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The Dividing Line - Station

Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Krell leans against the wall at the front of the line behind Ko, the metal groaning from his weight shifting onto it as he folds his arms patiently. "Doc should have everything on me. Don't see why I need to stick around and break more needles." he says, his gaze shifting to look sidelong at the Priestess with readily apparent disdain.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"If you're referring to me, Krell, then you may have to stick around. i only have a genetic sample, if the good -medical- doctors require more than that, then I cannot provide. That said, you're free to return later, I don't think Maria expected half the station to appear all at once." Caitlin told the Pan Kor, not looking up from her own work.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Just back here," Maria smiled reassuringly as she led the other back to the curtain enclosed area. "If you want me to be the only one back there, I can." Then he heard Krell's grumblings and spoke up, "I need to get a physical baseline for you, but you can come back later if you're busy, you know."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Ko follows along to the directed area, and allows Maria to pull the curtain over, then stands waiting for a moment. Then it dawns on her that Maria probably wasn't going to be able to do her job whilst the patient was wearing a full vac-suit. "Oh! Right! Gimmie a second..." she utters, as she begins to take off the suit. Starting with some stubborn looking clasps near the hips, followed by two more on the shoulders, and some kind of strap at the back, she removes and places aside her small jetpack and grapple launcher system. Following some more fiddling and the click of something releasing, a tiny hiss of gas signals her helmet unsealing, which she then opens upwards at the back to either side and pulls off forwards. Revealing to Maria the moderately pale face of a young girl, with fiery ginger hair, currently tucked back away from where the visor would be by a thin hair band.

(Reference image for Ko and her helmet... )

She places the helmet aside and continues to unseal an area at the top of the suit, which opens up enough for her to pull her arms out and slide it down, looking surprisingly uncomplicated for a pressurised suit. She stops when it reaches her hips, and letting go of it the suit infacts hangs there a little oddly. Speaking in a voice very much unlike the one that normally comes from the helmet, "The suit is attached to my robot legs here, but I can still detach it if you need so." she states in a matter of fact manner pointing at around where her leg joined her hip, whilst looking up to Maria again now. She had the look of someone that was finding the ordeal very slightly awkward, but was clearly just trying to be business like and not fuss.

Underneath the suit she was wearing simple skin tight grey underwear of some kind, though not of a cloth like fabric. Oddly the inside of the entire suit was lined with some kind of thick transparent gel, plenty of which was still coating Ko. A little bit in the ends of her hair. Whilst Maria replies she takes off the hair-band also, and shakes her head a bit.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Talen and Reno moved silently, yet quickly, to the Command Center. Since everyone else on the station seemed occupied, Talen decided this would be the perfect time to do a bit of snooping around. He opened the door and stepped inside, then turned to face Reno. He spoke on a private channel to avoid eavesdroppers.

"Guard the door. Anyone tries to get in, stall them. If they persist, you have permission to neutralize them."

Reno gave Talen a crisp salute. Despite her childish demeanor, she was all business when it came to completing a mission. "Stall them how?"

"Get creative. You're good at that." With that, Talen left Reno saluting a closed door. Making his way over to the main console, Talen looked for an I/O port. Once he found one, he pushed a lump at the base of his neck, causing a cord to pop out right above it. Drawing the cord out as long as was needed, he slowly pushed it into the port. There was a low humming noise as the end of the cord morphed to fit the right shape. Talen then turned his attention to the keyboard.

Kars had planted the seeds of curiosity in Talen, and now he was bound and determined to find out what was inside that dark spot in the station. Time to put all of his skills as a hacker to the test. But first, he had to take full control of the station's security systems. "Shouldn't be too hard," he thought to himself.

On the other side of the door, Reno dropped her salute with a sigh. She was used to Talen acting like this, but that didn't mean she had to like it. Reno sat down with her back against the door, blinked her eyes a few times to bring up a virtual console, and started playing video games.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Krell grumbles and turns his head away from Maria. "There's nothing for me to do here until we get more security personnel for me to boss around. Or more guns to put in the armory. More guns is a good idea." he says, a look of mild annoyance on his face.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Maria blinked, her only outward sign of startlement. "You're..." she trailed off, "I'm sure there's a reason you're hiding. You can leave the legs for now." She smiled and a compartment on each of her arms clicked open. She pulled a pen out of one, shut the other with an annoyed snort, and grabbed a file from the table. "How old are you? What would you like me to list as your... species on the official paperwork?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Oh, uh, yeah." Ko answers, tying the arms of her suit round her waist, then scratching the back of her head, and then scratching a bit more, taking advantage of the non helmeted time. "I don't really need or mean to uh, hide, whilst I'm here. It's just habit. Out in the frontier, it's just better for people to think you're a big Kopak rather than a small Human." she explains.

"I'm uh... actually I don't know exactly, but about... thirteen, bio...logically? If excluding cryosleep I mean. I got stuck in a pod for a long time, when I was little. Don't remember anything from before getting woke up. And uh, what do you mean? Isn't that already on there?" She answers, the last part regarding the species question. Her eyes had followed the pop out section on Maria's arms and the pen that was drawn from them. Ko didn't have any nifty pockets like that. She wondered what she could keep in them if she did.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Nadia sighed and got up, stretching her legs from the uncomfortable position for a moment. "Let him pout then. Better than reducing our space station to rubble... even more," she added with a sigh. "Commander, if you could put him... back together, as it were, and assign him a room in the quarters. Might as well grab one of your own while you're at it." A quiet "blip" could be heard, and a frown showed on her face. "It seems I have matters to attend to. If you'll excuse me." She turned to leave, but stopped after a few yards when she saw Draven waiting a bit to the side. "Draven! Can you walk and talk at the same time? Somebody just set off an alert I didn't know I had installed."
As soon as Talen got into the station's systems and started searching for the blackbox, it was like he poked a hornet's nest. All out of a sudden, dozens of security programs came online and started attacking the cyborg's own systems. Thankfully, the viruses they tried to unleash were horribly outdated, but at the same time they flooded his main memory with piles upon piles of junk data. Here and there, Talen could catch a glimpse of something relevant, but it got flushed away before he could get a good look at it.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven nodded curtly as he fell in line next to her.

