humanoid, with digitigrade legs that allowed for impressive bursts of speed and large leaps. Their heads were ball-like with a large, central eye, granting them the ability to quickly scan entire rooms. While the earlier models had their weapons permanently attached to their arms, later gunners were equipped with actual hands, allowing for more sophisticated combat.

Armour: Synthetic muscle and alloy plates.
Sidearm: SMG/Laser Pistol.
Longarm: Dart Cannon/Assault Rifle/Shotgun.

Large Vakauri with extremely sturdy limbs, Ballistas were anti-vehicle units. Their most prominent feature was the barrel running the entirety of their spine, poking out behind their heads and giving them a “hunchback” look. These walking cannons could drop down on all fours and, after bracing with their claw-like hands and feet, fire a large-caliber shell easily able to pierce an unshielded vehicle.

Armour: Solid steel plates.
Sidearm: /
Longarm: Back Cannon.


The forcibly mutated servant race of the Ashotur often served as field officers, coordinating the Vakauri and sending in air strikes if need be. Well-trained and as vicious as their masters, the sharp-toothed servants were more than a match for their enemies.


A religious order of warriors devoted to the Ashotur's teachings of strength – beyond physical superiority – the members of the group, simply named Fiends by their enemies, were able to work themselves into a trance-like state during combat, ignoring all pain and shrugging off wounds while they marched forwards as one, their guns never stopping to fire for even a second. Their magazines were arranged in such a way that only one of a squad ever had to reload at a time. While their fronts were heavily armoured, their backs were almost bare, for a Fiend in a trance never turned to flee.

Astonishingly enough, the order still exists to this day, though they live in exile on a remote planet – as does the rest of their race. Any visitors are turned away nonviolently, but firmly, the order resisting any attempts at trying to study them. Not even the Telarin have managed to gain access to their scriptures, assumed to be the last remaining pieces of Ashotur culture.

Armour: Front covered by steel plates, back in synth weave.
Sidearm: /
Longarm: Automatic Dart Cannons. Solid steel tips.


When forced into ground combat, the Nnyarthall prefer ambushes and lightning-fast strikes over prolonged combat. In urban settings especially, Nnyarthall are extremely dangerous.


Please refer to the Nnyarthall entry of the database for info on the mantis suit.


When first encountered, roaches were thought to be a slave race to the Nnyarthall – until somebody opened them up and realized that inside indeed lay one of the Telarin's stepsons. Moving on all fours, the suit's unique structure of supportive muscles causes next to no strain on the wearer's body and allows them to move through tight spaces extremely quickly. Both their hands and feet are tipped with razor-sharp claws while being structured much like a gecko's toes, allowing them to stick to almost any surface. Additionally, the suit's spider-like mandibles are far from decorative and can strike extremely rapidly, allowing them to drill through most alloys and flesh alike. Roaches are the pinnacle of the Nnyarthall's ambush tactics and should not be underestimated on the fact they don't carry ranged weapons. Quite often they are already in range before their enemy even sees them, and the suit's powerful leg muscles make them extremely fast. To make matters worse, some roaches are equipped with a shock module instead of mandibles, allowing them to (quite literally) chew through shields extremely fast.

Armour: Green chitinous alloy plates with fluorescing dots along their back that can be turned off.
Sidearm: /
Longarm: /


Scarabs are rarely seen on the battlefield, often serving as commanders over other Nnyarthall. However, they should not be mistaken for feeble. Scarabs carry a massive carapace on their back that can be spread out to make them even more imposing, and their suits are decorated with a large number of fluorescent bulges. When in danger, they can lock themselves down inside their carapace, creating a seamless egg-like shape that nothing short of armour-piercing bullets can pierce. As a last-ditch measure, all Scarab suits come pre-equipped with a self-destruct mechanism, propelling the razor-sharp shrapnel of their suit all over the place.

