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Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Mmm, well if you keep refining your style, you may wind up having to beat us off with a stick -- if that doesn't build up your health, then you may make a better living in hiding." She trailed a hand across his skin, lazy and enjoying watching him feeling good about himself. So long as he didn't get too cocky about it!

Tillias's Pleasure: 5/24
Hazena's Pleasure: 3/15 (Healthy Drive:5/5, Sex Fog:4/5)
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias laughs out. "Goddess, I'm running on a spell right now and I'm STILL exhausted. Feeling a little better already, though", he adds as he slowly pulls his legs under his body and sits up. Her caressing hand finds itself in his own as he pulls it up and blows a kiss on it. "I don't know what to say. Thank you sounds unfitting", he murmurs.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Well, so long as you're having fun -- and I definitely did -- then don't worry too hard about finding the words," Hazena told him.

"Running on a spell, though? How do you mean?" She'd caught the kiss and brought it to her mouth, playing along with him as she worked her elbows beneath her and leaned back on them.

Tillias's Pleasure: 4/24
Hazena's Pleasure: 2/15 (Sex Fog:5/5)
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias sighs. It's not something he wants to talk about, but since she asked. . . "My patron has cast a spell on me to take the edge off my sickness. Without it? Coughing, exhaustion, all the good stuff. I need that spell every few days." He casts a weak smile at her. "Sorry if I'm killing the afterglow."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Hazena's brows drew together as he explained, though she didn't frown. "That can't be good. It's not catching, is it? I mean... I'm sorry if that sounds rude, but, you know." she cast him an apologetic look.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias shakes his head. "No, don't worry. I wouldn't have. . . done that if you could catch it." He looks hurt at the suggestion he would do that. With brisk moves reaches for his vest and throws it on.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"I didn't mean to offend you," Hazena apologized, pushing herself upright and placing a hand on his thigh, "I really did enjoy it all, it's just that... well, I've heard a horror story or two and while Falia keeps track of illnesses... you just had me worried, is all. I'm really sorry."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

With a deep sigh Tillias lowers his head. "It's okay. I can't really expect anything else if I tell girls afterwards. Still, that was pretty harsh", he replies in a quiet tone.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Hazena blushed and drew her hand away, then made herself busy with gathering her clothes. "So is it okay, or is it harsh?" she asked, feeling both sheepish and a little aggravated that he was sending her mixed signals. "Forgive me if I don't trust a human straight away; it's not like I haven't been lied to before, after all."

Turning back to him, clasping her clothing to her chest, the bronze-skin woman wore a conflicted expression. "I really am sorry, Tillias, thank you for all of that. I suppose I should go..."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"It's - I'm. . ." Tillias sighs and puts on his pants in quiet. Only after he has both his emotions and his second head in control he walks over to Hazena - and pulls her against his body in a hug. It's light enough for the dragoness to step out of it at any time "No, I'm sorry", he murmurs in a sad tone. "For bringing the whole thing up. If you want to leave I'm not going to stop you."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

She didn't leave, actually. Hazena had been worried that he was more interested in being upset than in a compromise, but the hug, she felt at least, was compromise enough. Leaning up, kissing him if he allowed her to, Hazena replied, "well, I wasn't kidding when I said I was interested in getting to know you better..." she kissed him again, hands circling in over his and squeezing back, encouraging him to hold her more tightly. "If you weren't kidding either, then you'd make my day."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias does allow the kiss, even though his eyebrows rise a bit in surprise. He honestly believed she would leave. Being wrong feels nice sometimes. His arms close around her a bit tighter, and he enjoys the feeling of her smooth skin against his chest.
"Well, you already know a bit about me", he murmurs into her ear in that almost-purr voice. "But all I know is your name. And that you're a dragoness. . . Oh, and you don't trust humans too much. AND", he pulls his head back slightly to look into her eyes. "You've been lied to. Mmm, now that I think about it I do know a bit about you as well."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"It's too bad that most of it's depressing," Hazena apologized, though she was smiling. "How about I show you a thing or two that's nice? I could still use something to eat."

((+1 XP for saving a possibly awkward situation! :D)
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias grins and slightly rolls his hips against hers. "Oh, I wouldn't call that depressing", he grins, albeit with a blush. "But sure! Food is nice. . . Oh. And maybe I should check up on my companion." A pang of guilt hits Tillias - he has completely forgotten about the dragon! Ahket is going to screw his head off his shoulders if something happened, and not in a good way!
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Mm!" Hazena pushed Tillias away, laughing at his antics. "I should see if my friends are still with us, too... a couple of them were pretty determined to make tonight their big one before the Fire Cavern gets into full swing!"

Then, raising her brows, she smirked. "You know, if you didn't want your companion to get separated, you could always have brought him along."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"I - but. . . hm. I guess. But he was mostly coming along for me", Tillias admits. "We don't have to stay long. Just to make sure his head is still on his shoulders." Maybe he is hoping for some more one-on-one later on, or maybe he just wants to spend more time with Hazena. Maybe both!
He lightly wraps an arm around her hip. Her naked hip. . . How tempting. But no. "Mmmaybe you should get dressed first", he points out with a chuckle.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Obliging with a chuckle, the dragoness slipped her pants on (just to forestall any more of that suggestive hip-groping!) and opened her mouth, then thought better of it. The awkwardness about Tillias' state of health meant that making jokes probably wasn't going to get them anywhere, so she turned to another topic.

"So this companion of yours, does he get into trouble often?" She was still misinterpreting Tillias -- the fact that he used the word 'companion' put her in mind of something other than 'just friends' (a term which held dubious value in the Burrows, anyways!) She found her shirt, turned it the proper direction out, and slipped it on... though she left her breasts hanging out for a few minutes, if just to tease the man.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias, no clue about Hazena's misunderstanding, shakes his head. "Nah. We're mostly hanging around in the cave. I try to help with things that aren't too physical. . ." His words trail off as he gets an eyeful of the dragoness' bear breasts, and he swallows audibly. Damnit, they're never going to leave at that rate!
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

'Teased enough,' Hazena thought, grinning as she pulled her shirt down into place. "I shouldn't do that, should I?" she chuckled. "So you're from Ahket's cavern?" Now she pushed the curtain open, a 'gentlemen first' gesture on her free arm. "I thought those kind didn't like to get their hands dirty."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Oh, we don't", Tillias replies with a wry smile. "And if Ahket finds out she'll be pretty upset. But it will be worse if I don't find her son", he adds. His grey eyes scan the crowd to try and find the ruddy young man. Should not be too hard with THAT hair.