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The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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There's hardly a book that will solve everyone's problems. No such thing as a Guide to Success existed and was actually real. This meant that those of Rebecca's family had to carve their own way, and figure out the world for themselves in order to plant the seed of success, nurture it, and watch it grow. Each of the brothers of her family had their set objective, and each had a very strong reason to strive for it. Though, when others might hear of Rebecca's story, they might wonder...

"So, why are you even doing it?" inquired Laon, fellow adventurer. He was a tall and wide shouldered human with long and sleek black hair. He had a greatsword on his back, and was powerful enough to use it. A man who's story was simply a life without choice. Mercenary work to him was his only way to make ends meet in the world. He had no craft or trade, just a mere bastard child of a mercenary that caught a woman and made her his whore. So to him, Rebecca was strange. Very strange.

The happenstance of this question occurred while the two were on their way from the guild, arranged to both deal with a possible threat of the gray kind. Outlanders previously unseen, they came from nowhere. Their job was to look around the area, and not just that, they'd only get paid if they brought back one of the creature's heads. So no half-assed looking around and coming back with nothing, that wasn't how they get paid.

"You're a cute girl, you look like you come from even a modest wealth. Yet... You're out here risking your life and very soul against these outlanders." Laon stated with concern. "If I were you... I'd definitely have stayed home and spread my legs to some rich man. I don't know your story or motivation, but you look like you could be doing so much better." he almost sounded like he was complaining, as if he really wanted her to behave in the way he wanted just so his world would make more sense.

She was free to answer this... Until they came upon a horrifying sight in the distance... An alien tower of gray flesh. Laon stopped in the midst of the trees and his mouth was gaping. "Holy shit..." he whispered in awe and fear.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

If anyone could see Rebecca and Laon walking next to each other then Rebecca would short height would be exaggerated even more with the tall Laon right next to her. When Laon starts questioning her Rebecca replies back in a relaxed tone Because its what I determined my only way to one up my big brothers. When I become successful they will have to acknowledge their little sister is the greatest among them! Rebecca grins and looks up at Laon as she continues. I mean sure I could do that but that would be using someone's power to beat them, and it might not even work. As she says this her face goes red at a sudden realization A-and HEY! Don't go assuming I'm that kind of girl! As Rebecca makes this passionate speech she strikes a 'I'm going to win' kind of pose, which crumbles under her sudden embarrassment. Before she can continue she notices the tower of alien flesh. Rebecca stops mid pose then asks in a worried tone ....What is that?
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Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Rebecca: Fine

As they stare, Laon releases a sudden cry out in pain. Four tiny slits form from his shoulder, and blood oozes out seemingly for no reason, but a shimmer reveals that something was standing behind Laon, and slammed four blades through his shoulder.

Perception: 16+9=25 vs ??? - Failed

Rebecca was caught completely off guard. A blade cut at her, but her panicked motions made her oh so fortunate enough to make only her outfit the victim, which was sliced into clean tatters that fell to the floor, including her bra if she wore one. Caught in the unknown attacker's fury, she was tackled and slammed to the earth as she felt the shimmering shape mount her from behind. Laon's shouting could be heard from behind, though it was hard to tell if he was fighting back or just being murdered. Meanwhile, Rebecca was held flat against the earth, subject to her captor's whim if she did nothing.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

As Rebecca gawks in awe and fear at the alien tower, Laon is sudden stabbed from behind! Before Rebecca even has time to react she is tackled to the ground from behind. Laon! Dan- Ughhh! Having her been almost body slammed to the ground Rebecca is stunned for but a moment but that moment was enough for her attacker to get on top of her. Because she is so distracted by her attacker and is forced to the ground Rebecca hasn't noticed her damaged clothing as of yet. Being unable to see her attacker Rebecca can only feel where it is, and so she uses one of her hands to reach for it intent on casting a spell to help her get away! Damn, get off me! While doing this she trys to throw her attacker off her and get some space between them.

Rebecca casts Second level Nature spell Touch of time while using maximize spell on Touch of time. Meanwhile she resists her attacker! Maximize spell, and Focus in Nature. Need to finish my cheat sheet.
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Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

(Sorry for taking a bit to make the post, I could have posted before I went to bed but then I realized I needed to look up what Touch of time did.)

