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The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Wild Roll to remove slime butt plug(1d6)+0:
6,+0 Total:6 success
Butt Plug removed

Wild Roll to remove vibrator: 3,5, 5 failure
Vibrator Still inserted
Melona Pleasure Damage Roll:Roll(1d6)+0:
3 PP Damage from Vibrator
Tentacle Pleasure Damage Roll from tentacles(1d6)+0:
Gyges PP: 1/24

After much struggling Gyges would finally manage to remove the threat of her ass slime, but she would fail to remove the vibrator still lodge inside her cunt causing her no small amount of pleasure and all the while Melons would continue to pleasure her faux cock, and Gyges was getting closer to her edge. Getting tired of the fallen warrior,s dogged assistance Melona would continue to grow more tentacles around the man-woman and the would lick up and down her back and back of her thighs and tickle her her in her outs and behind her knees, chipping away at her will.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

With all her willpower remain in her, the miracle was possible and her hands slide out the jelly object inside her, Gyges free of such danger made a relief moan in part thanks to the intense pleasure given to her.

There was not much to do now to avoid what was close to cause her climax, she could feel the false dick hardening until the limit, her breasts hard and being milked in growing intensity. ah...ah...cant cum, i cant let this...happen. She mutters with some droll alreadyy escaping from her mouth, her body earning color to show her huge arousal.

The next move of Melona made her gasp and shruder, her defeat was close, but she will not just give up, her almost lust filled eyes aim for her foe, with her face almost in request for fulfill her needs. Taunting the gel girl to take her, it was then in the last moment when both were close enough than Gyges will risk all and give a direct hit in Melona's head who should be solid to kiss the almost defeated warrior. Her pride as a strong fighter were in game, she would use all her might to KO this woman and stop all the slime objects in her in that way.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Gyges Attack Roll(7d6)+0:
Total:3 successes

Melona's Dodge Roll(7d6)+0:
Total: 4 successes
Melona's Sneak Roll(6d6)+0:

Gyges Perception Roll(7d6)+0:
Gyges' ass is plugged again
Gyges Orgasms!
Gyges' Stay Up Roll(8d6)+0:
Total: 4 Successes
Gyges' PP: 18/24
For every successive orgasm Gyges starts with 1/4 PP total

Sadly Gyges would fail to land a strike against the slime woman and Melona would juke back and manage to slip a trail of slime anal beads into her back door, sending Gyges over the edge. Sadly l, Melona would clamp onto her faux dick with a vice like grip, preventing her ejaculating from that end. However, the massive orgasm would cause her vibrator to pop out of her cunny like a turkey thermometer, along with a waterfall of her pussy juices. Miraculously this did not cause Gyges to lose consciousness, but this blessing would be a curse in disguise as Melona, while still grasping her throbbing faux dick would slowly engulf the fallen warrior, her gelatinous completely enveloping her nubile form and pulsating slowly and steady. This along with the anal beads would egg Gyges on towards a second O that was building painfully slowly.

((Gyges takes 2 PP damage a turn until break free from Melona, and the penalty will remain for orgasm till she releases Gyges' dick.))
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

The creature against her was pretty good to dodge her attacks, as water in the river passing around rocks, Melona take the moaning warrior in a worse punishment. So close to her peak, only the attachment of the slime woman in her false manly member made the orgasm come, pressing her inner walls against the round slime orbs in her rear hole and the vibrator in her cunt, the last object couldnt endure the pressure in the place and jump toward the meat floor as also a small torrent of her carnal juice.

its enough, no more. Gyges tried to order but her words sound more as pittyful pleads for mercy, her breasts milked from the start were slowly starting to send soft pain between all that alien pleasure by being milked. The helpless woman tried to jab at melone, as her hands focus in the task to free that false dick. Gyges squirm as if her life depend of it, the slime pressing in her whole self, but the acts pretty slow so this arousal grow in painful way. Gyges ask herself why Melona dont just finish her, was she waiting for her to give in? Of curse than Gyges would never do that, even if was pointless her attacks to Melona would continue.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

((Gyges is soft voted by Melona. Melona herself expanded, surrounding Gyges, whole body.))

