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The Trial of the Champion

Re: The Trial of the Champion

Alera would have a smile on her face knowing that their ploy worked to divert Lindsay away from Michael and go after her instead. Michael and Millia having traded off a few spells where Millia seemed to have gotten the worse of that exchange. Lindsay having gotten Alera to the ground would also remove the smile from her face as both Alera and Lindsay knew who would be getting the better of that particular exchange.

As Michael and Millia started to have at it with their spells, Michael would get hit by an energy blast as he summoned tentacles at Millia's feet. Millia would join Alera and Lindsay on the ground as the tentacles caused her to lose her balance enough that she found herself landing in the mud. The tentacles, for now at least, seemed to be only holding her down and rubbing at her breasts. Millia with her armor still intact seemed to be able to hold her composure enough to try to cast another spell. Michael himself starting to move toward Lindsay and Alera would be seen looking to cast another spell himself. Unless Millia was planning to counter Michael again, there seemed to be nothing that was going to stop either from finishing their incantations.

Lindsay felt that if she could handle Alera quickly enough, she might be able to get to Michael before he overcame Millia. It was a gambit for certain, but Lindsay did not want to leave Alera to occupy Michael just yet. Millia seemed to be okay for the time being as she was surprisingly able to keep her composure given her situation. Lindsay was going to focus in on Alera and see what she could do before Alera got herself free. Both girls could molest the other's chests as Alera looked to turn the tables on Lindsay.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

--magical contest between Michael (7) and Millia (7) both specializing in spells the effects bounce, Both choose to take the damage.
Grapple contest between Alera (1) and Linsay (14) Linsay wins overwhelmingly--

-Health breakdown as we have not had one yet. Michael 2/3, Alera 1/3, Linsay 3/3, Millia 2/3. As both Michael and Millia took a hit from their current spells they do not progress in their health.--

Michael was slighlty cocky as Millia released her spell, a burst of energy surging from her through the mud. Smacking into Michael, surprisingly his clothing tore from his body. As he grimmaced, and had his tentacles do the same. Both Millia and Michael now naked on the battle field, Millia was still grabbed by the tentacles but they were beginning to slack on molesting her.

Linsay was dominating her opponent, easily slipping her top open. Grinding her body into her, Alera moaned as her eyes unfocused as she was losing her battle badly. She attempted her best to struggle against her opponent but thing's looked bleak for Alera. Millia did not stand in a much better place at the moment, but she was at least standing against Michael as Alera was losing badly.

Michael smiled at the battle thus far, he was decidedly enjoying himself, probably for the first time in quite some time. He began casting another spell, this one Millia widened her eyes at, she knew what it was. As she went to call to her friend a tentacle slipped into her mouth silencing her as Michael continued smiling as his spell cast. A burst of energy moving towards Linsay as she grappled with Alera.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael and Millia seemed to not want to mess about, as Lindsay and Alera both took the time out to see what exactly was going on with the two. Millia unleashed a blast that upon impacting Michael would tear his clothing away. Michael would respond in kind by maneuvering the tentacles to strip Millia and cast aside her newly made armor leaving both of them completely naked.

Lindsay would catch Alera unaware as she seemed to be looking at what she was supposed to do next. Having still kept the advantage she had, Lindsay would start to shift Alera's leotard to expose her breasts. Lindsay was in a clearly dominant position and she would leverage the advantage by starting to grind against Alera's pussy while groping her newly exposed breasts as well.

By the look of the overall battle, Millia was losing to Michael by a small margin but Lindsay was dominating Alera fully. It would be a mere matter of time before Alera would find herself starting to fade into an orgasmic bliss. Michael however would see things the same way and started to cast another spell. Lindsay not thinking anything of it would continue on to try to make Alera sumbit fully and be eliminated. Lindsay was completely unaware of Michael targeting her instead of Millia with his next spell.

Millia having been gagged by a tentacle invading her mouth could only look on in horror as she knew as well as Michael did what was going to happen to Lindsay as she was concentrating herself fully on overcoming Alera and eliminating her as quickly as possible.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

--Linsay and Alera both effected by Michael's spell. Linsay (3) and Alera (9) Michael spell burst strength beats both rolls, Alera is out of the fight, linsay is now 2/3, and stunned as the spell washes over her.--

Michael's spell would burst out washing over the two girls grappling, Linsay would see Alera's eyes roll back as she succumbed to the advances, causing her to orgasm under her. The spell pushing her body over the edge, the wave of magic washed over Linsay as well causing a surge of pleasure to was over her, all but pushing her instantly to orgasm. She recognized the spell, it was different but similar, a temporary control spell. Luckily it didn't take full effect on Linsay, but she watched as Alera rose to her feet her eyes dull and spent.