Armour: Green chitinous alloy plates.
Sidearm: Heavy Pistol.
Longarm: Bug Assault Rifle/Bug Semi-Automatic Rifle
Re: The Database



2087 – In accordance with the Clathrate Gun Hypothesis, massive amounts of methane are released into the atmosphere due to global warming, causing said global warming to skyrocket, releasing more methane.
After weeks of debates, Earth's governments announce the Salvation project (forming the basis for the Directorate's later naming scheme), putting together the most capable scientists the world has to offer, first and foremost astrophysicists, in an effort to make space colonization viable and save the human race.

2089 – The Salvation project, based in Antarctica – traditionally neutral space to prevent any government from interfering – produces a safe shielded fusion generator that is small enough to power any vehicle. Though especially geared towards space travel, the reactor is quickly distributed to private companies. Human-made greenhouse gases plummet and buy humanity some time, yet methane keeps on being released.

In preparation for colonization, capsules filled with specialized Algae are launched at Mars from a specifically-built railgun to start producing a breathable atmosphere.

2091 – The Adam-1, Earths first manned interstellar vehicle, is presented to the public. An international team of architects, physicists, biologists and other experts board the ship and depart towards Mars.
The Adam-1 arrives towards the year's end, and construction of the Genesis station begins.

2092 – In regular intervals, the railgun delivers pre-fabricated building parts and algae towards Mars. Oxygen levels on the surface are rising steadily.

2096 – The Adam-2 is built and brings the first settlers to Mars.

May 4, 2098 – German scientist Florian Strenge presents the first functioning subspace rift device. However, ignorant of the effects of subspace travel, the first ship to enter a subspace rift, the Abel-1, is promptly crushed, giving the Salvation project the incentive to research energy shielding. None the less May 4th is a Directorate-wide holiday to this day.

June 11, 2099 – The Klarr make first contact with the Terrans, proposing a peaceful cooperation – wary of the human's tendencies to react violently to the unknown. They gift the humans one of their hiveships and – more importantly, some would argue – a technology to safely capture and condense airbound methane into a granulate that could be used similarly to petrol-based plastics.

June 23, 2099 – A group of human supremacists make an assault on the Klarr hiveship that was landed off the coast of San Francisco. With the combined efforts of Klarr technology and human tenacity, the coup is fought off.

2101 – With the Klarr's help, energy shielding and, subsequently, subspace traveling is perfected, granting humanity access to faster-than-light travel. In order to coordinate and supervise the human colonization efforts, the Allied Directorate, predecessor to the Terra Prime Directorate, is founded. In the following years, the Directorate would slowly take over all functions related to Terran interstellar travel.
Re: The Database



During the Great War, a Garikian cruiser with a damaged drive core had to drop out in previously uncharted territory, between two arms of the galaxy. Finding themselves adrift, the Garik sent out a distress signal – and attracted a Musran Hive Ship. The Alliance can thank the stars that this first contact went over so smoothly and that the Musran are on their side. Had they turned on them, their numbers would have been able to quickly overwhelm an unprepared Alliance.

Individually, a Musran is no threat. They are fairly diminutive, smaller even than the Kopak. They appear fairly humanoid, walking upright. Their entire body is covered in a soft fur that usually is grey or brown. Their faces feature a pattern of white spots and lines that is unique to each Musran. Along the back of their head and down their back they grow thick "spine" hairs, evolved to deter predators. Musran faces lack a nose – they smell by filtering the air they breathe through their mouth through a small organ tucked away in the roof of their mouth. It serves the secondary function of storing a small oxygen supply for when they are eating, almost like a small lung in itself. Their mouths are equipped with large, flat teeth that are able to gnaw through most kinds of material. Their ears are relatively small and positioned on top of their head, not unlike a feline's.
They have powerful leg muscles, allowing them to jump extremely high and far. In contrast, their arms are fairly slender, their fingers nimble with a short claw at the tip. By far the most disturbing – and at the same time interesting – feature is their regenerative ability and the mechanism that makes it necessary. Musran physiology allows them to release parts of their skin completely – a gruesome sight fit to drive away most civilized races. Their skin and fur will grow back shortly, leaving no scars or seams. Some Musran soldiers have lost half their skin at a time and still managed to come back no worse for wear.