Roll(5d6)+0: 2,5,6,1,2,+0 2 successes Failure
Melona's Pleasure Roll(1d6)+0: 3,+0 Total:3 Gyges takes 3 PP damage
Roll(1d6)+0: 6,+0 Total:6 PP damage
Gyges PP: 9/18

Gyges attack would prove to be most futile, unfortunately as being suspended by the slime woman's gelatinous body made moving and subsequently striking, most difficult. At the same time, Melona's tentacles would form a third suction cup and latch onto the woman's faux cock beginning to milk the cum from it as well. As the sucker would slowly milk the semen from Gyges false member, the slime would slowly pull out the anal beads before slowly inserting a thinner tendril into her backdoor and massain her prostate, bringing her closer to the edge of another climax.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

The moans and helpless groans between her attempts to get free only increased with the time, Gyges could feel the alien ecstasys from her lasts meetings with the creatures on this maze get roots on her cursed body.

Slowly a need to ponder if this was a torture or just a pleasant event come to her mind, have a dick again maybe is already affecting her mind, yet a huge amount of who she is remain intact and so on her attempts to escape of her captor still continue.

Gyges start to try to get her focus and moves on escape of the gel like body surrounding her, she was not sure if pulling herself free or riping the slime around her could work, there was not much what her mind could realize as a solution for her problem with all the new pleasure earned by have her rear hole used by what looks like a tentacle, the only feeling of it at her insides made her whole self shudder what also cause her false dick to get in needed shock to cum more without stop, a closer climax indeed was getting close her door and if she could escape it should be now.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Sadly no matter how hard Gyges struggled she could not break herself free from the slime woman's clutches. Eventually the continuous assault of pleasure on her senses would prove to be too much for the former warrior to bare and she would soon pass out into the pink sea of ecstasy. When she would awaken she would find herself in a different section of the maze and would hear sound of slithering coming from the distance... She would also find herself fastened to a wall facing south by hardened slime! And to make matters worse it sounded like whatever was heading her was not far off!

5/5 turns till maggot swarm arrives.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

The moans and continuous orgasms take their quota on the helpless red haired woman which body was pink by the huge arousal placed on her. No matter her struggles, her naughty sounds as they decrease show the reduction in her struggles and soon she drown herself in the pink substance as she pass out.

Once awake, her body trapped in that strange hardened slime made her soon remember her foe, Gyges could suppose than this was the guilt for her new predictment, in the instant she wanted to curse that woman, but desist when the new sounds of maybe more terrible creatures reach her ears.

Must get free, if they find me like this it will be my end. She ponders taking most of her focus on struggle instead ask herself about where she is or if she remember this place. Her arm and back was the first than she will try to free and then her legs, all as fast as possible.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Gyges Strength Roll: 2 Successes Failure
3 successes
Left Leg broken free
4/5 turns till swarm arrives

After some struggling gyges would finally manage to break one of her limbs free from the slime, jerking her left leg out from the wall, sadly however the rest of her body was still stuck in the slime and the insects were now creeping closer, and she could tell it was a veritable swarm or rather large maggots that seemed to pulsate and leak pre. It was evident that their intent, if they managed to reach her, was breeding...
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Maybe pregnant a long time by tentacles (if she is close to give birth, its just not the time to focus on that : p)

((Corruption roll 2- hypnosis: Gyges will fondle her breast and suck her fingers upon a certain trigger.))
Caused by the defeat of the water elementals and tentacle walls
Gyges gets mostly one RNG roll after each defeat XD (see below)

Corruption List
1 Fetish
2 Hipnosis
3 Tattoo
4 Mutation
5 Bimbofication
6 Bondage
7 Breeder
8 Mind
9 Soul
10 Twice

Body List
1 Head
2 Arms
3 Legs
4 Upper Torso
5 Lower Torso

Corruption List Description
1 Fetish: The character get a fetish related to the area, monster, trap or is randomly selected by the DM (Example: tentacle rape can get her cum addiction, tentacle lover or pregnancy fetish, etc)
2- Hipnosis: Compulsions like say naughty words, masturbate without notice, moan or act like a whore with a word or event. They could reduce temporal stats
3 Tattoo: magic tattoos than could get a curse on the character
4.- mutations than are in the DG list or others
5.- Bimbofication: The character gets more feminine and open to sex
6.- Bondage: leather boots, leather gloves, piercings, jewelry, chains, etc. All high resistant and hard to remove or imposible for the character
7 Breeder.- The character can get impregnated even in pregnancy state, her rear hole is now a second womb, breasts pussy, time reduction to give birth between others breeder mutations.
8 Mind.- Memories of the character, learn slut skills, forget stuff, etc
9Soul: The character can change of race in the best case, but usually gets a terrible sluttyfication
10 Twice: the character gets two more corruptions

Get free of the solid slime got to be a hard task, mostly getting more difficult now with some of her strenght taken with the curse. But Gyges wouldnt just let all what live in this place have a time with her, her struggle got one of her legs free and the partial victory made her smirk again.

