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The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Some thoughts:
- the sewers are likely to be smelly and dirty, and there's a good chance that after finishing the job the two will need a bath due to the smell. Also, rats tend to be weak but numerous and with the "rat king" commanding them they can prove troublesome. Not really worth it for just 10 gold
- guarding the caravan might turn out to be a simple and uneventful job... but usually such jobs result in having to fight, be it bandits, thugs, thieves, the hirelings of a competitor...
- as for the Saughan sightings... I have no idea

1) Spend a few minutes in the guild socialising and listening to rumours, especially rumors about any bandit attacks in the area
2) After that go investigate the Saughan sightings on the coast

I'm curious what a Saughan is...
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Oh, I should have clarified. These are more akin to normal pay for jobs, after all 5 gold can feed Mariko and Aoi for a week reasonably.
I may have forgotten to say that with those two 100 gold jobs at first.

A sahagin (it seems I was not spelling it correctly) is a fish person.

These are the final fantasy ones. I'm clarifying this ahead of time because Mariko would know what they are
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

A, sahagin. I know what that is - they are rather common enemies in RPG Maker games, after all.

Thanks for clarifying about the jobs. I still think the "rat king" job is not worth the trouble. Mariko and Milleen are not particularly popular around town, and the two of them smelling like they came out of the sewer won't make things any better (even if they were in the sewer for a good reason). So I'll stick with my votes for now.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

this is very interesting. what inspirated you to do this?
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Sorry about my absence, life gets in the way sometimes.
Hopefully I can return to a semi-regular update schedule, but we will have to see.

@RealKorra, really it's just a culmonations of ideas I've formed reading other peopels works, playing games and watching anime, I'd considered making this story into an RPG maker game but I lack the drawing skills to make the CGs, and thats before I try to learn how to code. So I made it in the format I'm most familair with.

Before I start their is somthing I relisied.
This event was supposed to happen a few days later in the script from what Eve said a few updates ago. As such rather than just assume they took a few days off, is their anything people would have wanted the girls to do back at the shrine?
If not I'll assume they trained in teamwork or something of that calibur.

The pair choose to take a break in the guild before anything else and recuperate after the bandits.
Inside they find Raven and Cecil discussing something, they hail the two over to let them know what's going on too.
“Ah ladies, I think you should here this, for two reasons. Being the guilds top three operatives we go to the more dangerous missions and well... how to say this...” Raven fumbles on his words and sips his drink
“The monsters are taking a page out of the patricians book” Cecil blurts out causing Raven to splutter on his drink.
Between coughs raven turns to Cecil and asks “His reputations not really that bad is it?”
“Well you're new here so you wouldn't know. He regularly tries to pressure someone less than half his age into marring him, and rumours say that some of his maids that have left his service abruptly are due to bearing his children. I can't confirm that rumour though, you know what people are like for gossiping.”
“. . . right. That explains why people can be on edge when he's involved. But to clarify, there is talk of lust filled monsters in the wilds, and not the usual ones known for it, I meant regular monsters that are only known for hungering for flesh in the literal sense, whether these rumours have basis or not I don't know but women have been going missing, especially from the poorer areas, so be careful. And discreet too, this is under investigation and isn't public knowledge yet as to not cause a panic.”

After that the group chattered about day to day things, Mariko was mostly silent but Milleen's over familiarity with everyone and general friendliness proved to be quite a hit at the guild dispelling Mariko's fears that Milleen would be ostracised. If only the townsfolk were as open minded as adventurers seem to be.
After a couple of hours Mariko took the the job for the Shaugan sightings, the map given by Max leads directly south to the cliffs and then west towards the beach rather than following the road.
“It halves the journey and will avoid anywhere where there is a lot of open space to avoid them seeing you coming. Of course as you are cutting through the wilds you will want to keep your wits about you.”
“Alright, I will be back with my report as soon as possible. Milleen, stop arm-wrestling the swordsmen and gear up, it's time to go.”
“Already? Aww. See you all another time.”

The pair head straight to the outskirts of town and head south.
“Glad to see you're making friends.”
“One of us has too, did you even talk to anyone?”
“No, and it's going to stay that way until.. well the foreseeable future I guess.”
Mariko hesitates and listens, “Shh”
“Don't be mean.”

Random encounter: yes
Spot: Mariko passed but Milleen fails.

