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The Quest of Light (SomCr)

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Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
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(Man, I can't believe this chance just fell into my lap, here's something special for you)

Daniel Currette was scared. She was just a low level intern at a facility a few kilometers North of the city. Her facility wasn't in danger, too far, but fate conspired to place her in danger.

Daniel worked on the XL-1009 project. More importantly, the XL-1009 was a prototype laser rifle. As the staff watched the news with a combination of terror and scientific curiousity, they failed to notice the military officer untill he was at the door to their breakroom. "Ok listen up people! We need the XL-1009 in Clover Grove and we need it NOW! I want it ready to go 30 minutes tops!" The scientists and interns were stunned for a second, and the officer was about to get angry and repeat himself when the project lead spoke "Ah, yes, of course. Jenkins, Watt, Freeman, get it ready for transport, charge it up to maximum. Pack all the add on mounts too. Red, Fargo, Eltmann, and, hmmm, Currette, you're with me. Get your tools and meet me out front in no later then 20 minutes."

Daniel's heart skipped a beat. Why her? When she tried to protest, the project lead gave her a look at said they needed everyone they could get, and that even an intern could do basic field maintenance. Then, the officer had come over and gave her a guilt trip, about how could she feel good about herself if good men and women were out there dieing to defend her right now, while she wanted to go run and hide.

In the end, everything was packed up and ready to go in time, but major delays happened on the way. Somehow the monsters had artillery support, and the highway to the city was choked with debris. So, it was only around 4 PM when the convoy got to the docks. The nuke was already on its way as the team unpacked the XL-1009.

However, before the entire team was wiped out, they were attacked by a leaper. This, ironically, saved Daniel's life. She was its first target, it smashed into her, but failed to get a grip, and she fell off the docks and slipped underwater. It was at that very moment that the nuke fizzled, sending everyone on the docks to a fiery death as they fell off the other side into the water with a truck, which promptly exploded.

When Daniel managed to find a ladder and climb out of the ocean, she found the city on fire, her team gone, and crates scattered all over the dock. Fortunately, the leaper had almost died in the bombing, but it was little condolence.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Ohh, boy.)

Daniel watched them unpack intently. The XL-1009 had taken them so long to develop and here she was. A lowly intern at it's first deployment, she could hardly believe her luck. Even as frightening as this whole scenario was, Daniel had dreamed of being able to do this since childhood.

A scuff distracted her. <That's odd. I can see everyone... What could..> she turned around and spotted the creature. The scream had barely left the young woman's mouth and the creature was already in the air, hurtling towards her. By some strange fluke it didn't grab her and instead sent her hurtling over the edge.

<No, no, no,no. Crap, dive.> The thoughts shot through her head as she went down in a very poor pencil dive. Swimming as strongly as she could, it still took her a long time to reach the surface, though she didn't fail to notice how much hotter the water up top was. "Holy... what the?" Daniel stammered, looking at the scorch marks on the side of the dock. She moved to the ladder and wrapped the sleeves of her coat over her hands to avoid getting burned by the metal. Though she dreaded what she would find Daniel forced herself over the top.

"No..." A soft gasp was all that came. Her team, gone. The research papers, gone. <Wait... maybe the rifle is still here.> She ran across the dock as quickly as she could, looking around the last place she'd seen it.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

It took awhile to find the secure crate containing the XL-1009. There were many other identical crates containing various things scattered around the wreckage, none of it much use to Daniel.

After about five minutes, she found the correct crate. As luck would have it, it had been unlocked just before the explosion, otherwise she'd never get it out of its container. The rifle was big and bulky. It looked like a long rectangular fence post, about a meter long, 10 cm high and 5 cm wide. One end had a small circle cut out, where the beam would come from, and the other had some various power ports and a handle cut out with the trigger, and a small grip a ways down the barrel, this was clearly a two handed weapon.

The rifle was heavy too, it gave Daniel trouble to lift it, though if she put her mind to it should could lug it around and aim it decently. Daniel set it back down next to the crate for a moment and looked to see what else was inside it. There was a power cable, some wierd antenna looking things that seemed able to plug into the trigger end, though good luck holding the rifle properly if you stuck it in, and lastly, a small book of some sort. Daniel wondered if she had time to read it now, or if she should seek shelter incase more monsters were lurking about.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

It took all her self control to resist screaming from joy. She'd found the rifle, and it was fine. She carefully laid it down and looked through the other parts. "Ohhh." The book sparked her interest, it might contain firing procedures, storage, or well worse now but better later, schematics. <Though, more of those things might be around..> She sat thinking for a few seconds before coming to a decision. Daniel put the rifle back as safely as she could and looked around the site, trying to find some sort of small arm, a pistol or even a knife, left over.