The Musran society is based on large family groups they simply call Clans. Ranks within clans are ordered by age and number of offspring – an important value to the Musran, derived from the extremely hostile conditions on their arid homeworld. To ensure survival of their species, the original Musran had to breed extremely fast. As they evolved and climbed the ranks of the food chain, their numbers flooded their home planet and threatened to choke it. Eventually their elected monarch, the Great Khan, had to enforce a limitation on the number of children a Musran clan could have at a time – any excess offspring had to be culled. While this may seem drastic and tragic to outsiders, the pragmatic Musran took the regulation in stride. To them, it was merely another step to ensure their survival.

Musran travel in enormous space vessels called hive ships, often fashioned out of asteroids. They are mostly scavengers and traders, though Musran marines are cunning and hardy fighters that defend a hive ship to the death. Not being a member of the Alliance, Musran were not obliged to fight in the Great War, though many did so still. Their only major battle was the Battle of Ryeth IV, when an Ashotur Kraken attempted to slingshot out of the galaxy and re-entered in the back of Alliance space as planned. As soon as it attacked a Musran-inhabited world however, a cluster of hive ships descended upon the dreadnought. Their numbers eventually managed to outmatch the Ashotur's superior technology and proved them to be just as ruthless as their aquatic enemies.
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Re: The Database



Name: Alpha Xi 23-11 "Vigil"
Gender: Male
Race: Telarin Alpha Strain
Age: ?
Height: 6'6"
Eyes: silver
Hair: none
Even for a Telarin, Vigil looks enigmatic – or rather, his gravity suit does. The Telarin is clad in bright white from head to toe and almost seems to glow from within. The suit seems to be composed out of two materials – a softer, more flexible material with an imprinted hexagon pattern and a semi-rigid, almost leather-like, smooth alloy of some kind that protects the outside of his arms, his torso and the front of his legs. Towards his waist, the alloy splits at the sides and narrows into a surcoat-like loincloth that ends at his knees. His large, bulbous fingers and toes are wrapped in the softer material.

The only break from white that Vigil's suit gives is a narrow black line in his helmet, roughly where his eyes would be. It runs horizontally along his visor and juts up into a triangle in its middle. The helmet itself only consists of a strip of alloy roughly as broad as Vigil's face, running from an angular lower edge along the top and ending in a rigid crest that juts out about an inch past the neck. The sides and back of his head are only protected by the softer fabric.

Vigil is what a human would call a Bug Hunter, part of a group within the Alpha Strain that has focussed on dealing with the Nnyarthall. Their presence on the station, along with the resurgence of the Ashotur, was an issue of a high enough magnitude to make the dispatch of an Alpha seem necessary.

Crew members (if any):

Alpha Grav Suit – Vigil's suit is fairly standard equipment for an Alpha Telarin. This means it is still leagues beyond what human technology is capable of and, while certainly not indestructible, is tougher than it seems. It's precise capabilities are unknown, but it houses a propulsion system for outer space and a moderate shield generator, all seamlessly integrated into its smooth form.

Alpha 3807 Hard Light Generator (Laser Sword) – Somehow, the Telarin have managed to create light with a particle density so high it actually becomes tangible and, beyond that, almost impenetrable. With the correct reflector configuration the light can take several different shapes, from blades to spears to tools, all housed within a steel rod that was bent to accommodate the Telarin's unusual hand shape. However, its range is fairly limited – anything beyond 5 feet would cause the device to power down to prevent an overload. Also the device will power down as soon as it leaves the hand of the suit it is bound to – a safeguard both against accidental activation and theft.

