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Thunder in the distance

Re: Thunder in the distance

Sekia continued to stay in her friends embrace, feeling a level of comfort from her. Hearing Yoko's's question about what the hell that thing was doing to her Sekia took a moment before answering. She didn't know herself, all she did know that it shoved a tube in her and began... Raping her with it. Finally answering her friends questiong she said-

" I-I don't know... That thing just latched onto me and started ripping my clothing off then..."

Sekia cut off from there.
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Re: Thunder in the distance

Yoko held Sekai, comforting her, telling her everything was going to be fine. After about a minute, Yoko asked Sekai,


"Do you want to stay at my place? We can contact the police, maybe they'll protect us..."
Re: Thunder in the distance

Hearing her friend inviting her stay with her at her home gave Sekia a little comfort. She didn't want to be alone, not after that thing had its way with her. Sekia wondered something, something grim. What if there were more of these things attacking people? What if they had already attacked the police? Sekia wished she could turn a television on and watch the news to find out what was happening. Sekia said to Yoko-

" Y-yeah. I just hope there arn't more of these things.... "
Re: Thunder in the distance

Yoko, cradling Sekai, opened her umbrella outside of the door, then led her to her car, first she went to the passenger side, letting Sekai get in, then she got in the driver's side.

Turning the ignition, Yoko seemed to have left the radio on. But, nothing was playing...

Yoko turned her head to inspect the station it was on, then said, mostly to herself.


"That's weird..."

She began to switch the stations, and most of it was the same case as the first one, nothing was heard. Still browsing through them, she eventually found a station that was broadcasting, but it wasn't music, it was an emergency announcement.

The girl on the radio: "-hurry and get to Apple Inn, and bring weapons. This message repeats, There has been some kind of monster invasion, there is a safe haven at Apple Inn, hurry and get to apple inn, and bring weapons."

Not wanting to listen to it again, Yoko shut the radio off, then turned to Sekai.


"Apple Inn... The city is about half an hour from here, and my house is only a few minutes away. Where do you think we should go?" She asked with a concerned face.
Re: Thunder in the distance

Sekia was trying to get her wits back as she sat in Yoko's car. She hardly noticed the emergency announcement that was repeating on the radio. Sekia felt her mind get back to normal as Yoko asked her if they should go to the apple inn or to her house. Sekia pondered this question for a moment. Going to a safe haven sounded like a good idea however... it might be a good idea to go to Yokos house and gather whatever supplies they could. Sekia turned her body to face Yoko. She spoke with a bit of confusion and sadness.

" W-we should go to your house first. It might be a good idea to gather any supplies we can... "

Sekia took a deep breath then, trying to get her heart rate to go back down. She couldn't help notice how horny she felt at the moment. She was on the verge of orgasm only a moment ago.
Re: Thunder in the distance

Yoko stared at the radio in thought.


"Well, I don't exactly have much at my house... All of the food there is perishable, and I don't have any weapons that-"

Sekai inturupted Yoko as she suddenly grasped her belly in pain as she felt a shock from inside her...

Yoko reached over to clasp Sekai's shoulders, "Are you sure you're alright? What's wrong?"
Re: Thunder in the distance

Sekia started to grit her teeth in pain as she grasped her belly. That thing that raped her must have pumped something inside her. Sekia had no idea what on earth it was but it was painful. Sekia felt her eyes shut as she continued to grasp her belly. Feeling Yoko clasp her shoulders and speak to her with concern in her voice Sekia got to answering her.
" That thing pumped something in me...It hurts... "

Sekia stopped gritting her teeth but her grasp on her belly stood got firmer.
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Re: Thunder in the distance

Yoko seemed at a loss for words. Grabbing the wheel, determination covering her face, she said.


"We need to get you to that Inn as soon as possible, maybe they can help you with whatever that thing did to you."

She quickly shifted gears, then stepped on the gas.

Some time later, Sekai began to feel something in her belly grow larger, which made her shift in discomfort. Yoko noticed this, as she took one hand off of the wheel to rub her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her, "Don't worry, we'll be there soon."