"Is this against your rules, she has lost but she can keep fighting as my puppet." He said with a smirk as Alera rushed towards Linsay again this time without a mind of her own. Millia had struggled enough and finally burst the tentacles from her body dispelling them. It was currently two on one, although he was using Alera's body she couldn't move on her own, making her less helpful to winning the match.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay and Alera both would be hit by the spell Michael had cast. She tecognized it immediately once it hit her, a spell that would dramatically increase the pleasure they both felt. The blast outright overcame Alera while also stunning Lindsay.

Alera would be overwhelmed by the combined efforts of Lindsay's groping and grinding with the effects of the spell causing her eyes to roll back into her head as she would scream out in ecstasy from the orgasm she had. The spell also seemed to allow Michael to gain control over Alera. With Lindsay able to resist the controlling by almost passing out herself.

Millia would get herself free of the tentacles while Michael had cast the spell and almost applauded his strategy. It was anything goes just like it would be in the arena. Alera was still a factor in the match even though she was eliminated as Michael now had to work twice as hard to control Alera as well as his own actions.

As it stood now, Lindsay was defenseless as she was still trying to shake away the effects of the spell Michael had just used on Alera and her. Whatever Michael had in mind for what Alera was to do to her, Lindsay had no way to stop it from happening. Millia knowing that there was little reason to do anything further to Alera would look to overcome Michael as that would win the match for herself and Lindsay.

Michael's trick as it were was pretty clever all told. Lindsay were she conscious enough would actually applaud the ingenuity in his strategy.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

--Linsay (7) vs Alera (12), Linsay at has only one health left for this encounter. Millia (9) vs Michael (2) Michael down to one health as well, Alera is beaten, and Millia is still sitting at two health.--

Millia countered Micheal's next action with a spell of her own, forcing another blast into him as he fell backwards into the dirt, as she remained her footing. Millia figured Linsay would be good on her own and progressed with her offensive against the wizard. Alera currently had tackled Linsay to the ground and with force pushed her hands down into the sticky mud, locking them out for a few moments as she opened up Linsay's armor exposing her breasts and beginning to play with them.

Her lips instantly wrapped around them, as it seemed she was under only one order, pleasure linsay out of the fight. If Linsay could get a good hit on her she would go down again but at the moment she was in the dominant position. Alera's skilled fingers dived between Linsay's legs rubbing over her lightly veiled pussy, not pushing her way inside but teasing her as much as possible. As her free hand gripped the breast she was not currently sucking upon and began pinching her nipples. Alera was focused like she had not been before, she was dedicated to pleasuring her friend and taking her out of the fight as she was ordered too.

Michael rested on the ground for a moment as Millia moved towards him, he prepared his own counter offensive. He watched her move towards him and waited for his perfect moment, he knew what needed to be done to beat the sorceress but also know full well he needed to move cautiously. Although a smile remained on his face, he was greatly enjoying this little skirmish.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay could not recover herself from the effects of the spell Michael had cast quickly enough. Alera was all over her now and Alera had gotten Lindsay's hands stuck down into the mud making it difficult to even free her arms to stop Alera from molesting her. As Alera got ontop of Lindsay, she could feel herself being pulled down into the mud as well. This was not going to be an easy predicament to escape for Lindsay. Her hands were trapped in the mud and with Alera now on top of her, she was almost completely trapped. Michael could be seen with a smile on his face realizing that his strategy seemed to be working.

Alera would home in on Lindsay's breasts as she got the tie loose to liberate Lindsay's breasts from her newly made armor. As Lindsay recovered from the effects of the spell, a very familar feeling was welling up inside of her. Alera knew Lindsay's body far better than anyone else and set upon exploiting Lindsay's weakness by groping one breast with her hand and sucking upon the other. With Lindsay essentially trapped in the mud, Alera would use her other hand to start rubbing upon Lindsay's pussy as well. Lindsay knew she was not going to escape this predicament, nor did she want to at this point. Her arms were stuck in the mud and Alera was already overwhelming her mind and body with her masterful ability to stimulate Lindsay. The only thing Lindsay could do now was try to resist Alera and hold out long enough for Millia to defeat Michael and win this skirmish. With the added weight of Alera on top of her, Lindsay was almost completely trapped between sinking into the mud and Alera on top of her relentlessly teasing her whole body.

As Lindsay would look about, Millia seemed to be gaining the advantage over Michael now. He did have to split his concentration between controlling Alera afterall. This battle was almost certain to be decided by Millia and Michael facing off against each other for what could be the decisive attack. If Lindsay could not somehow get her arms out of the mud with her strength quickly being sapped away by Alera's touch, then she would just relax herself and allow Alera to send her off as best she could into orgasmic bliss. It would be up to Millia alone to see if she could overcome Michael if Lindsay could not get herself free from Alera. As it looked right now, Lindsay was in a difficult spot to say the least. Though she could not say she was not enjoying herself at all, as Alera was hitting all the right spots on her body. The conflict between wanting to get free and help Millia win and simply giving herself to Alera's ministrations inside Lindsay's mind was not helping things either. Lindsay's body wanted one thing while her mind wanted another.
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Re: The Trial of the Champion