Rebecca: Grappled, Nude, Penetrated
(HP): 37/43
(PP): 39/51
(EP): 54/58

Grapple: 32 vs 61

Rebecca felt overwhelmed by the monster's power. She tried to lift her arm for one second and found it pinned down by it's powerful muscles, both hands at the ground as she soon after felt a slimy length grace between the crack of her ass. Her clothes in tatters, it offered little aid when the alien simply pushed his way into her pussy from above while crushing her with his weight. A reptilian cock invaded her folds, and wasted no time in bucking back and forth, in and out, violating her with intent as she would find herself having to think of another plan to escape, while feeling the creature on top of her plunge into her womanhood.

Rebecca takes 20-8=12 Pleasure, and 6HP
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

(No worries, to help ill try and put spells that I use at the bottom of a post in a spoiler tag)

Feeling the alien on top of her pin her hands to the ground Rebecca starts to panic a little. Her touch attack failed miserably given no chance to even reach behind her. As she is fully pined below the alien the cool ground touching her bare body finally let's her know of the danger her body is in. And right as she realizes this she feels a slimy cock between her ass cheeks. Oh God.

The alien suddenly forces it's self straight into her pussy. The shock of losing her maidenhood leaves Rebecca stunned. That is intell she starts to feel some strange pleasure from the aliens rough fucking. Nooooooo! Stop it! Ahhhh Rebecca moaned as she tried once again to fight off the alien. She attempts to cast Gust at her attacker but having been pined and fucked by the alien she has little confidence.

{F} Gust (Line) [This spell deals damage as a spell one level lower, but creatures affected by it must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone.].

Magic Feat Wind Caller.
Wind Caller: Spells of the Wind element of the Line shape deal damage as if they were one spell level higher
So over all to cast would be +11 to cast after negatives, dmg = 3d8+5
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Rebecca: Nude
(HP): 37/43
(PP): 39/51
(EP): 50/58

Casting: 25 vs dc20
Resistance: 33 vs 27
Damage: 31-10=21 damage to Hunter

The hunter was blown off in an instant, slamming into a tree as Rebecca freed herself and was allowed to stand and see that Laon was in the middle of a conflict with the one that injured his shoulder. He seemed to be fighting cautiously, drawing out the fight to avoid dying outright, but it was hard to tell if he or the alien would win. Meanwhile, the one she blew off slowly stood, it's reptilian face opening up into a grotesque shape of four fleshy flaps to make a strange scream at her as it stood up.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Rebecca some how manages to concentrate through pain and pleasure to cast a spell at the alien. The sudden very strong wind sends the aliens flying into a tree! Rebecca stands up slowly on shaking legs and looks in horror at the aliens as she finally gets a good look at what was fucking her. A green mass of scales and mussels it was no wonder it had overwhelmed her.

She takes a brief moment to look over at Laon's fight to see how he is faring. Thankfully he is still alive although injured. Four stab injures on his shoulders and some scratches her and there, forcing him to fight for his life. All of the sudden a horrible scream comes from her alien, and as Rebecca looks over just to see how the aliens face opened up.

Ughhh what the hell! Laon hang in there, I'll help you soon!
As she finishes her sentence she begins to attempt a summoning. A green Magic circle comes to life right next to Rebecca. It's glow starting gentle but becoming more and more resplendent as Rebecca completes more of the spell. As soon as she completes the spell, weather it failed or not, Rebecca once again casts Gust at her alien!

DC 30 Spirit of the Bear (Summon) This creature gets the Exceptional, Hard Hitter, and 2x the Pain Resistant Talents.

DC 20 {F} Gust (Line) Creatures affected by it must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone.

Magic Feats
Quicken Spell – The character may pay 4 EP and take a -10 penalty to casting for their round in order to cast an additional spell per round. Other activated metamagic feats cannot be used in the same turn as this metamagic feat.

