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The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

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Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Right, thankie, I knew I should have taken commune :) ah well, next level.

Also, how does corruption heal? I lost more than half my max there, and am only 15% to getting another d6+3 of it. By that math, my character isn't going to last very long :(
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

As I have stated in the rules, corruption isn't lethal. Instead it works somewhat like a rod of wonder but with feats. Basically, if it fills the character changes slightly in a random way that could be beneficial, harmful, cosmetic, or a combination of both good and bad. Respective examples might be a greater resistance to an energy type, a permanent drop in max health, becoming a hermaphrodite, or losing points in one stat only to gain them in another.

Also, I forgot to mention in the last game post (although I just fixed it) that eating the pulp, while it is viable food, caused slight corruption damage. In fact it is fairly easy to take corruption damage in this game and hard to heal it. Just bear in mind that it is not fatal.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Right, I knew that...

Also, please don't make her a herm, I don't think I could play one... Give her two negatives instead, I don't care *shudders*
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

A hermaphrodite was just an example of something that was cosmetic and would actually directly affect your stats, that's all. Other things might include skin/hair color changes, extra appendages, turning your ass into a vagina, etc.

Just tell me if a cosmetic change makes you uncomfortable and I'll change it. Also, on a related note: expect critters to be anything or do anything to you unless you have specifically told me that something makes you uncomfortable. Eventually, I'll be pulling from all types of fetishes and oddities to supply bizarre critters, and I can't be expected to know what you don't like if you don't tell me.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Well then, let's see:

-vore (or guro, I'm not sure which is which, or even if they're the same thing)
-horses (I love 'em, just not like that)
-the whole changing body parts thing, I'd prefer to stay more or less unmodified female, though I guess adding furry parts is okay

Apart from that, I can't think of anything, so go wild :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Very well then, for clarification on body part changes: do you mean gender changes and extra limbs only, or a species and color changes also a bit out For example, growing long leaves in place of hair, tails, diaga's favorite: the massive milk filled mammary, skin consistency change (Skin getting weaker and become slight transparent or growing scales either smooth or ragged). The whole concept of what you mean by furry is unclear.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Fair enough, let's start from the top:

Gender changes: no, if only because I can't play one, especially one that didn't start that way.
Extra limbs: might be neat, within reason. Extra pair of arms, additional tail, neat. Second head, ass into vagina, not that appealing to me.
Leaves for hair: neat idea, though I prefer to keep everything on one side of the plant/animal barrier. Feathers, maybe?
Massive Mammaries: honestly, I have no idea why diaga is so into this (no offense if your reading this, just not my thing hun). A couple cups increase, sure. Triple-Z cups that lactate every five minutes, not so cool.
Skin stuff: no problems with that really. Scales, fox fur, cool. newt skin, gills, maybe not.

Still doing my character writeup, but she is like a favourite child of the goddess of beauty, compassion, and healing, and I'm trying to make her the embodiment of all three. The killing was self-defense, the squashing corruption/emotional, but otherwise she's really, really nice, and beautiful too, so I'd like to keep it something that she can come to terms with. Any other questions?
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

No, but two notes:

1. The ass into vagina was my 'what the fuck?' for that list.
2. Guro is violent dismemberment or mutilation which you don't have to worry about because your character would die before that stage, and vore is if you get eaten by something (Which will only happen if you fight a creature that wants to to kill you through digestion.) There are creatures that do that in D&D with the swallow whole ability; I just tend to only see that as an attack type and not a sexual thing. Both would basically the main things that cause hp damage in combat and thus in that context may be used. Neither will be used as a sexual thing, however.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

1)Thought so, just stating my opinion :)

2)Ah, so that's the difference. Sounds fine to me.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Let's see....

No-nos for my character:
Genderswaping: Sorry, just find it hard to play females for forum games. Dunno why.
Extra limbs: I pretty much agree with Shrike here, though I'll add that I don't want extra things coming from odd places, like an arm coming from my belly, or a leg from my ass, etc.
Hair: If you do change it on him, just keep it red please. :p
Larger/Smaller/Extra genetalia: A couple extra is fine(again, no odd places please), and not large enough to hinder him. Not small enough where he'd be the laughing stalk of everyone too. >_>
Scat/Watersports: No. No. No. NO!
Enemies: Nothing obviously way underage if it wants to have it's way with me. >_>

I think that covers it. Though I do have a couple questions.
1: If our wisdom drops somehow, that affects current/max CP, right?
1a: If somehow our wisdom drops so much that we have so little CP that something touching us inappropriately will make us corrupt, how you gunna handle that?
2: Is it only 1 PC at a time through the doors? And do all the dorrs lead to the same "world", so the PCs have a chance to meet in there?
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

1: Mental scores will rarely be affected (the body is what is corrupted most of the time)
2: Several PC's can pass through a Door if they are fast enough, and the Doors lead to any of several worlds, however there are more Doors than worlds.
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Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Level: Clr 1, Protection 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: No
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Just as a small warning: once school gets out for a summer (in about 2-2+1/2 weeks), I'll have a summer job that will have me getting up much earlier than I normally do so I won't be able to go as late into the night posting.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

That's fine, do what you gotta do. The reason I post so often that late is because this seems to be the only one still going at that time of day. Besides, we really can't complain at for anything past two or three posts a day, we probably take up enough of your time as is :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Eh, I'm actually on the internet for a good portion of the night if I don't have an early class, so I just refresh either Ascalion or the main page every 15-20 minutes or so. Although, with your large chunks, I may have to make a few more creatures that actually attack you if they see you seeing as how more than half of my current ones only attack if you get to close (ex. The blue pool incident with Rhyst, and Zeyra with both the plant and the mud).
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Yeah, I hate it when I make two sentance posts :p if there's a creature in the scene, I try to shorten the posts somewhat, or at least end it in a reasonable spot for something to happen. She's also pretty much hopeless for the most part, as she's taken mostly non-combative spells and has almost nothing for combat options. Add that to my horrible rolls and yeah, she's rape bait. So I really don't feel too bad if there's a couple missed rounds of combat for the sake of the story, sorry man :)
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Curious, are there any humanoid enemies, or just deformed/gooey/tentacled things?
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Given the nature of where I've sent you (and the relative cr of such things), you won't encounter many humanoids for several levels, although you may encounter a random npc who has gone a bit mad before then who might attack you.
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

(I gave you a DC 10 spot and DC 10 Reflex to notice the mushroom in the fog and to avoid stepping on it and despite a +5 and a +4 respectively, you still failed both...)

See Shrike? I *am* unluckier than you! :D
Re: The Third Leg Tavern (OOC)

Also, since I forgot to mention it in post: getting a nine isn't any more useful than an eight in trying to attack, Shrike.
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