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The Storm War RP

Under Construction

Character Name: Zagan Mandragora
Character Race: Half-Elf (High elf parent)
Physical Description: Zagan is tall and willowy for a human, but what gives away his elvish heritage the most is the silvery-blond color of his hair. He tends to dress in leathers from animals either he or his uncle have caught. Having learned the art of hunting in his childhood, Zagan has a light step and his gait makes him seems to be stalking something everywhere he goes. He also rarely goes anywhere without his bow and arrows similar to how many carry swords or other weapons with them.
Personality Description: Zagan tends to be quiet most of the time and tends to be uncomfortable in large cities.
Character Background:
Magic Use: Yes

Background hinges on whether or not he has magic.
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Re: Potential RP

I'll need at least a physical description, and a basic outline for personality, before I fully approve Zagan. Conditional approval at the moment.
Re: Potential RP

I was more or less throwing that out as a placeholder while I was typing it out.
Re: Potential RP

So, I'm bored right now...Big deal.

Full approval.
Re: Potential RP

Partial interest... depending on how things go IRL.

Will post character... later. Like within 24 hours if possible.
Re: Potential RP

Interest shown, will edit in a character if I'm still coherent after work, or in the morning if not.

((Edit: Character moved to appropriate thread, removed here to avoid confusion))
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Re: Potential RP

Definite interest, will edit in a character in the next 24 hours.

Character Name: Kara Steamhammer
Character Race: Irongrad Dwarf

Physical Description: Kara's never truly happy unless her face is covered in soot and a little grease; this is a shame, as she's quite fetching when all cleaned up, especially by dwarven standards but even to the other races. She's got a tanned, olive-colored skin and raven black hair that normally hangs in a pony-tail under her steel breastplate. She's built voluptuously, and most dwarves turn a little bit red in the face when they see how well she fills out her armor (which consists of a steel breastplate and helm with visor over leather worker's gear); more than one mining accident has occurred as she passed through a site.

Personality Description: The one love in Kara's life is machinery; she loves to tinker with things and figure out how devices can be improved. Her favorite invention is one of her own making, based off an old design of her grandfather's: a mechanical hand. Kara lost her left hand in an accident during her early teen years, and built herself this one over the course of five years. It's concealed under a leather glove, looking just like the other gloved hand. She was born a lefty, and had to learn to work right-handed during those five years, so now she's ambidextrous.
Kara is extremely cheerful, and very frank and open-minded about most subjects. The only subject that seems to bother her is slavery, which she has extreme feelings against. Kara's one of those exceptional women who is very good-looking but modest about it, and more at home cursing with the guys and drinking them under the table, while showing them up with her mechanical knowledge.

Character Background: The Steamhammers are one of the older and more prestigious tinkering families of the Irongrad Dwarves, and most of the family carries on the tradition of building different kinds of gears for use in larger devices. Gears get ruined and wrecked more often than they are successfully employed amongst the dwarves that incorporate them into their machines, so the product is always in extremely high demand. Kara's family is "loaded."
However Kara decided to follow a different path, and actually design machines, instead of simply making the gears for the machines of others. Her father in particular sees this as a foolish decision, and sent her out into the world of humans to create a salable device. This was a banishment (and almost disowning) in all but name, and she is not to live with her clan until she's found a way to increase the family's holdings through her machinery.

Magic Use: Yes. Kara wouldn't pass up the opportunity to study any magic she had or gained the ability to use.
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Re: Potential RP

Okay, since I just noticed something, and have already told one person about it...

Players of characters with magic will receive notification upon the start of this as to whether or not the character has such abilities. Unless prior approval is given, characters will have just received the ability to use magic, unless they have wild magic that hasn't triggered yet.

I'm handling things this way, in an effort to reduce the chances of a player god-modding with their magic.
Re: Potential RP

hey Hope, care to have had a prior meeting between characters? I'm thinking I commissioned you or your family to forge my prize weapon, and I stuck around the area while it was being made, sound good?

((EDIT: agreed and approved[mostly], either me or Hope will post a few paragraphs on it when completed))
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Re: Potential RP

Okay, for those in this, you might want to check out the thread titled "The Storm War" in the Blank Page. It's backstory for this, basically.

...It's also not finished, so post in my Comments Thread, if you've got anything to say.
Re: The Storm War RP

so we have what, four character sheets? how many more do you need for what you have semi-planned?
Re: The Storm War RP

I'd like at least six, if possible.
Re: The Storm War RP

Alright then. *Puts on best Carnival voice* Come one, come all, to see and participate in the greatest show on *cough*wolf's*cough* earth. First two or more get to participate in the action, don't be late.

