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The Dungeon of Pleasure. Out Of Character Chat / Sign Up


Dec 9, 2008
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You're a simple human right? Yes you are but what is in the dungeon isn't. You wake up in a deep and dark dungeon, cold floors and the only light you see is torches around. Not one single person in sight, when you check your person to see if you have anything on. All you find is some peasant rags, clothes that look like they are suppose to be dish towels or were once used as dish towels. There is no visible exit but all you know is there is one door and after that, who knows? You can't remember anything that last happened but that last you remember there was a hand that covered your mouth and you were out.

Con: It works for a few actions but it primarily is used for your Health.
STR: This is your physical strength and is used for more physical actions.
SPD: Speed involves actions to escape, etc.. and your stamina.
INT: Works for actions involving mental actions.(puzzles, etc..-less intelligent, the less you will be likely to succeed on such mental actions.-)

STA: When stamina runs out you faint. Making you incapable of doing things.
HP: When your health runs out, you lose.

Since this is a test run on a completely NEW setup of mine. I'll leave details out but it -should- give everyone an escape as if nothing else theres random numbers involved into the equations to make or break people. As well as the stats. And note each does have a use. So don't neglect one just for the hell of it. :p

To go into a bit of a less talk here. Each time you beat a creature (kill it) you gain exp, as well as possibly random in certain aspects. When you level up. You get more points to use, etc.. But in this case if you are unlucky and meet a creature of higher level. You could meet a bit of a pickle as there is random modifiers based on level. There is actions based on the 'status' of your player and so on. So it will have rolls, stats, etc.. But since this is more of a test drive (could need bugs working out of it), I'll leave the set up hidden. But assure if I see its not working I can adjust it but without a player ran test run I can't for sure confirm if its balanced or at least, fun. :p

You will be a human only, a female preferred since there's more fun to torment a female versus a male. (not as many possibilities) BOTH are very much welcome. BUT ONLY HUMANS. :p

Creatures may hold a special ability and as it goes on I may actually add more to it. But think of this is, a luck + strategy game. With the twist of sex. lmfao Role playing what happens to you based on my post is welcome but it is not a must to put a lot of detail just makes the game more fun to read. :p

If I can get a few interested enough it'd be nice to have my own forum for it to keep each player seperate since this is gonna be more one on one. It'll be much easier to keep track of each player and not leave one behind since each will be in a different spot unless I have some unforeseen play in the game. (I wouldn't be against making them together but it'd get messier and harder to calculate since this is the first run of it.)

I'm not quite finished with the behind the scenes statisitics but I want to find interest or see if this is a waste of time. So post, questions as well and we'll see. I'm gonna work on it anyways as worse case I can perfect it and use it on something else. :p
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Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

While I'm all for new RP games here, would it hurt to formally introduce yourself before throwing game ideas out? Helps us get to know you better. Other than that, this does sound interesting, but seems very similer to Ryu's Arena of Lust in style. I'm going to have to abstain from this one though, I have enough stuff happening already for me, but best of luck with it.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

interest shown.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

I'll throw curious interest out there for you.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

Oooh, interesting.. but maybe its too late to sign up?
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

I've never done a game like this but it sounds like a lot of fun. I'd like to get involved if there is still room in the game.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

I will like to say I guess that may be a bit rude on my part but then, I am more of a technical one myself. My nickname is actually a cross between two sins. Wrath and Lust. I've used it for awhile since I started roleplaying over ten years ago. While I may not be as seasoned in the manners of D&D, etc.. I do roleplay alot on forums, etc.. More free based then statistic ones but I do love a nice roleplaying game and I play to try to work out my own set of rules for a RPG kind of game so this is more or less the test run on a much higher scaled game. I'm currently gonna go to college for video game programming and the likes soon as I get up enough money for a good college.

And as for Ryu's Arena of Lust...I did not read that or most of the current games. Only ones I did read were already closed and either started or yet to start but still closed.

As for those asking if theres still room. I shall not close entrance to this game, but if I get enough people signed up for such a game. I will hope to have my own section to keep everyone's in a seperate topic which would allow me to keep most everyone tracked and therefore keep me more based on thtat person and knowing who needs updates but overall I welcome anyone. :p

I'm still going over somethings due to the fact when I got finished here I came down with a horrible cold and some family memebrs have had some emotional issues. So overall its been hectic here. But I shall be opening this soon as I work just a couple more kinks out. While you all wait, suggest to me creatures you'd like to see. I may work them in [since each creature must be set up as well ahead of time :p]
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

I guess I'll throw myself into the ring as a player.

As for creatures: given the forum, tentcle beasts are mandatory. Also, however, a few other interesting things would be some sort of ooze or slime, and kobolds.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

This as a few of the previous posts have mentioned is pretty unique and so I think I'll display interest in it.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

yeah, i also have interest in tentacles xD
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

I guess I'll throw myself into the ring as a player.

As for creatures: given the forum, tentcle beasts are mandatory. Also, however, a few other interesting things would be some sort of ooze or slime, and kobolds.

I do already have a tentacle 'monster' in plan as well as more singular ones. [Possibly another variety]

And a 'blob' type of creature.(which would go along the lines of ooze or slime)

And a succubus/incubus type demon. Among a few others but mind you my names are horrid. Never been one to name a good person/thing/place.

However, I'm not sure I know what a kobold is. Care to explain?

As for the other two...It may not be so unique some elements of stats/etc.. have been inspired by other rpgs I've actually played. However, it still holds my unique touch in background and hopefully playablility. And for the one saying interest in tentacles...be assured, there is some. :p XD
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

kobolds are basicaly like reptilian goblins except weaker. Their only real advantage is they like to swarm things.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

I might be interested in joining this.

If you aren't already, you might consider mainstream mythical monsters for this (werewolves, minotaurs, lizardmen, etc), but pretty much anything goes on this forum :D
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

I might be interested in joining this.

If you aren't already, you might consider mainstream mythical monsters for this (werewolves, minotaurs, lizardmen, etc), but pretty much anything goes on this forum :D
Or really were-anything. In Polynesia they have were-sharks, so it doesn't need to be wolves. However, that would make you wonder if lycanthropy (the were-creature disease) can be sexually transmitted. Also if you do use several mythical creatures as opposed to fantasy ones, you need to use mummies. Everyone loves their mummies.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

If you wanna steal some critters from GenX, give me a PM. There's plenty to work with.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

I'll hold a spot here, but would like to see a working concept character sheet to work with before I make a character.

As for enemies, I'll toss out this idea:

Doppelganger enemy: A genderless demonic servant that can assume the exact form of it's victim or target, making them have to fight themselves.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

I'm also still interested, it sounds like fun.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

This actually sounds scarily close to a PBP that I'm currently working on. Hm. If you have a free spot I'd be interested in joining.
Re: The Dungeon of Pleasure (PbP/RP) - Interest?

Well as long as the were-whatever gives the target a hickey during intercourse, lycanthropy should be transmitted.:p