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The Dividing Line - Station

Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Maria grinned at her, "I'm sure you could do this in your sleep. You've got the samples and a detailed physical squirreled away somewhere already, don you?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

“Self examination every month, full battery of tests.“ Caitlin admitted, smirking. “But it‘s about time for another, and one filed without bias would validate some of the trends i‘ve seen emerging. Also, i‘m sure you‘re much more practiced than i am overall, my medicine is more theoretical than practical, for the most part. Besides, should be interesting, don‘t you think?@
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"To compare findings?" Maria mused, "Could make for a decent study, if nothing else. I don't plan on getting involved near the fighting again, and this could while away the time that F- the others are going to be gone."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Yes, there's at least one other here capable of being the combat medic, I doubt either of us will be called on to leave the medbay for something like that." Caitlin agreed, rolling herself next to the exam table and hefting herself onto it slowly.

"So, begin when you're ready, Doctor." She said with a smile, holding her arms out wide.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Nadia turned her head and nodded at Draven curtly. "If it is what I think it is, we will have to talk in private. Come into my office tonight." They climbed the stairs to the Command Center in silence and turned the corner, only to see Reno sitting outside its door. Nadia stopped in her tracks for a moment. Then, she underwent a subtle, but noticeable change. Her posture straightened, and she lowered her head slightly, casting the entire inside of her hood in darkness safe for the ominous glow of her ocular modules. She did not walk as much as she glided up to the android. "If you are here, I guess it is either you or Talen that have set off the alarm. Now tell me... which one you should I blast out the airlock?" Of course, this would not kill them... but floating around space with little to no control over their body would be just as bad.
Talen would find that most of the general information had been wiped when the station had been abandoned. Prodding anything even remotely regarding the black box would undoubtedly cause another spam attack. There was one thing suspiciously missing from the files, however - Nadia's personal log. It was most likely stored seperately in her adjoining office, overlooking the command center through floor-to-ceiling windows.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Draven's only response was a nod himself, saving words for later. Upon seeing Reno however, he just shook his massive head, the neck joints making a popping sound as he did.

"How about both of them?"

((You'll have to let me know when 'night' is so I know when to bring Draven in.))
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Reno tilted her head and placed her index finger at the corner of her mouth. "Alarm? Airlock? Are we playing a game? And how are you doing that with your eyes?..." Reno leaned uncomfortably close to Nadia's face and stared into her eyes. At the same time, she opened up a private, encrypted comm channel with Talen. "Talen, we've got company. She seems mad."

"Well, I think I've gotten all I can out of here. I'm coming out now." Before he left, however, Talen would make sure to plant a few computer bugs that would let him access the command center and monitor everything for a safe distance.

The door opened and Talen stepped out, bringing himself face to face with Nadia. He gave a brisk nod of his head. "Commander. Fancy meeting you here." Then, he noticed Draven standing somewhat behind her. "Is something amiss?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Don't play coy, Talen," Nadia hissed from underneath her hood, unceremoniously grabbing Reno's head and shoving it out of her face. "Your digging set off an old alarm, and since I'm registered as the new CO, it made my HUD flare up like wildfire." She sighed and, in an attempt to keep her hands from shaking in anger, sunk them into the sleeves of her robes, gripping her arms tightly. "See, it is not so much the digging that is pissing me off. I can appreciate a go-getter attitude. I am pissed because you did it behind my back. And I'm sure you understand that with a base full of mercenaries, I can't let a thing like that slide. No, refreshen my memory. I saw you and Reno walk around without any suits when we took the station, right?"
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Talen crossed his arms. "That is correct. Androids don't need air, and my chassis could survive a pleasant stroll on the bed of earth's oceans. Probably. Such action would most likely void the warranty as well."

"Ah, Talen? PR would probably wipe my drives for saying this, but I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't-"

"I know, Reno. It was an expression." He kept his eyes fixed on Nadia "More importantly, Commander, I am of the understanding that our current objective is to both secure this station and restore her to operational capacity." One of his hands moves to his chin. "I am curious as to how you expect us to fulfill those objectives, when you aren't being candid about all the variables. Now, they may have replaced my stomach with a machine," Talen slaps his abdomen for emphasis, "but my gut tells me you know something about that dark section of the station. If there is something there that could impact our overall mission, I demand to know." Arms uncrossed, Talen moves forward until he is mere inches from Nadia.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"I am not questioning your motives. I am questioning your methods. Feel free to do the same." That was all the warning Talen got before he suddenly found himself encased into a stasis bubble. Reno underwent the same fate. Nadia had withdrawn her hands from her sleeves - only they weren't empty. Within them she held the Klarr's shield bubble pistols. "Thank you for volunteering," she said coldly. "HUD, open public comm link. Everybody, this is your CO speaking. Report to the hangar immediately for a... demonstration. Attendance mandatory. HUD, close public comm link." She turned her head towards Draven, nodding her chin towards the two frozen cyborgs. "Would you kindly lend me a hand? I have to hold the trigger down."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Victor sighed. Sounds like trouble already.

