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The Dividing Line - Command

Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia is sitting behind the desk, raises her head - and jumps as she sees an unknown figure standing in the door. Her hand already reaches out for the rifle on the desk as it dawns her. "Damn it Draven, don't scare me like that." Her eyes dart over to Sanya. "If things are THAT important we could go for a short walk."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

He shakes his head. "It's fine, I just didn't want to clutter up the radio with needless chatter that could be delivered in person, and sorry about that." He wisely decides not to mention about the Bentari form just yet, though he suspects she saw it already.

"I'm curious as to what exactly we're going to say regarding the live Ashotur back to the command. He is still alive, though currently incapacitated at the moment. Thall has placed him under some kind of protection law as well."

He trails off, his eyes moving to Sanya. "Is she alright?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia sighs. "Yeah, he took him as a P.O.W.. The Alliance has strict laws concerning it's captives. And because of the gun wound we probably can't transport him for a while. General Finster will be less than pleased. At least no one died."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven nods. "Yeah, though that bastard is smart. Knew exactly what method of attack I was going to use on him and how to defend against it. That means his species has encountered the Bentari before. Truth be told, I was trying to disable him to start with, though he got sniped."

He lowers his voice and adds, "and that shot was supposed to be a kill shot. It struck just below the breathing tank of the Ashotur. Another inch or two up and we wouldn't have a prisoner."

He shakes his head again. "Had I known we might be coming across potential prisoners I could have brought a stasis unit to support him fro transport. Unfortunately, the nearest one now is going to be about a half million light years away. Still..."

He seems to carefully choose his words now. "Still, he's a tricky bastard. I'm a bit concerned about him being able to escape. He's quite strong, much more than I gave him credit for. I won't make that mistake again. I have decided for now to hide what I really am from him, just in case we need a surprise."

Another moment and then, "so what are we going to tell the general then?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I'm going to tell him that The Dividing Line is up and running. I'll tell him that we encountered a mutation of the spores, and I'll tell him that we'll need more personnel. We can't run that station here on our own. We need more technicians, we'll need - I dunno, a nurse or something to assist Krysta. We'll need a bit of security so you guys can go out and do what you gotta do. Agh." Her fingers drum on the desk nervously, and she shakes her head. "And I'll tell him that we have a live damn Ashotur in captivity."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

He thinks for a moment. "Yes we'll need more people for sure here."

Another pause as he adds, "you going to tell him it was injured in a combat engagement or no? Chances are he's going to want details of what it was capable of in combat, which directs him to me."

A third pause and then he adds, "if there is ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING or any way that I can make that smoother for you, let me know. If need be I'll talk to him myself."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia cuckles. "Finster is no paper General, Draven. He knows that the Ashotur NEVER go down without a fight. And there is... video material of a single Ashotur clearing out a facility full with our men." Her voice has changed back to serious. "I think he knows that the Ashotur are scary motherfuckers."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

The elevator arrives at Command, Vance smiling as he walks out of it "Sorry I'm late, ladies and gents and...........Weird creatures which neither of those nouns relate to" Vance says, his arms hanging at his side "Sorry, I left my comm off in my suit, and I missed the whole confrontation. I fowled up, and I'm ready to accept my punishment" he says, stopping behind Nadia and bowing, his hands stiff against his sides
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I meant no disrespect nor was I trying to imply that he was Nadia."

It's clear he has taken her words the wrong way, failing to catch the humor she is putting out on it.

A thought occurs to him suddenly. "You said there is recorded parts of an Ashotur in combat? I'd like to study those, just in case. Call me paranoid, but I am beginning to wonder if I may need it."

His eyes drift over to where Vance has arrived, and he steps aside slightly to allow the other man some room.

Turning back to Nadia he adds, "What of Sanya? She looks like she may want to go to the Medical Bay, what the hell happened here?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia turns towards Vance and gets up. Not being able to see her face has to be a bit unnerving as she seems to stare at him through the glowing green goggles of the mask. She starts to speak after a while. "Well, I don't think you're suited for standing guard. I guess you're a man of action more than discipline. That's okay. You're not a soldier anymore. We'll find something for you to do." The Garik turns back towards Draven. "You're probably going to find it here in the station's database. As for Sanya - she plugged herself into the Bionic Interface. Mara asked her to go to the infirmary, but she declined. She is asleep at the moment." She sits back down and sighs.
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Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven looks over to her and says, "from the way she is sleeping, I'd wager she probably COULDN'T have made it there alone. If you want I can try to carry her there?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Bionic Interface? Isn't that a tad dangerous on one of these Space Stations?" Vance says, looking over at Sanya "Anyway, I apologize for not being able to show you what I can do" he says, his smug attitude showing once again "At least I don't need anymore sleep for the next day or so" he says, straightening back up, a smile plastered on his face, his right hand reaching for his sunglasses "I kinda hope to fight this Ashotur sometime. I want to test my combat abilities against one of these alleged 'Killers'" he says, pulling out a pair of orange sunglasses and placing them on his face, his smile turning into a smirk
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia lowers her head for a moment before looking at Vance again. "Well, he's a prisoner of war, not a circus clown. You'll get your chance when he tries to break out. And yes, that would be good", she says towards Draven.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Mmnnmmm...." Sanya grumbled, waking slowly. Where did she go to sle-... she fell asleep on the bridge, that's right. Probably not the best place.... Not that these people would let her sleep anyway. Her eyes opened, before looking around in a definite daze.

Huh... there were more people here than when she went to sleep, right? 3 is more than one.... She just blinked, as she tried to get her mind working again. Her head still worked like heck, but... it felt a bit better.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven nods back at Nadia before offering one bit of advice to Vance. "IF you do end up fighting that thing, watch the reversal he pulls."

Looking back one last time at Nadia he adds, "if you need me, just call. Good Luck."

He heads over to Sanya's bed side, and then changes back into his true form, making certain he is solid enough to carry her. Then he gently lifts her into his arms, and heads off towards the Medical Bay with her.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Aw......I wanted to bash it's face in" Vance says, raising his arms and flexing them "The strength of three men, all in the size of one. Thank my crazy parents for that" he says, laughing as he lowers his arms "I could probably kill that little alien with a single punch. At least, that's what I can do to a human" he says, his smirk changing to a wide grin, showing his teeth
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Sanya felt herself being lifted.. and then carried. What was going on? she wondered, still too dazed from waking to tell. It felt oddly safe, whatever was happening.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I think you would be well advised to look at that footage I told Draven about. An Ashotur versus a facility full of our men. The facility lost. The Ashotur ran out of ammo in the first hall, Vance. He tore the rest of our soldiers apart with bare hands and that damn big teeth he got. We have got one of those in our medical bay, shot in the back after it almost ripped a Bentari to ribbons." All of this is brought forth in a cold, factual tone. "I don't think you understand what we were up against."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I would have killed it anyway. Have you even seen any footage of me fighting?" Vance asks, cracking his knuckles and chuckling to himself "I was referred to as the 'Human-Tank', back when I fought alongside foot soldiers. Although, I don't know if any of them are alive anymore. We severed connections after I finished my term of service" Vance says, remembering his fighting days "Speaking of Bentari, I recall fighting one. Man, that bastard had some strength. I outmatched him in terms of agility and brains, but.........That's a story for another day" he says, realizing that he was ranting about himself, as he usually does when reminiscing
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I could not be more impressed right now. I would beg you on my knees to be allowed to suck your dick, but the General will be calling back soon, and I can't talk with a mouthful." Nadia's tone, if that's possible, has turned even colder. The despise is clear. "Now stop showing off and leave my office, or I may lose control."