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The "What Do You Do" Game

Re: Cold Night Lamia

Cold Night Lamia

You quickly continue to search for your sword, looking beside rocks, checking cracks in the walls, until you see something in the distance. You squint before you realize it's coming directly for you. The seaweed vines have your sword, and it's charging towards you.

Quick! What do you do?

I try to tear the vine apart with caught my foot pulling in one direction and my hands in the other.
Re: The "What Do You Do" Game

Cold Night Lamia:
The What Do You Do Game
Cold Night Lamia:
It's a cold night, after a day of questing for who knows what, you spot a lamia in the distance, you slowly turn around to walk away, but before you can take a step, you hear a voice behind you. "Where are you goin'?!" You jump exactly 10 feet in the air and land on your feet, you turn around and she's right in front of you.

"Oh come on! Drop the act, you don't need these!" She quickly strips you to your skin, tossing your thinblade and hand crossbow in the lake.

"AH! It's cold!" You reply.

"Tsk, tsk." She responds, "You won't be cold for long...." she grins evilly, you worry she may not only rape you, but kill you... or worse.

Do you:

• Quickly run your naked ass away screaming in fear for your life.

• Submit and allow the lamia to have her way with you. (Are you sure? It's chilly out, and so is her body... of course, that's why she's using you. Also the possibility of DEATH! Watch those fangs buddy.)

• Try to recover your weapon and slay her. (Sounds realistic eh? Yeah it's totally possible bruh!)

• Try to reason with her to at least let you live after she rapes you.

• Something else.

Swear in surprise and then kick dirt up at her face before gritting my teeth and diving into the water after at least one of my weapons.
Re: The "What Do You Do" Game

Cold Night Lamia

I try to tear the vine apart with caught my foot pulling in one direction and my hands in the other.

As you struggle with the vine, it wraps around your wrists, crawling up your arms, preventing mobility. You try to pull away as far as the vine will stretch, the sword quickly flies past you, severing the vines around your feet, before embedding into the wall.

Your wrists and arms however still wrapped. You're running out of air. In the distance, you see something coming for you, you struggle even more, trying to get free to no avail. As you look up you see... a girl? No, this isn't an ordinary girl, she's... some kind of plant? She smiles as she looks at your predicament, then chuckles. You didn't realize it at first, until you remembered you were naked, was that why she laughed? She comes closer to you, gently caressing your face with her hands, your face blue from the lack of oxygen. She smiles before she presses her lips to yours, as she kisses you, you notice you can breath through her mouth, strange as it may seem, though perfectly logical, as plants produce oxygen. She pulls back from the kiss, leaving the inside of your mouth dry, somehow, water did not enter.

She swims up behind you, wrapping her own vines around your shoulders, she wraps more vines around the vines on your arms and breaks them, only her vines remaining, she then pulls you up to the surface. As soon as your head is above water you gasp, she pulls you back onto land and lays you down on your back, she then lies atop of you, again pressing her lips to yours, breathing oxygen into your mouth before pulling back. You stare into her beautiful sparkling blue eyes, her forest green body atop yours, her vines gently lying atop various parts of your body, not wrapped around any, she smiles.

As she lies atop your naked body, your sexual excitement slowly rises, she notices too as she feels your member with a vine, but she gently leaves it be. She doesn't appear to be threatening or forceful, she seems gentle, and kind, after all, she did just save your life. You catch yourself staring into her eyes for a long while.

What do you do?

• Politely thank her for saving your life, and kindly ask her to let you up.

• Keep staring into her eyes.

• Keep staring into her eyes secretly hoping she'll aid with your sexual desires on her own initiative. (It seems unlikely however, she doesn't appear to want to rape you, so why did she save you?

• Thank her and ask her for a sexual favor.... (She may not mind at all, is this perhaps what she was hoping for in return for saving you?)

• Rape Her. (Seriously? After she just saved your life you're going to RAPE HER?! Wow, way to be grateful.)

• Something else.

• ??? (Seriously! DO NOT CHOOSE THIS OPTION! Do you REALLY want the lamia to return? No, REALLY?! Do you REALLY want that?! No, you don't, so DO NOT CHOOSE THIS OPTION! A bad ending lies ahead if you choose this... don't say I didn't warn you.

Seriously, if you choose this option I will kill you, and ignore the fact you chose this option, so DON'T CHOOSE THIS OPTION! I know it seems very enticing, but DON'T CHOOSE IT! Pretend it doesn't exist.)

Cold Night Lamia:
Swear in surprise and then kick dirt up at her face before gritting my teeth and diving into the water after at least one of my weapons.

Before you were even able to touch the water, she whipped around your body with her tail, dragging you close to her.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asks as she caresses your face, smirking, slowly tightening her body around yours, she slowly pulls you closer, inching closer to your face.

What do you do?

• Struggle as much as you can. (May cause excessive tightening of her tail, thereby choking you, is potentially deadly.)

• Ask her to kindly let you go. (Doubtful.)

• Use some kind of magic to do something with the situation.

• Give in and let her have her way with you. (Maybe if you don't struggle, she won't kill you, and keep you as her play-thing or hubby instead.)

• Beg her to not kill you.

• Something else.
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Re: The "What Do You Do" Game

Cold Night Lamia

• ??? (Seriously! DO NOT CHOOSE THIS OPTION! Do you REALLY want the lamia to return? No, REALLY?! Do you REALLY want that?! No, you don't, so DO NOT CHOOSE THIS OPTION! A bad ending lies ahead if you choose this... don't say I didn't warn you.

Seriously, if you choose this option I will kill you, and ignore the fact you chose this option, so DON'T CHOOSE THIS OPTION! I know it seems very enticing, but DON'T CHOOSE IT! Pretend it doesn't exist.)

I know this is bait but...you are making me extremely curious.
I will have that one please.
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Re: The "What Do You Do" Game

Cold Night Lamia:
It's a cold night, after a day of questing for who knows what, you spot a lamia in the distance, you slowly turn around to walk away, but before you can take a step, you hear a voice behind you. "Where are you goin'?!" You jump exactly 10 feet in the air and land on your feet, you turn around and she's right in front of you.

"Oh come on! Drop the act, you don't need these!" She quickly strips you to your skin, tossing your sword/shield/whathaveyou in the lake.

"AH! It's cold!" You reply.

"Tsk, tsk." She responds, "You won't be cold for long...." she grins evilly, you worry she may not only rape you, but kill you... or worse.

Do you:

• Quickly run your naked ass away screaming in fear for your life.

• Submit and allow the lamia to have her way with you. (Are you sure? It's chilly out, and so is her body... of course, that's why she's using you. Also the possibility of DEATH! Watch those fangs buddy.)

• Try to recover your weapon and slay her. (Sounds realistic eh? Yeah it's totally possible bruh!)

• Try to reason with her to at least let you live after she rapes you.

• Something else.

Cold Night Lamia


I scream "NOOOOOOO! You've undid the seals I placed all over my stuff!" As my body begins to unravel. Opening, skin pulling backwards, opening like cardboard revealing a black empty expanse. The darkness beckoning before shimmering shapes of light draining void black lash out the lamia - strength like that of 14,000,000,000 joules of force and with speed as fast as lightning, grabbing and lashing onto her, roping her fully and dragging her into the dark expanse where time is distorted and hungry tentacles raped without end...

"Quickly!! Before they defile and rape you and fill you with hundreds of eggs! Use your tail and grab that fluttering talisman!!" A voice from across mountains echos out!
Re: The "What Do You Do" Game

Sorry it's taking a while, I've hit a bit of a block trying to come up with the content, especially for the secret/special options, I'll update as soon as I can think of what happens next.