This moment then gets a little dark when she notice the many creepy and gross small creatures moving toward her. On the name of all the gods, why all these things looks to try to do the same on me? She mostly ask to herself when she notice the features of the next misfortune in her dammed path. Anyway, these things will not have screams from her, the terror and woorries of the near future werent a burder for the mighty warrior, so quickly tried to use her free leg to aid herself in her struggle to pull herself free of her predictment.
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Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Every three attempts makes a turn, after three turns the bugs will be upon Gyges.
Gyges escape rolls:
Turn 1:
Total:1 success Failure

Total: 2 Successes Failure

4,5,3,+0: Three Successes Success! Gyges' Right Leg is freed!

Turn 2:
Total: 2 Successes Failure

Total: Three Successes Success! Gyges' Right arm is freed!

Total: 2 Successes Failure

Turn 3:
Total: 2 Successes Failure

Total: 3 Successes Success! Gyges manages to get completely free!

After much struggling, and chipping away at the harened slime encasing her body, Gyges is finally able to break free from her imprisonment, just as the bugs begin to encroach on her, coming right up to her feet! Gyges could either try to attack the tiny critters or she could simply choose to run, and try to make her way further through the maze. If she went back through the way she came, she be faced with the same vertical paths she passed earlier. One u turning back to where she escaped Melona before branching north and west, and another one also extending northwards, before branching off into a long winding path.

((Ugh. The site does not like the .png map I am using for this thread. I wish I could put up in my album to show you, would make things sooooo much simpler! >< ))
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

The struggle t get free was eternal yet so short, see the small creatures getting closer every second would had caused panic and terrible mistakes in any damsel. However, Gyges was so far of be a helpless woman and inside her still remain some of the powerful coldblood warrior.

Her firm attempts to escape of the hard slimy slowly get rewarded, her limbs one by one got to be free and help her to get out faster, just in time to be finally free when the things were close her legs.

The nude red woman see her foes with disdain, she wanted so baddly to release her fury and smack them, stomp on them and dostroy all these creatures, but she was not in a state to claim for revenge, nly the promise than she would get a faster pay back on the witch than place her there made her decide in an instant.

Soon, her still clear mind made her move her body away of the pesty creatures, there was not way than she would give them a chance to lost any precious minute killing them without motive or worse, let them rape her when she could choice to escape.

That is why her legs move to take distance and run from them. She was not sure where she was, at least it was not the start of the maze, fortunately her mind have an idea of her position, no doubt than she would preffer to avoid that slime woman so Gyges choice another path, the northwards, before branching off into a long winding path. If she was lucky this time, maybe she will dodge what she find and gets to reach something useful or the exit at least.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

As Gyges would barely avoid the swarm of insects and make her way down the winding path, halfway down she would be stopped in her tracks by a fairly large, beautiful sweet smelling purple flower growing near the wall of a corner. The plant seemed to be beckoning her towards it, the sweet aroma filling her nostrils making it nigh impossible to resist. As she would get closer to look at the plant she would get a funny feeling in the back of her head as if some one was calling out to her and the vision of big bright blue captivating eyes hypnotizing her. "Come to meeee~....."

Hypnotic Flower: Charisma 3 successes
Gyges Willpower: 2 Successes Failure
Gyges is charmed
Flower Hypnosis Roll 4 successes
Gyges Willpower 3 Successes Failure
Gyges is Hypnotized for 1 round
Must roll willpower vs charisma to break free
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Maybe pregnant a long time by tentacles (if she is close to give birth, its just not the time to focus on that : p)

((Corruption roll 2- hypnosis: Gyges will fondle her breast and suck her fingers upon a certain trigger.))
Caused by the defeat of the water elementals and tentacle walls
Gyges gets mostly one RNG roll after each defeat XD (see below)

Corruption roll: 9- Soul: Change of race to bunnygirl: Increase pregnancy rate and quantity of childs per birth

Corruption List
1 Fetish
2 Hipnosis
3 Tattoo
4 Mutation
5 Bimbofication
6 Bondage
7 Breeder
8 Mind
9 Soul
10 Twice

