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The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

"Has anyone ever told you that you talk too much?" Liselotte finally spoke up again, just as she finished enhancing her blade with a telekinetic edge sharper than anything the steel could ordinarily hold. With a wave of her sword, the shield on her back also rose in the air, circling into position in front of her.

"I'm growing tired of your attitude. I'll have to see about correcting it once we're finished here." Liselotte's words up until this point had been almost devoid of emotion, not daring to loosen the control she was keeping on her roiling emotions, but this time her words were laced with venom. It was infuriating just being in the presence of the dragonkin woman, much less tolerating her bragging and insults. One way or another, though, this would be done soon.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 122/126, PP = 46, EP = 22/52, Status = Fine, in the dark again, Warp Shell for Natural Armor again (so Astarte needs to be specific about what type of damage she's going for)
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 1/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 15 and X = 8 on her sword, Dark Armor X= 10 with phasing and ignore worn AV, Weakened
Nocri's Poleaxe: Spitefully in the way

Initiative: Lis goes first.

Attack: 24 vs... Negatives. Hit.
Damage: 34 - tons of AV, min 1.

Liselotte rushes forth and SWINGS AWAY.
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: 55, 53, and 49, all minus 17. Total of 104 damage.

Nocri tries to grab.
Attack: 86 vs 168, miss.

Nocri: HP = 17/126, PP = 46, EP = 14/52, Status = No Longer Fine, in the dark again, Warp Shell for Natural Armor
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 1/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 15 and X = 8 on her sword, Dark Armor X= 10 with phasing and ignore worn AV, Weakened
Nocri's Poleaxe: Spitefully in the way
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

As soon as she had finished her preparations, Liselotte rushed to meet the dragonkin head on, shield keeping pace at her side. She lunged forward, slicing at the dragon with three quick slashes of her light blade. This time, the dragonkin's armour proved no obstacle, the sword's blade phasing through the metal as if it wasn't even there and biting easily into the flesh and scales below with its enhanced edge.

"Not so tough without that armour to protect you now, are you?" Liselotte taunted as she danced around the larger dragonkin, a quick swipe of her sword directing the shield following her to shift into a position to block a blind attempt to grab her. "I underestimated you last time. This time, I was prepared. How many tricks do you have left?"
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri was, for once in her life, shocked into speechlessness. She had fought a lot of people. She had been the target of just about every killing implement on Donevrion at least once in her life. There had been times when spears had slipped her armor and left terrible gashes in her skin. She had taken a blow from a hammer which turned a bone to powder through the protection of her armor. Lisolette had even made her bleed the last time by trying to tear her apart from the inside. But never in her life had a sword cut her in this way, or left such a terrible wound across her body.

The fluffy-tailed dragon didn't respond with fear though. It just wasn't in her nature. Instead she raged, furious that the vampire had dared to make her bleed like this, furious that she was going to need to teach the wretched dog a lesson a second time, and furious that, for the first time in her life, a sword had wounded her in such a way. Nocri shook with irrepressible fury. "I don't need tricks to put a lucky little gnat like you in your place! I won't make the same mistake twice! This time I'll make sure you're broken and then I'll throw you to the hounds!"
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri: HP = 17/126, PP = 46, EP = 14/52, Status = No Longer Fine, in the dark again, Warp Shell for Natural Armor
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 1/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 15 and X = 8 on her sword, Dark Armor X= 10 with phasing and ignore worn AV, Weakened
Nocri's Poleaxe: Spitefully in the way

Initiative: Nocri goes first.

Nocri tries to grab.
Attack: 99 vs 160, miss.

Liselotte rushes forth and SWINGS AWAY.
Attacks: All three hit.
Damage: Don't really need to roll it.

Nocri: HP = 0/126, PP = 46, EP = 6/52, Status = Down she goes
Liselotte: HP = 80/80, PP = 50, EP = 1/70, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 15 and X = 8 on her sword, Dark Armor X= 10 with phasing and ignore worn AV, Weakened, won
Nocri's Poleaxe: Spitefully in the victory party
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Dodging around another grabbing arm, Liselotte lunged forwards, sword phasing through armour once again and slicing into flesh and scales. This finally proved to be too much for the dragonkin, it seemed, six deep cuts across a large portion of her torso. Breathing a soft sigh of relief and feeling her energies begin to replenish themselves at a remarkably fast rate, Liselotte turned to her fallen foe. "Just as I said. Everything according to plan."

She put her renewed stamina to use first by reaching out to the point where Nocri had first grabbed her, taking hold of the pants and panties Nocri had managed to strip off of her. They still had an audience after all, and it wouldn't do for her to drop the veil without dressing herself once again. This time it would be Nocri they would get to see, in all her glory. While she redressed herself, her mind was focused on the fallen dragonkin, invisible bands of force locking in place around her neck and limbs to ensure she stayed put, on all fours on the ground.

"I don't suppose this is what you imagined when you saw me again, was it? Did the thought even cross your mind?" She ran her fingers through the dragonkin's hair, but didn't linger. She had a show to put on. With a theatrical snap of her fingers the supernatural darkness vanished, and the animated shield slowly lowered itself to the ground, Nocri's poleaxe following suit and planting itself head-first in the dirt before becoming inanimate once again. "Well, it's hardly the hall, but I think I can return a little of the favour right here. Now be quiet for a moment, I need to concentrate." She patted the dragonkin on the head condescendingly, the telekinetic hold she had on the dragonkin's throat beginning to tighten if she made any attempt to speak. She turned to the small group gathered at the edge of the clearing, giving them a friendly wave. "Feel free to enjoy the show! But no touching!"

With that said, she turned back to the dragon, and the heavy plate armour began to unbuckle itself, coming off piece by piece and floating a short distance before dropping into a quickly growing pile. Once she was done, Liselotte planted herself on the dragonkin's back as if reclining in a throne, giving Nocri a few scratches behind her fox-like ears before leaning over until her lips were almost touching one on them. "Now it's my turn to ask you a question." Her words came out sounding pleasant, but the expression on her face, visible only to their audience, was a smile full of sadistic glee. "Will you be a good girl and accept your punishment? Or will I have to get creative?"

With that she released the choking pressure she had been applying whenever Nocri tried to speak, letting the dragonkin answer her question. She had a feeling she knew what answer she was going to get, but she didn't mind. She had all sorts of ideas in mind, to pay Nocri back for everything she had done.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri was shocked.

Never once in her life had she experienced this. She had been given everything she ever needed and taken everything she ever wanted. She had lived a life where she was at the top of the totem pole and had never had to deal with anyone who could ever be above her. And then, at the hands of a little noblewoman who barely looked fit for a battlefield, a woman she'd all but destroyed two days earlier, the implacable dragonkin had been defeated.

