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The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

According to the map at least, there were two dungeons nearby of all things, both a constant problem to travelers because for whatever reason they'd become hives for imps and goblins, lesser monsters but the map seemed to indicate more then were normal. Which would make them an issue.

There was a nearby temple to a goddess who didn't seem to have a name, an ancient deity shrine, they weren't common, but they weren't rare either. And then there were a couple villages within about a days ride that could possibly have some work for a pair of sellswords depending on what she wanted.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Taking a gander through the map, Lieze found some promising targets to have a little adventure time in. While she did find the prospect of an unknown shrine somewhat interesting, the matter of the dungeons and their troublesome inhabitants seemed like something that could benefit the common man a little more than a trip to the shrine that would more likely than not just result in some pretty sights. The half-blood had no real faith in anything, so there was no real religious reason for that trip. Yet maybe she would end up going there on a later date.

"Want to take on a dungeon? I feel it would be a favor to the nearby small towns and travelers to empty one of them out." she would question Gerard, not really caring what he said as she would likely end up going anyway. "Sometimes I wonder what the hell was the purpose of these random dungeons.. They just seem to be places for random monsters to breed and become threats to nearby settlements in. Who built those places and for what reason?"
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

To be honest that's an old riddle, they've just always been here,
most of them not properly explored, and they've always been a breeding ground for various low level demons, monsters, abominations.
he answered, shrugging while her tiny dragon friend was nipping at her ear and slithering around her neck curiously.
I mean... Actually no, now I'm curious, i've never bothered to go into one. It's something of a gamble, rumors of reward but no proof whatsoever.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

"Well, that's not going to stop me. Even if there is little to be found in the way of reward, it'll be better for the surrounding area to get rid of the inhabitants." Lieze would reply, hoping to make the dragon calm down somehow as she took view of the map to see which direction they should be heading towards to find the nearest place of interest, putting the map back to it's container afterwards as she wanted to keep it intact. Having confirmed the direction, she would start the move towards the place.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

the little dragon was nibbling until it squirmed between her breasts and poked it's head out with a happy little chirp, wriggling a little but seeming to calm down quickly and just... resting there.
Friendly little guy isn't he. Gerald said, laughing before following Lieze. The nearest dungeon was an imp haven called the iron grotto by the locals.

That was all the map had on it, what was there in force, and what it was called. It was about 25 miles to the south west and would take them about 2 hours on horseback to reach.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

"Oh for... whatever, I guess that's fine. Could have chosen some other spot though..." Lieze grumbled about the dragon and how it picked it's resting places.

With the information there for her, off to the dungeon it was. Jumping on the horse, Lieze would start the trip towards this place. It would take a bit, but was easily reached within the day.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Heading for the Grotto, after a couple hours the little dragon decided to hide inside her pack, sleeping peacefully. As they arrived, it was fairly obvious they'd found the place as Gerald literally trampled an imp to death, crushing it under the hooves of his horse as they crested a hill and broke the treeline, the small, black demon dying with a squeal as it was crushed, a flicker of flame dancing along it's spaded tail for a moment. Snorting down at it, they saw the entrance to what looked to be an old fort.

Or what was left of it. An iron portcullis rested half open, the place silent, abandoned bonfires and discarded refuse laying around the entryway from bones to savaged clothing and broken weapons.
Think I smushed a sentry? knock knock. Gerald muttered, drawing his longsword slowly and dismounting.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

The uneventful trip went by without hassle, being a simple stride across the countryside on the horses.

Their entrance was good if a bit unexpected as the horse Gerald was riding trampled an imp when they got there, making a good, solid start to what would be the dungeon raid. "Should be good, less awareness on their part this way." Lieze would remark as she too dismounted and drew her blade to prepare. There were some unsightly things to be found in the front, but the remains would probably not be bother for the two as they advanced further inside.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

As they went inside, a cold draft rushed around them, this place dank and made of moss covered stones, well put together and lacking any mortar. The path forked ahead and Gerald hissed quietly before several glyphs on the floor lit up and the gate closed behind them.

Labyrinth locks, no leaving until it's partner had been found, they were standard in the old forgotten places like this one, as if whoever had built them was determined for them to continue to serve their purpose, whatever that was it had never been properly discovered.

Rolling his shoulders Gerald shrugged. Split up and find the key glyph first to open the way out? Or just keep moving and empty this palce out. he asked her.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

After clearing the half-raised portcullis and making their way into the keep proper, there was something of a new thing for Lieze to experience. She had heard of these before, but this was actually the first time for her when it came to dealing with a labyrinth glyph and the associated magic. At least it was basic enough to be easily dealt with, or so she was hoping, but Gerald being there would be a surefire way to keep them both from coming under any real harm in this place. Unless there was something worse than mere imps lurking about that is...

