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The Unseen (SirOni)

Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

It is easy to avoid making any noise, especially when there's a little bit coming from inside the building. Alex really seems to be pumped, doing an expert job of avoiding detection. She gets halfway around the building without a problem, but then encounters one. The other side of the building looks to be alot more damaged then the side she aproached from. Anyone inside will have a clear view of her. She can still advance through the bushes along the road, but they look to have thorns. Some would argue that getting jabbed a bit would be a minor inconvience compared to fighting whatever was inside the building, but it would probably tear her clothes up. Of course, if Alex didn't like either option, she could just backtrack and find another way, but she was already using up alot of time as it was, plus it'd be getting dark soon...
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex lets out a quiet groan as she weighs up her options. Possible attack by monsters or torn clothes and cuts from bushes? Both options didn't really appeal to her though doublebacking was out of the question as the zombies could have made their way out of the mall by now.

Finally making her decision, Alex decides to try her luck with the bushes. At least this way there's less chance of monsters attacking her and she could always use her axe to try and hack a path for herself or at least push back some shrubbery.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex made it to the bushes okay, but when she tired to get in, they were more prickly then expected, she immediately cut her cheek a bit. To add insult to injury, the dry, stiff branches snapped, making quite the loud noise in the silent city. The things in the building stopped their searching, letting out a low call that sounded a bit like a boat horn. Soon Alex could hear them making their way towards her, it sounded like they were slithering almost. Fortunately, they were not in view yet, and Alex would have some time to react, and perhaps even run to the next block before they saw her, though that was iffy.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex lets out a small growl as she cuts herself on the bush, and after noisily disentangling herself from the shrub she lets out another growl as whatever beasts were in the building now decided to investigate the noise coming from outside.

Gripping the handle of her axe tightly Alex makes to leg it away from here, though readying herself should she need to fight off whatever was coming her way.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

(which direction, forwards, across the street, or back?)
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

(whichever way takes Alex closer to the edge of the city, failing that across the street)
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

(Yeah, probably across the street then, as that'll be "the safest" route)

From where she was, Alex had a good view of the tri-block area. Going down the road would offer cover, but she also couldn't see if there was anything around her, with monsters coming after her, she'd be ambushed almost certainly. Across the street was clear. The deserted building was dark and empty, perhaps offering a good hiding spot if her followers didn't search it, but otherwise being a death trap. The things definitely were following, though even sparing a glance over her shoulder Alex wouldn't be able to make them out through the bushes. The shrubs only partially blocked someone's view, so she could see dark shapes after her, and they could see her.

For other options, Alex could see a small opening in the bushes around the sides of this block, out onto another shady street. No telling what was that way either. And of course, the girl could always turn to fight.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

After suffering at the hands of the zombies Alex had no intention of letting these things catch her and do the same to her. Not liking the look of the building Alex decides to cut through the small opening the bushes, hoping against hope that she wouldn't bump into something else.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex shot out into the street, as luck would have it it was clear. She was still being chased, of course, but had gained a bit of ground. However, she now had a choice, run straight ahead out into the open of a main road, or take a few seconds to jump a short fence seperating her from what seemed to be a dentist office. The things chasing Alex would catch up, but there'd be a small obstical between them at least.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Seeing her options Alex already knew what she was going to do; not taking any chances with an enclosed space she girl continues to sprint towards the open main road hoping that the size of the area would give her enough room to avoid and eventually escape the beasts chasing after her.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

It only took a few more seconds before Alex was out in the open space of the road. From here she could run pretty much anywhere or anyway, but straight ahead, down a road like the one she had been on, would let her keep her speed. There were many wrecked cars here, making it tricky to manuever, but to Alex's left it seemed to clear up a bit, joining into a four lane road a block down, past more shops. Alex could also run back to the right, but that'd be towards the mall, so probably not a good idea.

