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The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

"Those teethy things are big. Well, I think they're shorter than me, but I can only hear their jaws flapping as they run and feet as they clap against the cobblestone. But those teeth are huge. This wide at least," She holds her hands over two feet apart.

She turns to face Triacca as she speaks, listening intently. "You are looking for a beautiful sword-woman of incredible skill. Finding any one of those would be a matter of perseverance and luck, but searching for a specific one very much more difficult if she doesn't announce her presence or skill to anyone." She scrunches her lips in thought, humming. "With the little you know of her, perhaps you could tell me things about yourself that you must share with her. I haven't much about beautiful sword-women until today, and I'm certain they are talking about you." She pauses, letting Triacca gather her thoughts before interjecting. "Or, we could try some Blood Magic, but that would be painful."
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Alice considers the maws for a moment, but can think of nothing else to ask. Instead, she switches to a different topic.

"The General mentioned you saw something about shrines, I think? What can you tell me about those? Do these have something to do with the hallowed areas, or are they something different? Where can we find them?"

She also stays alert, eager to observe Pyynana's Blood Magic, should Triacca choose it.
Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

Closing her eyes, Triacca tried to remember anything about her mother. She delved back into her memories, trying to think of anything she could use to identify her, but eventually she came up with nothing. The earliest face she can envision is that of her father, with his square jaw and proud smile.

Suddenly though, she recalled a dream she had had a few months ago. It was seemingly purely abstract, and she had thought nothing of it when she first experienced it, but appeared now just as vividly before. A dark room, a faint voice. Singing... no, humming softly. A song... a lullaby? Incense... warmth... sulfur... dizziness... blackness.

Triacca shook her head, jarred back to reality. That vision filled her with a mild sense of worry. "I'm sorry seer, but I have no memory of my mother. My father was a pureblood though, so I suppose that any ogre features I have were passed on by her. She must have stood at least slightly taller than my father, and obviously my red skin and horns are traits she must possess."

Recognizing how insignificant this must have sounded, Triacca rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Bah, this can't be helpful. Here," She thrusted her arms forward, palms raised, staring at Pyynana resolutely. "Perform your Blood Magic, seer. A bit of pain is a small price to pay to narrow our search."
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Re: The Nightmare's Beginning (T-A-B, Gargantua, Pheonix)

"Perhaps a lead could be found among your father's things, Miss Silvers?"

Alice closes her eyes for a moment, and re-opens them, watching Pyynana and Triacca closely, hoping to learn more of the Blood Magic.

(Activate Aura Perception)