Nocri fell to her knees, unable to make her body keep going despite her growing rage, and then only stopped herself from falling onto her face by catching herself with her hands. Unable to move, she began to curse her own physical form. Why wouldn't her strength come to her? Why had her supernatural stamina faded? Why were the muscles she had used to defeat and teach so many arrogant mortals their place failing her? And then her conqueror made it even more impossible for her to move by locking her into position with barely enough strength to even struggle against the telekinetic bonds, though Nocri still thrashed as much as she could.

And then the damned, smug vampire spoke up. "You little gn-ghck!" Liselotte's telekinetic powers cut her off by choking the words out of her. She wasn't wise enough to hold her tongue though. She kept trying to curse the vampire. "I'm goi-gak! You'll be-ghh! Fucking bi-gck!" The furry-tailed dragon ended up being choked so often that eventually she was gasping too hard for air to form any words, so she just growled at Liselotte with impotent fury.

But she wasn't even at the peak of her anger yet. That came when the vampire dared to strip her, exposing her natural form to a bunch of filthy rabble. They saw it all. The beautiful silver scales shining like diamonds that covered her back, outer arms, and outer legs. Her flawless pale skin, or at least it would be flawless again once the daemonic magic at work had finished healing her wounds, over the parts of her body not covered by scales. They saw her lithe, athletic form. And they saw her most intimate places, bereft of the manhood she often shifted in order to dominate rabble like them. And then that wretched vampire dared to sit on her like some kind of stool and scratch her ears like some pet mutt? Oh, she'd tell Liselotte exactly how willing she was to accept whatever punishment the vampire had dreamed up. And she'd make a note of the spectators who saw her so she could kill them repeatedly when she got free of the daemonic realm's damnable winner's rights.

"When I recover, I am going to fucking split you in half. I'm going to parade you into that feast hall and let every man, woman, dog, cat, rat, and anything else with something half-resembling a pulse in that place fuck you until you break! I'm going to make you beg for mercy! And I'm going to enjoy every second of it!" And she would continue like that for as many minutes as Liselotte would allow her to talk, coming up with increasingly cruel punishments and promising that she would inflict them upon the vampire. Things that, frankly, made the things she did to the woman originally look like the work of kindly nuns.
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte's expression barely changed at first, having expected exactly this as Nocri began her tirade, but it slowly turned to a frown when the dragonkin showed no signs of stopping. She made sure to mentally catalogue every idea the dragonkin threw at her, even the ones she wasn't sure were physically possible, but eventually she began to grow tired of it. Clamping down on Nocri's throat once again to cut her off.

"Yes, yes, I think we've heard enough of that. I do hope you plan to try something different next time, if you want to win?" Liselotte patted the dragonkin on the head condescendingly a few times. She glanced over at the onlookers, but they seemed to be keeping their distance. Intimidated by the dragon, perhaps? That was too bad, but the fact that they hadn't stopped watching was good enough. "I suppose you have made your choice, though."

Liselotte held up her left arm, the one not currently scratching idly at the base of Nocri's ears, and a roiling cloud of shadows expanded out of her sleeve for a brief moment, before condensing into what by all appearances was a translucent black glove. She brought the hand down on the dragonkin's exposed rear, an audible slap echoing through the clearing and leaving a visible red handprint on the dragonkin's otherwise pale flesh. At this point she loosened up her hold on the dragonkin's throat, letting her speak if she wished, but cutting her off again the moment she began to start another angry tirade, of just spouting insults.

As she raised her hand again, long and thin tendrils formed from the darkness, solidifying into the form of what appeared to be a trio of prehensile whips. "Now. I think it's time to begin." With a crack, the three whips moved in unison, striking the dragonkin across the ass with all the force of a proper whip. "You're free to speak up at any time,
as long as you keep it clean,
" Another crack, and the whips struck again, "So feel free to apologize at any time—I might decide to give you a break!" The whips struck once more, from a different angle each time. "But you won't, will you? You're too proud for that."

This time it was her palm that struck again, slapping against the flesh of the opposite cheek than the first time, the solid darkness of the "glove" seeming to sting far more than a spanking from the frail-looking human's hand should have. "So I'm just going to keep going until you do, or I get bored. I wonder which will come first?" Unless Nocri actually chose to apologize of beg, she continued to alternate between striking with the whips and her palm until the dagonkin's rear was almost a uniform red, and beyond. Truth be told, this was all just catharsis for the vampire, she hardly expected the dragon to give in so easily. It would be disappointing if she did. Instead, she was simply revelling in the chance to repay even a fraction of the pain that Nocri had caused her, and imagining the shame and humiliation the prideful dragonkin had to be feeling was simply delicious...
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

The dragonkin had run out of coherent plans by the time Liselotte cut her off. She'd gone through the standard array of bestiality, public use, keeping the vampire locked in a cupboard and only pulling her out when it was time to put another baby in her, suspending her from the rafters by an anal hook, and a few remarks about saddling her and had then ventured into even less feasible territory like tying her to the taller woman as a dedicated knot holster that she'd wear around her home.

When the vampire got tired of her rambling and enforced her telekinetic choke-hold again, Nocri went back to growling her fury at the woman on her back and attempting to glare at the spectators. If looks could kill, the passersby would've exploded. Nocri was trying to will daggers into existence so she could stare them directly into each and every one of their hearts. Her distraction was no small part of why the vampire's sudden slap against her ass caught her completely off guard. The proud half-dragon audibly yelped at the sudden, sharp pain, causing a flush of shame to grace her cheeks both as a result of the humiliation of being spanked and the fact that she'd given her mongrel conqueror the pleasure of making her hear such a noise.

She was more prepared for the second blow, and only gave a muffled grunt as the improvised whip lashed against her ass. Inwardly, her rage burned hotter than perhaps ever before in her life. She didn't dare speak, though, for fear of the noises that might inadvertently escape from the whipping. The tall warrior clenched her teeth and grunted through each attack against her vulnerable rear. She wouldn't give the vampire the satisfaction of hearing her make such a humiliating noise again, nor would she allow the spectators to hear such a thing. And there was simply no way she'd ever even begin to utter an earnest apology to anyone, ever. The ensuing spanking and whipping stung fiercely, and it wasn't too long in before her previously milky white backside was raw and red and burned painfully even with nothing touching it, but Nocri had taken worse pain before. If the little noble wretch thought this was going to break a dragon, she was woefully wrong.

