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The Game Thread

Re: The Game Thread

Lila has good news for budding game developers.

Now you are able to get the latest in Game Maker for free, in an unlimited resource version.

The standard version used to cost 50 dollars until today.

Today the cost is zero dollars and zero cents. I do not know if this is temporary or what, so grab it while it is free.

The link to the page discussing it, and the link inside that link which leads to the download of the installer can be found here.

I hope Lila did a service and may many posreps be gained from this, news.wav.
aww yes, thanks!
Re: The Game Thread

GOG has "Age of Wonders" currently for free right now, if anyone's interested.
Re: The Game Thread

More free stuff.

Good this weekend only.
Re: The Game Thread

So anyone else play Sonic Generations around these parts? I got fucking high as a kite for that the first time out and it was amaaaazing. Still really good sober too.
Re: The Game Thread

Steam sales everyone

And GoG sales too!
Re: The Game Thread

For iOS users
It's a cute tower defense game that I've really come to enjoy.
Art is good and the gameplay is funny.
Title: Defense Witches


Oh and if you're looking for a referral code for the free 50 crystals, please use mine. :)

Invitation Code: abX13B
Game Link:
Re: The Game Thread

I have found a scary game. Please play it. I cannot make it to Floor 25 before being too scared to play. All of those pop up ghosts, pumpkins, et al are scary.

Re: The Game Thread

So anyone else play Sonic Generations around these parts? I got fucking high as a kite for that the first time out and it was amaaaazing. Still really good sober too.
I'm not normally a Sonic person, but I got a copy free from someone and I'm enjoying it. The final boss is glitchy as fuck - I spent 30 minutes failing in various ways, then did nothing particularly better or different and S-ranked him in a few minutes.
Re: The Game Thread

Welp, powered through Squenix's latest installment of "Tomb Raider"

Well. If you liked the one they did back in '13 then you should like this one too, not much has changed. except for a much larger focus on Hunting and on the move item creation

Weapon customisation has been expanded so that not every upgrade stacks with every weapon within the progression, a revolver speed loader doesn't carry over to semi-auto pistols. But extended magazines would work for any magazine fed pistol. With this it's no longer simply upgrade one path and done, and inflates the time to upgrade everything quite a bit even if artificially... Although all the additional weapon variety seem rather lackluster after you acquire the Bolt-Action rifle, and have that fully decked out with suppressor, laser sight and grenade launcher (Even though suppressor is glitched currently, floats like four inches in front of the gun, and doesn't actually do anything to muffle the gun when fired) A bad point to this is the amount of time you'll spend back tracking through landscapes hunting bunnies for fur or hunting people for salvage (Uncommon Loot) or "Technical Parts" (Rare Loot)

If you've played the first one, then you'd be familiar with the pacing of this one too... Entire game builds up to an obvious revelation that leads to someone getting kidnapped and whisked away to final area where the bad guys you were fighting before start getting their asses kicked by the native supposedly immortal/unkillable badder guys... Who also want you dead.

So while your re-introducing the unkillable to the business end of whatever weapon you wish them well with, the original bad guys do bad things in a ritual room that you need to stop. So you do. But not before a boss fight that goes the mandatory three rounds... Kitezh or Yamatai... Pretty fuckin similar shit overall

I've overlooked the microtransactions for in game credits (Especitally since I THINK I may have found a way to earn unlimited Creds in game ANYWAY...) which I was sure was gonna be the biggest flaw I was gonna have with it... Or at least I hoped as much

Of course, if there's that much optimism left, someone has to crush it

If you remember in the earlier game after you finish the game, they would allow you to reload your save from RIGHT BEFORE the final battle, in order to head back and collect everything?

Well because someone had the genius idea to put collectables in a flashback they changed that. Beat the game. And it autosaves again. Opening up the three quick travel points within that flashback... But also DISABLING your map's functionality... Why is this a big deal?