--Alera (14) v Linsay (10) Linsay is unable to break free and with her mental state loses herself. No longer able to continue.
Millia (1) v Michael (15) despite her good position Millia loses this round.
Millia (6) v Michael (7) Michael barely keeps his composure and wins out over Millia.--

Alera continued her pleasurable offensive against Linsay, shifting her panties to the side and plunging her fingers into her wet willing pussy. Her fingers gliding inside her finding her weakest point and rubbing against it, her thumb playing with her clit. Her mouth still attached one one breast as her other finger pinches the other nipple pulling it upward. Linsay found her body completely against her now, willing and ready to orgasm herself into submission. The orgasm itself was not far behind as Alera continued her offensive drawing the massive orgasm out of Linsay's weakened body.

Millia more confident now launched another attack against Michael. He drew up his own magic and absorbed the blast using a wave of a familiar spell to push her back. Millia smiled at him as she waved it off of her, barely noticing it's effects. Linsay would watch as it washed to Alera and Linsay, realization of what he was planning coming to her as it hit her with her orgasm. He would use them against Millia.

"What was that, you know full well I'm well versed in dealing with enchantment." Millia mocked the wizard as he rested for a moment.

"I am aware my dear, but your friend is currently not." He said with a smirk as Linsay felt strength return to her, but her body did not obey her. The two girls rose from the mud and rushed over to Millia grappling her onto her back in the mud as Alera and Linsay both attached their mouths to her breasts sucking upon them with wanton desire. Millia moaned in surprise as it happened, a smile crossing her lips as it did.

"You cheeky bastard. Well played you win, I submit." Millia said as she moaned again as her friends continued their offensive on her breasts. Her hands moving to both their heads willing them deeper into pleasuring her. "Arn't you going to take your prize?" She asked as she opened her legs, Michael's erection readily appraent at this time.

"You had to have known I was going to do this. Your a willing little slut, you wanted to end on your back with them on you and me inside you didn't you?" Michael asked as he moved between her legs rubbing his erect member against her pussy.

"Daw, am I that easy to read." She paused as another moan escaped her lips as her head went backwards into the mud. "Clean us up, I want to keep this but this mud makes me feel disgusting. I want the first time you actually penetrate me to be in the cool pool that used to be here." She said moaning as she rubbed her wet pussy against his cock. He smiled at her as he waved his hand and the mud began to evaporate.

"As you wish my dear. I know now exactly why I love you three. So willing and so powerful, your everything I ever wanted from a harem." He said with a chuckle. Linsay found herself still able to hear and experience everything in her mind, as they spoke. Her body just refused to obey her, she would notice Alera with a deep blush on her face. Obviosly she was enjoying herself, but also flattered to be wanted for something other then a mindless cock sleeve.

As the pool returned the three girls slowly lowered into it the water covering their bodies. But the bottom of the pool seemed much lower now as they were laying in barely ankle deep water. Michael smirked as he plunged himself into her pussy moaning in lust as her cunt wrapped around his cock. And he began thrusting wildly into her. Millia matched his moans deep and lustful. She was throughly enjoying his powerful thrusts into her cunt. It was not long before her defenses against the orgasm that was building shattered. Millia came hard around Michael's cock. He grunted as he pulled himself out of her, his cock dripping in her juices. Millia needed to coaxing as she got up with the other girls to their knee's and began wrapping their lips around his cock. Millia working his tip, as Linsay worked his shaft, Alera's sucking upon his balls. Michael moaned pleased as his own climax finally came.

Millia felt his cum surge into her mouth as she drank down the first burst, letting the second splatter over the puppetted Linsay's face and final spurts filled Alera's willing mouth. The three girls rested on their knee's in the pool Linsay's face covered in seed. Millia and Alera's mouth's both full of seed. Millia held Linsays head and kissed her exchanging their lovers seed between their mouths. Linsay's tongue coated in his seed, which tasted better then she would have expected. Salty but far better then anything she had expected it to be.

Michael sat on the edge of the ring, as Linsay felt the spell end. Alera looked up at Michael, her face red with blush. Millia did the same although her hands were resting on both the girls asses as she looked over at Linsay.

"That was decidedly more fun then I thought it would be. I think I'm ready for this tournament. Do you want to go again, I know your pussy didn't get a hard cock in it for at least a few hours." She whispered into her ear, as the girls felt the pool shift slightly the water rising to their hips as the pool depend to it's original depth as Michael sat on the edge.