As they drove off of the highway, into the city, both girls noticed a lot of monsters walking around, of many varieties. Some looked like dinosaurs, and others looked like abominations that came straight out of a nightmare.

Yoko seemed to be lost, as Sekai noticed she had passed a certain restaurant three times.

She cursed, "Damn it, we're running low on gas, and I have no clue where this Inn is!"

*Does Sekai give a suggestion?*
Re: Thunder in the distance

Sekia's belly kept growing and it was stressing her out. Her belly was getting larger and larger and this pain was keeping her from thinking straight. Yokos comfort did help. As Sekia felt her belly get bigger and bigger she thought to herself ' Whats happening to me...?' Sekia had an idea of what was happening to her. That thing had inpregnated her.

Hearing Yokos frustration Sekia noticed that she couldn't find the inn. Sekia kept quiet. She didn't know where the inn was and couldn't help.
Re: Thunder in the distance

Sekai's belly hadn't grown, but she did feel something inside her was... She had also gotten used to the pain, as it was quite prolonged.

The car began to slow after a while, until it completely stopped. Yoko cursed out loud.


"Damn it! Where is that fucking Hotel!?!"

As if answering her, both girls heard a helicopter begin to pass, a quick look outside the window revealed that it was landing on a building about ten blocks away.

Yoko, with the only choice in mind, asked Sekai, "Can you walk? We don't have much choice now that the car..."
Re: Thunder in the distance

" Yeah... I can walk... "

Sekai, for the most part, was now use to this pain. She was sure she could walk the ten blocks to the hotel, reguardless how how painful it may be. She just hoped she didn't give birth or get attacked by something along the way. Opening her door Sekai stepped out of the car door. She couldn't help but notice the destruction that had been caused throughout the city. Sekia noticed that for the most part her clothing was still intact, aside from that tear that monster had made. She was still going to have to try and find some new clothing at this inn.

* Sekia follows Yoko to the inn. *
Re: Thunder in the distance

As Sekai got out of the car, she just noticed that it was no longer raining, but there were still many dark clouds blocking out the moon, casting an eerie darkness over the town.

Sekai heard Yoko breath a sigh of relief as they made it all the way to the hotel without being attacked. As they walked along the sidewalk, Sekai noticed many cars in front of the Inn. Several people must have made it here.

As soon as Yoko and Sekai reached the door, Yoko knocked on it. And not a second later it opened for them, with a blond woman in armor letting them inside.

Right after closing the door behind them, the woman asked them, "Were any of you two impregnated by those creeps?"
Re: Thunder in the distance

Sekia felt better getting insdie the inn. She couldn't belive she and Yoko were not attacked. it was amazing to her. As soon as the guard woman in the armor asked about being impregnated Sekia responded.

" I... I was... "

Sekai shamfully said this with her head tilted to look at the ground in shame. She felt like some kind of slut having some little demon monster growing within her. She only hoped she wasn't turned away and forced outside because her her current condition.
Re: Thunder in the distance

The guard let out a curse as she shouted, "We've got another pregnant one!"

A few seconds later, two women in doctor's outfits quickly strode down the stairs, walked over to Sekai, and took her by her hands, walking her through the hotel until they reached a room that had quite a few blood stains in it.

They quickly led Sekai to a bed, laid her on it, then took a piece of cloth with chloroform on it and placed it on her face, knocking her out...

As if only a second had passed, Sekai's eyes began to open. Every part of her body felt stiff, and it hurt to move. She found Yoko next to her, asleep on what appeared to be a different bed then what she was knocked out on.

With the sun coming through the window, and with nothing inside her womb, she feels she can get up...

(Sekai was knocked out for days, waking up on the day that everyone else is on, Yoko told her everything that had happened during her sleep, all the way from the Director telling everyone to help, to the explosion that everyone heard right before Shiva went missing.)

*Sekai is in her room. And Yoko, after talking to Sekai about the situation, left for her own room. Sekai may now join the others in the lobby.*