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The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

"Yes, fine, sure, let's just go," Alice says, relenting. "Lead the way."
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

The crew proceed to search for the medical tents, and find them quickly. The six white cloth pavilions are surrounded by many empty wooden gurneys,and more can be seen within the tents. Seven soldiers are standing about, one with a brass chevron marked on his helmet, shirt collar and shield, but all are trying to look attentive and not to look extremely bored. They all take notice of you, then return to their attempt to look observant. A woman's incoherent mumbling can be heard from the one tent with it's flaps closed.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Well? We're looking for your scout, so you might as well go get him. Sen says, impatient and ready to go out of the camp to start fighting exciting new creatures... and making sure she is strong enough to fight off Aslan if he finds her again.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Alice walks up to the nearest soldier and "Good morning, soldier. We're here to get some medicines for the road, we've got some scout work today. You have any we could use?" She then pauses for a moment, and then motions towards the tent the sounds are coming from. "I take it that's the chief surgeon? She's not busy at the moment, is she? I would speak with her if not."
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

The soldier raises an eyebrow at Alice's approach. At her inquiry, the addressed one responds, while his comrades begin to chuckle. "Uh, I don't have the authority for handing out the medical supplies, Lady Exalted. My captain does," he nods towards the one with the brass chevrons.

"I am Captain Orly, ma'am," he introduces himself, an amused smile on his worn face. "While I have been given permission to dispense medical supplies, Miss Penny, the head surgeon you are inquiring about, has ordered us not to go into the supply tent." His face takes on a look of concern. "She's been in there all morning." He shrugs. "It's a bit weird, but she's a bit loopy anyways, and the other medics are about the camp, so it's no cause for concern, for now." His amused smile returns. "I wish you luck on your scouting mission, Exalted."

The other soldiers have stopped chuckling, though the air is still cheerful.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Triacca exchanges glances with the other Exalted, suddenly curious about this supply tent. However she sets these concerns aside for a moment and addresses the captain in standard military fare.

"Captain Orly!" she says, saluting. "Triacca Silvers of the Crimson Bulwark mercenaries. I've been commissioned by General Duke to escort one of your scouts," holding out the scroll the general provided her. "You'll find the details within."

Thinking to herself, Triacca definitely wanted to find out what this Miss Penny was up to at the first opportunity.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

"Oh." Says Alice, as the soldier motions toward the captain.

"Right. Thank you," she replies, a little embarrassed.

Alice walks up to the supply tent's entrance. Hands on her hips, she tries to discern what's going on in the tent, listening to the noises coming from inside and checking the air for any strange smells.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Captain Orly salutes to Triacca in return, a serious expression taking over his face as she hands him the scroll containing his orders. He opens it immediately and begins to read, nodding and humming a few times. He then takes a double take at the last part. "Consume after reading?" he asks none, perplexed.

Triacca Perception 6 + Intuition 2. Total 8, auto-passes 2.
Alice Perception 6 + Intuition 4 + Auspex 4. Total 14, auto-passes 3.
Daz Perception 5 + Intuition 4. Total 9, , auto-passes 2.
Sen Perception 4 + Intuition 2. Total 6, auto-passes 1.

Sen can barely hear the mumbling, while Triacca and Daz can definitively understand the words being said, though it doesn't help since it is mostly gibberish and some swearing. Alice's keen senses, on the other hand, can quite clearly hear 'Penny's' lewd and desperate tone of voice, a slight hint of a woman's musk barely noticeable over the whole camp's smell of dirt, blood and sweat.

Captain Orly looks directly at Triacca. "My orders are to have one of my men follow your group around, but it doesn't say which one, or where you're going. Since you seem to know more about this than I do, I guess I should let you decide which one of my men you'll be 'escorting'." He nods to the soldier Alice approached a moment ago. "Mike can see very clearly from far away, and probably the best choice if you're going to sit in one spot and watch troop movements all day." He nods to his other troops, one by one, explaining each merits. "Victor," the tallest soldier present, "isn't a particularly noteworthy scout, but he's more than competent with a sword, and has never let anything past his shield. Charles," a short and thin soldier, "is the squad's worst fighter, but he's also our best map drawer. Daniel", the soldier with a red irradiated nose, "is a good scout, but her also knows a whole ton of archaic languages. Drew," he points to an unremarkable soldier, "is the sneakiest guy here. And then there's Grusk," he points to a large green skinned soldier with tusks, "is a decent scout and better warrior, but he's also been affected by magic. He isn't affected by the Black Moon's miasma, but that won't be any use since your not going into the city..."
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Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

A bemused smile crosses Alice's face for a moment before changing into a frown. "What should I do..." she mumbles to herself, thinking.