Her willpower proved a match for her sexual stamina. Many minutes passed before she finally spoke up. "Fine! Fine! I'm sorry..." she blurted, immediately after one of the smacks from the vampire's hand. But what came next was anything but a proper apology. "I'm sorry that I didn't chain you to the foot of the bed so I could shove my morning wood down your throat, then knock you up again each day. Look, just give up on this," she would add quickly, if she wasn't cut off. "You're not meant to be on top. You don't have what it takes. You're just an easily broken, submissive little slut. So just let me up so I can grow my cock and give you your daily fix, then you can go off and do whatever little rats like you do."
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Liselotte paused in her strikes against the dragon's steadily reddening backside, not having expected ever hearing those words come out of the woman's mouth, much less so soon. She frowned a moment later when Nocri continued, but she let the dragonkin finish before resuming, her next strike with her palm enhanced by her telekinesis to land even harder, the slap echoing loudly through their surroundings. "That's too bad." She replied as she resumed, alternating semi-randomly between using the whips and her hand, but each came a little quicker than before, and struck a little harder. "Because I'm just getting started."

"But there's something I've been wondering for days, now..." Liselotte leaned over again to speak directly into the dragonkin's ears, moving her hand away from the dragonkin's rear, but letting the whips extend out a little further to continue without missing a beat, the cracks and subsequent slap of striking fresh continuing like a slow drumbeat. "What do you taste like?"

She nipped at one of the dragon's fox-like ears, letting her fang drag along the flesh as she pulled away, but not hard enough to draw blood. Instead she slid almost sensuously down the dragon's back, as if simply lounging on a comfortable chair, her free hand trailing down the dragonkin's neck and spine. She leaned in, planting a few kisses on the side of her neck, before finally opening her mouth and biting down, sinking her fangs into her captive's flesh. She didn't bother with injecting the poison this time, there was no need for it. Instead, she simply focused on drawing out the dragon's blood. It was perhaps the first time she had truly enjoyed a feeding—She had always targeted bandits or other such scum, but even then she had always felt a little guilty about indulging in her vampiric desires.

This time there was no such feeling of guilt, only a sense of incredible satisfaction. It was a heady sensation, and she nearly lost herself in it, but she finally, grudgingly, pulled away, only a small trickle of blood and a set of bite marks left in her wake. She couldn't drain her victim dry, after all. Nocri had to survive, if her humiliation was to continue. "Mmmm... I've never tasted dragon blood before. Delicious~" Liselotte purred, licking her lips. Another minute of simply lounging on the dragon's back, listening to the crack of the whips, and Liselotte finally recalled the tendrils of darkness. She had accomplished as much as she could with this punishment.

Rolling fully onto her stomach, so that her own chest was pressed against the dragon's back and her head was resting at the side of the dragonkin's neck, she reached around from both sides to grab handfuls of the dragonkin's breasts, squeezing and kneading at the soft flesh, and finally giving both nipples a sharp pinch. "What should I do with you next, I wonder? Drag you back to the hall, parade you around for all to see as you did with me? I'm sure there are pleeeenty of men in there who would love a chance to take turn with you~" She continued to tease her captive's breasts, occasionally nipping at the side of her neck when she paused in speaking, but never quite breaking skin again. "Oh! Perhaps I should find those hounds you mentioned. Wouldn't that be a sight to see? The proud dragon, reduced to a common dog's bitch~"

"Let me give you a choice." Liselotte's voice turned cold, and she slipped off of the dragon's back, dropping daintily to her feet and making her way around to the woman's front, a hand under her chin and liberal application of telekinesis forcing her head up to face Liselotte's own. The invisible collar tightened as well, in warning: She would not permit the dragonkin to speak again until she was finished. "I intend to return every single humiliation you inflicted upon me, in one way or another. I may not have the means to get you pregnant myself, but I can find dozens of men who would jump at the chance." As she spoke, she reached out with one of her least used powers—not for its lack of usefulness, but for the moral quandaries it raised for her. Slowly, carefully, she reached for the dragonkin's mind, peeling open its defences one by one until she was inside. She needed to ensure that the answer she got was an honest one, with no trickery—And to confirm that what she suspected was possible. "Here is your choice: You will either use those powers of yours and give me a cock to use on you—Exactly the same as the one you used on me. Or I will simply let every man in the hall who wishes for a turn with you to take one."

"Don't answer me yet. I wouldn't want you saying anything... rash." She continued, ensuring she kept eye contact with the defiant dragonkin the entire time. "But we will be taking a trip to the hall, and you had best make up your mind before then. Whose child would you prefer? The woman who bested you, or some man whose face you will never see? And I assure you, I will make certain you never see a single one of them. I will deny you the chance at the revenge you so clearly desire against me."

With that she released her hold on the dragonkin's head and loosened the hold on her throat and speech once again, leaving only the single tendril connected to the other woman's thoughts. She wasn't digging deep, only skimming the surface, ensuring that the dragonkin was being entirely honest if she accepted Liselotte's deal. With that done she circled around the dragon's body, giving her another slap on the ass as she reached the rear. "For now though, perhaps I should give you some attention down here?"

She ran her fingers along Nocri's reddened backside and downwards, finally settling on the slit between her legs. Her fingers sought out the hood that hid the dragonkin's clit, slowly and teasingly circling it, occasionally brushing against it, but only briefly. Meanwhile, her shadow-cloaked hand was changing once again, the darkness coalescing into a much larger shape than the whips from before. "Time for a little taste~" She ceased all attempts at foreplay, the black tentacle surging forward until it was pressed against Nocri's lower lips, slowly parting them as it pushed forward inexorably, until the "head" was fully inside, but no more. "I don't suppose you've reconsidered that apology yet, have you?"
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri had, of course, fully expected that her retort would beget more punishment. She had readied herself for it, and managed to avoid letting out anything more than a hiss when the harder smack landed against her already ravaged backside. It was a small price to pay to show the vampire that her amateur antics didn't scare the dragonkin.

As Liselotte began to go further in toying with her, the shorter woman practically using the large dragonkin as a couch to lounge upon, Nocri fell back into imagining what she'd do to the vampire and everyone else who made the mistake of coming within arm's reach of her for the next few weeks, after this humiliation. Even the cruelest punishment she'd come up with before wouldn't be enough now. No. She'd have to absolutely and irreparably break the bitch of all her delusions of grandeur. The thought of wearing the woman who'd defeated her as a cocksleeve around the feast hall for a week or two did much to soothe Nocri's backside and distract her from the whipping still in progress.

