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The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri would notice that momentary lapse in the vampire's resistance. It was something she knew from her skill at taming animals. It was the way that any prideful, strong beast looked when its will was faltering and it began to consider obedience if only because it was the easier path. That hazy look in Liselotte's eyes and the way she struggled to refute the dragonkin's claim were all the hints the tall warrior needed to reveal the beginnings of submission in the vampire. So Nocri pressed the attack by forcing another humiliation on her new 'wife.'

She stole a kiss. Nocri pressed her lips against Liselotte's own and forced her tongue into the other woman's mouth. It was a mockery of a proper kiss between spouses if only because of how closely Nocri tried to mimic one despite having just raped her partner in it. Much as she'd set about conquering the rest of the other woman's body, she conquered the vampire's mouth. The dragonkin passionately swirled her tongue around her forced bride's for as long as she could get away with until either she needed to breathe or the vampire began struggling. Either way, after a few minutes of that Nocri got onto her knees and stood up, gingerly picking up Liselotte and carrying her as she did so since she was still stuck inside her partner. By then her knot had only just began to deflate, allowing a flood to escape the spirit wielder's overburdened womb.

"I think it's time for us to return to the feast hall now," Nocri remarked with a grin. She, of course, had no intention of giving the other woman any say in the matter. "I think I'll show off my new bride to the rabble...."
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte felt a tug from the point where they were still connected as the dragonkin moved, but the knot remained locked firmly in place, even if it did seem to be slowly shrinking. She didn't even realize what the other woman was trying to do until it was too late, any attempt at protesting being cut off by the lips pressing against hers. She was stunned for a moment at the surprisingly gentle gesture—at least compared to her previous actions, because the dragonkin's kissing was as aggressive as everything else she did.

She didn't have any resistance left in her at this point though, not until she got a chance to recover a little, at least, so she could only let the dragonkin do what she wished. The tongue danced with her own for a full minute, though Liselotte herself had little active part in it, before some clarity finally began to return to her. Liselotte squirmed under the dragon's weight, weakly trying to disentangle herself, but that only served to pull against the knot once again.

Her eyes narrowed into a glare as the dragonkin forced her tongue further into the vampire's mouth. If she was going to make it that easy... Liselotte had to take the chance. Before the dragonkin dragged her back to the feast hall, where everyone would see. Pulling her own tongue back, Liselotte bit down, just enough for her fangs to break the flesh, letting the paralyzing venom spread. She could only hope that was enough to stop the dragon, because it if wasn't, she was going to be even angrier.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri had been expecting that her partner might bite her tongue, but she really hadn't been expecting the bite to be venomous. It spread fast, too. The dragonkin's joints refused to move even as Liselotte made an ultimately futile effort to pull free of her. The vampire just barely escaped the deflating bulge before Nocri regained enough control to counteract the poison in her system with her shapeshifting and get hold of the other woman again.

Yet, though she gripped the other woman much more tightly, she didn't outwardly show any anger. At least not immediately. More than angry, she felt sorry for the other woman that she was unable to accept her new lot in life. But at least Nocri would enjoy dispensing a lesson with which to help her. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" The dragonkin tsk-ed. "Though, if you really wanted to save your dignity, shouldn't you have done that earlier when I had you upside down? When you might've escaped before I filled you with my seed? Or were you afraid I'd take it as an invitation to use your mouth?" She taunted, her sadistic grin returning.

"I want you to know, I really was going to try to be nice. All I wanted in return was for you to accept your place. But if you won't... well, I'm willing to teach you the hard way." The dragonkin would set the vampire down and immediately rip her remaining clothing off, exposing her full nudity. Once the other woman was nude, Nocri grabbed the end of her hair like a leash, before pushing the former human down onto all fours using her plated boot as a guide. "If you want to act like a feral beast and bite the woman you should be obeying, then you will be presented as a beast until your manners have improved to befit a goddess's bride. Let's go, pet."

Nocri would begin to lead the vampire on all fours by her hair as if it was a leash. Having claimed victory and finished with her prize, a door would surely open soon so that they could return and she could continue her new bride's lesson. And she intended on dragging the naked Liselotte through to the feast hall regardless of the vampire's opinion on the matter.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

As soon as Liselotte had ensured enough of the venom would have made its way into the dragon's system she pulled out of the kiss, trying to pull herself free of the now-frozen woman's grip. The worst part was the knot, which while deflated from its full size, was still far too large for her to pull herself off of easily. A veritable torrent of the seed that had been locked inside of her flowed out of her the moment she managed to finally pull herself off. Unfortunately, that brief delay had been too long, and before she could even fully slide herself off of the dragonkin's enormous shaft, she was grabbed again.

