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The "What Do You Do" Game


Professional Neko Impersonator
Dec 31, 2016
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The What Do You Do Game

This is a game/roleplay where someone creates a situation/story/setting, and gives the player a list of options/actions to choose from. The situation must be named and the name should be in bold and at the top of every post the OP makes in response to players of their situation. The player can choose any of the listed actions, or create their own. The story/situation adapts to the player, therefore, everyone's experiences and outcomes are unique. None of the player's situations affects other player's situations. The player does not list any actions/options themselves, that is up to the OP/narrator of the situation.

Anyone can create a new situation so long as they name it, and place the name in bold at the top of every post they make in response to players in their situation.

A player who wants to play/respond to a particular situation should quote the OP of that situation's original post and respond, now the game will begin for that player. A player can only quote the starting point of a situation, (The OP's original post for the situation.) not the situations of other player's, since everyone's experience is unique.

The situations are not meant to go on forever, these situations are not full roleplays. Once the OP has decided they are done creating more story for the particular situation for players, they will state that the game is ending, at this point, they will finish the stories for the current players and will not respond to new players of that situation.

When the player responds to a situation, they can select one of the actions from the list, or create their own. They can then write a piece of roleplay/story they want to add to the situation. These could be more events, additional characters, etc, etc. The player should not list options/actions themselves.

NOTE: When a situation is ending, players please refrain from adding many more story elements/details/characters to your response, the story will be wrapped up soon and the situation will become inactive, please do not try to make the game last longer, move on to a new situation when the current one you're playing ends. You can always start your own situations.

P.S. If an OP has not listed any options/actions in their response and simply state "What do you do?" then the player shall come up with their own action.


This description was written after the game began, so the rules hadn't applied yet, thus, some responses were not with the rules, but this is of no fault to the player, they were unaware, it is in fact my fault for not explaining things better.

I will list all the active/ending/inactive situations below.

Active Situation List:
Cold Night Lamia

Ending Situation List:

Inactive Situation List:

*Active situations are situations any player can respond to and begin playing.

*Ending Situations are situations that are finishing the stories for the current players and will not respond to new players hoping to begin their story for the situation, these will effectivly become inactive situations.

*Inactive Sitations are situations that are finished and will not continue unless revived by the OP.

Here is the starting situation:

Cold Night Lamia:
It's a cold night, after a day of questing for who knows what, you spot a lamia in the distance, you slowly turn around to walk away, but before you can take a step, you hear a voice behind you. "Where are you goin'?!" You jump exactly 10 feet in the air and land on your feet, you turn around and she's right in front of you.

"Oh come on! Drop the act, you don't need these!" She quickly strips you to your skin, tossing your sword/shield/whathaveyou in the lake.

"AH! It's cold!" You reply.

"Tsk, tsk." She responds, "You won't be cold for long...." she grins evilly, you worry she may not only rape you, but kill you... or worse.

Do you:

• Quickly run your naked ass away screaming in fear for your life.

• Submit and allow the lamia to have her way with you. (Are you sure? It's chilly out, and so is her body... of course, that's why she's using you. Also the possibility of DEATH! Watch those fangs buddy.)

• Try to recover your weapon and slay her. (Sounds realistic eh? Yeah it's totally possible bruh!)

• Try to reason with her to at least let you live after she rapes you.

• Something else.
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Rape her first before she can do it to you!
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Use that jumping ability to become a pro league basketball player.
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Accept your fate as dahling and the protagonist.
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

Rape her first before she can do it to you!

How shall you start your rape attack? Careful, this may dictate how she reacts, it may or may not be successful. What do you do?

Use that jumping ability to become a pro league basketball player.

Right before the lamia is able to capture you with her tail, you quickly jump, dodging her attack. She continues to grab for you countless times. Eventually, one of you will tire, what do you do?

Accept your fate as dahling and the protagonist.

She smirks before quickly wrapping her tail around you, squeezing tightly and pulling you near; your face near her cleavage. She raises your face to hers, licks her lips, and begins to suckle on your lips, soon after inserting her tongue, meanwhile, the tip of her tail begins work on your member. What do you do?
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

I challenge her to a game of basketball if she wants to eat me.
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Dunk on that bitch!
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

I challenge her to a game of basketball if she wants to eat me.