She didn't try to speak again until the victorious woman began to kiss her neck. "Oh, please. You think you're going to excite me? You're not even a halfway decent cocksu- hnn, fuck!" she was cut off by the feeling of fangs piercing her neck, likely soon to be followed by the other woman's telekinesis. She weakly thrashed and snarled with rage the entire time the vampire was feeding. How dare the glorified leech take her blood?! The little tick really dared to just drink away at the bloodline of a living idol, revered as a goddess among her followers? And then that remark, as if she was some sort of all-you-can-drink buffet in addition to apparently being a couch and a whipping post? Nocri didn't even try to hold her tongue. "Enjoy it now. When I break free you'll live on a diet consisting entirely of my cum."

Liselotte would finally hit something that reduced Nocri's fire though, when she suggested that she'd pull the dragonkin back to the hall the slightest tinge of fear hit the taller woman. Her surprise at the words caused her to halt her struggling for a moment, even as the vampire rolled over atop her and began playing with her petite, or at least petite relative to her size, breasts. The dragonkin swallowed hard, and it took a few seconds for her to recover her fury. No, this little gnat didn't have the will to do something like that. She was just copying the dragonkin's own words and actions, thinking she had become something greater than she was just by mimicry. Nocri had no need to be concerned.

The vampire didn't actually need to tug Nocri's head upward when she took her position in front of the defeated woman, as the half-dragon was perfectly willing to glare at her with murder in her eyes. But that telekinetic force she was exerting did halt the taller warrior from a split-second effort to avert her eyes when the subject of setting her up for public use in the feast hall came up again. The vampire had found the crack in the dragonkin's confidence and was chiseling away at it, whether she knew it or not. She'd never had a partner in that manner. She had always given, often by force and with little regard for her partners, but never taken. It wasn't that she was some prude or church fool who believed that it was some sort of sin to use her feminine sex. She just liked to dominate others without risk of becoming pregnant herself, and a penis allowed that easily. The thought of being on the receiving end without even being able to pick a good partner and of being forced to carry some disgusting rabble's child conjured up a frightening mental image of submission for the woman.

And then Liselotte demanded that the dragonkin give her a cock and caused Nocri's eyes to widen as the fear in her grew again, now great enough to combat her rage. How could the vampire even know that was possible? The domineering warrior only ever used it on others to remove their manhood and make them more suitable for hers. The furry-tailed dragon's heart sank at the thought of the vampire using her own favorite shaft against her. Not to mention that rotten, little vampire siring a child on her. But the alternative that Liselotte was proposing was even more frightening still. Who knew how many disgusting cretins might use her if she didn't acquiesce and the vampire went through with it? Who knew what weak, bastard spawn she'd be forced to carry? The realization of her situation threatened to crush her arrogance.

No, no, no. She couldn't let this little bitch get into her head like that. She couldn't offer the satisfaction of looking weak or fearful. But the previously iron certainties both of her superiority and Liselotte's inability to do anything of real concern to her weren't coming back. And it was likely obvious to the vampire, even without her use of telepathy. The latest smack against her ass drew another small yelp. The other woman's efforts on her clit, a rare sensation compared to that of stuffing her cock into women like Liselotte, coaxed a small squeak of surprise out of Nocri as well. And the shadowy tentacle pushing its way into the entrance of her sex caused a few tremors of fear. Her iron will was taking a pounding. "Y-you wouldn't even know how to use a dick," she taunted far less convincingly than before, trying to regain some sense of her previously unflappable confidence.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

"Then I suppose you have nothing to worry about, do you? The choice should be easy!" Liselotte grinned, not even needing to rely on her telepathy to see that her threat had shaken the dragonkin. Finally, she was making some progress. What her telepathic connection did let her in on though, was pure gold. "Oh, but THIS is incredible." She suddenly exclaimed, the tentacle pulling back before having even sunk an inch into the large woman's folds.

"You brag about all this experience... but this is all new to you, isn't it?" The glee she was feeling practically oozed out of her voice, and she had to resist the urge to start giggling. She had resigned herself to the fact that there was one thing that the dragonkin had done to her that she would never be able to properly pay back: She had taken Liselotte's first time, and in such a brutal fashion at that. But following the thread of fear she had felt building up, she had discovered the source, or at least one of them: Nocri had never had sex like this before. She had given, but never taken. "You love that cock of yours so much, but you've never taken one yourself... I'll have to make your first time special, won't I?"

She idly slipped a pair of fingers between the dragon's lower lips, where her tentacle had just vacated, slowly working her fingers around while probing at the dragonkin's mind, searching for the most pleasurable points, even Nocri refused to show any outward signs. "But what to do..." She made a show of acting like she was uncertain, but the tentacle had already started undergoing a change in shape, and another pair had joined it, intertwining with her other and coming to a tapered point. The result was something large even compared to the woman before her, larger than the cock she had used on Liselotte, though proportionally similar for Nocri's larger body. She only continued in her more tender attentions long enough to ensure the dragonkin had begun to get wet, systematically attacking any point that seemed to provide strong stimulation.

"No... I think I'll just show you exactly how I felt." Liselotte practically spat, the tapered tip of the now considerably larger collection of tentacles pressing against Nocri's entrance. She had planned to start small, to test the waters... but she only got one chance to make a first impression. Before she began, she let the pressure on the dragonkin's throat relax entirely, to a point where it would be barely noticeable unless she tried to pull against it. Liselotte wanted to hear exactly what she had to say to this. Without mercy, the tentacles forced their way forward, stretching the dragonkin's passage open as they went. She pulled it back, only to thrust in harder and deeper the next time, slowly increasing the speed and plunging further and further into the dragonkin's depths. It was surely painful—She had intended it to be—but it was just large enough to not be overwhelming. By the time the tentacles finally began to push against the final barrier, they were already pounding away at a speed rivalling what the dragonkin had done to her. That was the advantage she had: There was no biological functions or senses to worry about, as long as she maintained them these tentacles would never tire, and could keep this pace up for as long as she wished.

"Everyone says the first time is special... Is it everything you expected?" Liselotte grinned triumphantly. This was perfect, it was everything she could have hoped for, except that she didn't get to enjoy it personally. That could wait, though. Seeing and feeling her tormentor suffer was more than enough for her. She had as much time as she needed, and she wanted to see Nocri squirm. Even if she hadn't had the dragonkin's comfort in mind in the slightest when preparing for this, she knew from firsthand experience that didn't always matter. She continued to push, slowly increasing the pace until she finally managed to force an orgasm from Nocri, and let the tentacles' tireless pace steady after that, pushing right through that orgasm to try to force a second out of her.
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

The dragonkin was speechless. The vampire had to have some other trick at play to have found out the truth. There was no way she would've picked up on that just by watching her expressions. But what could Nocri do now? How could she get out of this? Her confidence was in a free-fall. She struggled weakly against the bindings to no avail, suddenly the prey instead of the predator as Liselotte teased her all too accurately.