Alpha 2654 Magnetar Approximation Device (Ray Gun) – As the Nnyarthall have found countermeasures to the Telarin's POLL technology, they have to employ different weaponry when hunting down their corrupt cousins. The ray gun that Vigil uses looks roughly like a normal rifle at first glance. Its barrel has the shape of a hexagon, elegantly twisted into a sweeping spiral along its length. The rifle's stock dips downward dramatically towards the end, looking like almost like the beard of an axe. However when the rifle is fired, all similarities to human firearms go out the window. A beam of high-energy particles explodes forward and seems to superheat an unshielded target in a heartbeat, leading to exceedingly gory results. The weapon's effect is brutal to behold - and yet the Telarin consider it merciful in its quickness to kill. Heavily armored targets are less affected by the beam, but the average Nnyarthall does not stand a chance. As a downside, the rifle's massive energy output quickly leads to overheating, making sustained use problematic. Alpha Telarin usually tap fire their MagnADs.


Name: Tau 300
Diameter: ~ 12 m

On first sight, the Tau seems to be a slightly larger version of a Telarin Alpha fighter, being perfectly spherical but lacking the ring-like rail. However, its Class 2 engine enables the Tau to follow enemies into a planet's atmosphere without crashing. Furthermore, the lower half of the sphere can split apart into four equal parts and act as fairly nimble legs, guaranteeing that no hostile can escape Vigil on foot. The most significant difference, however, is the Tau's smooth white hull, very similar to Vigil's grav suit.

The Tau's weaponry is hidden in compartments that can pop out of the ship's hull at a moment's notice. Just above the part of the ship that unfolds into the legs sit two pulse laser cannons, one on either side. The Tau's main gun, however, is a massive laser cannon on its right "shoulder," as it were. The sustained beam of light can easily cut through armor within a few seconds.

Unique Technology:
None that Vigil cares to share.
Re: The Database




Marsora try to stay out of ground wars as much as possible, preferring to bombard enemies from space.


Servants of the God Bhahal, Protector of Worshippers, these Marsora stay primarily on their homeworld, guarding the myriad of religious temples. Their bodies rest in heavily-armored suits, their helmets fashioned after their canine deity. Bhahalian Templars only ever leave the homeworld when the race in its entirety is in danger. During the Great War, the High Templar demanded that his troops would be allowed to join the battle, but the Clergy would not let them leave until the enemy was almost at their doorstep.

Armour: Blue steel alloy plates under a yellow tabbard
Sidearm: Powerful single shot pistols.
Longarm: Laser Rifles/Pulse Laser Rifles


The insectoid Am'Arum are without remorse or conscience, making them scarily effective soldiers and mercenaries alike.


Wights are the name given to the Am'Arum boarding specialists. These soldiers excel in ship to ship combat. The fearless Wights would often launch themselves across the emptiness of space towards an enemy ship out of airlocks and broken windows and enter through ducts and crawlspaces that would be too small or dangerous for upright-walking species. Once inside, the Wights would decimate the enemy crew with handguns and their venomous fangs alike. Adding to their unsettling effectiveness is their characteristic armour, featuring heavy steel plates along their back, decorated with spikes. On these spikes, Wights would often pierce trophies from their fallen enemies – skulls and shrunken heads seem to be especially popular. The more skulls a Wight carries, the more expensive his services are.

Armour: Black, spiked, heavy steel plates over silver synth weave.
Sidearm: SMGs/Shotgun pellet pistols, often in combination. All hands are armed.
Longarm: /


The bird-like Ittaax often utilize sonic weaponry, devastating their enemies with supersonic blasts and subduing them with shrill, extremely painful frequencies. Ever since they picked up space travel and found themselves fighting in airless environments, the Ittaax have been scrambling to find a similar method of combat and found it in the kinetic amplifier technology.


The Ittaax may strike aliens as quirky and uptight, but one should never forget that they dominated the food chain of their planet for thousands of years with speed and and power. The Bloodbeaks channel the essence of their ancestors, cracking skulls with their powerful beaks and ripping flesh apart with the diamond-sharp claws on their toes. Bloodbeaks employ hunting tactics, excelling at splitting up enemy groups and them tracking them down one by one, outflanking them and using ambush tactics without remorse. In order to stay as mobile as they are, their only armour are a helmet protecting the upper part of their beak and a few alloy plates along their front to protect vital organs. When fighting in environments that require sealed suits, Bloodbeaks instead wear light armour with knife-like talons and a helmet whose beak narrows into a blade, similar to an axehead.