"It was everything I expected from it, so miss Linsay did you think about my earlier question at all? The other two already said they would accept if you did." He said with a smirk towards her.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Alera would put the finishing touches on Lindsay's defeat as her panties were slid aside. Lindsay had been trapped in the mud and her strength all but left her once Alera plunged her fingers inside of her. The build up was intense and Lindsay was rendered powerless to Alera's ministrations. Being trapped as she was, Lindsay was at least well braced for her body to give out beneath her once Alera had dominated her fully. With her defeat all but guaranteed now, Lindsay would just let herself relax as the moaning and whimpering would intensify as her orgasm built up to is crescendo. One final scream and Lindsay was out of the match as she was brought to orgasm as Alera did previously.

Millia and Michael were all that remained as Alera and Lindsay were eliminated. Alera would continue pleasuring Lindsay as they were both out of it now. Michael used a spell that seemed to cause Millia to weaken a little, though she deflected it the spell would pass through Lindsay and Alera just like before. A new command as it were would be entered into their minds. Pleasure Millia to an orgasm was all that their minds needed to know now. Alera would pull Lindsay up and they would start to move toward Millia.

Millia now realizing that she was beaten would concede the match to Michael and his strategy instead of trying to fight against all three of them. Submitting herself to Michael the trio would begin to drive her wild as Michael plunged himself inside of her and Lindsay and Alera would start to grab, grope, suck and lick Millia's breasts. Millia knowing that she was beaten would invite Michael inside of her.

With the outcome of the match decided, Millia would almost demand that the area be restored to the pool and bathing area that it previously was. Lindsay was none to pleased to not be entirely able to control herself, but she was able to see Alera and seeing how she was enjoying this would make Lindsay almost calm and just let things happen as they were. Michael would wave his hands about again and the mud would start to dissipate away as the bathing area was restored to its previous state.

As the mud was washed away, Lindsay Alera and Millia would be left at the bottom of the pool. There was a few inches at most worth of water in the pool presently. Lindsay would come too enough to realize that Millia was driven into an orgasm as the three would continue to have at her body. Michael being the winner of the little contest would have the girls start to pleasure his member as he was looking for his release now that Millia, Alera and Lindsay all had experienced theirs already. As each of the girls worked a different part of his member, Michael would not last long against such an offensive. Emptying himself into Millia's mouth, Michael would find his release to be powerful. Michael already knew he chose his company well as everyone was enjoying themselves during this little skirmish.

As the spell cast over Lindsay and Alera would finally end, Michael could be seen sitting on the side of the pool while the girls were still sitting on the bottom of the pool recovering from their efforts previously. Millia had one hand each on Lindsay and Alera's asses while they started to come to. She even went so far as to see if Lindsay wanted to have another go at it, and she was somewhat surprised as Lindsay instantly accepted. With the girls now starting to stand up the water seemed to rise with them up to their hips.

Michael would then address Lindsay again, and she saw this as the perfect time to get herself into more mischief.

"Oh, what question was that? Maybe I need more convincing hmm?"

Playing back at Michael, Lindsay would start to arrange another impromptu "match". Alera seemed to be wanting to rest and would go back to the observation area while Michael and Millia would get ready to take Lindsay on again. The match was clearly just a reason to keep the whole thing going between them. Michael would join them in the pool and they would go another round with Lindsay getting decimated in short order by Michael and Millia. She found herself again defeated in short order as Michael and Millia overwhelmed her almost instantly.

They would all laugh about it as they were having quite a bit of fun as both Michael and Millia would take turns bringing Lindsay into orgasm after orgasm. Lindsay would pass out after she orgasmed for the fourth time. With their time in the bathing room drawing to a close, Millia would bring Lindsay into a sleeping area where Alera would join them in short order. The tournament was going to start tomorrow and they all knew it was time to rest themselves up and prepare for their matches in the arena tomorrow.

Lindsay would awaken for a short while as her fatigue from the matches started to wash away. Looking about she saw that all of the girl's armor were still in pristine condition. The mud from the bath was completely gone. Having little else but positive thoughts going through her mind, Lindsay would fall back asleep confident that she would do well in the tournament once it started.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Linsay awoke to the next morning light in their room, it was a delightful sight compared to the blistering sun that had been the last few days. The tower was rather still as Millia and Alera were still deeply asleep, Linsay could hear Michael talking up in the observation lounge of his tower. He didn't seem to be speaking to anyone in particular but just to the air.

"What if she were to say no, and lose, should I still help her? I feel as tho helping her is part of my destiny, or at least could be. Although we had our agreement, no one would hold it against me if I said no should she lose. On the other hand, I am rather infatuated with her, willing to live another human life with her if she so desired. I can't say no to helping her." She would hear his voice trail off afterwards as he seemed to hae shifted into deep thought after the realization he had just had.

The town outside could be heard bustling from the tower. No real voices just the bustle of the crowds and the arena seemed to be having some sort of event happening. The cheers and dull roar of the crowds still heard, with the bustling it made the tower itself rather loud to be in. Although she did not hear it really at all in the bed room.