You have TOMBS marked on map
You have CRYPTS marked on map
You have RESOURCES marked on map
You have EXOTIC HUNTING locations marked on map
Caves, relics, documents... Whatever you had on your map, is gone... The have been wiped from the map, and you can not even mark personal navigation points to lead yourself by memory

Meh, just collectables, right? Don't need that kinda OCD bullshit...

But this even includes BASE CAMP LOCATIONS, doesn't matter if you spend that 4 hours searching for that ONE cave that had that last relic or goofing off on a waterfall enjoy running around in circles for the next few hours searching for the way back cause no more map to help with that

With the exception of the absolute SHIT decision to kill the map post-game, the game was overall pretty fun. Especially with the added difficulty provided with Survivor Difficulty. Remember that action game hero regeneration Lara seems to have? Yea... On Survivor difficulty that's gone, not only does one good burst of machinegun fire keel you over, but you stay injured. Sure you "Recover" a bit after the battle, but your STILL injured until you either patch yourself up, or find a campsite (Beginning to see why those being on your map are important, yet?)
Re: The Game Thread

Thanks for the review. I'm really looking forward to that game and can't wait for it to come out on PC later this month (hopefully... they won't actually confirm it anywhere). Guess I'll just have to make sure to do all my exploring before finishing the game. ;) I heard there were some cool new additions like learning languages for tomb raiding and things.
Re: The Game Thread

I found the latest tomb raider to be at least enjoyable. The game felt artificially long, like there were just alot of things that served as distractions to keep from the main story.

The main story was a mess, just kind of going off on random tangents as it felt like every time the game wanted to advance the story there needed to be a plot twist of some kind thrown in just because.

All in all I would say the game was still better than "average", though I think on the whole I would not want to play through this game again after finishing the main story line finally.

It was like a movie, watching it once is great while it lasts but trying to watch it again while knowing how things play out going forward it looks completely different. Do not get me wrong, this game is worth playing, but not worth a repeat playthrough in my opinon.
Re: The Game Thread

Not to be a dick, but I thought this thread was for something else (yup, just checked) and the games discussion thread was for this sort of game review? (OMG the forum's going to EXPLODE! But really, wouldn't have bothered looking at this if it hadn't been the newest post in the sub, while I regularly check the games discussion thread)

Anyway, I was actually going to skip this game as I watched one of the "conan plays" and while it didn't look bad it did appear linear. I might actually pick this up once it comes out for PC now thanks to your review. So thank you.
Re: The Game Thread

I have found a scary game. Please play it. I cannot make it to Floor 25 before being too scared to play. All of those pop up ghosts, pumpkins, et al are scary.

Looks pretty fun to me.
Re: The Game Thread

It looks interesting, certainly, but mostly it seems like a gimmick that will render the games rather unplayable (even MORE ).
Re: The Game Thread

I have found a scary game. Please play it. I cannot make it to Floor 25 before being too scared to play. All of those pop up ghosts, pumpkins, et al are scary.

Looks pretty fun to me.

I concur, Spookies house of Jumpscares is a fun deconstructionish kinda horror game that manages to both be amusing and scary, but.. I'd not call it the most horrible thing evar.
.. I'd propably go with Pathologic from Icepick lodge. It's not even a pure horror in intent but its.. its.. an experience that leaves you in a dark mood. ^^
Re: The Game Thread

I can recommend a good browser-based game.
It is called The Last Stand Union City.
This is one of the best browser-based games I've played.

In it you are the survivor of a zombie apocalypse.

Here is the link to this game if anyone interesting.
Re: The Game Thread

Anyone ever played Zillion?

One of my favorite games of all time. I wish there was a remake (or similar) with the same perspective, gameplay, etc..
Re: The Game Thread


Is anyone playing this game? Cause after playing that game ,I was watching digimon again like I was a kid again.:D
Re: The Game Thread


Is anyone playing this game? Cause after playing that game ,I was watching digimon again like I was a kid again.:D

Looks like tvtropes doesn't like people linking their images. Why not just post the name of the game?
Re: The Game Thread

for the ps4 and vita