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The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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2 Years. 2 Years as of this orange sunrise since she had left home and started wandering. This day marked the day she had turned her back on the village of Hirant and it's sideways glances and muttered oaths.

Lounging in a tree at the end of another contract for enough gold to put her feet on the road again, Lieze Swanhild was free to do as she pleased though this close to the empire's capital that was always a... riskier decision. What with the new policies involving indentured servitude, legal slavery to pay a debt, people were being more cautious, or predatory, then ever and a lot of it had to do with the sudden release of all the original slaves 5 years prior.

Being infernal blooded herself, Lieze knew full well that most humans would simply treat her as inferior and look to put her in chains somehow, while further south along the line of islands called the Screaming Isles, the demihumans there wouldn't even raise an eyebrow at her parentage.

But she needed gold to make that journey. 1500 miles was not a trip taken lightly and without funding, and that said nothing as to the cost of the ship's passage itself to reach the archipelago proper. She sighed, and the wind sighed with her, whistling gently through the boughs in which she rested, the rough bark of a hard oak to her back and all around her in this border forest.

She could see the capitol from her perch nearly 45 feet up in the goliath tree, a sand and gold colored towering city named Fair Hold, the seat of the Ciran Empire and the heart of it's trade and commerce away from the coastline. Oi! Swan! You riding in with us or parting ways here? Gerrald called up to her, riding on the back of a midnight stallion in his full gear.

Gerrald led the group of mercenaries she had signed on with this time for a 3 month contract, and she had been paid well for her work pushing back goblins of all things to the northwest. 100 gold pieces a month plus an extra gold piece a head she took personally. As it stood she had made a good account of herself and Gerrald's word would see her to more work. But with the 490 Gold pieces she had from this job resting safely in her pack, and her own 50 left from the last... she had other options and time before she needed another job. Time to wander.

She had entered the Empire proper from the west and met Gerrald at the border with his group of some 30 men and women before accepting the contract which had been publically posted. Many of them were parting ways after the week long hard ride across the empire itself without much rest and then the 93 day contract itself, but it had been well worth it in the end. What she did now with an entire Empire to explore was up to her, but Gerrald had promised her something useful the night before. If she spent this day with him as a guide through Fair hold, he'd give her an accurate map of the empire itself.

Looking down at him, he was not an unattractive man, maybe 6 years her senior and well built, sturdy and wide. He kept his auburn hair close cropped and his face clean shaven above his leather armor and steel plate sleeve, his shield resting across his shoulders, a wide kite, and his long sword on his hip as he looked up at her with hazel eyes and curiosity, wondering if she'd accept his offer now or part ways here.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Taking it all in, Lieze observed the nearby lands from her spot as she was taking a break. It was all such a confounding thing to her, the prejudices of her once-home being spread more than she had imagined them to be. Somehow, she had been expecting better from the wider world, but it was not to be that easy. Finding that promised land of sorts in the southern lands would take a lot of effort and travel, as would settling down there eventually, if she could even manage to make that happen. There were a good number of things in a mercenary's job that she liked, and just might end up doing the job even after she found her ideal land.

Hearing the call from down at the root of the tree, Lieze saw Gerrald hollering at her. She had always found the nickname Swan to be somewhat hilarious, given that she was nothing like one of those birds. Maybe there was something to be said about grace between them, but unlike the pure white bird, the woman was dark in both dress and body. While still not having the complete trust towards him, she considered him a good human and could have a degree of good faith placed on him. If nothing else, he had promised her that map, which she would absolutely benefit from as she still knew only a part of the lands by memory alone. And he had the proper weapon, which was always a point for that person, especially when the lady warrior could always pick up some aspects from his more skilled sword handling.