Today was the start of the tournament, from here she was truly on her path to defeating her true oppoent.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Lindsay would awaken with the morning sun. Looking about, she would see Alera and Millia both asleep still. As she would start to move about, Lindsay would be able to hear Michael talking to himself anout what he should do. Thinking there was no better time than right now to set things straight with how she felt in turn, Lindsay would follow the voice up to the observation area.

"You do not need to worry about me, Michael. If I can finish what I have started and avenge the people of my town by destroying the ones responsible for it. I would love to simply settle down, have kids, and live a normal life... With you."

Lindsay would try to alleviate the doubt within Michael's mind with what she had to say. She wpuld go on to mention what her plans were at a basic level once the tournament were finished. She would go on to see if Michael were able to confirm the rumors Alera had heard about the magical sword that she would try to seek out next. Along with the slavers and her final confrontation with the Master of the trials. Were she to survive all of that, then her goal would have been reached and her objective completed. With little else to have to fight for at that point, settling down sounded like a wonderful idea.

If this would help Michael or make him doubt himself more was completely up to him really. There was no way that She could guarantee what Millia or Alera would do either since they could just as easily go their own ways once this is all over with. Nevermind what could happen were Lindsay to be defeated by the Master as she sought to confront him for a final time. The thought of failure had always weighed heavily upon Lindsay's shoulders. As much as she believed that she would prevail over evil in the end, there was always the shadow of doubt that she could lose all the same.

This is why the tournament meant so much to her. It was not about winning the belt or losing and spending a week with Michael, but it was about proving to herself that she could do it. That she was good enough of a warrior to overcome adversity. This was more about confronting her own fear of failure than anything else now. With a bit of time to pass still before any of them were set to fight in the arena, Lindsay would seek to clear the air between herself and Michael.

Once that was done, Lindsay would go fully into wanting to preparing herself for her turn in the arena. Not wanting to yhink too much about what may happen, either to Millia, Alera or herself. Lindsay would simply want her focus to be whete it belonged in the here and now. How would she overcome her opponent and win her match was the only thing she wanted to be focused on.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael smiled at her as he pulled her into his lap as he motioned out to the tournament grounds. Linsay could see the opening ceremony for the tournament, a large show with dancers and some sort of singer although hearing it from this distance was difficult.

"Never did like the opening ceremony stuff, felt like it was pointless. But that being said, I know you needed new weapons. So I had three sets of weapons brought over for you to feel before the tournament. Feel free to pick your preferred one, I have a whip in there for Millia she was specific on desiring a whip as her weapon of choice. I felt it best not to question it and just get a whip for her." He smiled at her as she would see a heavy two handed blade, as well as a sword and shield, both of which had runes carved into the blade to enchant them.

Linsay would feel the excitement of the tournament starting welling up inside her. Her first match was not until the early evening, so she had the rest of the day to prepare. Although she should probably head over to the arena before their match. But she didn't need to run out of the tower right now.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael seemed to respond favorably to Lindsay explaining her little "to-do list". She always wanted to try to be as honest as possible with those she cared for most. This was no exception, as Michael again would deliver a gift to Lindsay as well as Millia and Alera. At the mention of Millia wanting a whip, a few thoughts crossed Lindsay's mind that made her give off a bit of a smirk as she thought about it a little.

The opening ceremonies were taking place, and Michael made it pretty clear that he was not too keen on them. There seemed to be quite a show going on with dancers and a singer of some kind though the crowd noise was drowning out most of what was being sung during the ceremony. Lindsay trying to focus herself properly would start to examine the weapons that were brought forth for her to choose from. With the whip already spoken for by Millia, Lindsay would have her choice between a fairly large two handed sword or what looked to be a sword and shield combination.

Lindsay and Alera were both trained the same way. They were both taught how to use one handed swords and shields by the knights that had trained them previously. Before settling herself on the choice she would make, Lindsay did want to get a feel for the blades. Trying out the two handed blade she felt almost instantly that it was too heavy for her. With how she had her armor designed from leather with only small parts of metal, Lindsay wanted to rely more on her speed and use that to her advantage. The two handed sword seemed to move too slowly as she almost fought with it a bit trying to move from form to form.

Lindsay could almost already tell that the smaller sword would be what she would want to use. It felt lighter and moved superbly as she would move it about. The runes along the blade would light up almost as if the blade itself was choosing Lindsay as well. It was a suberbly crafted blade and Lindsay felt honored that Michael would go through the trouble of having the weapon made for her.

"I hope this does not mean that Alera is getting stuck with the two handed weapon?" Lindsay would remark as she was concerned for Alera. Even though Lindsay wanted to win, it felt wrong to do it at the expense of handicapping one of her friends. Especially if they ended up having to face each other at some point.

Now that she decided on her weapon, Lindsay was starting to get that anxious pit in her stomach. She knew that her first match was early on in the evening so she would have most of the day to prepare before heading down to the arena itself. With Millia and Alera not yet awake, Lindsay felt it best not to disturb them. They both had to prepare in their own way. Thinking it best to see if she had enough time to watch a match or two, Lindsay would remain beside Michael for a while longer. Once she saw what exactly it was that she might be having to deal with, she would head down to the arena.