Wind Caller (Wind) – Spells of the Wind element of the Line shape deal damage as if they were one spell level higher, and summon spells of this element gain a +12 bonus to Body.
A 25 to cast after negatives. Summon does 2d12+24 and has a body of 48.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Rebecca: Nude
(HP): 37/43
(PP): 39/51
(EP): 44/58

Rebecca summoned her creature, and in it's injury, the alien looked to it's ally, and saw it's head cleaved clean off. In a single moment, the alien cloaked and ran off, quickly losing Rebecca and her bear in it's lightning fast speed.

Wounded, Laon approached. "We have the head we need. We need to leave." he said, holding up the Hunter head. "There's no fucking feasible way we can take down... Whatever the fuck that tower is." he looked to the alien tower.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Seeing that Laon managed to kill his opponent and her alien ran she relaxes for a moment. That is intell pain some sudden pain from her wounds makes her stiffen. With her cloths torn and some blood from being forcefully taken running down her legs, Rebecca hides in embarrassment behind her bear before she replies. Of course we need to get out of here. Only two of them did this to us, no telling what could happen if more showed up. Give me a few seconds real quick. After saying this she uses the scrapsame of what's left of her clothing to makeshift something to cover to private parts. OK let's go we need to get out of here quickly.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

The two left quickly, back towards their journey for the town. Quickly though, Laon had to stop and lean against a tree, falling to a sitting position. "I'm losing a lot of blood... Please tell me you can use first aid, or heal with that magic of yours?" he inquired, looking pale.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

I'm so sorry! As Rebecca rushes over she begins to cast a regeneration spell to heal Laon. With all the that happened I was so distracted, I sorry! Rebecca says in a fluster, as her face goes red in embarrassment and shame. She stands before Laon in her makeshift clothing helping him up. Here lean on Max, oh that's the bear by the way. At this point its almost obvious she is rambling to try and forget what happened, but it just wont leave her mind. Lets hurry before anything else show up. Rebecca tries to get Laon to go as fast as he can while not hurting himself. All of the sudden her face shows panic. Ahhhh which way is it to get back to the guild from here? Her inexperience causing her mind to race.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Rebecca: Scantily Clad
(HP): 43/43
(PP): 51/51
(EP): 58/58

Rebecca would take Laon back to the town, where the townsfolk would react on their own to his condition, and the resident would appear, a demoness who made her stake there after the town suffered a lot of troubles due to no medical practice, when a demon came to town and offered her knowledge in exchange for simply taking energy as donations from whoever was willing. Those who weren't willing were never bothered, and those who were allured to her beauty very much were willing.

"Ah, I see you discovered that aliens were indeed attacking. I'll let someone know you were successful. Don't worry about the tower further." the demoness said, taking Laon into her care.

Following practice, all Rebecca would have to do is take the head to her guild and they'd award her with her payment of 50 denarii. who handed over the payment would nod to her. "Well done on your task. There are more missions waiting for you, why not take a look at them and go get some sleep?" she advised Rebecca to retire to her quarters in the guild after looking at the list of jobs available.

For now, using a basic quest format, with three quest lines rated from easy, medium to hard, depending on how you want to challenge yourself.

(Easy): Investigate the forest for a pack of wild animals rumored to be corrupted, the town nurse suspected of causing it, but no proof exists. 20 denarii.

(Medium): Travel with a false merchant to lure out a pack of highwaymen who are robbing traveling merchans. 50 denarii.

(Hard): Orc activity to the north has been rumored. They are numerous and ferocious. 100 denarii.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

After safely making it back to town from the forest Rebecca almost collapses from the pressure lifting from her. She had been unnerved by the entire thing and had a psychological pressure over her on the way back.

She absently minded thanked the doctor and suddenly found herself once again in the guild before the clerk. After offering the head of the alien to receive payment, she blushes at standing in the lobby while in the makeshift clothing.

Thank you, and thanks for letting me know. I'll go give em a glance before bed.
After politely thanking the clerk she goes to inspect the missions briefly. Seeing the three new missions on the board, she takes note of the first two. The last one seemed a little to much for her without more experience.

After that she heads upstairs to her room for the night. After putting on some sleeping attire she resigns and almost immediately falls asleep. Most of her dreams are filled with the alien and what it did to her. She awakes with a jolt and finds she is all hot and bothered. She even had stained the bed slightly with her excitement. What's wrong with me? Ughhh I can't spend all day like this. She reaches down to her wet folds and starts rubbing. She starts to escalate as she goes on and puts a finger in her folds. Ughhh nooooooo. Please don't. She moans to herself and quickly finishes off soon after with a muffled scream of pleasure.