Body List
1 Head
2 Arms
3 Legs
4 Upper Torso
5 Lower Torso

Corruption List Description
1 Fetish: The character get a fetish related to the area, monster, trap or is randomly selected by the DM (Example: tentacle rape can get her cum addiction, tentacle lover or pregnancy fetish, etc)
2- Hipnosis: Compulsions like say naughty words, masturbate without notice, moan or act like a whore with a word or event. They could reduce temporal stats
3 Tattoo: magic tattoos than could get a curse on the character
4.- mutations than are in the DG list or others
5.- Bimbofication: The character gets more feminine and open to sex
6.- Bondage: leather boots, leather gloves, piercings, jewelry, chains, etc. All high resistant and hard to remove or imposible for the character
7 Breeder.- The character can get impregnated even in pregnancy state, her rear hole is now a second womb, breasts pussy, time reduction to give birth between others breeder mutations.
8 Mind.- Memories of the character, learn slut skills, forget stuff, etc
9Soul: The character can change of race in the best case, but usually gets a terrible sluttyfication
10 Twice: the character gets two more corruptions

The red head woman placed all her focus on get away of so dangerous place where she has awaken, soon being pretty far of the countless bugs to need to worry about them again.

Quick she take once again the directions needed to be more close to get out this strange Flesh Maze, it was then when her barefeet get to an halt when she smell something close her. Hmm~... this delightful aroma, i havent smell something like this, at least in this place. The scent was just so enticing than Gyges to herself, walking toward the place so she could find out that smell.

How a flower could grow here? she ask to nobody, her cheeks already blushing and her defenses each secong getting lower, curious she get close the big flower until she heard that interesant voice.

Greetings, you should be another poor soul trapped in this place. Can i help you in something? My name is Gyges, let me help you with any problem than you could have as the skilled warrior than i am. The red head said with a vow, still distant some steps from the flower, clueless of the danger and slowly getting closer as the words command, but she could stop and give to the woman trapped time to introduce herself. Gyges suppose than a charming inocent woman wouldnt enjoy than someone in her state move so closer, not at least in this perverted place.

[try to use willpower to control herself of get too close of the unknown woman]
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Gyges Willpower roll to break free: 3 successes
Alurane hypnosis roll: 3 Successes.
Tie breaker roll: Gyges 6 v Alurane 1
Gyges breaks free
Alurane tentacle 1 grapple check: 2 successes
Gyges dodge check: 4 successes
Alurane 2nd grapple check: 3 Successes
Gyges dodge check: 3 successes
Gyges left arm is grappled!
Alurane 3rd Grapple check: 2 successes
Gyges dodge check: 3 successes
Alurane final grapple check: 1 success
Gyges dodge check: 2 successes

Something in the back of Gyges' mind would tell her not to listen to the strange voice and she would shake her head to free herself of any influences and would proceed to continue down the path she was originally going... But just as she gof a few feet in a giant flower would pop out from the fleshy flower. It was a deep fuschia color, smelling as good as the one she just passed. Before she could react, a tentacle would lash around her left arm entagnilng her. Three more would lash out at her, but some how she would manage to dodge the other three. Unfortunately her left arm would be still be trapped. "How annoying! You somehow managed to resist my hypnosis flower! I guess I have to do this the old fashioned way then~ FUFUFUFU!" She would hear a voice cry out as the petals of the flower opened revealing a beautiful voluptuous green skinned woman, with long flowing rose petal like hair and golden eyes
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Maybe the Gods were still at her side or Gyges wild nature still exist. No matter what happens to be it clear the warrior's mind the enough to stop herself of go direct to a possible trap and just return to her path, pondering why a flower was there... maybe was a trap or just not, anyway she dont have the time to lost smelling it in a completely wrong at him girly way. This place cant stop of freak me out... She think in loud voice when suddenly something get out its hide.

Vines rush toward Gyges who was not sure how she have such skills to dodge now, maybe beingg smaller in this woman body have some pros, but any speed earned was meaningless if the red head cant kill her foes in a blow like her old self. The attacks were many and soon one got her, still with her arm trapped she managed to dodge the rest and then a voice come out of the giant new flower than attacked her.