Momentarily considering motioning Hannibel over and sending her inside for a laugh - and revenge for a similar prank not too long ago - she sighs and opts for a less intrusive approach. "Miss Penny!" she calls out. "I hate to interrupt, but we need some field kits for a squad of seven!"

She also motions for her attendants to approach, to take the bags until they're out of camp.
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Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

"I'll take Victor. I can always use another warrior."

While this was true, Triacca's primary concern was the 50 brass contract payment, and the requirement that the scout return unharmed if it was to be paid. She needed a scout that could remain standing if forced into a scuffle inside the city. And while Grusk's condition could possibly come in handy there as well, she'd be damned if she was going to willingly bring a filthy greenskin into her band.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

So I take it you have a good idea of what she was doing in there? I'd prefer I not have anything exploding in my face because she was surprised while working. Sen remarks to Alice as she watches the woman call into the tent. As she does so she also maneuvers to put Alice between her and the tent.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

"I don't think you need to worry about that, Miss Valiere," she replies, her eyes not leaving the tent. "That said, you should back up, maybe five paces."
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Captain Orly nods, then turns to mentioned Victor. "Swardmen Victor, by General Order, you are hereby transferred to independent operations. For your safety, you have been assigned to follow the Crimson Bulwark wherever they go. You are to remain with them until such time as General himself relieves you, or the Crimson Bulwark ceases to operate."

The near giant steps forward a salute to his superior, "Yes, my captain," before turning to Triacca. "Commander, I am ready to use my skills for you," he bows professionally. The rest of the soldiers stifle giggles. "Uh, I said something weird again..."

Meanwhile, no reply comes from the medical supply tent. Grusk, the soldier standing guard near it replies instead, "Captain try to call her out earlier. She didn't reply then either," in a deep baritone. He shrugs, "She usually comes out by now, but hides in there often. Maybe something upsetting her?"
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Alice thinks for a second, and then replies "Maybe, Mister Grusk."

She motions for Daz to join her, and walks over to the captain, and begins questioning him about Penny. "Captain, tell me about Miss Penny. She is an Exalted, yes? Is she magically corrupted? Does she have noteworthy abilities outside the realm of healing? What would be a typical reaction to an interruption of her work or just angering her?"
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

"Miss Penny? Exalted? I don't think so," captain Orly replies. "She's rather peculiar, referring to herself in the third person and occasionally using baby talk with her patients, but she's completely mortal and human. I've never witnessed any magic, though she does have some strange smelling salves I've seen her administer to wounds to clean them. I've never seen her angry, though I've seen her get frustrated with a patient that refused help from her or her colleagues, once. She knocked him out with a potion seeped in some cloth and put over his mouth."

The sounds of feet and casual chatting approaches. Those who turn to look will see two people, a short man and a tall women both wearing baggy white clothes with red triangles on the sleeves, hood and feet. They are chatting about the soldiers being healthy, and how lucky they are to have been assigned to a campaign that no one gets injured in. They split as the enter the medical tent area, nodding politely to the soldiers and the visitors. The man carries several cloth sheets into one tent as the women is carrying a wooden box filled with bottles and various pliers and tiny blades directly towards the supply tent.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

"I see. Thank you, Captain Orly. Come on, Daz."

Noting the arrival of the two medics and considering the new information, Alice abandons any hope of discreetly getting her supplies and leaving Penny undisturbed, and opts to just walk in. She was slightly worried something might have afflicted Penny, and needed to see for herself.

"Hold on, Madam Doctor." She calls as she turns towards the supply tent. "Please wait a moment."