You continue to dodge her attacks until you trip over the tip of her tail. She squeals before quickly wrapping you in her tail and squeezing tightly, so tight, you can barely breath. She pulls you over to face level and licks her lips. As much as you can with a lack of breath, you try to muffle out a few words.

"W-wait, please!" She raises as eyebrow as she loosens her grip slightly, you gasp for air and exhale for relief. "I have a proposition!" She grins, licking your face before saying, "Go on."

You gulp as you struggle to get the words out, "I-I challenge you to a game of basketball!" She smirks and begins laughing, "If I win, you let me go peacefully. If you win...*Gulp* I guess...."

"Aww, how cute, you're shaking." She replies, "Why are you so scared?" She caresses your face, putting her nose to yours.

"Please don't eat me!" You shout. She chuckles.

"Oh don't you worry, I won't 'eat' you... I'll just... taste a little part of you...."

"B-b-but what about the deal?!"

"What deal?"

"I challenged you to a game of basketball!"

She grins, "Fine, I'll accept your deal, but only if you give me a little part of you before you leave. Now, do you have any balls?"

What do you do?

• Truthfully tell her you have in fact, two balls. (May not end well, and may cause immediate rape, or not, who knows?)

• Tell her you don't have a basketball on you, but you know how to make one on the spot.

• Something else.

Dunk on that bitch!

You quickly lunge for the lamia, knocking her down. After squealing she smirks, "A little feisty aren't we?"

What do you do first?

• Arouse yourself for insertation by kissing, licking, rubbing against her and other such acts.

• Immediately insert your member despite it being floppy and hope for the best.

• Masturbate her while kissing and licking to arouse both yourself and her.

• Something else.
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Can we start from the start?

Try to recover your weapon and slay her.
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Summon a basketball via dark ritual.
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Suckle her tailtilp seductively. steal the ball while distracted, pathetically drop it in because not good at ti bt don't matter.
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

Try to recover your weapon and slay her.

You quickly run past her and dive into the cold lake. You figure as long as you're under the water, she can't get to you, all lamia's hate the cold, and this water is pretty chilly, surely she wouldn't try to grab you from within.

You search for your blade, checking the corners, underneath rocks and seaweed, until you spot a hole in the wall, you peek inside, you see something reflective, is that a blade, an eye or something else?

What Do You Do:

• Reach in the hole for the object in hopes that it's your sword. (It could be, it could potentially not be, it could be your sword, it could be something or someone else who's waiting for a victim.

• Ignore the reflective object in the hole and continue searching the lake.

• Go back up to get air. (Could potentially get you caught, but there's a risk of drowning too. Which is better?)

• Something else.

Summon a basketball via dark ritual.

As the ball falls in your hand she quickly drops you to the ground, she stares, surprised at your abilities, of course she doesn't respond, she wouldn't want to let on that she might be just a little concerned for her safety. "*Ahem, you forgot something." She says as she slithers towards a tree and forms the vines into an open net. She turns to you and grins.

"Now remember, we have a deal... if you win, I'll let you go, however, you will have to tide me over, otherwise I can't promise I won't hunt you down tomorrow. If you lose... well. Let's just say that you won't be too comfortable for long. Are you into strangulation? There'll be plenty of choking, there may even be a few permanent scars left, not only on your life, but your body.

You should know there is a very slim chance you'll actually win here, and either way, deals are meant to be broken, I do as I please around here, and if I decide I want you bad enough, I will find you." She smirks.

"Is your body ready?" She asks.

What Do You Do:

• Explain the rules of the game, how many shots in the hoop counts as a win, and how many rounds there'll be, with or without responding to her comments.

• Immediately toss a trick shot into the hoop and hope it works out. (Wouldn't want to disappoint her... would you?)

• Respond to her comments. (You write your response, I can't do all the second person work, this is kind of like a roleplay I suppose.)