Ha... ha...ha. I need to focus today. I can't break down like I did at the end of the mission. Voicing her thoughts out loud she puts on a Extra pair of clothing and heads down stairs.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

A new dawn, and a new day. Rebecca leaves her room and heads downstairs. The clerk catches her attention. "Laon, your old partner? He's to remain in the doctor's care until his wound closes proper. So, if you want, you can partner with another associate at the guild if you wish. I'm sure they will want a share of the reward though." Which would remind Rebecca that the reward of 50 was meant for both her and Laon. She could keep it for herself if she wished.

Rebecca spotted a pair of women on standby, likely available for aid if Rebecca wished.

, dressed in armor of questionable protection. Always tough and reliable on the front. She could probably hold front wards attention well without being taken down. Her name is Leona.

, armed with blades in various locations of her body, all small but sharp. She looked ready to handle any kind of quiet job, but she looked ill fit for the front lines. However, if it came to being sneaky, it seemed like she was among the best in the room. She was the daughter of the demon doctor in the town, born from her various lewd acts. Her name is Shifta.

, seems like she could win any duel, against any large beast. But unlike the warrior across from her, she dressed lightly and would probably not survive against a large number of enemies or a sneak attack. Her name is Nightingale.

"Which job would you like?" the clerk inquired.
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Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

As Rebecca walks down the stairs she sees the clerk trying to get her attention. After walking over and listening to what she has to say Rebecca asks Do you know if he will make a full recovery? And after she gets her answer looks around at the three others without partners at the moment. I'm thinking I'll take the second mission. And if I can choose who my new partner is I want Nightingale. Then she turns to Nightingale and asks with a smile If your willing of course, to have me as your partner?
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Nightingale nods. "It won't pay much between the two of us, but I suppose it'll be a quick job. Just don't let those highwaymen get the drop on you. Even a seasoned warrior can lose to a novice if she lets her guard down." she declares.

Then Rebecca gets the info on the job.

Mayor said:
The dangers of the road have made merchants wary of traveling to our town and selling their wares. I'm prepared to pay for a false convoy pretending to be merchants to bait the bandits out if the contractor needs it, but I just want to make sure the job gets done. If you're good at tracking and can deal with the problem without my convoy, I will pay an extra 20 denarii.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Indeed but money is money, and I know what it's like to have the drop taken on me. I wont let that happen again. Says Rebecca with a sense of determination in her voice. If you have a method to find these bandits without the convoy then let's do that. I myself don't have one myself so if you don't let's do the convoy. Rebecca seemed very confident in either way they took and at some point asks the clerk when the convoy would be ready to go.
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Nightingale chuckled. "I'm not really a hunter, so convoy it is!" she cheered, and the clerk nodded. "Go inform the mayor, then."

So, Rebecca and Nightingale went to go inform the Mayor, a rather well rounded and plump man with velvet and expensive looking clothing on his person, complete with a bald head. He looked like he had plenty to eat. "Ah, yes, such lovely warriors here to help. All you need do is give this money to the folds at the bar, they will understand." he said, hanging Rebecca a bag of 20 denarii.

Indeed, at the local bar, the Red Dragon Inn, a singular man in a cloak would spot the girls out and call out. "So, I'm to run as decoy? Do you just want me to roll along the path? I don't know how you want to do this. I don't want to die though, so I'm booking it at the first sign of trouble."
Re: The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

To the mayor we go then! When they meet the mayor, Rebecca looks at him as he was a big guy, with expensive taste in clothing. He certainly looked like a jolly man. One of those uncles with a bald head. Thank you sir. We will complete this mission with full success! With a brilliant smile she accepts the money and does a courtesy to the mayor before turning and leaveing for the inn with Nightingale.

When they arrive it's easy to spot the cloaked man sitting alone, expecially when he called out to them. Yep, but don't worry we will be there right next to. We should probably just travel along the roadway thats attacked the most to draw them out. Or if either of you have a different idea I'm listening.