As she and Daz approach the tent's entrance, she asks Grusk and Colin to wait outside, and steps in.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

The Medic takes a sour look when Alice intercepts her. "I'm sorry. I'm very busy, Lady Exalted," she responds, though she does pause as requested.

Alice enters the supply tent and finds it lined with rows of stacked crates and yet more stacks of gurneys. Some crates are open, many holding vials and bottles, others rolls of cloth lengths used for bandaging. It looks as organized and sterile as possible, aside from whom is presumably Penny squatting down in the middle of one of the isles of crates. Her long brown hair is a complete mess, one of her hands is up her shirt massaging her breasts, and the other is between her legs, clearly servicing herself. A small pool of her juices has accumulated beneath her, and her eyes are almost closed. She's very flustered, and babbling softly.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

"Thank you, Madam Doctor. I'll try to be quick."

As she steps through the flap of the tent, she looks up and spots Penny. A soft "Oh my" escapes her lips, and she blushes slightly; even expecting the sight does little to prepare for it.

She pauses a second, focusing her perceptions, and approaches Penny slowly, shifting into her magical sight, and examining her for any abnormalities.

As she closes in, she begins to speak, in a low tone. "Miss Penny? Are you alright?"

(Use Aura Perception and Supernatural Senses (I have to choose a sense, right? Smell). Can I make a diagnosis with either Medicine or empathy, too?)
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

(Yes, yes+no, Empathy + Intuition or Medicine + Logic in this case. Use each skill separately, in this case. 2 pp total.)

Alice: Perception 6 + Auspex 4 + Intuition 4. 15 dice. 3 automatic successes, which is sufficient.
Supernatural Sense allows you to use Alchemy 6 + Concoctions 2 + Intuition 4
Medicine 4 + Logic 4 - 1 since this isn't a First Aide problem . 4 hits rolled.

As expected, the air is thick with the sweaty musk of a sexually active woman. On the other hand, she's giving off abnormal amounts of sexual pheromones. They don't make it far before dissipating, five feet at most. There's also the faint scent of reagents, the most notable is Dryad's Dew, a nectar from a flower commonly used in love potions, though there are a few others that don't belong in a Love potion.

When her senses align to seen the Auras, Alice can the faint lines of fey magic coursing through Penny, concentrating on her loins, but also flowing around her and occasionally flaring in other places. A faint glow of the magic can be seen coming off her lips, as well as an open and empty vial behind her, and a piece of paper beneath it.

Prognosis: Penny has overdosed on an aphrodisiac. This will eventually pass, but it will likely take hours. Alice is unaffected by the pheremones, but she knows that any man that comes within range is going to be overcome with lust for her until he's been separated from her four a few minutes.


Meanwhile, outside the tent, the other medic rejoins his female counter part. "What's going?" "The Exalted wants us to stay out of the tent while she's in there with Penny. I hope she doesn't take long. I have to see that crazy oracle, and she wants me to bring her a couple of things."
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

"Ah... Good, at least it's nothing dangerous."

Alice stops briefly to take the vial and read the paper before grabbing Penny under an arm, and lifting her to her feet. "I'm going to take you to a corner, okay?" she says, lifting her from behind keeping her voice low and speaking close to her ear. "You really should find a more private place when you do this sort of thing, Miss Penny," she continues, keeping a third part, unless you were hoping someone came in, hmm? to herself.

Once Penny is settled in a more isolated spot, she calls in the female doctor. "Madam Doctor, there has been an, ah, accident," she begins. "Miss Penny seems to have ingested a heavy dose of an aphrodisiac. The effect will last some time yet, and any men affected by it will be... "indisposed" along with Miss Penny.

"I don't think other women will be affected by it - unless you can confirm otherwise? - but I don't wish to move her, since there are so many men outside, and nowhere else private in the immediate vicinity that I saw. You could wrap her in one of those sheets, I suppose... but anyway, I'd suggest quarantining the tent for women only until the drug wears off - probably by noon, at the latest. I don't know if Mister Grusk is immune to this stuff, but it would be good to replace him with another woman as well.

"At any rate, I just needed some medical supplies. If you'll excuse me, I need to pack a few kits for my little gathering, and then we'll be off."