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The Quest of Light (SomCr)

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Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel peeked around a corner. Two men were standing in a corner, moaning in pain slightly. That wasn't the only sign of distress. Their skin had started to take on a rough greenish look to them, like scales on a lizard. They didn't seem very active, just standing idle, and as such, didn't notice Daniel.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Umm, excuse me... are you ok?" Daniel said to her, her voice a bit shaky. She still had the axe up, just in case one of them tried anything. <They look a bit weird, but they're still human... I think...>
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

At the sound of her voice, their heads snapped and locked onto her like a heat seeking missile. They both let out a loud roar as they took in what they saw.

Order Roll

Daniel 13+27 = 40
Infected 20+20 = 40
Infected 6+20 = 26

Daniel goes first!
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Ahh, not human, not human at all." She yelled swinging the axe at the closest one.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Event Timer = 3

Hit Chance

10+44 = 54 vs 43 = 18+25

Damage (Axe, d12, slash)

8+(13/3) = 13

Daniel get's a good swipe in, making a huge gash on the creature's left shoulder, but it doesn't slow him down much.

The infected now has 27 HP


3+40 = 43 vs 56 = 12+44

The blow, however, does allow Daniel to dodge the man's attempts to grab her.


8+40 = 48 vs 49 = 5+44

The dodge also means the other man can't grab her, though it's a very close call.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Jumping back to avoid the two charging Daniel takes advantage of their distraction at nearly running into each other to hit the one she already injured again.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Event Timer = 2

Hit Chance

1+44 = 45 vs 32 = 7+25

Damage (Axe, d12, slash)

1+(13/3) = 6

Daniel's next swipe wasn't as good. Trying to gain too much distance meant that she was too far to really wind the axe up for a good swing.

The infected now has 21 HP

Team Grapple

12+19+40+20 = 91 vs 51 = 7+44

The two zombies, now close together, try and grab the intern at the same time. Daniel can't fend both off at the same time and is captured.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Ahh, let go." Daniel yells thrashing at her attackers trying to bash the same one in the head with the axe.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Event Timer =

Hit Chance

10+26 = 36 vs 58 = 18+40

While held, Daniel can't bring her axe around, she isn't strong enough to fight one, let alone two of the things.

Clothes Rip (infected getting -10 because Daniel isn't in submission hold)

15+40-10 = 45 vs 45 = 19+26

The first creature tries to pull off Daniel's clothes and actually gets a firm grasp, but a quick jerk from the girl wrenches the clothes free.

Clothes Rip (infected getting -10 because Daniel isn't in submission hold)

5+40-10 = 35 vs 34 = 8+26

The second does the exact same thing, but this time has just a slightly firmer grasp. Daniel's strugge actually aids in it removing her clothes. In short order she's in nothing but bra and panties, but still standing and fighting.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Ahh, what the fuck." As the creatures strip her Daniel figures out that wild thrashing isn't going to help her out against these things. She tries to put her lack of clothing out of her mind and wait for the right time to hit one of them.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Hold Attempt

20+40 = 60 vs 32 = 6+26

The first zombie, learning from the error of its ways, holds Daniel tight before attempt any more actions. This way the girl cannot fight back as well.

Clothes Rip

9+40 = 49 vs 27 = 1+26

The second zombie takes advantage of this to get a hold of Daniel's bra and panties. It tugs them untill they rip, leaving the intern in her birthday suit.

However, just as all seemed lost, the first zombie's head exploded and it fell limp. Before this fully registered with Daniel, the second zombie suffered the same fate. They dropped loosely from the girl, leaving her standing in the hall naked. "Hey there." The voice was female, but strong like nothing Daniel had ever heard. Behind her was a military sniper, rifle still raised, a smirk across her face. "Looks like you could have used a little help, eh? Good thing I came along when I did." There was just a hint of mockery in her voice.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

After the first zombie grabbed her Daniel's mental state rose to panic, but she wasn't anywhere near strong enough to fight it. As her bra and panties were torn off she nearly screamed, and then it's head exploded. Daniel stood there, staring not even noticing that her face got hit by the splash.

As the other body fell behind Daniel turned to look at her savior. The girl's face brightened at the sight of another person. Daniel looked at the other woman playing around with her hair. "Yeah, heh well I'm not exactly the best fighter in the world." She giggled at herself trying not to react to the mocking tone the soldier used.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

The sniper stalked up to Daniel. "Well, what do we have here. You don't seem like a normal civilian. What's you're name honey?" The solider walked all the way around the girl. Daniel couldn't help but notice that she was looking at all of her private areas too, and this was almost like a predator sizing up their prey, or catch.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

She continued giggling while the woman spoke, "Well I'm.. I'm an engineer... I was researching in the area... oh my name... it's Daniel." As the woman circled her Daniel couldn't help but stick her chest and ass out. Her breasts were rather small, but well developed and the woman had a fairly well shaped ass. "Uhh, what's you name?"
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Corporal Natalie Enns. I'm making a nice hiding spot for myself up here." The sniper was smirking. Either this girl was clueless or she was in need of a partner for the duration as well. "I'm making a nice little nest up here for myself. Care to join me? There's alot of work to be done first, but we can have some fun after that." The woman stopped behind Daniel. She was atleast 5'8", taller probably. She wrapped an arm around the intern as she spoke, pulling her a bit closer.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel leaned into her and placed her arm around the Natalie's waist. "Well, I'd love to... but I need to get the rest of my gear first.. I kinda left it behind." She smiled at the taller woman.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"You're going to go get it in that condition? I bet you had alot of trouble getting up here. You think you can make the trip again? The sniper's disposition changed a bit, she seemed a bit suspicious now. "Why don't you go up to my safe room. I can go get your supplies." The woman motioned for Daniel to follow as she was about to lead the way.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

"Well no I probably couldn't right now." Daniel agreed with her, looking down at her lack of covering. "But... well" She did get the feeling that this woman didn't really trust her. "I'd love to see your room before doing anything else." She followed as well as she could.
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Natalie brought the naked women up a flight of stairs. The stairs were in a really odd place, but Daniel couldn't figure out why. At the top there was a secure room, lots of electronic locks. A sign said "Clearance Level 5 Required". "Government secrets and whatnot. The electronics don't work, but the rooms is still very safe, I assure you. I've even added some of my own defenses to it."

The solider led Daniel in and let her look around. The room had a makeshift bed in it, as well as several crates of supplies. Both food and ammo it seemed. There was also a locker that looked like the sniper had hastily stuffed her personal belongings into.

Once the intern was done looking, Natalie stood in the doorway, non threatening, but blocking exit. "So where exactly did you leave your stuff, and what should I be looking for?"
Re: The Quest of Light (SomCr)

Daniel quickly looked around the room noting the food and the fact that she hadn't eaten since she left the lab. she turned back toward the sniper taking a deep breath before responding. "I really need to go too, there are a bunch of more fragile... tools that I'd need to make sure are transported correctly. I'd be more than happy to bring you there if you're willing to help."
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