Mariko hears rustling in the distance

“We are under attack, ready yourself!” Mariko says as she gets ready, Milleen turns as she does too see the ogre burst from the treeline

Mileen ducks to the side as the ogre swings it's greatclub at her just in the nick of time thanks to the Mariko's warning.
Mariko takes the chance to dart around the back and flank the ogre while it's distracted slashing her Naganata deep into it's calf causing it to fall to one knee in pain, Milleen wastes no time taking advantage of this and brings her axes down into it's right shoulder before rolling out of the way of the ogre swinging it''s club up wildly at her.
Following it leaning forwards Marikos takes the chance to run up it's back before thrusting her Naganata downwards through it's neck causing it to bleed out in moments.

The ogre falls face first into the dirt as Mariko gracefully steps off it's back onto the ground as it does whilse flicking the blood off her blade with a flick of her wrist.
“I'll admit, I was a little worried for a moment upon seeing an ogre considering the last few days we have had trouble with small fry”
“Non can stand before team Okami-Neko”
“we are not calling ourselves that”

The rest of the journey was uneventful as a relief to the girls, after a few hours they arrived at a cliff that overlooked the cove where the shaugan were sighted, it only took a glance over to see them, their were eleven of then and they seemed to be building some kind of camp.

“That's odd”
“Them building a war camp? They do hate surface dwellers do they not?”
“So I hear but those are normally in underwater caves are they not, it prevents counter attacks after all.”
“Maybe their aren't any nearby”
"Perhaps, it still seems odd”

Vote time, what should the girls do.
1) That's a war-camp, attack and drive them away, gives the element of surprise
2) Confront them, will cost the element of surprise, risky if they prove hostile
3) Nothing, we have confirmed their presence, time to return.
4) Something else, this can be adding something to a b or c
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Oh, hey, you're back! Good to see this continued.

Anyway, vote:
4) Milleen hides and waits while Mariko approaches the camp alone.
- If they are friendly try to learn as much as possible before going back to report
- If they are hostile pull back and try to lure them to where Milleen is hiding so she can ambush them

P.S.: Training in teamwork seems like a good idea, actually.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I was hoping for more votes but I'll assume everyone agreed with you rather than assume no-one cares. The updates smaller than I'd like but it's geenrally the combats and banter that bulk it out.

Teamwork it was then during those two days.

The girls make their way down the cliffs to get closer, at the bottom Mariko speaks first.
“Milleen find a place to remain hidden, I will approach and see their reaction, be ready to ambush them if they attack, if they do I will lead them too you.”
“That sounds really risky.”
“If they are not hostile, reporting back could lead to a misinformed attack on them leading to a war and if they are hostile we should at least prove it.”
“I understand.”

The girls set up a position at the foot of the slope they came down for the ambush that is well covered from the sight and then Mariko approaches the camp by herself.
When the guards see her they immediately grab their weapons and poise to attack but a voice booms over the area.
“Let her pass.”
The voice came from the largest of the Shaugan, from his attire be seemed to be some kind of leader.
With some reservations she approached him.
“It has been a long time since I have seen one of that uniform, not since he negotiated a treaty between us and the surface dwellers of this island, he and his companion who shares your features.”
“My parents? What was this treaty about?”
“Territories for fishing grounds, our peoples have never gotten along so disputes started to get violent before they stepped in.”
“Another tale he never told me. Lovely.”
“But enough of the past, you are here to investigate our motives for being here, you need not explain.”
“That, makes thing easier.”
“The females of our clan are being held by a being calling itself Scillya. A hybrid of numerous creatures. Because we cannot fight him while they are at risk the being has demanded that we bring females of species actaully able to bear it's progeny, failure to comply will result in it eating our females.
While I would shed no salty tears over the surface dwellers that would inevatably be slain in battle against us the very notion of becoming nothing but raiders instead of the proud warriors we are disgusts every one of us. If we are to do battle with the surface, it should be for noble cause.”

“I'm a little worried to ask, but why would you reveal something like this to me?”
“You are family to the one who wore that uniform, someone who gained our trust, and the one surface dweller race we have met and not been at war with, I feel I can trust you to assist us and prevent a meaningless war.”
Mariko thinks to her self. Did my race actually help me here, that's a new one.
“Should you be willing, we can get you into it's domain, either pretending to be a tribute and thus straight into it's sanctum or into the outskirts to make your own way in through it's minions and perhaps catch it off guard. Either way though we cannot openly oppose it, otherwise our females will pay the price.”

