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The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

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Feb 7, 2009
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If anyone has ever heard of a Doujin called Alice in Sexland..=o..Mia can be a prolific writer and is looking for a DM to guide Mia's "alice" through things - the bizarre, from living furniture, to tentacles, to walls made of living body parts. The strange and exotic.. =3

If a system is to be used, that 's fine - though a choose-your-own-adventure is fine, too..a system might be fun ( sanity, sexy levels, etc ) =p Hee.

Any takers? I don't know if it's totally taboo to *ask* for a game in here instead of making one and asking for players, but..=o
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

<3 I've had this idea a few times. I hope it works out for you. :D
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

Ive never heard of Alice in Naughty Land, but the name peaked my intrest :p
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

Alice in Sexland doujin: . Enjoy ;)
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

Still looking for a DM-like person o.o
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

If you can't find anyone else, I can probably take a week/week and a half to make some mangled version of an Abyss-based D&D adventure with some home-brewed demons and furniture and then come up with a few odd grappling rules. Not that sexland and the Abyss are the same, just that you could probably find sexland somewhere in the Abyss. I'd just warn you that I have little experience DMing and no experience writing anything erotic.
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

Ah Alice in Sexland, such a sad ending.... Sorry, not really a 'proper' post but I havent posted in so long.
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

Mia, do you want me to try what I had mentioned above having odd monster like things similar to what you mentioned or not?
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

Oh, sure! This topic wasn't updating for me for some reason. =3 I am a bit of a prolific and lengthy writer sometimes, I hope you don't mind. I'll start fishing up a character image, and background, ha.
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

Give me a weekend and a few days and I should have at least a basic adaptation and some home-brewed critters. Also, given that this will be a D&D adaptation (It will be easiest for me if I just alter an existing system), you will need a character sheet, too. I don't have much in the way of extra books so please try and limit yourself to stuff from either the player's handbook or from complete arcane.

Edit: Also, I wasn't trying to sound snappy earlier if that's what it looked like. I was just curious as to if you wanted me to give it a try.

Edit again: Level 1 for now, I'll PM stats sometime tomorrow.
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Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

Well if you're going to make it DnD based, can I play too? Alice... And sister?

*puppy eyes*
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

I don't mind if it's D&D based, but I obviously don't want her to be really capable in combat..=3 After all , she'll just be a normal girl..

I'd also really like a one-on-one..with just one Alice, if preferable ( I'm jealous! ) ..though, I wouldn't mind a Cheshire cat or Mad hatter addition..though that's up to our "DM" of course. =3
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

Fair enough. As for not-so-capable in combat, maybe a rogue or mage. Although at level 1, 'good at combat' is rather comparitive, as there is only a 5% difference in chance to hit between the best and worst, at least without adding stats in.

*Just pictured a Chesire cat furry* XD

Maybe separate adventures, Dungeon of Pleasure style, if our DM is up for that :)
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

I'll try with the two of you along separate lines, but don't expect me to be astoundingly good at this. This is effectively a test run for both whatever adaptation I come up with and for my own skills as well.

Also, as for being good at combat, realize that not only are you a level one, but you are in a group of size one. A goblin or two could probably give you a run for your money.
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

I have the basics of a sub forum put out right now, and have message aika to move this thread over to serve as an ooc thread. Given that all I really need to do is tweak the grappling system and come up with rules for rape (...I never thought I would end up ever saying a phrase like that...). I might be able to start things as early as tonight if you have ready character sheets. However, as a small caveat: given that I will be home-brewing most enemies and destinations, right now there isn't much variety. (Not to mention these things might not be completely balanced yet so...) Still, it's a beta test-ish like thing so I'll try and fix things as they happen.

Also, I'll try to post some of the more relevant custom rules before you need them.
Re: LF..someone to DM an RP? Alice in..naughtyland? =o

...I don't have much in the way of extra books so please try and limit yourself to stuff from either the player's handbook or from complete arcane.

If you need to use something from another book, could you provide a non-torrent pdf file containing it? Not that I think you will try and cheat, but If I don't know what your spells and abilities do, I can't roll for them.

Edit: And just take max starting gold for your class at first level. (And don't forget food or the like when purchasing)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Oh yeah, right. I heard 'complete' and thought 'all the complete' :) Its from Complete Divine.

I don't use torrents, but I can probably find a way to upload it somewhere, or just type it out, take screenshots of the relevant pages, etc... Basically its a spontaneous casting cleric, with a few other abilities thrown in. I made on for a RL campaign, and I hope to get some practice in before I get to play it, as I rarely play casters, and this is my first trial run with a divine caster.

Let me know how you want it, though pretty much any way I can do it will have to wait till I get home from work.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Just some way that I can get the class info and abilities that doesn't involve said torrents. Also, just try and keep to spells from the PHB. (So favored soul is basically a divine sorcerer?)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Alright, I'll probably screenie it and load into album. I already planned on using PHB spells exclusively, and divine sorceror is exactly it :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

I recently got a load of DnD books and I'll soon post them on MU or somewhere for anyone that doesn't have them.

EDIT: I'ma go ahead and put up a new thread in the everything section so every one knows they're there and can grab them.
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