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The Game Thread


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
A place to share any indie/flash/browser etc... games you may have found an enjoy. Hopefully this'll get sticky'd so it's not lost.


Spelunky is a 2D, randomly generated roguelike game where the aim is to find 4 artifacts, one in each of the games 4 area's to unlock the door to the City of Gold. However, it's not as easy as it seems. Each level houses various creatures that can and will kill you as well as hazardous traps and dangerous falls.


A list of the games item's can be found along with what they do in the game.

A guide on how to survive can be found


Left Arrow Key - Move Left
Right Arrow Key - Move Right
Up Arrow Key - Look Up, Climb Ropes/Ladders
Down Arrow Key - Crouch/Look Down, Crawl (when used with the left or right arrow key)
Z - Jump
X - Attack (also used to deploy ropes and throw items)
C - Cycle Through Held Item/Whip, Bomb and Rope
Down and X - Pick up an item, drop an item
Up and X - Open a crate/chest, high throw and item

  • Rescue any and all Damsels that you can reach as at the end of the level they will give you one extra hit point. Of course, if there's a sacrificial altar on the level with the Damsel feel free to offer her up as a sacrifice as if you offer two you'll gain an item that allows you to collect the blood of the creatures you kill and after 8 drops you gain one hit point.
  • Try not to linger for too long in a level because after about two and half minutes a ghost appears and will kill you if you touch it.
  • In Area one Golden Idol's are protected by a boulder trap. Before picking up the idol check the immediate area to see if there's any ladders. If there isn't one thats reachable before the boulder is activated use a rope to create an elevated area where the boulder cannot reach you. Once you do just pick up the idol and climb the rope.
  • Damsels make for great meatshields. If there's an arrow trap or enemy that you cannot avoid throw the Damsel at the trap to trigger the arrow (arrow traps only fire one arrow) or throw her at the enemy to hopefully kill it.
  • If you absolutely have to have an item in a shop then steal it BUT DONT KILL THE SHOP KEEPER. By only stealing the item you'll only piss off that shop keeper and the one in the next level, however if you kill the shop keeper EVERY shop keeper for the rest of your current game will hate you and attack you on sight. They may even be found at the exit of the level waiting to kill you.
  • Spikes aren't as big a threat as they want you to think, so long as you don't drop/jump onto them platforms/flooring that have spikes on them can be walked on without you being killed. You can even jump but make sure not to land on the same spot otherwise you will be killed.
Re: The Game Thread

Cock jockey, this is a thread to SHARE various indie/flash/browser games, not discuss mainstream ones.
Re: The Game Thread

Pretty sure the game discussion is for all games, not just mainstream ones.

This is for everything, EVERYTHING that has to do with games

I hate Rule 34 and I'm still defending the point that his thread has done what this one is meant to do except with a wider range of gaming genres.
Re: The Game Thread

Two things:

1) Obi: this is a thread for discussion and posting of games which aren't sold in CD form.

2) Spelunky is fun, but I hate the two block wide spiders.
Re: The Game Thread

What about games that aren't available in our country? (-goddamn- you japan....)
Re: The Game Thread

Aren't those generally placed in the hentai games section?
Re: The Game Thread

There are lots of foreign games that aren't adult, I know, I was shocked too when I found out not all japanese games involve tentacles.
Re: The Game Thread


Edit: Also, did we just imply that all countries except for japan are all one country?
Re: The Game Thread

Well we have several countries represented here, america, canada, Nunu is from some country named Austrailia, I think they ride crocodiles or something and have these giant man eating bears that hide in trees. So I was referring to games not in that member's country.
Re: The Game Thread

1) Obi: this is a thread for discussion and posting of games which aren't sold in CD form.

First off, only nunu can call me obi. Second, I don't see where Rule specified that that thread was only discussion and only for games sold in CD form.
Re: The Game Thread

Frank: He asked about making this thread in the forum development forum.
Re: The Game Thread

1) I like Spelunky
2) The purpose of this thread is more "free game recommendations"


2D online shooter which is pretty darn fun.
Re: The Game Thread

looks like leero
Re: The Game Thread

Looks like kirby when micheal bay gets ahold of him.
Re: The Game Thread

Neat. An indie game thread. Two favourites come to mind right away. The Knytt Games & Cave Story

Knytt & Knytt Stories

I recommended this game just a moment ago in that recommendations for fighting boredom thread, and I'll recommend it again here. Made by someone who goes by the name of Nifflas. The game can be downloaded for free from their website, as can the rest of their games and other little projects they do.