Lindsay would do little to hide her nervousness before her first match. She felt that if she lost it would be more of a disappointment to Alera, Millia, and Michael as they all cared for her as she cared for all of them. Not to mention Michael would get her for a week as well if she lost. Though she could think of worse fates to have befallen her if she lost. All she needed to do was think back to the trial, where she rescued Millia, or the temple where she freed Alera. Losing anywhere along the way would have made Lindsay's fate far different from what it looks to be headed toward now.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael would feel her tense muscles and shift her in his lap letting her sit looking forward as he began to massage her shoulders. His fingers digging in and losening all the tense kinks from her back. As his hands slowly worked down her back, his fingers lightly reaching around to her side. She could easily tell he wanted to grope her, but decided he would refrain at least for now.

"Alera actually spoke with me while you were passed out from our first fun experience. She is trained in both, but didn't know if you were, so she asked to have both brought over. She would use what ever you didn't, I think she was hoping you would pick the shield, as she seems slightly more like a heavy weapon fighter." He said with a chuckle as his hands worked down to her hips, kneading the area right above her hips. His hands held her as he pulled her backwards lightly, her ass sliding against his member. It was rather obvious that he wanted her right now, but had the restraint to wait, as she had a match to prepare for.

While Michael massaged her back and sides the opening ceremony would finally end. And the tournament would begin, it seemed that the first series of matches were from last years best. there would be five matches before Linsay and her friends group would even begin. Currently in the arena a large man wearing little armor, or anything for that matter walked in a circle egging on the crowd with his large great ax. His opponent looked to be an amazon, she wielded twin blades, and honestly wore little more then a trio of leather straps around her nipples and between her legs.

The two began to battle, the match was quick and ferocious, with the two exchanging blows. The man getting the better of the first exchange, with the woman getting the better of the second. The third went to the woman who seemed to be getting her stride, and looked favored to win. The dull roar of the crowd could be felt at this point, even from their high vantage point. After another exchange things seemed to shift as the man landed a powerful blow to her head sending her spiraling to the ground. She lay on the ground stunned and unable to continue, he raised his weapon in victory.

As he walked over to her he looked to the crowd and Linsay would see them offering their thumbs down. He grabbed hold of her strapped attire and tore it from her body, and began roughly groping her as he lifted her up, spreading her legs as he removed his loin cloth and began fucking the amazon for the crowds amusement. The amazon barely able to get her senses back before her rape began, it was not long before she was a moaning mess getting pounded on the arena floor.

Michael continued massaging Linsay's back and sides as she watched, wondering how she would like seeing what happened to most losers in this tournament.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael and Lindsay would sit down and watch as the ceremonies signifying the beginning of the tournament would come to a close. Soon after the arena was cleared the first match would begin. All the while Michael would gently massage Lindsay and make a few not so subtle movements to tease her body a little as well.

Before the first match was announced, Michael would reveal something about Alera that she did not know at all. It must have been her time with the Master she saught to destroy when she learned to use heavier weapons. So it was that the choice of what style of weapon they would use was almost decided beforehand while Lindsay was passed out from the secondary match in the bathing area last night.

With the way Michael was treating her, it was already clear to Lindsay that she found the people she would want to spend her time with. Michael, Millia and Alera all were very close to her and without each and evety one of them, none of what is going on now would even be possible. Michael from time to time would lose his restraint a little and slide Lindsay over his already erect member, but they both knew this was not the time nor place for that.

Knowing that not only she was being cared for, but her friends as well. Lindsay would relax herself a little and allow Michaels hands to move about her body. As they were getting down to her back and hips Lindsay could hear the roar of the crowd as the first contestants would enter into the arena.

Watching with great interest, Lindsay could not help but jump forward and get the best view she could. From the looks of it, Lindsay was wearing alot of armor in comparison the the two combatants set to do battle. A larger man wielding an axe against a woman with two smaller blades. As they started, the man was able to use his reach to keep the woman at bay, though an adjustment in strategy would see the woman start to get the upper hand.

Lindsay made a subtle but obvious movement to show her approval of the woman starting to get the upper hand in the match. As the woman started to leverage her advantage the man would use his axe in a fashion that Lindsay had never seen before. The blow was enough to knock the woman out completely. As the man was declated the winner Lindsay would sulk down a little, disappointed that the fighter she had hoped to win was defeated.

What happened next was just about exactly what Lindsay had expected. Having won, the man would claim the spoils of victory. As he started to rip away the little clothing the two were wearing, Lindsay seemed almost excited that the woman was only going to get raped. As she saw the crowd put their thumbs down, she almost thought that the man was going to kill the woman with his axe.