She let out a mixture of whine and gasp as Liselotte's fingers pressed inside, the smaller insertion far more pleasurable for the dragonkin's more inexperienced sex. The vampire's goal would come easily. Nocri's inner walls were lined with unusual little textures and were crushingly tight, especially at the very entrance where they practically clamped down around the other woman's fingers like a reverse knot intended to hold the invading digits inside. And it was that same especially tight area which was the most sensitive, so full of concentrated bundles of nerves that it caused the tall dragon to quiver and squirm when the vampire paid any dedicated attention to the area. The vampire wouldn't need to do much more than to pump her fingers in and out of Nocri's entrance to achieve the desired effect of bringing her to full arousal. The dragonkin would internally struggle to ignore the pleasurable sensations at play, but for all her willpower she couldn't help but let out a few gasps as Liselotte coaxed the blood into her loins.

But when the vampire withdrew her hand and the tentacle suddenly pressed against her sex, Nocri's eyes went wide. "W-wait. You wouldn't...." But apparently she would, and she did. Nocri's mouth hung open in a wordless, noiseless scream as the tentacle slammed home. "Fuck!" She cursed as her voice caught up to her brain's reaction, all while the tentacle all but pummeled her inexperienced sex. It was unbelievably painful. Even her supernatural body couldn't handle such a thick intruder all at once. But that wasn't the worst of it, she'd still experienced worse pain before. The worst of it was the sense of being forced to submit. The realization that she was on her hands and knees, taking the vampire's improvised cock in front of a group of spectators with no control over anything. She didn't even have control over her own body, as all the myriad things vying for her attention rendered her unable to think or act or do much more than grunt in pain as she was violated.

But it got worse, as it had for all the people she'd put through the same ordeal. It took a while, between her resistance and the vampire's complete lack of an effort to make the act pleasurable, but so many minutes later the first inklings of pleasure began to affect the dragonkin. The tentacles had begun hitting that initial tightness in her depths in just the right way to stimulate all the sensitive nerves. And it made the whole experience even more humiliating. The thought that being treated like some toy would begin to inspire the same sort of pleasure she felt when administering her lessons to the rabble caused another fracture in her confidence. "No..." she whined, not directed at the vampire's question but just to the act in general.

"No, no, no..." she later whined again as the amount of pleasure she was receiving began to match the amount of pain caused by her violation. Her arms and legs were shaking. Her tail was quivering. Thick arousal dripped from where the tentacle was plowing away at her. To react in such a way to some humanoid leech's magical tricks was the greatest source of shame she'd ever encountered, or at least right up until she realized that a familiar but different knot was building up inside her. "No, no, no, no, no..." she protested as she realized what was going to happen.

But unless Liselotte decided to become a saint, forgive the woman for her crimes, and then end her punishment immediately, it happened. "Noooooo..." she half-whined and half-moaned as she was pushed over the edge by the relentless efforts of the tentacle. The knot in her stomach burst, and the entrance of her inner walls clamped so tightly that even the powerful shadow tendril was slowed down in its efforts. It wasn't like the climaxes she had experienced using her male organ. Waves of bliss washed over her, the euphoria marred by the circumstances that had caused her to cum. It was less intense than the feeling of cumming inside a partner, but the pleasure lasted longer and was still new and unique enough to make her arms and legs weak. And every additional thrust prolonged it to the point that she might've slid face down if the vampire's psychic hold hadn't been keeping her in place.

And Liselotte wouldn't have to wait nearly as long for the second orgasm. Still sensitive and dazed from her first female orgasm, Nocri couldn't muster any meaningful resistance as the tentacle started to build her toward a quick second peak before her afterglow had even fully faded. She gave a pitiful groan, only partly from pleasure caused as the thick thing continued to pound into her painfully sensitive depths. Then she groaned again as she realized that even with that painful sensitivity that the her second peak was already coming. "Please..." she started, too dazed to remember her pride. "Please, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, noooo!" The second orgasm hit her even more intensely than the first, lasting several minutes over which it stole all the strength from the half-dragon's body and all the thoughts from her mind.

She went limp in the bindings as she tried to recover. Her body was still trembling from the pleasure and pain. Her mind was reeling from the humiliation of it all. To have been submitted to carnal pleasures in such a way and been so thrown off balance that she'd all but begged for mercy had practically turned her entire worldview upside down. She had to clear the haze and find her confidence again. She had to reclaim her pride. And she needed to do it before the vampire enacted whatever plot she had in mind next. Nocri refused to be reduced to the same sorry state she'd put Liselotte in. Nocri would show the vampire that the dragonkin was her better, even under reversed positions.
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you over all the moaning!" Liselotte asked with obviously feigned innocence, letting the tentacles come to a complete halt, if still buried deep within Nocri's sex as she watched the dragonkin come down from her second orgasm. Liselotte had to fight to keep her giddiness in check, at the sight of the proud dragon beginning to break. Her free hand idly traced the outline of the coiled tentacled still lodged inside of the woman through the flesh of her stomach, giving the dragonkin a brief respite—and perhaps the hope that she was finished—before she continued.

"I don't suppose you're ready to apologize and admit that this is where you really belong, are you? Still need more convincing?" Liselotte didn't bother to wait for an answer. A quick flick of the wrist of her shadow-clad arm and the tentacles began to move once again, but not in the same way as before. Though Nocri had likely not seen her crafting it, the tentacle she had used hadn't been one, but three coiled around each other, creating the odd spiral shape of the enormous intruder. This time, the tentacles didn't simply piston wildly like they had before, they began to twist, uncoiling themselves from one another while still buried deep inside the dragon.

Liselotte could only imagine what this must feel like, pulling and stretching her even further as they rearranged themselves. She slowly, almost imperceptibly added a little more mass to each as they moved, their girth increasing ever so slightly, but Nocri was sure to feel it, whether she actually realized it or not. Once the three tentacles had finally uncoiled themselves completely, each began moving once again, thrusting in and out of the dragonkin's sex every bit as fast as they had together. Yet their speeds were not even, each moving slightly faster or slower than the others, to deny Nocri the chance to try to grow accustomed to their pace. It was more difficult than Liselotte had expected, controlling their movements independently in such a fashion, but it was oh so very worth it.