In addition, there were a number of good places to hide around this intersection. There was another bank off to the side of the road straight ahead, it had a ramp going down the basement that the redhead could probably make it to before the monsters chasing her could see where she went. Across the street from that were some small houses, a confined residential neighborhood with plenty of side paths to dodge down, but more confined then the hedge lined roads.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex's chest slowly begun to get tight as she continued to run away from the beasts pursuing her, so too did the girls leg muscles start to ache as well. Not wanting to give the creatures a chance to capture her and corrupt her body like the zombies had done Alex continues sprinting straight ahead.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

With her final determination, Alex was pulling ahead of the monsters chasing her. The noises they made were getting quieter, they seemed to be backing off, not realizing the girl was almost out of energy. Alex was almost out of this small business district now, reaching a line of trees and medium sized middle-class houses as she finally got far enough away to feel "safe". They were pretty much intact, all the stores nearby had distracted looters. One road twisted back into the residential area, devoid of cars and other debris, while another ran around the outside and joined into the main road grid, which was quickly getting choked with debris in this neighborhood, providing cover for her, as well as any enemies.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

As the noises of the beasts hounding her quietened and finally disappeared altogether Alex comes to a stop, doubled over as she breathes heavily her axe falling to the floor with a clatter as the girl rests her hands on her knee's. Sweat drenches every part of her body as Alex slowly regains control of her breathing, loosening the straps of her bag she allows that to drop to the floor to give herself something relatively comfortable to rest on while she recovers from the chase.

Sitting up properly Alex wipes the sweat running down her forehead with the back of her sleeve as she looks up to see where exactly she had ended up. The girl lets out a low groan at the sight of the looted shops, her chances of finding a better weapon pretty much nil. Alex's attention then turned to the two possible ways out of this hell hole. She sits there silently looking the two ways over, and after several minutes thinking the girl stands up. Picking her backpack up Alex swings it back onto her back and then picks her axe back up before turning towards the residentual disctrict, not choosing the main road as the debris could house any number of nasties just waiting to tear her clothes off and have their way with her. At least that's what she believes.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

All was quiet and calm as Alex wound her way down the road. The houses were dark and deserted, but also in good shape, all things considered. There were alot of trees, as well, making the whole area darker. In fact, up ahead seemed to be a park, the road dead ended in a small lot with a covered seating area, for small gatherings. A small creek ran behind it. No doubt quite the nice place, for a suburb in the desert.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex let out a sigh of relief as the small suburb came into view and noticed that the houses were mostly intact. Relaxing a little she makes her way slowly closer towards the small village to scout out the houses, hoping that one of them would be suitable for her to rest up for a while. "After all," she thinks to herself "It would be nice to just rest and relax for a while after what I've been through..."
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

The house on the right and closest to the park looked to be in the best condition, no debris on its lawn and the door still firmly intact. Inside was dark, but Alex could see in the living room, the curtains were neatly in place at the sides of the window and the room inside was as clean as could be. It was highly doubtful a struggle had taken place in here.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex cautiously makes her way to the house, her axe at the ready should anything make an attempt to attack her. With no attempts on her life, or her slowly diminishing innocence, she peers into the house. Curious, though somewhat suspicious of the state of the house the girl decides that it's worth the risk of checking out if it meant she could finally relax and get cleaned up. With a tentative hand Alex grips onto the handle of the door, slowly opening it, ready to strike whatever decides to rush her if anything comes.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

Alex's couldn't be too careful, but nevertheless, she did not find any threats before gently opening the door. It swung open without a sound into a dark, clean hall. There was a door to the living room, which she'd seen into, as well as three closed doors, one on the left, and two on the right. At the end of the hall was an open door to what seemed to be the kitchen, at least as far as Alex could tell.

As she stood there, Alex became aware of a faint scratching sound, coming from someplace inside. It didn't sound like a monster exactly, more like something blowing in the wind, despite the fact that that noise shouldn't be coming from inside. It also sounded deep inside, as if hidden behind several walls.
Re: The Unseen (SirOni)

As the door swings open Alex gets ready to strike at an oncoming foe, only to be taken aback by the lack of aggressors. This instantly makes Alex suspicious, though the chance to relax for a while overrides any sense of suspicion and forces her to head further into the house.

Making a note of each door Alex decides to check the living room first, to make sure that it's as creature free as it suggested when she glanced in from outside. Though once she starts making her way into the house the noise suddenly becomes apparent to her. The girl strains to listen from where the scratching sound could be coming from, but all she could discern was that it wasn't anywhere near here.

"Guess I better make sure that isn't something coming to surprise me..." The girl thinks to herself, and firmly gripping the axe once more Alex leans against the wall, trying to pick up which direction the sound is coming from so she could follow it and check out whatever is making that noise. And kill it if necessary.