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The Storm War RP

Re: The Storm War RP

Okay...I'm a little confused on one point...

Were you meaning Kolvir Mountains?
Re: The Storm War RP

Yes. I was meaning that. I tried recalling the mountain's you named in your story and in the kingdom. Heh, I remembered incorrectly but at least it was a close shot.
Re: The Storm War RP

Well, quick edit can fix that.

And I'll try to have the starting threads up, since there's going to be two groups, and they're not going to start in the same area. Expect this to occur within the next couple of days.
Re: The Storm War RP

I assume you will let us know who's in what group at that time as well, yes?
Re: The Storm War RP

Yeah. I'm also going to be making threads for setting info, and characters sheets.

EDIT: Threads are up.

Groups are as follows:

Imperial group: Valhendil, Zagan, Emilia, Lydia

Exiles group: Isha and Kara

Groups were decided on racial loyalties. Situations will be placed that will match abilities present.
...Once I get the chance to get the starting threads up...
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Re: The Storm War RP


Imperials: Lydia (Diagasvesle) Emilia (Xivvix) Zagan (Pheonix) Valhendil (tomoe)

Exiles Group: Isha (Shrike) and Kara (Hope)

Reason why I posted this was Because I was confused who was who XD.
Re: The Storm War RP

Is it just me or are most of the Imperials, how shall I put it, rough around the edges?
Re: The Storm War RP

Life with the Imperials getting boring? Feeling out of place at their poncy parties? Join the Exiles! We have t-shirts AND cookies!
Re: The Storm War RP

Just saying: a bandit, a poor orphan monk, and a woodland ranger make up 3/4 of our group, only our token egotistical elf (Lydia is an orphan and doesn't count) would probably be good in court.
Re: The Storm War RP

Lydia has many secrets ^^. Anyway my character is lets say older then both kingdoms. That would explain her memory loss and her forgetfulness.
Re: The Storm War RP

I'm just happy this is an RP and we aren't actually working against each other, four on two ftw :)
Re: The Storm War RP

Lydia has many secrets ^^. Anyway my character is lets say older then both kingdoms. That would explain her memory loss and her forgetfulness.

I guess I'll have to change poor orphan monk to poor monk with Alzheimer's.
Re: The Storm War RP

Anyway my character is lets say older then both kingdoms.

Might I suggest you stop making assumptions about the RP world that I'm the one writing?
Re: The Storm War RP

I will. But can my character be extremely old without knowing it?
Apparently not. But my character still doesn't know her age, or past. Well she remembers recent past but not beyond that. Recent is like 1-60 year range.
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Re: The Storm War RP

Also, note for those reading the RP:

If you're interested, and think you'll have the time to do so, feel free to post a character sheet here. I should be able to find a way to work in more people.
Re: The Storm War RP

/me quotes herself! Yay!

Life with the Imperials getting boring? Feeling out of place at their poncy parties? Join the Exiles! We have t-shirts AND cookies!
Re: The Storm War RP

Join the exiles? Maybe, depending on how your character's personalities affect my character's.

By the way wolf, is this one of those rp's that end up with the two strongest powers duking it out and then some greater evil arises and everyone has to band together to defeat? Because if it is, Can I be on the evil side?
Re: The Storm War RP

In response to your questions, no and no. If that was even the way I was going to take this, any characters that would go to that third side would be turned into NPCs.

However, as stated, this RP will not turn into a three-way war.
Re: The Storm War RP

OK, does that still mean I can join the exiles if my character is wooed to their side? Or is your two no's to all three questions? Because I was figuring you were saying no to this.

By the way wolf, is this one of those rp's that end up with the two strongest powers duking it out and then some greater evil arises and everyone has to band together to defeat? Because if it is, Can I be on the evil side?
Re: The Storm War RP

sides are pretty fluid from what i can tell. I also think that eventually we will all be travelling together, though i think this will most likely be under false pretenses, as I don't think anyone loyal to the throne would trust Isha if she told the truth.