Making the move down from the tree, Lieze would climb down first but drop down at the last ten feet or so, sticking the landing even when in heels. While not the best combat attire, she had always felt comfy using the things. "Sure, I'll go with you. The map'll be useful, so I don't mind doing a little extra for it." she would answer him, brushing her pinkish hair back from her face as it had flown there during the landing.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Hop on then and we'll get into Fair Hold proper then. What are your plans from here though? he asked her, laughing and raising his hands to clap twice as she stuck the landing from the tree. Poetry in motion you are sometimes. Cmon. he said, his stallion waiting for another rider while the rest of the company was further along the road.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

"My ultimate goal is to make it out of here and go to the southern lands, around the Screaming Isles. That place'll probably be better for someone like me to live in, given the inhabitants are more like myself. But I do know it'll take time and resources to even get there, so I'll most likely end up exploring some other parts of this empire first to gather the necessary funds for that trip." Lieze would tell the mercenary leader as she too got on the horse, having the feeling that she could confide this to the man.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

They're beautiful you know, those islands. I have a sister there, in the empire embassy and well.... I don't want to promise anything but I'll send a letter to her about you. It's the best I can do on that front. As for earning your way there? You did fine with us and I'm sure it's something you can handle. It's a long journey though Swan, are you sure? he said, before asking about her resolve not in insult, but curiosity and she detected a bit of worry in his voice, though it was entirely well meaning.

As they rode out of the tree line they hit a gust wall, a wide rolling wind that swept across beautiful golden wheat fields, that shimmering wave of bronze and gold before harvest breath taking as it all shifted and swayed over the rolling fields of this stretch of land. The roads were well made and well packed soft dirt to avoid injuring a horse, while a paved cobble highway existed a mile to the east she knew, for moving troops.

The swaying gait of Gerrald's stallion was smooth and easy as they rode behind the rest of the troupe, most of them in a hurry to collect their coin and enjoy their victories through drink and comfort of all kinds. Fair warning for Fair Hold Swan.... don't incur any debts you cannot pay out of pocket, for any reason..... Gerrald said quietly, the mark of a servant branded into the back of his neck, slightly to the right of his left shoulder. It was slashed through and he'd explained already that it meant his debt had been paid and he was a free man again but he didn't like to talk about what he'd been made to do. It is not a wandering cutpurse you need to worry about in the city, it's the fine man with something to offer, or something he wants to take. he continued as they rode easily, still far off from the capitol itself, likely one more full days journey at this easy pace, half that if they rode hard.

But enough of woes and warnings! Is there no way I could convince you to join me for another mission? Or perhaps be allowed to join you for one of your Swan? he asked cheerfully, turning to grin at her.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

"I'm fairly sure about it all. Not much around these parts to warrant my stay for more than necessary. I'd rather not end up as a victim of the unwarranted prejudice that perpetuates the lands." Lieze would reply as the pair progressed on their way, the half-demoness catching some nice sights as they did. The inhabitants might not all be the best of people, but the land itself was still a plentiful and beautiful enough place for her to care about it. She had grown up within the borders of this land, if nothing else.

Listening in as Gerrald continued to speak up, Lieze received some advice that she was not necessarily in the need of as she was of the same mind, having a fair bit of distrust towards nobles and their ilk. The poor might get you for some temporary need they had, but the rich were not quite that kind, given they had all the basics of life plentifully covered. This usually made them lust after things that were beyond the usual reach of money, like other people's lives for themselves. It was not a beautiful thought, and one of the primary reasons as to why she wanted to leave the empire as soon as possible. "You need not remind me of this, Gerrald. I already have a dislike towards debts, even without the whole indentured servitude part." she would tell him, not being one who liked to owe something, be it material or a service, to people for too long. "I'll have to think about that. Depends on what it would be, I guess."
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Well, the flashy and alluring way you dress tends to draw eyes. Maybe wear a cloak? No reason to paint a target on your back for some rich assholes personal menagerie. He said, shrugging as they rode along.

After about 4 hours at a slightly quicker pace, they saw the first road check, a pair of high stone towers with a walkway spanning the road between them, and a clear line of sight for a good long way around the countryside, letting the Empire keep track of the comings and goings of those people using the usual routes.

Outside those usual routes there was a standard allotment of patrols that would surprise nobody. Security whilst inconvenient was welcomed. As they approached, Gerrald reached into his saddlebag for a writ of passage and handed it to one of the two guards present on the ground.