Armour: Orange alloy plates on red synth weave.
Sidearms: /
Longarms: /


If the Bloodbeaks represent the past of the Ittaax, the songbirds most definitely represent their future. These troopers are heavily armored, their heavy plates elegantly designed with a feather motif. Strapped to their forearms are large, round shields that seem strangely antiquated, but actually contain emitters for either powerful supersonic blasts or shield pulses – either strong enough to create massive amounts of concussive force, incapacitating or outright killing hostile forces. To boot, these shields are made from extremely durable alloys, offering excellent protection from most kinds of gunfire.

Songbirds often serve as commanders to Ittaax squads, but exclusive Songbird squadrons are often employed as personal bodyguards of high-ranking officials. They often form phalanxes when forced into combat.

Armour: Polished steel plates on silver weave.
Sidarms: Pistols/SMGs, often used in phalanxes.
Longarms: Sonic Emitter Shields/Shield Pulse Shields

---PAN KOR---

Over their centuries of killing each other, the Pan Kor inevitably got very, very good at it. Abolishing weapons of mass destruction for what can be summed up as “not being fun”, the ungulates prefer combat to be up close and personal.


Very likely to be the most infamous Pan Kor troops, Marauders are the designated close quarter combat specialists of the Pan Kor tribes. While their armour is not that different from any other Pan Kor, Marauder Suits feature heavy, mechanical arm braces. That is because their signature weapon, the Hel shotgun, is so massive and has a kick so powerful that it would break even a Pan Kor's arm. Hels fire massive shells full of lead shot, each piece as massive as a conventional shotgun slug. Together with the weapon's vicious, barbed bayonet, this weapon turns any marauder into a mobile slaughterhouse in close quarters. However, their reliance on this shotgun makes Marauders somewhat vulnerable in open battlefields, having to rely on their armour and shields to soak up enemy fire long enough for them to close the distance.

Armour: Alloy plates over synth weave.
Sidearm: /
Longarm: Hel Super Heavy Shotgun.


To aliens, every single Pan Kor would be considered a juggernaut, but among themselves the term is reserved solely for these heavily armoured troopers. Produced by a single workshop on their home planet, only the largest and most vicious Pan Kor get to compete for the right to don these special suits – and Juggernaut mercenaries can demand astronomical fees for their services. The armours function similarly to terran HIT suits, making the Pan Kor even bulkier and many times stronger. Its design is angular, with large, jutting edges and often decorated with menacing imagery. Along its back are several stumpy protrusions containing the turbines that help cool the sizeable reactor the suit requires.
Integrated into the suits legs are a pair of powerful propulsion thrusters, allowing the Juggernaut to jump great distances or to barrel right into an enemy group. The boots also contain dampeners so the Juggernaut doesn't break its legs under its own weight from the impact. Once in melee range, the Juggernaut employs serrated forearm blades they can extend with a button press. Additionally, integrated into the bladed gauntlets are small, secondary thrusters, amplifying the power of a Juggernaut's punch with well-timed boosts, giving them the ability to literally rocket-punch an enemy.

Armour: Heavy, angular steel plates. Colour varies from tribe to tribe.
Sidearm: Heavy Pistols.
Longarm: /
Special: Rocket Punch Bladed Gauntlets


The relatively small and bony Xyr may not be the strongest race in the galaxy, but they are stubborn and hardy, refusing to back down even against overwhelming odds.


A nickname based on an old Terran myth about a man coming back to life, Lazari (sing. Lazarus) is a catch-all term for the Xyr's special brand of cybernetically augmented soldiers. It stems from the fact that only gravely wounded goatlings can apply to be augmented – wounded so badly they could never return to the battlefield otherwise.