"I told you... I am not your bride! You've had your fun, now release me!" Liselotte barked back at the dragonkin, but her words did nothing to keep the woman from tearing the rest of her clothing off. A sharp cry of pain came next, as the dragonkin grabbed her by the hair and forced her down onto the ground, her foot doing the rest of the work in keeping her down, impotent rage building. She was no beast! How dare this rapist call her one, and act like she was doing her a favour the whole time?

Yet there was nothing she could do but follow as she was dragged back towards the entrance to this place, being dragged along on all fours by her hair. It was humiliating, yet like everything else there was nothing she could do to fight it. She grit her teeth hard enough that her jaw began to hurt, but grudgingly did as she was commanded. Her escape attempt had failed, and she knew it would only get worse if she tried again, she would have to bide her time for now, no matter how humiliating it was.

(This fight is now over. The rest continues here.)
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

(Already have an opponent. BEST TWO OUT OF THREE)

A few days later and the dragonkin was back in the fields of battle. Her 'wife' had slipped away after their honeymoon and Nocri had been unable to locate her again afterward, though she wasn't concerned about it. It was a shame to have lost track of such an interesting toy -- a vampire and a spirit wielder, the dragonkin had discovered during their time in the bedroom -- but she'd already taken almost everything worth taking from the woman.

By the time she'd carried Liselotte to the bedroom she'd already shattered the woman's pride, humiliated her, and all but broken her, but behind those closed doors she had become even more creative. In that bedroom she violated her 'wife' in every way she could dream up. Every orifice, every position, and by the time Nocri had dozed off the vampire's belly was already showing with her heir. So let the little morsel hide from her. If Nocri found her again, she would make sure that her wife couldn't escape their reunion. If not then it mattered little.

In the meantime, she had decided to return to the melee to find new prey and toys. Thus far, she hadn't found anyone so interesting as the vampire, including the poor human male who was on the end of her attentions at that very moment. She had slipped his guard and stabbed him in the stomach with the point of her poleaxe and now, if only to relieve her own frustrations, was in the process of hoisting his entire body up into the air affixed to the end of her weapon, the combination looking like a morbid totem. Nocri held the weapon steady and watched him struggle for a few moments before pushing the whole thing over, slamming his head into the ground to cause a sickening snap and sending him back to the feast hall.

Her latest kill would be one more notch for the handle of her poleaxe, but she wasn't done hunting yet. She wanted to find prey worth taking to her bedchambers before returning to the feast hall.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte sat at one of the great tables lining the feast hall, yet the food before her was entirely untouched. With her hood pulled up over her head, and considering her rather small size compared to the warriors on either side of her, it would be almost impossible to pick her out in particular. The vampire's eyes were locked on another, one who stood out far more than she did. It had been several days since her utter humiliation and violation at the hands of the dragonkin woman, but she had not forgotten. It had taken her time to recover, especially given the "gift" her rapist had decided to leave her with, but this place had aided in her recovery.

Now she was ready to take her vengeance. To make sure Nocri suffered everything that had been inflicted upon her. She didn't want to challenge her openly though, not in the hall at least. There was no way of knowing how many of the people around them had seen the show the dragonkin had put on with her, and she had done her best to avoid showing her face since she had come stumbling, naked, out of the dragonkin's room and right into the feast hall. The only way she could answer this humiliation was to prove that she was the stronger, to show everyone what she could do to the woman who had been her tormentor previously.

To that end, she was waiting and watching. Waiting for Nocri to return to one of the many battlefields, where she could confront her once again. Finally, she did just that, stepping through the very same door Liselotte had used before first encountering her. An uncharacteristically sadistic grin crossed the vampire's face as she rose to her feet, collecting her shield and weapons before making her way to the same door. This time would be different. This time she would be the victor.

Stepping through the doorway, Liselotte was once again greeted by the odd sunless sky. This time, however, she wasted no time on admiring the view, immediately setting about tracking down the dragonkin woman. She arrived just in time so see Nocri finish off her current opponent—A man she didn't appear interested in toying with as she had Liselotte. It was only out of fear of angering the daemon presiding over this place that Liselotte waited until the fight was clearly over before approaching, sword already drawn and held at her side.