(No matter the result of this search she'll move away from the rifle and start reading the book, unless something else happens.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

The site was pretty desolate. There had been the regular cargo on the docks at the time of the explosion, so there was wooden splinters all over. Daniel slowly made her way to where the convoy was, or what was left of it. Everyone manning it had been thrown into the drink, so there wasn't much left from them to use. She did find an officer's automatic pistol, but no spare ammo. No melee weapons around either, though one of the wooden splinters might work in a pinch.

Sighing, Daniel leaned against a crate and opened the book. "XL-1009 Operations Guide" "Page 2 - Introduction" "Page 10 - Maintenance" "Page 45 - Operation (mechanics)" "Page 72 - Operation (field use)" "Page 87 - Notes". The book had alot of information in it. Now really wasn't the time to look into in detail. If Daniel wanted to read more she'd definitely need to find someplace safe.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(No spare ammo meaning, gun empty and no extra ammo or full magazine and no extra ammo?)

Daniel picked up the pistol sighing. "Well better than nothing." She popped the safety on and pocketed the gun, though unskilled with firing she'd learned basic gun safety. "Let's see what's in here." She opened the book giggling to herself and soon went silent staring at it intently. "This is perfect, but I need more time." She ran back to the crate and packed the rifle and all components away as carefully as possible, save the book which went in another pocket. Being extra careful to not re-lock it Daniel started to bring the crate over to the nearest building.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Full mag, no reloads. I suppose I should give some details about the gun. Its a very nonstandard gun for military use, more like something a gang leader would have. Despite being a pistol, it is full auto, as I said previously, and therefore large ammo capacity. High recoil, however. The one you have specifically I'ved dubbed the AP1110, and it's based off the Meyer TMP and Tec-9, if you want to google a picture of those for an idea what it looks like)

With everything in it, the crate was too heavy for Daniel to lift. She had to slide it across the dock, picking things out from infront of it as she went. Her destination was a warehouse across the street from the dock. Though not far, it took about ten minutes to move the crate the entire distance.

Daniel was about to take a break, when she heard a noise. Something was comming down the side of the warehouse. It sounded... squishy... for lack of a better word. Daniel froze in place. Something had survived besides her, and it didn't sound human...
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel slumped against a nearby wall trying to catch her breath. "Damn, my... weak.." She panted between breaths to no one. Looking down a soft blush crept across the young woman's face. Between everything today her white shirt and bra had gone completely see through, pink nipples easily visible if anyone were looking. "Urgh, now I've gotta dry these." Sighing she removed her coat and was halfway through unbuttoning the shirt when she first hear the... squish? "What the?"

The young scientist was about to run around the corner when she remembered the creatures form before. She pulled the pistol out of the coat pocket and set it to single and instead slowly crept around the corner, inadvertently forgetting to fix her shirt.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Stealth Check

13+14+18 = 45 vs 38 = 18+10+10 PASS

What Daniel saw made her gasp. A man sized land squid was slowly making its way towards her. It kind of rotated as it "walked", clearly not well adapted for land movement. It didn't see her yet, thank goodness.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Aieeee, what is that?" She said far too loudly for her own comfort, luckily it seemed like the squid hadn't noticed her. "Uhh, lets see here." Daniel held up the gun, she'd fired one before, but that had been years ago. Taking a deep breath she focuses on getting the squid in the sights. <It's too bad, I wish these things could talk.>

(Aim/Prepare action.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel aims at the squid, and prepares to fire.

(If I can interupt for a minute, I'd like to point out the expansion on gun use I posted in the rules. I assume you wanted me to go ahead an fire, but I'll give you a +5 for a prepare action, without any action on the squids part intead, just to be sure)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Was going to be prepare that action, then fire 3 rounds provided the squid didn't find some way to stop her. Also, does auto-fire have any benefit save firing more bullets? That part is irrelevant here, the character isn't exactly one to use auto in this situation, but for future reference.)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Was going to be prepare that action, then fire 3 rounds provided the squid didn't find some way to stop her. Also, does auto-fire have any benefit save firing more bullets? That part is irrelevant here, the character isn't exactly one to use auto in this situation, but for future reference.)