"Stick together, we'll probably be safer that way." she would reply to the man as the pair started to make it forward again.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Heading forward into the dungeon itself, and deciding to stick together, the pair was almost immediately assaulted by something as a small ball of flames came hurtling out of the darkness, missing them both narrowly and singing Gerald's hair a bit, the smell sharp and instant but fading quickly while small voices cackled in the shadows ahead, several small, feral eyes flashing in the shadows maybe 60 feet away and moving about.
Well. Shit. he muttered, cutting another blast down, the flames seeming to stick and cling to whatever touched them, but they died down quickly leaving something very much like oil behind on his blade.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Proceeding inwards, the pair only managed a little ways in before something came in for a surprise attack at them. A fire globe flew in, not really being harmful to anything besides Gerald haircut, which could be taken badly by him. The attackers were not clearly visible to them as they hid in the shadows of the once noble keep, but they were at least somewhat visible thanks to the beady eyes in the darkness. Another shot was fired at them as they had barely managed to react to the first, this one getting deflected by the man's able sword. Gripping her own blade with both hands, Lieze opted to move in, hoping to close the gap between the two parties quick and get into striking distance as they did not really have much in the way of ranged weapons themselves.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Seeing as they were simply charging right at them the imps stayed fairly true to form as they scattered and ran away, Lieze managing to cut one down, the small black demon split cleanly across the middle while the others squealed and darted off through cracks in the walls or further down the hallway, not being a very brave bunch to start.

They were none the worse for wear either, Gerald sporting a minor burn on his pauldron and nothing else. Save maybe a singed eyebrow. Deeper into the keep now, they were again hit with a set of branching paths, a primary door seeming to lead into a throne room of some kind, it's wood splintered and brittle with age, and cracked in many places and a pair of side doors to the left and right, both closed.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Giving a good effort in her dash, Lieze saw the enemy scatter and flee before her charge, but not before one of them ended up as fodder for the half-blood's hungry blade. But before it could really even begin, the fight was over, just like that. Looking over the situation, it was obvious that there was only very minor damage inflicted on their side.

Their surroundings changed a little as they went in further, with some choices coming into view as there was a three-way split. The one open door was leading to a larger room, the most obvious path being that one but somehow Lieze was against going there right away. "Let's check out the sides first." she would say, taking direction towards the left door.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Gerald nodded, before turning to the left door, finding it locked, but old, the wood breaking with a little force to reveal a servants hallway that led into a large kitchen. I think this place is an actual Keep he muttered, dust covering the servants bells, many of the cords intact, the hardwood furniture intact but fading, and the silver utensils tarnished beyond saving. Though several large pots and the like had seen recent use, and the fires had been recently lit, heat washing through the room.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

The two warrior types went for the door, finding it locked but no really still being in condition to keep the two out as the wood couldn't hold out against a little bump or two. Behind it was a fairly average-looking kitchen area with the usual works, some areas showing signs of recent usage. "So these things don't actually live out of sheer spite towards other life forms. Looks like they need to eat just like the rest of us." Lieze would comment as she saw the used parts, going around a bit to see if there was something immediately interesting or suspicious to be found within the confines of the room. If there was none, she would opt to go for the other door beside the throne room door to see what was there.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Of note, really the only things, were small piles of gear too large for the imps, they'd fit a person just fine. Jerkins, vests, pants, mostly leather and homespun wool, knives, swords, small piles of coin. There was no blood anywhere, and the pots were full of potatoes.
I don't think we're the only ones here... Gerald muttered, lifting up a piece of gear, a pair of breeches made of tan leather. Nothing here that would fit a man... Guess I'm unwelcome.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

There were some items around that were of interest certainly, actual human gear in the form of clothes long with some weapons and coins. The pots confirmed that there was some human habitation going on most likely, maybe bandits of some stripe. But the sizes of the gear made it all a little suspicious as Gerald pointed out the lack of male sizes in the scattered articles of clothing. "Either we are dealing with some rather chauvinistic band of bandits here, or these imps are really into human girls. Might be some other demon leading them too, now that I think about it." Lieze would offer her thoughts, opting to leave the stuff behind for now as the owners might want it back if there were some damsels in need of a rescue. Surely Gerald would be a nice, dashing rogue of a man to provide them with some of that princess fantasy.

With that, she would take them to the next door and see what was there, now being more careful in the approach as there might be something waiting for them.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Gerald suddenly tossed Lieze a small golden medallion bearing a chain and cuff embossed on it's front. No. A human is keeping them in supply.
It would explain why no one has emptied this place... Slavers are using them to collect people.
he said, shaking in his place with rage. You got any issue with Killing all of them? he asked her, looking around at the gear and rolling his neck, the bones cracking ominously under his heavy breastplate. We find the owner of that merchants pass and we can hang him from the fucking streetlamps while we're at it... he growled, looking at the door left in the back of the kitchen and back the way they'd come.
Re: The Wind Whistles. (Guan Yu)

Grabbing out the pendant, Lieze could hear the hatred in Gerald as he spoke out his own opinion, one that was fairly certain to be the case. "Well if we can catch them, they could be used to test blade sharpness, though I think I'm just fine on that front. No, I don't really mind doing that." the half-blood would readily agree to the suggestion of getting some blood spilled in the way of ending slavers. The remaining door was still to be experienced, so that was where they would go, the man appearing to agree as he looked at it.