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The Sketch Pad

Re: The Sketch Pad

Been working on a couple sketches of Lani; side, 45 degree front and back shots. Finally finished the line art after starting it about a week or so ago, I intend to colour/shade it as well as possibly doing a proper frontal shot and a couple of expressions. The image is a tad big so I'll add a url as well.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Man, those are some nice lines. Personally I had imagined lani with a smaller bust. Don't take that as an actual critique, It's just my personal mental image.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Finally finished that three pose picture of Lani, and while there's flaws with it I'm quite pleased with how the shading turned out. Though I did miss shading the horn on the middle pose. Can't be arsed to go do that now, will fix it when I add to the picture.

Re: The Sketch Pad

Just a little something I whipped up yesterday. A headshot of a fantroll (Homestuck) for one of Siphon's RP's. His horns are supposed to be like those connector thingies on the two pronged plugs.
Re: The Sketch Pad

This bastard is the reason why one of my recent forts had to be abandoned. Sneaked in with a migrant wave and infected/killed my dwarves from the inside. Will be uploading a coloured version once I've finish it.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Wow, been a while. Who knew I still drew? Anywho, thought I'd post these here. Large images are large.

Lani Whitehurst in a new outfit that she will, hopefully, be getting soon.

Headshot of one of my other Dark Gate characters, Ragnarok. He's part vampire, part dragonkin and all badass. His design was inspired by Nikola Tesla from Sanctuary. And yes, I'm fully aware that his horns suck balls.

And lastly, a sketch of myself as the Knight of Rage. (Homestuck stuff for the uninformed)
Re: The Sketch Pad

Individually coloured line work!? D:

That must have taken a while. Looks good.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Individually coloured line work!? D:

That must have taken a while. Looks good.

Thanks. Though Lani's thigh high's were the only part that took more time than I thought it would. Using individual layers for each coloured line works wonders.
Re: The Sketch Pad

More Homestuck stuff. This time a weapon for my Homestuck me. It's called the Bat-Outta-Hell.
Re: The Sketch Pad

So I've been working on a drawing for the past week, finally finished it last night and now I'm posting it. For those that don't lurk or post in the shoutbox the two characters involved are Lani (the demon girl) and Vanilla (the kitty girl), mine and xgkf's characters respectively from Dark Gate. Be warned, the image is pretty big so I'll supply a direct link as well.


Despite the errors with the picture (most noticeable one being Lani's breasts not conforming exactly right with her pose and the pull of gravity) I'm mostly quite pleased with how it turned out, Vanilla's hair being my favourite part. Though the colour blending on the dick, despite taking several attempts, is another part I'm quite proud of. I'm not sure yet if I'll come back to this to add simple shading, however the water blending tool I used for adding a bit of colour to the dick may see a return in later pictures as I enjoyed using it quite a bit. I'll have to practise a bit to improve, but I can see it as something I'll use in the future so it's worth learning how to use it properly.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Been a little while since I last posted anything in here, so here's some Pokemon fusions I've been working on over the past week.




These have also been posted on my , which is where I'll be uploading the majority of my art from now on, as well as the shout if/when I'm in there. I'll only really be using this for any hentai sketches I do from now on, and maybe the odd non-h pic.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Them Bellsprout clones '_'
Re: The Sketch Pad

Thought I'd share these here, they're things I'm making for a kind of tech demo in Game Maker to mess around and practice using the program. I will eventually be making a 'proper' demo out of it, which will feature Lani going through a level based on Eleanor's ranch to fight Eleanor at the end, but that won't be for quite some time yet as these animations take for-fucking-ever to make at even this level of quality.

Re: The Sketch Pad

I'll be honest for the sake of all who read that.

We're all hyped for the part where Lani gets knotted.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Well the demo isn't going to have any h-content, so yeah.
Re: The Sketch Pad

And then everyone took off their hats, and lowered their heads in despondent silence.
Re: The Sketch Pad

Quite pleased with how this turned out so I'm posting it here.
for a smaller version.

Also, so far of Lani, stopped working on them during the second half of the christmas holidays though I'm off work the week after the coming week so I'll be picking it back up then, especially when it comes to learning Game Maker.