I must decline the offer, for my experience in this place, i can imagine in what consist that old fashioned way. The warrior lady answer after the plant woman's words, soon starting to try to free her arm of the vine and try to run away once free before more of them capture her.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Gyges Strength Roll(3d6)+0: 6,5,5,+0 Total:3 successes
Aluranes Strength Roll(3d6)+0: 6,2,6,+0 Total: 2 successes
Gyges Escapes
Alurane grapple Roll(6d6)+0: 5,4,2,1,6,4,+0
Total: 4 successes
Gyges Dodge Roll(7d6)+0: 2,5,5,1,6,1,1,+0
Total: 3 successes
Gyges is tripped! Prone
Alurane grapple Roll(6d6)+0: 1,1,4,3,3,3,+0
Total:4 successes
Gyges Dodge Roll(6d6)+0: 1,4,3,3,3,3,+0
Total: 5 successes
Alurane attack Roll(6d6)+0: 1,6,1,6,3,2,+0
Total: 3 successes
Gyges dodge Roll(6d6)+0: 1,3,6,1,4,6,+0
Total: 4 successes
Alurane Attack Roll(6d6)+0: 6,6,4,2,2,4,+0
Total: 4 successes
Gyges Dodge Roll(6d6)+0: 4,2,5,4,4,3,+0
Total: 5 successes

Gyges would manage to escape the aluranes grasp only for the plant woman to manage to snare her left leg, tripping her and causing her to fall to the meaty floor below. The plant woman would attempt to wrap her other leg, right arm, neck and waist as well... Only for the former to narrowly dodge each grab, greatly frustrating the flower lady (and the GM). "Oh for all of the fuckong nine hells! Just be a good girl and give up already! All I want to do is to make you cum~" As the last word in the sentence would register with the newly formed bunny girl, lewd impulses would soon fill Gyges mind, giving her the compulsion and desire to masturbate, making her insanely horny to where proper thinking was near impossible...
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

With what would happen to her if fail very clear in her mind, the red haired bunnygirl act as fast as possible to free her hand, as expected an easy task to do.

Free she smirk victorious and look to the plant woman a last time before run away or that was what she expected, in her great succeed and hurry to leave as soon as possible, Gyges fail to notice a vine wraping at her left leg and this with a pull make her fall at the meat floor. Dammit! Dont... expect... to have me...so easy, creature. Gyges exclaim between her desesperated attempts to evade the vines comming at her. Dodging and rolling at the floor in the last second.

Looking the despair on her foe, the young bunnygirl was close to release her trapped leg when the plant woman talk and in some way explain what she wanted to do with her victim. Unnable to understand the reason, Gyges arched her body and rub softly her soft skin in the warm flesh below her. Her left hand quickly move to pinch her nipple and rub her breasts, as her right hand move to prepare her love lower lips for any future intrusion all of these moves being unnoticed by Gyges who let out a slutty whine of need before try in her potent arousal focus to talk and move her body to free herself.

Oh~ goods. W-why? What would you earn with...that? I-i have enough pleasure... from all the creatures in this place. Gyges tried focus hard on move her hands to release her leg, she was starting to ponder if her arms were tied too and from where all the pleasure was comming. Her hands of course were busy lletting free her nectar and mik, as her mouth was close to get open to give to her tongue the chance of lick her fingers, almost as if two minds were fighting to take the control inside the clueless nude horny girl.
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Alurane Pollen roll: 2 Successes
Gyges Willpower Roll: 3 successes
Alurane Grapple Roll: 5 successes
Gyges Reflexes roll: 3 successes
Success Both of gyges arms are grappled!
Gyges Willpower Roll: 2 successes
Alurane Strength Roll: 4 successes
Failure Gyhes will be captured in flower pod in two more turns

The plant woman would spray some more of her strange pollen at Gyges but at this time the bunny women would have developed a resistance to it. But she wouod find herself unable to dodge the woman's vines this time around and she would find both of arms firmly snared and the plant women slowly dragging her towards her lair to have her way with her. As much as she struggled she would sadly find herself being unable to break free and in just a short amount of time later she would eventually find herself completely in the plant creatures grasp...
Re: The Maze of Flesh (plmnko)

Once her mind get affected by the sudden strange need to masturbate, the warrior will fight hard to resist it and the pollen successfully, however her focus made her lost her chance to free her leg and soon her hands were grapped too.

Dammit, i will fight to get free... im not a toy for all of you to use! Shouting between her arousal, the bunnygirl used her teeth to try to free her hands and so she could do the same for her trapped leg or she would be used until the terrible monstergirl get sattled with her needs