Never breaking pace with the tentacles, the vampire circled around to Nocri's side once again, more and more of the solid shadows pouring out from under her sleeve to extend the length of the tentacles the further she moved. With only a slight boost from her powers, Liselotte hopped back up onto the dragon's back, relying on her telekinesis as much as Nocri's own strength to keep her "throne" upright. "Have you given any thought to your choice?" Liselotte asked as if she wasn't pounding away at the dragonkin's formerly-virgin sex with a trio of tentacles at that very moment, leaning over so that her lips were practically touching her foxlike ears again. "Not much longer now, until you need to decide~"

Winding her free hand through the draginkin's hair, she forcibly turned the woman's head to the right, applying a little extra force with her telekinesis if she resisted enough that it was needed, and planted her lips against Nocri's own. It was an inelegant, aggressive kiss, her tongue forcing its way past Nocri's lips. She continued until the Dragonkin either started to struggle considerably, or showed a shortness of breath, dragging her fangs along the draconic woman's lower lip, pricking once just hard enough to draw a few drops of blood before pulling away. "I have to say... I like you a lot better this way."

With that said, she flashed Nocri a toothy smile before releasing her head, going back to lounging across the dragon's back, enjoying every tremor that ran through her body. The tentacles continued, relentlessly, for several minutes longer. Enough to force at least one more orgasm from the dragon, if not more. Finally though, she decided that it was time to move on. She had spent enough time here—This abuse alone wouldn't break the woman, and she knew it. She just needed a few more pushes.

Liselotte paid close attention to the dragon's thoughts, waiting for just the right moment—Right when Nocri was approaching another orgasm. Without warning, the tentacles abruptly stopped and withdrew, drawing bad to Liselotte's arm until only the lengths that has actually been inside of the dragonkin were poking out from her sleeve. Hopping down from her seat, Liselotte stepped in front of Nocri once again, letting the tentacles brush across the side of her face and smear the juiced they had accumulated, one persistently poking at her lips for a few moments before pulling back.

"Now. It's decision time. Which will it be?" Liselotte demanded, staring straight into the dragon's eyes. "Will you give me what I have asked for, or will I let the men in the hall take my place instead?"

If Nocri accepted her deal, and her probing at the dragon's thoughts gave no indication that she was being deceptive and intended to try something else, Liselotte would briefly loosen the restraints holding her down, allowing her use of her arms so long as she didn't actually try to stand, and then reach for the hem of her pants, pulling them down to expose herself to the dragonkin—ensuring that Nocri's long hair provided a convenient curtain between herself and their small audience.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

The dragonkin was quiet. She couldn't trust herself to speak. She could barely trust herself to think. The fear was growing. Each reminder of what the vampire had threatened her with caused Nocri's heart to grow heavier. The submission she'd already been forced to show had already been a small death for the dragonkin, but it would be nothing compared to being dragged into that feast hall and used by dirty commoners. More worryingly, the thought of granting the vampire her secondary wish and giving her a cock almost began to sound appealing. It was nothing she wanted, but it was surely better than the alternative....Nocri tried to shake her head to snap herself out of that line of thinking. Giving her conqueror both a cock and the satisfaction of personally breeding the dragonkin was every bit as bad as servicing every wretch in the feast hall.

She was almost thankful when the tentacles began again, offering her a respite from such thoughts as she turned her focus toward enduring the new pains and resisting. They unwound themselves inside her, an all too unpleasant sensation given their girths, and quickly settled into pounding her at three different paces almost in mimicry of if she already had gained three suitors from the feast hall who couldn't decide which should go first. Nocri could only do her best to grit her teeth and muffle herself, really not wanting to give Liselotte anymore satisfaction than she'd already obtained.

Nocri purposely ignored the vampire's words, and she barely registered the weight of the vampire atop her again compared to the renewed savage pumping of her sex. Liselotte's forceful turn of her head was harder to ignore though. And the sudden kiss caught her entirely off guard, inflicting yet another humiliation on the dragonkin. The shock of being on the opposite end of the little submission she'd forced on Liselotte left her stunned for half a minute before she cleared her head enough to resist. The half-dragon struggled mightily, which was apparently enough to make Liselotte back off of her. The act returned some of Nocri's lucidity, and the other woman's resulting remark would earn a snarl from the tall warrior.

But, once again, time and Nocri's supernatural body would be her greatest enemies. Liselotte was correct. Even the most artless, intentionally painful fucking would eventually become pleasurable to the dragonkin's adaptable sex. And then it was only mere minutes until she was trembling again, fighting desperately to try to back away from the latest building peak. But right then Nocri had no power to do that than Liselotte had possessed when the dragonkin had raped her. Nocri's third climax would arrive, causing her to howl and her tail to curl as the tentacles continued right through it, once again robbing her of her strength.

And once again, her increased sensitivity and inability to resist in the aftermath would make it easy to push her toward a second orgasm. This time she fought much harder not to beg, and simply ground her teeth as she expected the the other woman to show dominance over her body once more by forcing her to peak at the vampire's whims. It wasn't to be though. The dragonkin was left just on the precipice of her fourth orgasm as the vampire suddenly pulled out, leaving her formerly virgin sex in a shape to match the girth of its invaders as her supernatural body slowly recovered.

But Liselotte might have made a misstep if her heart was set on turning a cock of her own on the dragonkin. While suddenly being left on edge was frustrating even given the nature of what had been bringing her to that edge, it was nothing compared to the relief that Nocri felt that she wouldn't experience that shameful submission a fourth time. And it allowed her to avoid the haze of despair that had come in the aftermath of each of her peaks, along with that little part of her suggesting that the easiest option would be to just give into Liselotte's demands for a cock and hope for it all to be over once the other woman had taken her fill. The smearing of her own sexual fluids against her face only made it even easier to not want to give the vampire the satisfaction of making any choice at all. The dragonkin grabbed onto that brief respite in order to stoke her disobedience and she met her conqueror's eyes with a renewed glare.

"P-pray..." she gasped, her voice shaky from her aborted peak but still far more convincingly confident than it had been when Liselotte initially discovered her secret. "Pray to whatever weak god or goddess who would want a follower so misbegotten as you. Because if I find you again after you've lost this paltry power you think you've got over me, I'll teach you how to really break a person. And I'll do it piece by piece, picking you apart until all that's left of you is a broken sex toy living from stranger's cock to stranger's cock."
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

"Oh? I didn't take you for such a masochist. To choose dozens of men over one woman... Why I'd almost think you were enjoying this!" If Nocri hoped that Liselotte would show any signs of being bothered by her refusal, she would be disappointed. The vampire merely gave her another sadistic grin, wide enough to show off her fangs. "If that's your choice, I suppose I'll just have to deal with it... don't go begging me to change my mind once we get there, though."

Liselotte let the tentacles smear themselves across the other side of the dragonkin's face as she completed her circle, ending up at the dragonkin's other side. Hopping back into her seat, she idly ran a hand through the dragonkin's long hair. Truth be told, while she had been looking forward to returning the favour personally, Liselotte wasn't particularly bothered by this choice either. It would be absolutely delightful to watch this confidence shatter once again, once reality set in, and she realized that the vampire hadn't been bluffing.