As Michael would remark about how the match went, Lindsay would respond pretty positively to what she saw. She was more relieved that the woman was not killed than anything, but she was also aware of the level of skill that the combatants had with their display. It would have been nice for the match to have lasted a little longer maybe, but Lindsay knew this was going to be an excellent way to challenge herself to be the best that she could be.

If she were anything less than her absolute best going forward. Then her whole time spent putting the pieces into place to take her shot at avenging the village she grew up in would be for nothing.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

"The first matches of the tournament are always the fastest, as we start to get the people of weaker skill eliminated. Although I don't expect that guy to go much farther in his block." Michael said as he stood next to her. "He's not bad but certainly not on your level, or any of the previous champions. He did well last year tho so maybe I'll be surprised. I should also mention that when your headed to the arena for your matches you'll probably pass by that woman. The losers of the first round, get generally raped in the arena for the viewers amusement, then have to spend the next day chained outisde the tournament hall doing pretty much what ever those willing to pay some gold want to them." He smirked slightly.

"You don't have to worry about that I've already bought you if you should fall. But Alera and Millia are not so lucky. Having a girl paid for ahead of time is expensive." Michael mostly muttered to himself as they wanted the next couple of matches together. The early day's matches were rather bland and as he had said many of them were one sided. As the five of the ten moving on proved why they had done well in the last tournament.

"Ah right the tournament is single elimination. A round of ten, then a round of five, in that round one member get's a bi. But to compensate that warrior then needs to beat both the winners of their match to move on. Essentially round of ten, then five, then three, then winner of the block. Win the block you go to the finals. I'm curiuos what your going to do as all three of you girls are in the same block?" he asked as Millia and Alera moved into the room the girls heading over and collecting their weapons.

"Probably beat the heck out of each other and fuck the loser. Then watch her the next day while man after man has their way with her." Millia said with a smirk as she leaned close to Alera who blushed deeply at her comment.

"I'm just hopeful I can get out of the first round." Alera said with a smile as the girls stood at the tower watching the matches.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Michael would explain how the tournament worked while the next few matches played out. It was an interesting format to say the least. Five matches meant there was a good chance that they could well end up facing each other right at the start. If they were lucky enough not to face each other in the first round then it was almost a certainty to face each other in the next round at some point. The only way they would not have to end up facing each other is if they lost their matches beforehand, and seeing the level of competition in the first block would make Lindsay feel as if Millia, Alera and herself were probably better than most of what they had seen so far. Lindsay would think out loud and somewhat ask the question at the same time as to if there were only the two blocks of competitors or if there were more blocks that would start later.

Lindsay knew in the back of her head that she might end up having to battle either Millia or Alera going into this tournament. She would have liked it to not be that way, but Millia who was now awake would put things in perspective by pretty plainly saying that it was just a match and she would try to win it no differently than any other. Alera on the other hand just wanted to take it one step at a time. Knowing that Michael had paid for Lindsay in advance was awkward, though an appreciated gesture. It was increasingly clear that Michael wanted Lindsay and as he kept doing what he could to almost protect her, she was certainly starting to realize that the feelings were mutual.

Lindsay was somewhere in the middle of how Alera and Millia felt respectively. She knew that to win a match would get her closer to the finals, but almost dreaded having to do so at the expense of her friends. As she thought about it a little more, Lindsay got visibly demoralized a bit. Clearly there was no way possible for all three of them to win, maybe they all would win their first match if they were lucky enough to not have to face each other. The next round with only 5 competitors remaining would almost guarantee that if they won the first match they would see each other, and in a perfect world they might end up being all three in the final match. No matter what, Lindsay knew that to win her block she had to start to think more like Millia did and just try to win no matter who her opponent was in each match.

As the matches in the first block would play out, the girls started to head toward the arena where fate would see if they were to battle each other right at the start. The only match Lindsay felt was going to be an issue was going to be the match at the end where there would be three competitors. Though much like how Alera was thinking, she needed to get to it first and could not overlook whoever it was that would be her opponent in any match.

An almost cruel twist to say the least, but it was a hurdle that Lindsay would now have to overcome.
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Re: The Trial of the Champion

As they headed to the arena they would pass four groups of men gathered around something. Inspection would show this was where the losers of the first round had been chained up, two women and two men were being used in every way one could think of. The last was a woman who nobody seemed interested in using as she lay still limp in her restraints. It seems her match had been decidedly brutal from the bruises that now covered her body. Moving onward they came to the entrance to the arena.

The girls entered and were greeted by the other six entrants in their block. Nobody was particularly talkative as the tournament organizer spoke. he said the same thing that Michael had said before, "losers have their lives spared by being fuck toys for a day to who ever pays. He advises to try to keep the matches ferice but not overly violent. No reason to kill anyone in it, it's fight until they are unable to continue, or they yield. Here are the match pairings." He yelled out the pairings, Linsay would be last out into the arena but first up with Millia and a rather large imposing man.