(More bullets = more damage in a short ammount of time. Each bullet is two dice. The dice size is the weapon power. In other words, say you get three hits simi and three hits full. You'd get 3 damage rolls for each, but in simi, it would be 2d# and full would be 6d#. The upside to simi is ammo conservation, but against more then one enemy it just won't cut it)

Hit Chance

(43+42)-(10/1)-13+5 = 67 vs 33 = 13+20 HIT
(46+36)-(10/1)-13+5 = 64 vs 35 = 15+20 HIT
(26+27)-(10/1)-13+5 = 35 vs 27 = 7+20 HIT
(3+19)-(10/1)-13+5 = 4 vs 39 = 19+20 MISS
(20+14)-(10/1)-13+5 = 16 vs 33 = 11+20 MISS
(41+35)-(10/1)-13+5 = 58 vs 33 = 13+20 HIT

Damage - AP1110 (simiauto fire 2d6)

6 + 3 = 9
2 + 4 = 6
6 + 4 = 10
1 + 1 = 2

Total damage 27

Daniel does pretty well for a civilian, four out of six shots fired hit the target. The squid lets out something sounding almost like a roar. It is seriously injured, but manages to regain its willpower and lurch towards Daniel, though at a much slower rate then normal.

The squid took 27 damage, it now has 13 HP. It is 5 m from Daniel, who has 24 bullets left.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel was elated, she managed to hit the target without all that much trouble. Keeping the gun steady she fired three more times.

(fire 3 again)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(You fire untill you kill it, if it takes less then however many hits you got (doing damage one by one), we ignore them. Makes gameplay more fluid. And, while three would kill it in all likelyhood, what if you miss all three, but would have hit the next three...

Also, do you mind if I condense the forumla a bit? Doing the math and whatnot isn't too hard, but writing it 6 times is annoying. Plus, I can just put it in the dice machine and it does the work for me. Feel free to stop me if you don't like it, both with this format)

1: 8 + 50 - 18 = 40 // 7 + 20 = 27 ... success
2: 14 + 21 - 18 = 17 // 14 + 20 = 34 ... failure
3: 13 + 32 - 18 = 27 // 15 + 20 = 35 ... failure
4: 33 + 5 - 18 = 20 // 17 + 20 = 37 ... failure
5: 12 + 23 - 18 = 17 // 11 + 20 = 31 ... failure
6: 49 + 21 - 18 = 52 // 6 + 20 = 26 ... success

(The 18 is 5 for range, 13 recoil)

Damage - AP1110 (simiauto fire 2d6)

1: 4 + 6 = 10
2: 5 + 6 = 11

Daniel fires at the squid again. Her first shot hits, but luck runs out and misses the next four, but the last shot finishes the monster off, falling over in a heap on the pavement.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(No prob, I'd just like to see totals if that's fine. And please tell me if I'm taking too many liberties with time to take actions or scenery.)

Daniel breaths deeply, that was the first time she'd ever shot something. "Is.. is it dead?" She moved forward, grabbing a stick and poking the squid to be sure.

Content it was dead she went back to the box with the rifle. She really needed to start on this book, but also needed to get out of the wet clothing. Double checking to make sure nothing else was coming Daniel stripped down to her underwear, lay everything else over a railing to air off, and started from the beginning of the book.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Just don't make me write the entire book, or I WILL spawn more then you can handle ;))

(Glossery at the bottom for things that Daniel should know)

Page 2


The XL-1009 is a prototype laser platform being developed jointly by ExoTechnologies and the ANA as a jump off point for further developments of laser technology. The XL-1009 is not intended for mass production, just as a platform for further experimentation.

The XL-1009 was the winner of a contest between interested defense contractors. The 1009 was chosen for its adaptability. While the core technology is one bulk object, it can be enhanced with a variety of add-ons that individually extend the battery life, range, firepower, etc. These add-ons can be fitted onto ports near the control end of the weapon. See charts at the end of this book, or Field Index XL1009B for more details.