EDIT:sorry, almost forgot the /end shameless attention bump
Re: The Storm War RP

Also, I'll be editing the races post to list which "side", if you will, characters from that race will be on.

There will be two groups. One sided with the Imperials, and one sided with the Kaliveran Exiles. Obviously, Imperial characters will be on the Imperial side, and Kaliverans will be on the Exiles side.
Re: The Storm War RP

Oh, so characters will be expected to fight each other in this. I thought it was everyone on the same team. I'm working on a character, by the way.
Re: The Storm War RP

They can, although it's not necessary.

All depends on how encounters between character groups go. If one group can manage to hide its affliations or simply hide its presence entirely, then fighting can be avoided.

The two groups will be separate to start with, that much I can assure.
Re: The Storm War RP

Character Name: Emilia "Em" Morgan
Character Race: Human - Westerner

Physical Description: Average height, athletic build, dark hair kept back in a high ponytail. Tanned from spending most of her times outdoors. She wears light clothing, to allow for ease of movement, but also has a hooded cloak. She carries a long sword across her back, a long knife, and a small handheld crossbow.

Personality Description: To Emilia, or Em as she prefers to be called, the most important thing in the world is money. She's always looking for new ways to get some, preferably with as little actual work involved as possible. She has no patience for people preaching about "the right thing to do," since that usually involves not getting any money. Although she can be witty and friendly at times, she generally prefers to keep a low profile, and is very distrusting.

Character Background: Born to a family of bandits living off the small farming communities in the Western Lands, Emilia learned to fight, sneak, and steal early on. Much to Em's annoyance, her mother insisted she learn to read, write, and do basic math. When she was a teenager, most of her family was killed by the Iselgarn military during a failed raid. With not much left to return to, she set off and began wandering the Empire alone, finding whatever "work" she could. Sometimes she worked with other bandits, and sometimes offered her services to the Empire, when they offered enough cash.

Magic Use: Yes

(look good?)
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Re: The Storm War RP

Mostly. I would request that you remove the pistol, though. Unless you're using the old meaning of the word. In which case, I'd suggest changing it to avoid confusion.
Re: The Storm War RP

Well, yeah, I meant more of a small handheld cannon, but that's fine, I can change it ;).
Re: The Storm War RP

Interest Shown. I am going to work on a character as soon as I can.

Character Name: Lydia

Character Race: Elven

Age: Lydia's Forgotten.

Physical Description: Lydia was a startling elf. Her hair’s fringes were blue-black that slowly became bright pink towards the center of her head. Her hair was long enough to reach the small of her back. She is a petite elf, smaller then many elven women. In fact she was small enough to be considered a regular human female (5”03), if it weren’t for her startling hair color and eyes. Ah Lydia’s eyes were beautiful. Staring into them was as if staring into a deep glowing pool of amber and honey. Many humans fell head over heels in lust when they stared at her flawless creamy skin. The men came after her faster, with breasts which looked small on regular willowy elven women, but on her they looked huge (Basically a B cup on the tall elves, they become a D Cup for Lydia). Usually wears a backpack and gloves with a stained and dirty robe which underneath Lydia wears a leather suit, with metal on the shoulders, chest, and her nether regions.
Appearance: Basically what I said above just more organized.
Height: 5"03
Breast Size: 40D cup.
Hair: Blue-Black starting at the fringes and becoming bright pink closer to top/center of head.
Eye: Amber Left eye, honey right eye.
Skin-tone: Glowing Flawless creamy skin. (Doesn't get sunburn.)
Head: Dirty/stained gray robe hood.
Shoulders: Light Alloy shoulder guard, with leather underneath, obscure by dirty and stained gray robe
Upper Body: Dirty and stained gray robe obscuring light alloy plates that are above leather suit.
Waist: Dirty/stained gray robe with belt. Leather suit.
Lower Body: Leather suit with a light alloy plates around nether regions.
Feet: Not wearing any shoes, body is harder then most stones passively.

Personality Description: Lydia is willful enough to be considered reckless. Not many people know Lydia since they are usually after her body. Lydia is even considered by the few people that know her, to be semi-selfish when she wants luxury, but in the end she usually gives it to the greater need of people. Due to Lydia having few friends, she is very protective of them. Also Lydia does not know her last name or how long she’s been alive.

Character Background: Lydia is trained in martial arts. Lydia may look small and weak but she can hurl punches strong enough to shatter rock. Lydia is right now researching better ways to increase her training from monks in the Kolvir Mountains.

Magic Use: Yes.
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