They proceeded out into the arena, and the roar of the crowds was hard to ignore, as they sat waiting their turns. Alera tapped her foot impatiently, seemingly wanting to get her round over with as soon as possible. After about ten minutes they heard the roar of the crowd, as victory was had by a combatant. It was another five minutes before anyone returned from the match. The large man returned behind him he was dragging Millia's cum covered and well fucked form. She was obviously conscious but it seems her first match had not gone well for her. Her tongue slide out of her mouth taking some of the seed currently on her face and slipping it into her mouth.

Millia would meet eyes with Linsay, she seemed not heart broken by her defeat. In fact it looked like she had thoroughly enjoyed it. As a quick glance at the man would show he looked drained and tired.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

The girls would head to the arena as it was their time to compete in their respective matches. Heading to the arena itself there was an area where the losers from the previous matches were being chained up. Lindsay would recognize the woman from the match that she had watched with Michael earlier in the day along with two men and two other women. One of which Lindsay almost felt for as she seemed to have been beaten pretty badly, though at least she was mostly left alone by those who were paying to take advantage of the losers.

As they arrived in the arena itself, most of the other competitors were already there. Seeing six other warriors they all paid their respects to each other while awaiting their pairings and matches to be decided. Millia had drawn the first match and was set to battle a rather large man, Alera and Lindsay were set to fight later on and thankfully not against each other. With Millia and her opponent already moving out into the arena, Alera along with the other competitors would wait in anticipation for their turn. Not being able to watch the match from where they were being marshalled, they could only go by the level of crowd noise in the arena.

What felt like ten minutes would pass and the crowd noise seemed to be fairly steady until there was a massive roar coming from the crowd as it seemed a victor was declared. A few minutes later the man would be seen dragging Millia in tow and Lindsay would slink down as she realized that Millia had lost to him. The look on her face was one of happiness so it seemed like she enjoyed being defeated at least. Though how well she would last being chained up was another issue entirely.

Looking over at Alera, Lindsay could tell that she was getting impatient. Lindsay knew that her best chance of winning the whole group now would revolve around Alera winning her match. The plan that popped into her head would ideally have Alera and Lindsay win and then hopefully one of them could get the bye or they both ended up in different matches again. That way they could go into the final match of the group and double team whoever the third person was. Of course this was her perfect world scenario now that Millia had lost. Lindsay would do what she could to try to keep Alera focused on her match as Alera had to realize as well that Millia had lost by now.

Lindasy's immediate goal was to keep Alera focused on what she needed to do, and that was win her match. Millia was going to be safe at least, and there was nothing Lindsay or Alera could do about it at this point anyway. All they could do was go and compete in their respective matches and hopefully come out victorious. If Alera were to be defeated as well it would make the path to winning the tournament that much harder Lindsay.

Then again if Alera were to win the whole thing somehow then almost everyone would get what they wanted. Michael would get Lindsay all to himself for a week. Alera would start getting confidence in herself again as a warrior and not just some fucktoy to be used. Millia seems to already have gotten what she wanted too. Remembering back to their skirmish Millia seemed to be rather submissive given how she otherwise conducted herself once she realized that Michael had gotten the better of her.
Re: The Trial of the Champion

Linsay's pep talk seemed to calm Alera's nerves rather completely, she was quite happy when her match finally came up, the match between Millia's and her's was between two men and it did seem that male contestants had all the same penalties for losing as the females. As he seemed rather sore and was not sitting down as he was lead away for his chained time.

Finally Alera's match was called and she smiled at Linsay and headed off to her match. Her opponent was a rather imposing looking woman, as all the remaining contestants were female. The time she was gone seemed to stretch onward and onward. Finally the victor was decided as Linsay heard the cheers of victory. Three minutes later Alera strode back into the room, her blade on her shoulder as the woman was lead in on her hands and knee's by a make shift leash Alera had made. Linsay would realize it was made from most of the clothing and armor the woman had worn out to the match.

Alera herself was all smiles, she had a different feel to her, more confident and ready for what was coming next. She sat down next to Linsay as the woman was lead out, the liquid smeared over her thighs apparent as she was lead away. They didn't say anything as Linsay was called just afterwards. The match caller walked over to her and handed her a simple band.

"You have to wear this someplace noticeable, it means your bought for already. So if you lose nobody can get their fun time with you in the stockades after the match as you go straight to who bought you. Only two others had this and they were both males. Seems their wives were not interested in risking them not having their husbands." He laughed mostly to himself as he let her go. It was a long blue strip of cloth, she could easily wear it as a scarf or hair tie.

Her opponent was a woman of equal size to Linsay they exchanged nods as they headed into the area. Linsay's opponent put on no pomp or circumstance. She simply walked to her starting point and stared at her opponent as the announcement was made and the match was prepared to start.

(Just for a system go forward, did you want me to do the whole match of rolls in one post or do a post per roll?)