"Absolutely, and wonderful, sounds like bad news, just when I was about to give some possible good news. I may have come up with a way to solve one of our outstanding issues that we talked about earlier, but Vigil and I need your help with making it work."

It probably would be clear what he was referencing about, but he wanted to talk to her out of earshot of the others on it due to the nature of said issue. She might also be unsure if she was going to like what he was going to ask her to do considering said issue as well.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Victor sighed as he put Paddy's suit back together, then told him, "Alright, let's go get quarters. And if I hear one unauthorized explosion out of you, I'll have you vented." Muttering was heard in response from the suit, likely nothing pleasant.

After getting the quarters worked out, with Victor's own as close to the docking bay as he could manage, Victor left Paddy to pout in his quarters while he spent time inspecting the more "public" areas of the station, such as the mess area.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Maria shook her head, "It was left blank on the records." She ticked off a few things from her list. "All right. Could you lay back on the table? This is going to be a little invasive. If you feel uncomfortable at any time you let me know, ok? I just need to feel for any abnormalities in your muscle and bone growth."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Hrmm." Ko murmurs in response to the race section having been left blank. Didn't much matter to her whether that got corrected or not. Looking to the table she blinks for a second, before hoisting herself up and round onto it with a quick hop. "Right..." she answers simply, her expression twisting to the side just a little with a slight look of restrained hesitation that was likely a fairly common sight for the medic. "What kiiind of abnormalities?" she adds laying down now. Shuffling and fidgeting on the table for a moment before settling better.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Draven! Can you walk and talk at the same time? Somebody just set off an alert I didn't know I had installed."
As soon as Talen got into the station's systems and started searching for the blackbox, it was like he poked a hornet's nest. All out of a sudden, dozens of security programs came online and started attacking the cyborg's own systems. Thankfully, the viruses they tried to unleash were horribly outdated, but at the same time they flooded his main memory with piles upon piles of junk data. Here and there, Talen could catch a glimpse of something relevant, but it got flushed away before he could get a good look at it.

Talen flinched as the spam assaulted his cyberbrain. The effect was similar to finding yourself in a loud, brightly lit room after having taken off a blindfold and ear plugs. At best, it was disorienting. Warning signs flashed in and out of his vision as well, letting him know that at least his electronic defenses were fully functional.

"Talen, is everything okay? I'm getting a cyberattack warning."

"Just... ...chy. ... systems ... horr... ...dated... annoying." The sheer amount of data was slowing down some of his other processes, including wireless communication.

"You don't sound okay. Need me to help?"

"No... stay... ...guard..."

"If you say so." Reno shrugged her shoulders and went back to playing games.

Eventually, the spam attack subsided. Rather than try and make sense of everything right then, Talen decided to just record what he could to analyze later. Most of it was worthless, and he doubted that anything useful would come out of it, but you never know. Despite this, he was still able to take control of most of the station's systems, but was still denied access to the "black box." Now that he was fully unhindered, he decided to poke around and dig up as much as he could, careful this time to try and avoid any more surprises.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

work is murdering me, I do apologise

Maria smiled, "Things like abnormal bone shape, or density. Areas that should be developing normally for a young girl like yourself, but aren't. It won't hurt, I promise."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Oh. Well I spent most of my life so far on a fringe world with 1.1G, but the last two years I've been spending quite a while in space too." Ko replies with a bit of information she thought might be relevant. "Back when I was on sale they were advertising me as having 'S grade Earth DNA' or something." she adds, letting Maria continue with whatever she was going to be doing.
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Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Maria nodded and jotted something down on her paper, "I see. Alright, just lie still for me, this will only take a minute." She then went around the bed and began to carefully feel the outline of Ko's bones through her muscles and then probed more gently at the muscles themselves. When she had finished she smiled brightly, "You check out just fine. I just need to swab your cheek for the DNA sample and you can get back to anything I happened to interrupt. And, just so you know, if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here. Alright?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Other than the odd blink and ticklish twitch, Ko just lies still with a slightly bemused expression on. "I check out? Not a mutant then? That's good to hear I guess." She replies as the swab is brought over. "Oh, liek fhis? Aaaah..." opening her mouth wide for the cheek swab.

Maria would find that the girl seemed surprisingly healthily built for a spacer. Her muscles not showing any of the very common signs of neglect or degeneration. Clearly she'd been following some form of properly designed workout routine. It would be fair to call her rather athletic even.

Ko goes about pulling her suit back on and sealing it up properly, and picks up her helmet again. "Alright. Sure." she replies to Maria's offer of someone to talk to, with a small smile, before she puts the helmet on again and closes it around her. "Seeya then." her distorted voice croaks once more, as she retrieves the tiny compact shotgun she'd set aside on the table, and passes back a casual wave as she steps out through the curtain.

Maria would be left needing to clean the slick slippery suit gel off of her hands before she proceeded with whatever was next.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Maria grimaced at the mess left o the table and scrubbed it off, whistling a toneless melody to herself before she poked her head out from behind the curtain, "Next please!"
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Caitlin looked up from her own work, giving Ko a nod and smile as she walked past. Deciding not to just rush for the door immediately, she glanced around, wondering if the population of the room had changed while she was preoccupied.

If the other crew members had filtered out, she'd set her datapad aside and roll up to Maria at the door, giving her an amused smile. "Well, shall we?"