"I've been waiting for this." She called out, not bothering with any sort of introductions or pleasantries. The dragonkin knew who she was, as Liselotte had nothing pleasant to say to her. "This time, I will make you regret everything you did to to me."
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

"There you are, my wife," Nocri replied with a grin, despite knowing very well that the vampire had regained her original fire and more. "And here I thought all I'd have left to remember you by was this memento." The half-dragon fished around under her plate armor and produced an item which was likely very familiar to the other woman: Liselotte's wadded up panties. Nocri would toss the half-torn garments in the vampire's direction. "I thought they were a fine trophy, but I no longer need them now that you've come back to me."

"But you should give up these thoughts of revenge. Strip now, and give yourself to me as a proper wife should. Do it, or I'll punish you in such a way that will make our last encounter like the most romantic lovemaking to ever grace this daemonic realm," she ordered of the other woman, deadly serious. "And you'll never recover that willpower of yours again."
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte's eyes narrowed as Nocri pulled something out of her armour, only for the normally pale skin around her cheeks to redden slightly as she realized just what it was the dragonkin had tossed at her. Her grip tightened on her weapon, the point wavering slightly in the air as her arm shook with barely controlled rage. She couldn't let the woman get to her, couldn't fall for her taunts. She would be wiping that smirk off of her face soon enough.

"I refuse." Liselotte replied simply to the dragonkin's demands, refusing to even consider them. She needed to be strong right now, there could be no hesitation. Letting her emotions run wild would only hinder her here, with how much of it she was bottling up right now. She had only waited long enough to fully recover physically from the dragonkin's abuse, the pain and fear were still fresh, as was the anger. That could wait, however. Humiliating Nocri in turn would be the best catharsis she could ask for. "You continue to underestimate me. Go ahead, I will prove you wrong soon enough."
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 126/126, PP = 46, EP = 52/52, Status = Fine
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 70/70, Status = Fine


Nocri: HP = 122/126, PP = 46, EP = 41/52, Status = Fine, Reflector X = 7
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 56/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 18
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 122/126, PP = 46, EP = 41/52, Status = Fine, Reflector X = 7
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 56/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 18

Initiative: 41 vs 50, Liselotte goes first.

Listelotte tries to disarm the fluffdragon with cheating psychic powers.
Resistance Check: 64 vs 35, Nocri is disarmed.

Nocri tries to grab the vampire.
Attack: 139 vs 122, success.

Random Stage Hazard Roll: 2, spectators have gathered to watch. Do with this what you will.

Nocri: HP = 122/126, PP = 46, EP = 30/52, Status = Fine, Reflector X = 7, Grappling
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 43/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 18, Grappling
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

"You've regained that prideful look. That's good," the supremely arrogant half-dragon remarked with a smile. "It means I get to watch it turn to despair again when I give you our next child."

With that, Nocri charged her opponent. She was initially caught off guard as her poleaxe suddenly started to wrench itself out of her hand, but she quickly understood that it was another of the vampire's tricks. It didn't matter, anyway, the purpose behind her charge wasn't reliant on it. So she let go and attempted to use her opponent's focus on disarming her to her own advantage. And it seemed to work, she managed to reach out with an armored hand and grab Liselotte by the neck before she could dodge out of the way or put up a defense against the attempt.

The dragonkin wore a wicked smile as she lifted the smaller woman a few inches off the ground. "As tough as you are, I still don't need a weapon to beat you. Or to breed you...."
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

"You will do no such thing. I will no children of yours." Liselotte snapped back, forgoing her usual strategy in favour of focusing her power on the dragonkin's weapon. With a mental tug she wrenched it from her opponent's grip, the oversized poleaxe flying across the distance between them seemingly of its own accord.

Unfortunately for the vampire, the dragonkin was right behind it, and she'd barely got her fingers around the weapon's grip before the dragonkin's hand grabbed her by the throat, faster than she could dodge aside. "Don't think you've won yet!" Liselotte hissed as she struggled against the one-handed grip, now lifting her entire body off the ground. As much as she tried to hide it behind a stoic face, a sudden surge of fear accompanied the feeling of the dragonkin's hand around her throat—A reminder of everything she had endured the last time they had fought. She wouldn't let it happen again!
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 122/126, PP = 46, EP = 41/52, Status = Fine, Reflector X = 7
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 56/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 18

Initiative: going switching now, so on to Nocri going first.