Mariko has a choice to make
a)Agree, storm the sanctum
b)Agree, sneak in
2) Decline and report back, hopefully the guild will send reinforcements. But even if they let you leave, they might start their raids.
3) Regardless of their reasons, this cannot be allowed and he freely admitted to his distain for the human settlements, attack first.
4) Other cunning plan.

x) If agreed, call Millen over to help or not? It is no secret that Shaugan and Kobolds are just as mistrusting of each other as humans and shaugan if not more so, they might react badly but on the other hand Mariko alone may not be enough.
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Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Having more votes would be nice but sadly it's not always possible.

1B) Sneak in.

Bring Milleen along, but first let Mariko's new friends know about Milleen and make sure they won't attack her. Also make sure Milleen won't attack them. Basically do everything possible to prevent a fight from breaking out - now is really not the time.

Also ask more about the Scillya, particularly about any vulnerabilities, such as vulnerability to fire.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I think the original idea of returning and reporting back was good. If there is no tie-breaker you could count this as a vote for sneaking in.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I'm going to make a start on the next update, as such I am taking votes/opinions on a name for another female character if people wish too.

Even should votes suddenly change the flow, I can introduce her later after all.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

* Saria
* Shaharea
* Ovidia
* Mellissandre

All we know about the character is "she's female" so it's hard to tell what might be a good name...
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Fair, I didn't want to spoil the surpise is all.
I was going for green hair and a purple theme is that helps any.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Okay, because of black friday and christmas increasing my work hours, the update is taking vastly longer than antisipated, so I'll drop another vote here as heading to fight scyllia will mean Mariko isn't back before nightfall and hopefully I'll be able to update this side of Christmas.

Will Aoi
a) head back to the shrine alone or
b) will she look for somewhere to stay the night in the town, the latter will cost a chunk of what little she earns.
c) Or will she do somthing elce (suggest)
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Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Does Aoi have any friends in town she can stay with? Going back on her own may not be such a good idea - she might meet something unpleasant, such as the patrician, monsters, the patrician, bandits, the patrician...

If possible Aoi stays with a friend. If not she tries to find a place to stay with a lot of other people (like an inn or something).
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

I Defiantly agree with staying with a friend. But if we don't have one we need to get out of town.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Freind? no, but the guild may have rooms available though at a cost if that changes anything for people.

I just finished my second job (it was temporary) so I can actually start writing again, so that's a plus.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

Well, if she has no friends she can ask for help, then staying at the guild seems like the best choice.
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

This took an age considering how small it is....
I can only apologise for that, somehow all of my notes on this game were lost so I had to rebuild it as to not contridict what has already happened.

After a brief internal deliberation mariko beckons milleen to join her, almost predictably the guard were drawing weapons again but the elder called them to calm.
“She is with the priestess, I saw them both approach, I imagine she kept her distance because our races are not on good terms for the sake of negotiation.”
“That is correct. Contrary to what many think of me and my race, I'm going to avoid bloodshed if possible.”
“A same many of all races, ours included forget that the sins of some are not carried by the race.”
“War does that, it is a terrible thing that does nothing more that perpetuate hate and prevent unity.”
“You really are your fathers daughter. Let us discuss the plan around the camp-fire”

The journey took two hours on a small fishing boat arriving after night had fallen. Then with a small enchantment another twenty minute dive to the bottom of the temple before emerging into a small underwater cave. The Shaugan left the girls here on account of not wanting to be seen acting against the Scylla and risking the lives of their females, the shaugan would free their women as soon as it was safe to strike, until then, they are on their own.

The pair emerges and chose the tunnel leading upwards as recommended to avoid getting lost in the tunnels, after twenty minutes the pair hears a commotion, sneaking closer they see a harpy girl being attacked by a pair of jellys. She seems to be unarmed and hard presses to finish her incantations being flanked as she is.

“Alright, what do we do, wait for an opening or jump straight in and help her?”

a) charge
b) wait for an opening
c) she'll be fine
d) other
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

B? i guess
help the bird-lady...but don't be stupid about it
Re: The everyday life of a Neko Miko

If there's one thing I've learned from CYOA games on forums. When your rescueing some one, you allways CHARGE!


when your killing some one, you send a minion first, then nuke the place.