The guards themselves wore chainmail atop brown leather, the only plate being a single breastplate while they leaned on their poleaxes without managing to look lazy. As was the norm they wore helms plumed in red with a single wide feather, and the faceplates themselves functioned as masks. The legions of the empire were not individuals while on duty, simply part of the legion itself.

Taking the writ from Gerrald, they both glanced at Lieze but said nothing on the matter, before handing it back and waving them on through without another word. Have you thought about the route you'll take? he suddenly asked her as they got away from the checkpoint, stowing the writ and retrieving a loaf of bread which he broke to share, and a wine skin, handing her her half of bread and freely passing the skin upon her request.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

"Come on now, Gerrald. Surely it's alright with just my cape. It covers my backside and shoulders. And a bit of the front..." Lieze would comment about her choice of clothing, not really being bothered by it most of the time but getting a little flustered when it was actually mentioned as she knew that she was fairly... non-traditional when it came to clothes. Her jacket was maybe a bit unnecessarily open and she had no bra, not to mention that she basically went about with a thong as the only lower body garments on under the jacket. While she could see the truth in the statement, there was little she could actually do about it right then as the two cleared the countryside at the rear of the pack of mercs.

After a few hours, the group did make it to the city without anything weird happening along the way. There was some guard attention for the group to deal with, Gerrald thankfully having the means to make that little chore pass without any hassle for the two of them. The guards did remind Lieze rather directly why she didn't like being around there with their glances, but she couldn't be mad at them as they were simply the working man of security and order doing their mostly thankless jobs, faceless goons or not. "No, not really. Limited information about all these lands and such, so no real plans as to how to make it." the half-demoness would comment, happily taking her shared bread but limiting the wine consumption to a minimum as she did not want to have even the slightest issues with intoxication around here.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Makes the map all the more important then. Gerrald said, eating slowly and enjoying the wine, though he too took it easy. Hours passed as they continued along the road without incident, because the road was always well watched and guarded, and a full troupe rode just ahead of them. Even the most Brazen of monsters that lived within the countryside would know it foolish to reveal themselves around so many warriors.

The day soon fell to sunset just in time for the outer wall of the Outer District to come into view. Mammoth in size and Monolithic in it's appearance, the great stones of the Outer District had never once been breached since they had been completed, and encompasses all of the capitol within it's ring. Within were 3 other walls, and the districts were simply named to match the wall they bordered. Outer, Water, Inner, and Royal, the concentric system becoming tighter and more limiting the further in one went and an excellent defensive setup as the roads within only grew steeper towards the heights of the royal circle and the palace. This simple and effective approach made the capitol of Fair Hold itself unassailable through traditional means and siege and assured it's citizens their safety.

Hewn from black granite and mortared purely with their weight, the Outer wall itself was actually 2 walls with a great mud and sand barrier held between them to soften the blows of siege weapons, towering far above any building in the capitol, it was always an awe inspiring sight, and despite being in view, was still many hours away, such was it's size. Pulling off the side of the road and leading his horse into an unplanted field, Gerrald yawned and dismounted. In the morning I suppose. first or second watch? he asked, wondering as to her preference to who should sleep first as the sun properly sank below the horizon and the night sky began to show it's many lights as stars and an orange harvest moon rose.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

The city itself came into view soon after the food time, the imposing stature of it's walls managing to amaze Lieze as she had never seen fortifications of this grand a scale. It had just been the basic rock walls or ones made from tree trunks shaped into stakes, nothing quite like this monstrosity if a wall was. While she had been expecting them to reach the place before the day was through, this did not appear to be the case for them as the massive walls were still hours of travel away, even on horseback.