Nocri's turn.
Grapple: 127 vs 80, Liselotte is now naked.

Listelotte does her escape artist thing again.

Nocri: HP = 122/126, PP = 46, EP = 27/52, Status = Fine, Reflector X = 7, in the dark again
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 30/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 15, Weakened
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

"I won the moment you were foolish enough to assume you could challenge me again," she laughed. And to emphasize her words, the half-dragon used her free hand to pull off Liselotte's pants and panties, leaving her sex woefully vulnerable to the fluffy-tailed dragon's attentions. With perfect timing, too, as a small group of combatants returning from another melee happened to stumble across the two and decided to spectate. She would raise the vampire a little higher and shift to give the group a better view of the bottomless woman. "This all feels so familiar, doesn't it?"

And then the lights went out again, and her fingers closed around nothingness. "Ah, this is familiar too. How much time did this buy you last time? A minute or so before I knocked the fight out of you and put my seed in your belly?" Nocri laughed cruelly at the darkness as her fox-like ears twitched to and fro in an attempt to pick up any sort of noise from the vampire. "I want you to know, it's bigger this time. And next time I catch you, you're going to take every inch of it!"
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte's cheeks visibly reddened as Nocri began to tear away at her clothing. Even worse was the fact that a few others happened to pass by just in time to see. Despite the shame though, Liselotte kept her composure. This was all expected, even though she had thought the dragonkin would try to disable her before doing this. Apparently she was even more arrogant than

"Yes, quite familiar. It means you're predictable." Liselotte spat back, before once again blanketing the area in a black cloud, and letting herself fade into that darkness. "You're the one playing right into my hands." She taunted as she faded away, falling completely silent as she re-materialized. Things hadn't gone exactly as planned, they were close enough. She could work with this.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 122/126, PP = 46, EP = 27/52, Status = Fine, Reflector X = 7, in the dark again
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 30/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 15, Weakened

Initiative: Liselotte goes first.
She activates dark armor with some side stuff.

Stealth: Liselotte gets... 1 success. Dat reroll 9s.
Perception: 3 successes. Nocri knows that Liselotte is 85 feet to the South

Nocri: HP = 122/126, PP = 46, EP = 24/52, Status = Fine, Reflector X = 7, in the dark again
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 17/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 15, Dark Armor X= 10 with phasing and ignore worn AV, Weakened
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

"I'm predictable? You used this trick just to run again! Just what planning did you put into this rematch if it's going to go exactly the same way, little mouse? Let me guess, when I split you in half on my cock that's going to have been playing into your hands as well." The dragonkin bent low and patted around for her poleaxe and found nothing. Her wife had apparently picked up thievery too, which was yet another thing that would require a harsh reprimand when she caught the other woman. But being unarmed against the short noblewoman didn't even dent Nocri's confidence in her own abilities, and she started in what she believed to be the direction of the vampire anyway. Worst came to worst, at least she was moving in a straight line and could break out of the shadows again.
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte fell silent as Nocri continued to taunt her, concentrating on her own preparations. The dragonkin could be as confident as she wanted, it wouldn't matter soon enough. Solid, opaque darkness clung to her body like a second skin, separate from the darkness she had surrounded herself with for cover, and she waited, watching Nocri as she searched through the darkness.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 122/126, PP = 46, EP = 24/52, Status = Fine, Reflector X = 7, in the dark again
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 17/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 15, Dark Armor X= 10 with phasing and ignore worn AV, Weakened

Initiative: Nocri goes first.

Nocri moves 50 feet towards Liselotte and activates Warp Shell.

Liselotte activates a bunch of stuff! Animates a shield, Nocri's axe, and turns on psychic shield to buff her sword.

Attack: 29 vs 27, miss.

Nocri: HP = 122/126, PP = 46, EP = 22/52, Status = Fine, in the dark again, Warp Shell for Natural Armor again (so Astarte needs to be specific about what type of damage she's going for)
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 1/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 15 and X = 8 on her sword, Dark Armor X= 10 with phasing and ignore worn AV, Weakened
Nocri's Poleaxe: Spitefully in the way
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

"Ah, the old adage of using your enemy's strength against them. I suppose it's valuable for the weak," Nocri called out upon encountering her own poleaxe. "But I've already explained that I don't need a weapon to beat you a second time. My bare hands will do just fine."