Knytt is a game about exploration and atmosphere, so turn up the volume, listen to the ambience, and don't expect explosions or instant mayhem. The first Knytt game revolves around exploring the huge screen by screen game world searching for parts to repair a crashed flaying saucer. The second game, Knytt Stories expands on the game by adding extra abilities and game mechanics, as well as an editor to allow you to create your own levels and worlds. Stories comes with a small selection of levels along with the shorter main story, but it's incredibly easy to add other user made levels (such as the brilliantly insane ). If you want to try levels with a bit more challenge, it's possible to create some truly fiendish levels depending on how you use the variety of enemies and other objects provided. It's hard to sum up Knytt in any one image, so here's a few.

Though these are all images from Knytt Stories, the original Knytt looks mostly the same, spare with a stumpier protagonist.






The first game is generally considered the slightly more difficult of the two (compared to Knytt Stories main campaign and sample levels), in grounds of the non linear world being larger and harder to navigate, and also being without the double jumping and other tricks that Stories introduces.

Cave Story

I discovered this game after seeing it in the wallpapers thread of this forum, so one or two people already know it. Why haven't you recommended it yet? Someone had some Cave Story art as their wallpaper, one other member said "Curly FTW", and I decided I should check it out. You do the same.

Made by a wonderful fellow known as Pixel, apparently spending some five years in making it. He then released it for free. You can download the translated version from the website bellow. It will soon be (is?) also available on Wii-Ware, with Pixel and Nifflas apparently collaborating to do so. (though from what I've seen so far I prefer the older more retro graphics... >_> )

I'm not sure how to best describe Cave Story. It's a story that starts in a cave. A side scrolling shooting platforming adventure? You play as the amnesiac hero(?) Quote, waking up in a strange place, and everything goes from there. I think I'd rather not explain any more, for risk of spoiling it. The whole pace and feel of the game is perfect throughout. I downloaded the game expecting a fun little action game, but was surprised when I actually found myself feeling for the characters and their less-light-than-the-graphics-would-suggest plight.

I think that's all I'll say. But I very much recommend this game.

Some pics...



As an example of how this game sucked me in, here's the spontaneous bit of fan art I did immediately after completing the game.


Oh, and there is a secret alternative path through the game for real heroes that will result in quite a different ending. Though be prepared for a real challenge if you want to take it.

I'll probably post some more games here latter on. This being an Indie game thread I should of course make a mention of my #1 favourite Indie game series. The Touhou Project created by ZUN. But that has it's own thread and the links are all there. Ignore the troll.
Re: The Game Thread

Oh god, I loved Knytt Stories though I never got round to getting any player made games. And I've been meaning to get Cave Story.
Re: The Game Thread

I can confirm cave story is awesome, although I could never beat the final boss, as you have to beat misery first and then he has 3 FORMS!!! @_@
Re: The Game Thread

Me, I'm stuck on besting Last Cave-(hidden) right now. I hate tricky jumping.
I can confirm cave story is awesome, although I could never beat the final boss, as you have to beat misery first and then he has 3 FORMS!!! @_@
Misery's easy. Don't jump, just walk back and forth and shoot upwards at her. The Spur really helps if you have it - doing 100 damage a shot makes the battle quick.

Doctor first form's a pain. Distance helps at avoiding his shots. But generally you want to beat this guy down as fast as possible before you get worn down.

Doctor second form isn't as annoying, because he doesn't spit shot-blocking blasts any more. Run under him when he jumps at you, sorta like fighting a crazed Mimiga.

The Undead Core is the hardest, I think. Blast Misery and Sue quick as you can, then go for the Core. Watch out for the Core's attacks as you do so - it'll help if you can get on the right-hand side of it, because its attacks tend to go leftwards.

My general recommendation? Get the Spur, not the Machine Gun or the Snake.