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The Dividing Line - Canteen

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
There is not much to say about the canteen. The main room consists out of rows of tables and benches for the crew. A flight of stairs leads up to the officer's mess, which is situated on a balcony above the main room. The kitchen is behind the counter and is equipped with everything a cook could wish for.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

(Bless you Rule <3 )

Krysta followed each load of food up to the canteen and when they were all situated in the back, she opened then up and began rummaging through them, judiciously storing most things in the freezer, and a few vegetables in the refrigerators. After programming the empty bins to return to her ship she grinned, humming to herself as she headed back to the command room.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Williams entered the Canteen's with a look of delight on his elderly face. "This is wonderful... I have everything I need!" He started pulling out ingredients, and got started on making a meal that no one would be able to forget.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Vance enters the Canteen to see a man making a man "You're the surprise? Not what I expected." he says flatly, looking around "Just so you know, the name's Vance. If you ever get an order from me for food, just know that I need a high amount of Glucose in my diet. Speaking of which, where is something high in it?" he says to the chef, looking around the Canteen
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"High in Glucose Hmmm? I know just the thing, just you wait." Williams pulled out some other ingredients and began to get to work. After a 30 minute wait he presented a large plate of . "Is this to your satisfaction master Vance?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"It's perfect!" Vance says with enthusiasm as he grasps the dish and tastes it "Very good. This tastes way better than the supplement drink I've been living off of" he says, eating the pasta and smiling at the sheer awesome taste of it "It tastes so good." he says, after gulping down his fifth bite "Good food, and highly nutritious for me. I'm glad we have a chef like you here"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Williams chuckled and bowed again, "It's entirely my pleasure. I live to cook."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Thank goodness we do. I have to get back to Medical, so just remember. If you ever get an order from me, you know to cook plenty of Glucose" he says, waving as he walks out of the Canteen and towards Medical
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Nadia walks into the canteen, unable to resist the temptation of actually fresh food, prepared by an actually alive cook. Her blue robe with the golden ornaments reaches to the ground, and her ocular modules glow in the shadow of her hood. As she walks, the tips of her black boots can be seen.
She comes up to the counter and inhales, taking in the scent. "Mmm, this smells heavenly", she calls out to the chef.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Williams smiled at her, "Ah madam. You flatter me."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

The Garik giggles under her hood and reaches out a slender, four-fingered hand. "I'm Nadia, I'm what passes for a commander on this station. So... I could go for something spicy." If Williams has ever been exposed to a Garik dish he'd know that their definition of "spicy" could make a sensitive human writhe in gutwrenching pain. Their home world is host to some of the hottest spices in all of the known galaxy.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"My lady, your tastebuds will thank me." He shook her hand and then got to work. In a few moments the aroma of a typical Garik dish floated out from behind the cooking range, and he stepped out bearing a plate. "Madam i hope this is to your tastes, i added a little something special."

(I have no names for things, but let's say he added liberal amounts of the spiciest spice from the traditional dishes.)
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Nadia's eyebrows raise as she is faced with a dish of T'Chrm goulash- a pig-sized rodent that the Garik use for food. Traditionally it's served with a potato-like plant in a stew, but on noodles like this is also common.
As the Garik takes a bite she can feel the spices in the sauce setting her taste buds aflame. She savors it for a moment before swallowing. "Mmm, that's perfect! Have you studied Garik cuisine? Not many Terrans can find just the right balance like this."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

He winked at her, "I can serve you any kind of dish from any friendly place in the universe." he boasted, "or nearly at least. I've studied the culinary arts nearly everywhere. I'm even sure i could make something even an Ashotur would die for. Too bad they're all already dead..."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Draven came upon the canteen just in time to hear Williams' remark, and couldn't resist. He was already in full mist form, and simply spoke from the door way. "How about Ingrali food? Know anything about that?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"You will note that i did say nearly everywhere." he said, a little offended, "I have never heard of the Ingrali before, to be frank."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Draven chuckled slightly. "I would have been amazed and impressed if you did know anything of our cuisine. Perhaps when this is over I'll give you a tour through our database of foods. Enough of that though, I am feeling like being simple today. I believe a nice steak would be quite lovely, if that isn't asking too much?"

He blinks as he spots Nadia, apparently having not realized that was who else was in here. "My apologies Nadia, I didn't realize you were here as well."
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Williams bowed "How would you like that cooked sir?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

"Quite well done, thank you." He smiles, obviously looking forward to the steak.
Re: The Dividing Line - Canteen

Nadia looks up from her dish. Quickly swallowing, she answers. "No, it's okay. We have so many other people in blue robes running around here."