"If you're so eager to share this body with everyone else though, we should really get moving. It will be a looooong time before you're finished, after all." As she spoke, the restraints on Nocri's limbs seemed to vanish entirely, though a force upon her back would prevent her from rising to her feet. The "collar" around her neck, on the other hand, tightened once again, stopping short of actually being painful or cutting off her airflow. Just enough to present an uncomfortable reminder of its presence.

"Now then, let's play a little game!" Liselotte took hold of the dragon's tail as she spoke, wrapping it halfway around herself on the dragon's back like some sort of cushion before locking it in place with the same telekinetic restraints she'd used on her limbs before. "We're going to head to the hall, and you're going to take us there." She said matter-of-factly, as if she actually expected the dragonkin to do so. She didn't, of course, but she had several methods of "encouragement" worked out. "Now I know what you're thinking—You just won't move, right? I could just drag you there, but that isn't any fun. So instead, every time you stop, or refuse to move, I will punish you."

As she said those words, one of the tentacles plunged between the still-parted lips of Nocri's sex in a single powerful thrust, battering its way against her cervix before finally stopping, only to resume its earlier pace as if it had never stopped, even if it was alone for the moment. "For starters, I will start adding another of these every time you disobey—And believe me, I can make plenty more than three. Eventually, I might have trouble fitting any more inside, so I suppose at that point I'll have to move on to that ass of yours. Maybe your mouth too? We'll just have to see how disobedient you are, Hm?"

"Oh, and before we go..." Liselotte leaned forward, and a moment later Nocri's vision went dark, a band of the same impenetrable darkness she had used to great effect during their fight wound its way in front of the dragon's eyes. "I wouldn't want you getting any ideas about all the men you're about to meet, after all. Don't worry about the directions, I'll be sure to lead you the right way~"

With that said, she took hold of the dragon's hair once again, winding it around her free hand several times to get a proper hold, and using her improvised handle to direct Nocri's head in the direction of the door. At he same time, the invisible collar began to tug in the same direction, urging her forward. How long would it take before she took the first step, Liselotte wondered. How many tentacles could she manage to fit inside the dragonkin? Which would reach their limit first, Nocri's pride, or her body?
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Nocri refused. With what little remained of her strength, planted herself firmly in place and fully resisted the effort to pull her toward the hall and the result of the ultimatum she'd chosen to ignore. Her efforts would earn her a second tentacle, a third, a fourth, and more, worsening the pain of the increasingly massive group of intruders rutting away at her sex and, by the time there was no more room for more of them, leaving an outline of the insertion that looked like a she was being fucked by a giant's cock. But she held true, ignoring the pain and the humiliation in favor of avoiding giving the vampire the satisfaction of riding Nocri like a horse toward her own public use.

But then, when one of Liselotte's tentacles threatened to press into her ass, she finally relented for fear of how it would break her body. Her hand moved forward in one shaky step, not willing to lose her anal virginity to such a massive, implacable invader that would rape her raw. That first step of fear set her on the most humiliating journey she had ever taken. The grouping of tentacles railed at her the entire time, thankfully too numerous to cause her anything more than pain without a lot more time for her body to adapt, even as she blindly made slow progress based entirely on the vampire pulling her long hair as reins to guide her. The dragonkin would never know how many people had watched the depraved show. She'd never have any idea who had watched the vampire ride her across the plains even as the tentacles vigorously fucked her. And that knowledge led to another understanding... as bad as this humiliation was, it wasn't even a drop in the bucket compared to what Liselotte truly did intend for her at the feast hall.

That was her undoing. Liselotte would begin to rapidly chip away at her pride just by putting her into a humiliating scenario, making her realize that the vampire wasn't bluffing about an even worse plan, and allowing her imagination to go to work. Her lack of ability to see the real world allowed her to see a fake one in her head. One where the vast majority of the daemonic realm's participants would not only see her tied to a table, they would line up and fuck her. She knew it in her heart as surely as she knew what would've happened to Liselotte if she'd actually offered the vampire up. They would take turns on her. One of them would put a baby in her belly, and that's if she was lucky. If she were unlucky, some of them would have cocks like the ones she could grow, intended to make the recipient bear litters regardless of their natural ovulation rate. One might knot her, and the delay would lead the others to enjoy themselves with other parts of her body.

The idea of that disgrace, of that submission to a group of filthy cretins wore her down. It made every step more difficult, even though she still pushed onward for fear of the tentacle intended for her ass. And then, toward the end of the journey it finally happened. Her resistance crumbled as she came to decide that public use in the feast hall was a far more terrifying option than the alternative. She stopped in her place, crushed by the realization and the understanding that she would need to admit her choice aloud to the vampire.

"I... I...." she struggled with the words. Surrendering in this way was wholly unnatural to the dragonkin. The only reason she could even begin to do so in words was because the fear of the alternative had finally overwhelmed her, thanks in no small part to the way the humiliation and forced submission had finally cracked her pride. "I'll.... I'll do it. I'll give you what you asked for..." she slumped her shoulders in defeat. But while it might have been a defeat, now that she knew the other woman wasn't bluffing it was the best option she had left. The vampire was much more inexperienced overall and not possessed of much stamina. Being forced to submit to an entire feast-hall of rowdy warriors might break her. At least she could bear with the humiliation of submitting to a single, quickly-satisfied vampire.
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Nocri held out longer than Liselotte had expected her to, the tentacles filling her far beyond what should have been her limit. It had gone beyond the comparison to what Nocri had done to her by now, the clearly visible bulge of the tentacles on her stomach making it appear as if she was taking the cock of something more than twice her size, if not even triple. It wasn't until she discovered that, try as she might, she simply couldn't fit another tentacle in, and instead probed at the entrance to her ass, that the dragonkin had finally started to move.

It had to be incredibly uncomfortable, not to mention painful, to move with such a large mass pumping mercilessly into her, but Liselotte had no intention of showing mercy. Nocri was finally moving, which meant that as long as she continued she wasn't getting any more, but the vampire didn't intend to remove the ones already there until they reached their destination. In a silent exchange likely completely unknown to the blindfolded dragonkin, Liselotte sent a glare towards the men who had been watching, and had started following a little too close once she had made it clear that she intended to put the dragonkin up for free use. The message was clear: They had to wait.

She could tell they were annoyed, but either none were keen on risking the goddess' wrath by trying to interfere with winner's rights, or they didn't think they could take her on after watching the fight. Liselotte didn't really care which is was, as long as they stayed in line. The last tentacle she had made remained hovering menacingly the entire trip, occasionally prodding at the dragonkin's backside if she started to slow, a reminder that it was still there. Progress was slow, but she was in no rush. Not only did she get to enjoy the ride, stroking the dragon's furry tail the whole way, but she got to enjoy the slow mental breakdown she was peeking in on as well.