Unlike Terran cyborgs, Xyranocapra are not content with simply replacing a limb. Instead, Lazari have their lost arms replaced with heavy weapons, eyes with laser beams and legs with tank tracks. Quite often, Lazari also have small ammo fabricators grafted to their bodies to extend the time they can stay in the field. Heavily augmented Lazari are often assigned a caretaker as it is rather hard to feed yourself when both your arms are machine guns or rocket launchers.

Armour: Varies. Double leg amputees with heavy steel plates, others alloy plates over synth weave.
Sidearm: /
Longarm: Heavy Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers, Miniguns, anti-materiel rifles




These diminutive aliens tend to rely on their astounding regenerative abilities in combat, remaining standing long after any alien would have hit the ground.


As their name suggests, the main task of these troopers is to guard the Musran's massive hive ships against enemy intruders. However, they also double as the Musran's primary ground force. Going into combat with light armour and weapons, Hive Marines excel at countering light infantry. Their weapons generally make up for their low punch with a higher rate of fire.

Armour: Alloy plates over synth weave.
Sidearm: SMGs.
Longarm: Light Assault Rifles/Low Caliber Automatic Shotguns.


Recruited from criminals and other Musran lowlifes such as children exceeding the one-child limit, Arsonists are often considered dangerous even to their own troops and as such are appointed “handlers” to keep them in line. If the handler dies, an implant releases a high-powered toxin into all arsonists, killing them nearly instantly. As such, handlers are generally the most heavily-armoured units the Musran deploy. Arsonists themselves are lightly armoured and extremely quick. They are equipped with incendiary grenades for area denial and crowd control, but can be issued standard explosives for space deployments or demolition jobs. Whenever the Musran know they have to fight heavily armoured troops or vehicles, Arsonists are sure to make an appearance.

Armour: Handlers steel plate, Arsonists alloy plate cuirass over synth weave.
Sidearms: Pistols for both.
Longarm: Taser Rifles for Handlers. None for Arsonists.
Special: Incendiary grenades/Explosives.
Re: The Database



The Arogok are a sapient race of amphibians, having obviously evolved from a species similar to Terran toads. Their bodies are squat, their limbs stout and muscular, ending in long, thing fingers and toes. Many people that see an Arogok for the first time are surprised by the stunning array of vivid colours and patterns their bumpy hide shows – but like in Terran frogs, these bright displays are a natural warning sign to ward off predators. The bumps on their skin produce a slick secretion that is highly hallucinogenic and, in extreme doses, lethally poisonous. They themselves are immune to their poison, but whenever the Arogok have to interact with other species, they are required to wear environmental suits. However, the Matriarchal Army has developed a way to work around that requirement – their armoured suits gather the Arogok's natural poison in hidden tanks. In cases of emergency, the poison can then be deployed into the air as a cloud or be sprayed as a concentrated beam. Inhalation or contact with the poison leads to sudden and complete muscle relaxation as well as vivid hallucinations. High enough doses can stop a human's heart. These suits are the main reason Arogok mercenaries have become more and more popular in the recent years.

Despite looking small and stout, Arogok are extremely powerful. Their powerful legs allow for stunning leaps and jumps, and their trunk-like arms put them on par (or even surpass) Terrans and Garik in strength. Their armored suits are heavily plated, and their reckless aggression can be fearsome. Virtually all Arogok mingling with the other species are male – often lowly soldiers and mercenaries without any hope of drawing the eye of one of their females. Arogok women control every aspect of their society. Formerly a purely sexual aspect of domination, this matriarchy has expanded far beyond the matter of which male gets to fertilize some of their clutch. The gender ratio is roughly 4 to 1 – for every four males there is one female, and in current Arogok society, breeding rights are important bargaining chips. Military officers reward their bravest and toughest soldiers with them, CEOs the smartest managers, politicians their most successful secretaries. Their society is entirely focussed on breeding – and yet, treats it as coldly and calculated as a Marsora treats their bank account. As stated above, those deemed unworthy of breeding often end up as mercenaries or have to sell their toxins to foreigners – so-called Licking Clubs have sprung up all over the shadier corners of the galaxy. To any honorable Agorok, that seems like a fate worse than death.