Stopping only long enough to haul Paddy along, he headed towards the hangar. Once there, he took up a position near the entry ramp for the transport he came on. Paddy, on the other hand, tried to mill about the hangar.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Already nearby and heading in that direction, Ko continues on towards the hangar, curious about what would be getting demonstrated. She had no idea, but it might be fun.

Kars wasn't too far off either, working outside the hull. He'd finish the piece he was working on, and then hop and swing his way towards the opening. Coming in to stand hanging from the ceiling near the lip of the hangar, arms crossed. He was natually also curious as to what this was about, although he also managed to note the tone that the commander had delivered the announcement in. He'd heard it before.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

The biologist paused as the CO‘s message came over the intercom, smirking slightly. “Or this could wait, it appears we‘re needed elsewhere.“ she said to Maria in a wry tone. Then she held out a hand. “Down is a little more difficult than up, give me a hand?“ she asked.once they had her sorted again, she made sure to grab her pad, then they were off to the hangar as well, Caitlin staying near the entrance.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

Krell, having decided to wander back to the Armory he now called home, stopped and looked up with a grin on his face. With a lumbering turn, he proceeded to head towards the Hangar, his footfalls echoing down the halls as he does so.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

((I am operating on the assumption he can carry them on his shoulders while they are in those bubbles without harming them. Will edit if not.))

Nodding once, without saying a word, Draven picked first Reno, then Talen up, draping them over one shoulder each, before lumbering off, carrying both at the same time like it was nothing. He made his way towards the hangar with them, making sure to stay close enough to Nadia to ensure the stasis actually held, not knowing for sure the range on those weapons.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

With heavily thumping boots, Fletch entered the hangar and leaned against a stray metal crate next to Caitlin, his face still full of soot from whatever he was currently working on. "Stars, I hope this is important. I am THIS close to-" "To fli-ip your shit a-again?" Hiram sauntered past them and actually raised his hand to push Fletch out of the way, but a growl from the shadows discouraged him. Lemmy slinked into the light and sat down next to the big, burly man. His short tail casually thumped against the floor, but the runner kept his snout (and metal jaw) pointed firmly in Hiram's direction. Behind the ram, Vlado and Phtaluth made their entrance. As has become custom, the two of them were in a vigorous, but polite discussion about the ethics, medicine or politics. Despite his cold behaviour, it seemd Vlado actually enjoyed the Marsora's company. On the other end of the hangar, Vigil emerged quietly from between the ships, standing aside stiffly. The Telarin has pretty much avoided anybody on the station, content with doing whatever the stars he was doing inside his vessel.

Fletch grumbled something into Hiram's general direction and folded his arms. "Hurry up, damn it," he growled towards the door that stubbornly refused to have Nadia appear through it.

As for the CO, she was standing just behind said door, having signalled Draven to stop for a moment. "Give me a moment, I..." She reached up and fiddled with her hood in a rare display of uncertainty. "I need to think about how I'm going to do this. Figure out the angle I'm going to take."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

A heavy thumping sounds out across the hangar bay, signalling Krell arriving as the others begin to gather. "The hell is with this station? It's like the blueprints were drawn by monkeys. Oh.....Wait......." he says, thumping towards the group in his lumbering gait. "Aren't Humans evolved from monkeys? I recall hearing that somewhere."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

We all have to start somehwere." Caitlin replied, glancing up at the massive alien. "Weren't Pan Kor some sort of scavenging amphibian at one point, for instance? Frankly, I'm surprised you knew about monkeys at all."
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"When you're the only non-Human who gives a crap about the frontier colonies, you tend to hang around a lot of humans. Over time you learn a lot of interesting things." Krell says, coming to a rest and tilting his head side to side to stretch his neck. "Like how apparently your planet was overrun by giant lizards millions of years ago. Or that you live off of the meat of other creatures." he says, one corner of his mouth curling into smirk, revealing his rather white, flat teeth, evolved for grinding up plants.
Re: The Dividing Line - Station

"Ah yes, the giant lizards. Good thing we developed spaceflight before they did, gave us the time we needed to destroy them." Caitlin answered with only a hint of sarcasm, nodding sagely. "And yes, Omnivores are fairly common on Earth. It's rare to see herbivores become so violent, however. Perhaps the violence came first, and herbivorous nature came after to compensate for food shortages, perhaps?"