• Something Else.
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Suckle her tailtilp seductively. steal the ball while distracted, pathetically drop it in because not good at ti bt don't matter.

Just so you're aware, you don't always have to start with the latest situation, the story adapts to the player and their choices, so if you prefer you can start from the beginning, or if you like a particular situation you can respond to it, it's really up to you.

You could even come up with your own situation if you'd like, for players to respond to, it doesn't have to relate at all to the other situations. (This is essentially like a new game, the other situations will still continue until the OP decides their situation/game is done.)

I'm going to add a rule, from here on out, any situations must have a label and keep the label from the originating post to present. I will put together a list of situations that have come up, this should help keep the game organized. I'll come up with a title for mine soon and edit my posts, the title should be in bold and positioned at the top of your post. This will allow players to know which situation/game they're responding to.

Would you like to continue with the current basketball situation or start from the beginning?
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

The actual game thread can be found in the link above, of course, you can always come up with your own answers aside from the list. If you'd prefer not to play in the play by play section, then I suppose we can play it here so long as the mods don't move the thread.

Here's the rest of the situation:

"Oh come on! Drop the act, you don't need these!" She quickly strips you to your skin, tossing your sword/shield/whathaveyou in the lake.

"AH! It's cold!" You reply.

"Tsk, tsk." She responds, "You won't be cold for long...." she grins evilly, you worry she may not only rape you, but kill you... or worse.

Do you:

• Quickly run your naked ass away screaming in fear for your life.

• Submit and allow the lamia to have her way with you. (Are you sure? It's chilly out, and so is her body... of course, that's why she's using you. Also the possibility of DEATH! Watch those fangs buddy.)

• Try to recover your weapon and slay her. (Sounds realistic eh? Yeah it's totally possible bruh!)

• Try to reason with her to at least let you live after she rapes you.

I end my polymorph spell and as the dust settles my true self is revealed: A colossal Red Dragon!

As I glare down at her, I command directly into her mind "Retrieve my belongings filthy little creature, and you may yet escape my ire".
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

I end my polymorph spell and as the dust settles my true self is revealed: A colossal Red Dragon!

As I glare down at her, I command directly into her mind "Retrieve my belongings filthy little creature, and you may yet escape my ire".

She stares up with eyes wide and hands to her chest, she gulps. "A-ah-ah b-b-b-but the water's cold! Lamia can't go into cold water! We'll go into hibernation! I-I'm sorry but I can't retrieve your gear...."

She gulps again, looking up to you with large, worried eyes, her tail curls around her in fear, you can see her shaking slightly, not only from fear, but the cold combined with the fear, and the thought of having to get into the water.

"P-please don't kill me... I-I'll be good?...." She attempts puppy-dog eyes.
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Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cocking my head to the side I ask "Too cold for you? I can fix that!" Immediately bellowing a gout of flame into the lake. Any ice upon the surface is melted and a portion of the lake's water flashes into steam instantly, while the rest begins to boil.

"I'm waiting..."
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

Cocking my head to the side I ask "Too cold for you? I can fix that!" Immediately bellowing a gout of flame into the lake. Any ice upon the surface is melted and a portion of the lake's water flashes into steam instantly, while the rest begins to boil.

"I'm waiting..."

She blinks a few times before taking a deep breath. She slithers over to the lake and tests the temperature with the tip of her tail, once she feels the temperature is safe she slowly crawls in, taking a deep breath and holding her nose before diving in.

She searches under the weeds, in the crevices and the cracks, until she finds... something. "Ah!" She accidentally opens her mouth, causing water to rush in, she quickly struggles in the water trying to get back to the surface, but the tip of her tail has gotten stuck under a heavy rock. She just barely pokes her head out of the water shouting for help.

"Help! *Cough cough* HELP!!!"
Re: Just Started a Thread Game

Cold Night Lamia

There is only one path to take.

"Impressive." She says as she snatches the ball with her tail, "But can you do, this?"

She turns around and tosses it backwards with her tail, it rolls on the vine ring before falling through the net. She points to you clicks her tongue and winks. "You're a dead man, you're mine."

What do you do?
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