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The Guide to Success (theguy09) ; GM'd by Maf

Rebecca: Sealed, Almost Nude, Enslaved
(HP): 43/43
(PP): 51/51
(EP): 58/58
(TP): 0/25

Items: (If she takes them)
Wooden Spoon
Wooden Fork
Wooden Knife
Medicinal Plants

Enslavement Effects:
Sensitive Breasts: +5 PP damage to breasts.
Addiction (Orc Slaver drugs): DC 22 (AF=2, C=1)

Time of Day
Morning - Roll Call
Morning - Breakfast
Noon - Labor
Noon - Lunch
Afternoon - Slave Training
Evening - Bathing Time
Evening - Dinner
>Evening - Roll Call
Night - Sleep

[Stealth, success.]

Rosy shrugged nervously. "I-I guess, b-but let's not talk anymore. They're looking at us." she said nervously. It seemed the orcs didn't hear them or see their mouths moving, but the orcs were ever nearby.

Then, roll call was made soon after food, before the orcs would herd all the girls to go sleep. (You may skip to a time of day of your choosing.)
"Ok, we can talk later. If we meet up during labor we can talk then, or at the bath." Rebecca was impatient to cement a plan to get out of here, but perhaps it would be better to not be too rash. The orc's could over hear them still.

Deciding it was time to end supper, the orcs rounded everyone up before doing roll call. It was time to head off to sleep for Rebecca.

[Skip to labor!]
Rebecca: Sealed, Almost Nude, Enslaved
(HP): 43/43
(PP): 51/51
(EP): 58/58
(TP): 0/25

Items: (If she takes them)
Wooden Spoon
Wooden Fork
Wooden Knife
Medicinal Plants

Enslavement Effects:
Sensitive Breasts: +5 PP damage to breasts.
Addiction (Orc Slaver drugs): DC 22 (AF=2, C=1)

Time of Day
Morning - Roll Call
Morning - Breakfast
>Noon - Labor
Noon - Lunch
Afternoon - Slave Training
Evening - Bathing Time
Evening - Dinner
Evening - Roll Call
Night - Sleep

Noon - Labor

Night fell. Then Rebecca went to sleep in her cage, which was opened the following morning before roll call, a light breakfast of rice and corn, followed by labor, where Rebecca could decide where to work. Though Rosy had already picked farming. The orc to listen to her job request was none other than the one who abused her during laundry. "Ready to do some laundry?" he inquired with a smirk. He already had a tent in his pants as if he couldn't wait to torture her further. Rosy turned when she heard that, shocked at the sudden interference with their plans. Though, right as he appeared, Toto, the white haired slave, appeared. "U-um, sir... I was hoping to do laundry today..." she said, glancing at his length with nervous approach. The orc looked about to speak, before Gwyn, the blacksmith's daughter Rebecca was here to rescue, appeared as well. "You look excited, master orc. I don't believe I've ever tasted your cock yet." she declared, as both girls covered and got in front of Rebecca. Instead of realizing what was going on, the orc just grinned. "You two are trained rather well. Come on then." he took them both in his arms around their shoulders, before glancing back at Rebecca. "I'll play with you during slave training, cat girl. Look forward to it~" he chuckled.

Rosy approached Rebecca, taking her arms to hurry her. "That was close, we have to make good on their sacrifice, let's go do some farming with the nice orc and talk escape!"
The darkness of night came fast, and thankfully so did sleep. Mercifully keeping her from laying awake thinking about things she would rather not think about. She awoke shortly before her cage was opened up for breakfast, which just consisted of a mix of rice and corn. Not amazing, but necessary for the energy she would need for the day. It was time to get heading over the the farming area for the day! Though there was a problem... the orc who made sure slaves went to work for the day was the same one who had been train... violating her during laundry! Just the predatory gaze he sent her way when he made the decision for her to go with him to laundry once again was enough for her knees to weaken. The mix of anticipation and fear that came with it was horrendously shameful. Why did the orc's drugs have to be so effective! Her eyes wandered down looking towards the floor, inadvertently spotting the tent his cock was making. She cast the blame for her feeling on the drugs, after all, there was no way she could possible have started to even slightly like being fucked by huge orc cock... It only took an instant for all this to go through her head, and before she could even try to think of a way out of it, Toto and Gwyn sacrificed themselves to gain the orc's attention, letting Rebecca go with the original plan! Not wanting to gain any attention again, Rebecca could only silently thank the duo in her heart until later, only for the orc to turn around and declare she would be his plaything for training time! "Y-yes S-sir." She stuttered.

Rosy took one of Rebecca's arms, holding onto it as she started to lead Rebecca towards the fields. "L-lets go! Your right, the sooner we talk to him, the sooner we can find some way out of here, as long as we can get his help that is."