The rest of the information in this chapter was of no use to Daniel. It was mainly a bunch of corperate and military red tape. Even if Daniel could understand all the legalese, it hardly mattered in the present situation. At the very end there was a list of contact information for the various personel involved on the project. Daniel didn't see her own name, she was just an intern after all, but several people she knew were listed, as well as some facts about them she didn't know, such as their security clearence, or some degrees they failed to mention for some reason.


ExoTechnologies - Daniel's employer
ANA - The Army)
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(I was more looking for a "She now knows how to maintain and fire the gun" maybe with some specifics about it, but getting that is also very nice.)

"Hmm, alright." Daniel hummed as she read the book,"I wonder why they didn't say anything about those.. Hmmm.." She musses looking over other people's degrees for a bit. focusing on proper transportation, maintenance, and firing in that order. Occasionally she'll glance up, making sure that nothings sneaking up on her, but otherwise engrossed.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Heh, well its slow right now, and I don't have time to load up a game tonight, so ;) Besides, you're story's going to revolve around this gun alot, so you might as well learn about it

I'll only do small parts though.)

First, Daniel looked for information on how to transport the weapon. She found an index at the back with keywords, that helped a bit. However, there was nothing on transporting the weapon itself, just a small section on the crate.

Page 89

ET/XL1009 Crate - The ET/XL1009 Crate is a modification of the standard SecureCrate used by ExoTechnologies. It is designed to house the primary platform and as many add-ons as possible. Unfortunately, due to the experemental nature of the platform, add-ons are not standard shape and size, and therefore only specific add-ons can fit in the ET/XL1009, a standard recharger designed with a power adapter, allowing the XL-1009 to charge of any power source other then batteries, a modified S80 scope, and two microwave antenna units for experemental wireless recharge mode. Extra add-ons may be found in other special designed crates, ET/XL1009A-G.

Despite not being what she was looking for, this told Daniel some vital information. The add-ons mentioned here were what was with her in this crate, and there might be other add-ons on the dock. Seeing as nothing was sneaking up on her, she continued her search of the book, next up was how to keep the thing running.

page 10


The XL-1009 is a prototype, and therefore, prone to breaking down. However, as of Phase Six, durability is to be incorperated into the platform. Due to buget cuts, the ANA has requested that elements to increase the XL-1009 mass production factor be added as the government is not willing to grant funds for a mass production model until laser weapons have been battlefield proven. Therefore, the platform has undergone a redesign as of 13 Janus 2301 to make it more suited for combat operations. Modifications include a new titanium shell, micro-shockabsorbers, and higher grade connectors. For a full list of changes please see memo ANAET-1312301-5.

The rest of the section was about how to fix certain connections, how to remove the case, the whole nine yards. Daniel had never worked on the finish product, but had worked on a few parts of it. If the rifle had been hardened, as the book said, then she wouldn't have to worry about a major breakdown. Theoretically, she could handle any minor malfuctions. Once again checking her surroundings, Daniel dove back into the book.

Instead of flowery buerocrat speak, Daniel found a chart to help her fire the rifle. The picture showed the man holding it like any other rifle, though he was much bigger and stronger then Daniel. The only new information was that the right side had a panel with a computer screen open when the weapon was in "ready" mode.

As Daniel was looking at the chart, a squid noticed her, and started to sneak up on her.

Stealth Check (you're on the left)

13+8+5 = 26 vs 77 = 7+70

The squid creatures aren't very smart. Its constant "squish squish" sound it made while "walking" alterted Daniel as soon as it got within 20 m of her.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

(Lol, it looks beautiful, if only I wasn't thinking of ways this was possible while reading. What's the general tech level of the world now anyway?)

Daniel read the book with a strange fervor, that had always been what she wanted to do. Well not stuck in a wasteland by herself, but dealing with experimental weapons. "Maybe.. Maybe I'll test it later... I mean, that's what we came out here for..." She almost didn't hear it, but when the squid came around she quickly looked over at it. "OK, don't panic.. You've already taken out one of these... At least, they move slowly." Placing the book on the crate she was sitting on Daniel pulled out her pistol and aimed at the squid, advancing forward and right of the box 2m.

(not sure what combo of actions this is but, place book somewhere safe, Prepare and walk forward. If she can, it doesn't get in melee range before that chain gets interrupted, she'll stop moving and shoot 4 rounds at it.)
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