No, it looked as if they would be spending this night in camp, or whatever it counted for as it was basically just the two of them and the horse around. "I'll take first, if you give me the gentlemanly option to do so. Don't feel too sleepy just yet, so I can stay up for now."
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Fine with me Gerrald answered, unrolling a thick bedroll and a blanket and simply going straight to sleep, leaving Lieze to her watch which passed without incident. They were hard to see in the undergrowth anyway and she could watch passers by on the road now and again while the stars up above were shining with the moon. With 6 hours until the moon reached it's peak and she could take Gerrald's place sleeping, what she did with the time was up to her outside keeping her vigil.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

With their turns picked, the two mercs went on to do what they had decided on, Gerrald throwing out his sleep gear and doing exactly that while Lieze remained awake and alert despite the possibility for any hostilities being real low around the area they were camping in. And this was exactly how the half-demoness would find the turn in watch to be, uneventful. Not that it mattered to her, it gave her plenty of time to think about the immediate future and what she should be doing next, if there was any chance she'd want Gerrald along, those kinds of thoughts. She would also check on her gear for any need for repairs, though she was fairly sure there was no real work needed at the moment. At times, she would take small walks th keep herself from getting stiff from all the sitting, but never stray farther than 15 feet or so from the campsite
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Lieze went entirely unprovoked during her watch and her gear was in good shape save her sword which had become chipped during her job. So it needed repairing, the chip itself not terrible but the risk of a crack in the blade possible and thus a serious issue. It would likely stand up to a fight or two, but a real strike against another blade would only cause more harm.

Gerrald slept peacefully and would rise when roused, nodding at her and offering her the roll and blanket while he drew his own sword and sat with it across his legs easily, looking up and sighing peacefully while he used his ears more then his eyes to watch their surroundings. Lieze knew full well how keen his hearing was, unnaturally so. She suspected his eyesight was failing him slowly but surely as when she'd seen him fight he'd never looked directly at the enemy he was striking. It would be a sad thing but he fought well regardless, not letting it hinder him and instead embracing the turn in his life.

He was... an inspiring man, to be sure. But he was also head strong and used to being in charge. While his respect for her was genuine, he didn't take questions to orders lightly during the campaign itself, whilst at the same time he could be charming, engaging, and had certainly earned trust over their time together. She had to wonder a little about his past as he never spoke of it but what she had seen spoke at least to some degree. She'd stumbled upon him bathing in a river, barechested and waist deep, the brand of an empire soldier on his upper bicep, usually covered by his armor.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

"Oh dear me, what have we here? And as much as I was thinking about being on top of my equipment condition." Lieze would think as she saw the chipping on her blade. Seeing if she could touch it to a better condition, the warrioress got her stone out and spent some time on maintenance, hoping to manage at least some improvement onto the blade. Eventually it would be time to switch, so she did this as much as she could manage before waking Gerrald for his turn on guard.

As expected, the man would wake up easily and quickly once poked enough. As they switched, Lieze could remember all the things about her companion as she covered up in the blanket and prepared to sleep, from his physical quirks and habits in battle to their first encounter in the wild that one time. While not quite as colorful a character as she was, he too had gone through darker times in the past, and she could respect that he had through them into better moments in life. Letting the guy have his peace for the watch, Lieze would not bother him as she sought sleep.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Lieze could expect full well that he'd learned as much about her as vice versa. He lived his life as he pleased. An inspiration to her to do the same. She fell asleep easily but did not sleep peacefully as nightmares from her own past clawed at her mind before finally fading into the restful abyss that was true sleep.

Waking to Gerrald shaking her shoulder gently, she saw he'd already started a boiling pot over the fire and Lieze could smell tea and trail porridge. Breakfast and the road again. he said, chuckling as he went to pour himself a cup of tea.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Getting some nasty returning dreams, Lieze would thankfully find sleep before she got to enjoy the shitshow too far. She had moved away from that existence after the departure of her mother, so she was not one who particularly enjoyed the past either.

Sleep was good, and the eventual wakeup was not bad either as there was no sudden jolt to spring up from, just the considerate shoulder wag. "Morning. Doesn't look like there wasn't anything from the outside bothering you if you had the time to prepare the food." Lieze would remark as she sat up, taking a minute to wake up proper. Once she felt less drowsy, she would make it around to Gerrald and the food portion he had prepared for her.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

A quiet evening and morning. Just a patrol and a fox. he said cheerfully, sipping on his tea and eating his own breakfast slowly, simply enjoying the quiet.

