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The Dividing Line - Command

Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"What makes you think I'm interested in sex?" Vance says, smiling as he turns and walks towards the elevator "If you need me, I'll be training in the Hanger" he says, taking the elevator down to the Hanger
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia growls and her hand twitches towards the rifle again. "Arrogant prick", she says under her breath.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Draven's voice cuts in again.

"Nadia, we've reached the medical bay, just thought I would let you know. Sanya is awake, saying she's fine, but I personally want to be certain. Will fill you in on her condition as soon as I know more."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

A while after Draven's call, another one come through. "Umbral to Command. I've got a couple of questions."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I'm listening." Nadia leans back in her chair. She has used the time to get rid of the Space suit. Underneath she wears some kind of leather catsuit.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"First off, how is the quarters situation going to be handled, if you know? I seem to recall the contracts mentioning something about those of us on this mission being considered part of the Line's new crew."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia hmms and brings up a map of the station. "Ah, yes. The quarters. From the hangar, go to the stairway that leads up to the medical bay but walk past that. The corridor will lead you straight to the quarters. Tell the others if you can."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Understood. My question was more intended to ask how the quarters were going to be assigned, if there was any kind of plan, or just first call. Also, is there anywhere on the station that is set up for...well, set up for working on new weapon designs?" A short pause. "Asking, since back on the Brilliance, I mentioned to Thall that I had, on one occasion, used a somewhat unusual method for design and construction of some pieces of equipment, as well as basically doing the normal method of weapons design as a bit of a hobby. With everything that could possibly happen in this sector...having some unexpected surprises of our own could be a benefit."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"No, I figure everybody can pick their own. As for your hobby..." Nadia places a finger on the map and pushes upwards, scrolling through the levels. Nothing, nothing... Ah. "Near the bottom of the station is a rather big area called Experimentation. Not quite sure what they did there back then, but it's lockable and fireproof. Use the elevator in the hangar and just press the lowest button. Wait..." Nadia leans forward as she studies the map. "The door is locked. Hm, strange. I'll unlock it for you."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Hangar elevator, lowest level. Understood." A pause, and then something else can be heard muttered over the channel...likely Umbral forgot to shut his transmitter off. "Probably shouldn't mention my gut reaction on hearing that..."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia grins behind her mask, but comments nothing more. Rather, she takes a data stick and sinks it into a slot next to the monitor. A sequence of numbers run by, and a door deep in the bowels of the station unlocks.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

After dropping the newly thawed person off at Medical, Umbral made his way up to Command and, after looking around, headed for the commander's office. "A moment, if possible."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia closes her eyes for a second. Got to remember to hire somebody that deals with the small stuff. Can't give out directions all the time. "Yes, what is it?" Her voice, on the other hand, remains polite as she leans forward.
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"It's about the person I've defrosted. Couple things, actually. First, he identified himself as Zachery Roland. Second...There's something about him that strikes me as a little odd," Viper responds, getting straight to the point. "Everything I've heard about cryo seemed to imply that there would be a period of sub-par performance after revival, but he left that tube like someone leaving the head."

((The head refers to the restroom on naval ships and installations. Seemed logical that the same facilities on a space station would have similar designation. Will edit if Rule requests.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Nadia seems to look at Umbral for a moment. "And you left that strangely capable person on our medical bay, practically unsupervised? With a wounded Ashotur that's due for waking up soon? Couldn't you phone in?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I will keep this in mind for the future, then. Of course, Thall's shield thing is still around the Ashotur, as far as I could tell. Everything I've heard about those indicates that they're fairly difficult to pierce," Umbral pauses for a moment, then adds, "Well, I suspect as soon as he gets clear, he'll probably be either heading this way, or contacting over the comm. His entire demeanor reads to me as one used to following orders."

Another pause, then a few more words. "I won't ask anything more about this situation. It just occurred to me that there may be more to him that I first suspected. If that's the case, then I'm probably not cleared for that information. Unless there's anything else, I will head back down."
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Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Wait. Sorry. Didn't mean to sound accusing. How do you know he won't pose a threat, though? He just walks out there like out of a head, as you called it. What else could he do?" Her head leans down as she studies the monitor in her desk. As she speaks again a frown swings in her voice. "Can't access the data from Experimentation here. It seems their server has no connection out. This is getting interesting."
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"I can't say that I've got an answer for your second question. However, like I said, there was a distinct air of discipline about him. Like a well-trained soldier. If he's here, in the location he was found in, I would personally say there's a high probability that he's going to follow orders from someone in a command position," Umbral replies. The second part of Nadia's statement catches his attention. "It does seem a little odd...You know better than I what procedure in situation would be. What's your call?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

"Well, somebody has to go down there and put a cable from their server to our system." Nadia reaches up and nudges at her mask before sighing. "Listen, I have to give that report soon, and I could use a bit of time out of this. In the darkness. If you wouldn't mind?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Command

Umbral merely shakes his head. "If need be, I can run the cable myself."