By the time the dragonkin finally stopped, the gate to the hall was already in sight. It would have been less than a minute, even at their slow pace, before they'd reached the doors. Liselotte couldn't help but grin widely at Nocri's surrender, savouring every single word. Wordlessly she dropped from her perch on the dragonkin's back, a wave of her hand causing the magical blindfold to recede, and the tentacles to halt, but not withdraw, unless she could tell that they were actually doing to make it too difficult for the dragonkin to do what she needed to do. What the dragonkin would see upon the blindfold being removed, however, was that in addition to their previous spectators, who had followed, another small group near the gate seemed to have taken notice of them, all four of them glancing back and forth between each other and the dragonkin and vampire as they spoke.

"Go ahead then, work your magic." Liselotte commanded as she stepped in front of the dragonkin, focusing especially hard on her mental connection now. She wanted to be sure that Nocri was doing exactly as she'd told her too, and not adding anything extra—or leaving anything out. She pulled down her pants enough to expose herself enough for the dragon to work, while bracing herself for what was sure to be a set of entirely alien sensations. She had no idea what this would feel like, but what she was asking for was something not only entirely new to her, but , if it meant getting her revenge.
Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

Seeing the vampire's sex again was an additional humiliation for the dragonkin, and it caused Nocri to avert her eyes. A few days prior she had been the one on top, exposing Liselotte's virgin womanhood and then using it as she pleased. Now she was there on her hands and knees, about to sprout her own favored cock from the other woman's crotch so that it could be used on her own formerly virgin sex -- which at that moment was still filled to the brim with tentacles -- in front of what would likely be a cheering crowd. To have fallen so far... but the reality of the alternative was too terrifying to resist any longer. Nocri's only comfort came from averting her eyes away from the bare sex in front of her as she began to work her magic.

Her last-second acceptance of Liselotte's conditions and her willingness to grow the other woman a cock did prove to be part of a ploy in the end, though nothing so drastic as the vampire had expected. Normally it took an hour or longer to change another person's body using her powers, and the dragonkin had expected much the same this time. The defeated warrior didn't have any intention of misleading the vampire, just because the half-dragon knew that if she wasted an entire hour without delivering the desired result she'd almost certainly end up chained in the feast hall for an entire day to be used by anyone and everyone. Nocri merely hoped to buy another hour of respite in order to steel herself before meeting her fate. This time, however, the change began to transpire immediately, a result which left the dragonkin trying to pretend she wasn't shocked. Nocri had no idea whether the increased speed was due to the nature of vampiric bodies or an extra effect of the daemonic realm.

The end result was the same though. The very manhood she'd raped her now-conqueror with grew from Liselotte's loins until it was nearly poking the dragonkin in the cheek. Nocri's fate had been sealed. The massive thing would almost certainly be the next to violate her. And, because she feared whatever trick Liselotte seemed to be using to read her, it was truly identical in all ways to the dragonkin's own favored cock, which meant that she was all but guaranteed to end up with one or more of the vampire's spawn in her womb. It had been the lesser of two frightening choices, but it still caused Nocri's heart to plummet. She had fallen so far... but unfortunately there was still further that she could and would sink out of her growing fear.

"Please..." she started, still staring at the ground to avert her eyes from Liselotte and her new cock. "I'll... I'll do anything you want. I'll please you, I'll follow your commands, I'll... degrade myself.... I'll do anything, if you just swear that in return you won't take me into the hall to be seen by everyone."
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Re: The Eternal Battlefield (ToC PvP-only)

It was a decidedly odd feeling, something entirely foreign growing from her body. She had demanded that Nocri copy her own exactly, and so the result was almost comically oversized for her smaller body. It very nearly threw her off balance as it grew—much faster than the dragonkin had been expecting, from what she could gather through her connection to the woman's mind. The vampire managed to keep her composure, if only barely, as the wave of new sensations assaulted her, keeping her focus on the Nocri, or more specifically on her mind, alert for any sign that the dragon had left something out, or tried to prevent this transformation from being fertile. She detected none, however, Nocri seeming to have realized that she had some way of reading her accurately, even if the truth was much more literal than she might have imagined.

"Hm... Good. Seems you didn't leave anything out." Liselotte spoke aloud, admiring the dragon's handiwork, and already savouring the thought of what she was going to do with it. She knew she lacked the stamina to match what Nocri had done to her, even with her undead body, so she would have to make it count. Her inexperience was also going to be a problem, but perhaps she could leech off of her rapist's mind a little more to make up for that, to guide her through it. That, and she had another plan as well, to truly ensure she could outlast the dragonkin.

The next time Nocri spoke up, however, it took Liselotte entirely off guard, even with advance warning from her probing of the other woman's thoughts. She had known that her threat would be effective, that giving the defeated dragonkin to a group of strangers would be the worst thing she could do to the prideful woman, but to think that even the idea of being watched would prompt her to go so far as to beg for mercy. It was perhaps an even more satisfying feeling than when she stood over her defeated opponent first, to hear those words come out of her mouth, to see and feel the submission she had forced from the woman.

She was sorely tempted to take Nocri up on her offer, to make the dragonkin humiliate and degrade herself of her own will, to serve her whims... But that was not the revenge Liselotte desired. She toyed with the idea of accepting, on the condition that if Nocri ever failed to do as she was told they would return to the original plan, but there was the risk that her fear might be too strong, strong enough that she would not fail to perform what was demanded of her. Liselotte simply wasn't confident that she could find something that could overcome the half-dragon's fear of being seen and used by strangers.

"I'm afraid I will have to refuse." Liselotte replied firmly, making sure to keep her eyes on the dragonkin's, even as Nocri averted her own from the oversized cock, its pointed tip still hovering not even an inch from her face. "I told you that I was going to return every humiliation you inflicted on me. That includes this one. Of course, you did as a asked, so I will be the only one to take you, but it will be in the hall. That was the deal I gave you."

Liselotte paused for a moment to let her intentions sink in, before walking back around to the half-dragon's side, pulling her pants back up and letting her top cover the rest of the oversized cock she was now sporting. The outline was still clearly visible, her clothing not having been designed to hide such a thing, but it wouldn't be proper for her to return to the hall looking like that, as the victor. "So, the only question that remains," Liselotte spoke again as she hopped back into her place on the dragonkin's back. "Will you resist now, or just make the rest of the walk without needing any more of these?" She smacked the exposed section of the cluster of tentacles still lodged deep inside the woman with the back of her hand, sending a ripple through the mass, even if they continued to remain otherwise still.