As Lieze rose, she'd find her food waiting for her and bracing enough to start a day on, the tea especially. Gerrald sighed softly though as he heard something. Every morning it seems. Gwen! You're still not sneaky! he called, a short blonde woman, maybe 5'4" stood up out of the grass maybe 25 yards away and stuck out her tongue. As always Gwen, a firecracker with a bent mind and some odd sexual tastes Lieze had to bet, stood there in her black leathers and with a shortbow on her back, along with a capped quiver. I am so! You're just a freak of nature Gerrald! Those damned ears! Wrong. You washed your hair with rose oil again. Roses don't grow here. he said, Gwen suddenly blushing furiously, her pale skin turning crimson as she crossed her arms over her chest. Lithe and quick with darting green eyes, Gwen had been one of their scouts, of which the party had had 3. Nor was she inept at her task, but a bet had quickly been taken up between her and Gerrald for 100 gold pieces and she'd yet to take it from him. It was obviously getting on her nerves as much as it amused Gerrald.

Hi Swan! she said, turning and smiling, waving a hand near her elbow before she unbound her shoulder length hair with a huff and moved to sit down with them. That damned nickname had stuck. Still far better then some of the other things she'd been called.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

(25 years away is a long distance?)

"That's good, less stress without such disturbances." Lieze confirmed the lack of unnecessary events as she sat down with Gerrald to have the morning grub, finding it satisfactory for the time being. But she would not get too far with Gerrald suddenly calling out for a familiar name, and the call was correct as usual, causing the hidden Gwen to get out from her spot. This one was a scout, not one that Lieze had any dislike towards as she had not given her a hard time or anything. In fact, most of the time she had been pleasant and tolerable enough, so the half-demoness had remained good-mannered towards them in return. The sneaking was probably a part of the bet between her and Gerrald, and she was still not having much success with trying to win it. "Well good morning there, Gwen. Not having much success with him still, I see." Lieze would return the greeting, still wondering how that nickname was made to stick around despite not really having any reason to. The three of them would be eating together, and she did not mind as the company was not bad.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

She figured out why we call her swan yet? Gwen said to Gerrald as she approached, dishing herself up a bowl and sitting down across from both of them, grinning at Lieze. Not yet. Still thinks it's just her last name. he said, Gwen giggling and eating, shaking her head.

It's because you're graceful Gwen relented before shaking her head and sighing as Lieze asked how her bet was going. You can't sneak up on him! I know his eyes are shot but his nose and ears are amazing! It is beyond unfair! He's Wolf Kin or I'm an elephant. she said, snorting while Gerrald laughed. It's good practice for you and you know it. You can sneak up on me? You can probably do it to anyone. he said, before looking at or passed Lieze. He was smiling ruefully and shrugged finally, sipping on his tea. Lieze turn your head very slowly and look down, I think you've made a friend. He said quietly while Gwen froze That.... is not possible..... they're extinct Gerrald Gwen said, literally stunned into disbelief. Looking down, she'd see just to the left of her boot, was a moon drake.

Moon Drakes were tiny things, miniature dragons, and this one was fully grown, which wasn't saying much for it's size, being only 16 inches long and a couple inches wide at best, it had four paws with small claws and a short little snout. It's scales were a soft blue silver like the surface of a lake and it's eyes were like little shining sapphires as it snuffled around her boot and then looked higher at her food and then the others, moving slowly and carefully. Not extinct.... not yet... just very rare here anymore... Gerrald whispered, Gwen just staring as the tiny dragon raised up to sniff at her leg, wanting what she was eating it seemed but afraid to start climbing her to get it.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Still not being sure she agreed with the reasoning behind her nickname, Lieze went on eating without a word about it, hearing what was being said about the bet and all. And she was entirely sympathetic towards Gwen's quest to finally get one up on Gerrald, not being entirely sure how long it might take them against the sharp senses of the latter.

But then, she was told to look down and make it calm, which she would do and find the source of newfound interest. It would be exactly that, a creature that had been thought gone from this world already, right there at her feet. The animal was yet another new thing for Lieze, being quite the opposite for the massive wall as it was basically a dragon in cat size. The bugger was clearly interested about her food, so why not give it some. Putting what she still had down on the plate, the half-demoness would observe how this rare creature would react to some basic trail food.