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Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)


Apr 12, 2009
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It seemed like the longer that Tillias remained in the Burrows, the less answers he had -- for example, why was it that a slave-pit created solely for creating hybrid slaves would have so much to offer in the way of other diversions. Books, for example. He might not have a whole library, but with the way that books got passed around after they were read, he had only to ask to gain (usually temporary) access to many that several different caverns possessed.

Why did Falia, the earth demon Mistress in charge of this place, allow those who didn't want to give in to her bizarre demands (even if they were worded more like requests) to live in the Burrows in the first place? And why did she leave so many people of so many different types to mingle without any traditional supervision?

One thing that he could be grateful for was that, even if his chest condition was not cured, he had found out that the symptoms could be somewhat alleviated. The fire dragon, Ahket, who a certain helpful human had introduced him to some days ago, offered her services for free, though those 'services' were surprisingly less suggestive than they might have sounded.

She had suggested that he come back for a checkup regularly, so here he was, in that sparse cavern, its unassuming rock walls interspersed with sooty fire torches to cast uneven light all around. It wasn't the nicest place, but it was the most true to itself, if one could remain as such within a sex pit.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias has some time to ponder this as he just sits on the couch that he first crashed on. As his finger traces a seam he thinks about the nature of this place, and how there seems to be only one person to provide answers: Falia. Unfortunately, to meet her he has to play by the rules, and to play by the rules would mean to disappoint Ahket. . .
The young man sighs and leans back on the couch, crossing his thin arms before his equally thin chest. "Damned if you do, damned if you don't", he murmurs to himself.
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Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Another young man, this one with skin just a touch too red to be completely human, and hair that faded from strawberry blonde to a paler colour had been sitting in a chair nearby, nose in a book as well. Tillias would have been introduced to him some time after first being deposited in this cavern -- Aleron was his name and, despite the way that Ahket preached non-violent protest, he was the fire dragoness' hybrid son.

Using his finger to mark his place, he glanced up, yellow-hazel eyes on Tillias. "What was that?" he asked, shaking off his reading-reverie. He'd taken up an interest in the human when Tillias had arrived, curious about the man's freeborn status. Being born straight into the Burrows had left him with no opportunities to see the outside world, and so he was curious!
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias turns his head and smiles at Aleron. He likes the young Halfdragon - he's just as curious as himself!
"Oh, I was just thinking about my situation. Being here, in this cave, is nice", he says with a sweeping gesture. "And I'm really thankful for what your mother is doing for me. . . But her regulations are. . ." He drops his hand, unsure how to finish the sentence. "I just feel that I could get some information from Falia if I had a chance to talk to her. And there's only one way to get to her."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Well," Aleron supplied, finding a marker and closing the book with a thump! "The way you put it, you can do one of two things.

"One." he held up his forefinger, "devise a fiendishly clever pseudo virus and release it into the caverns, taking credit for its creation and offering a cure only if you can speak to the demon herself... or, and I know it's a little more risky," he held up his middle finger alongside his index, "two. You and I take a breather from Ahket's cavern and go see what else is out there... and maybe you'll find someone who's willing to help you out." He shrugged, setting the book on the makeshift table beside the well-worn, cushioned chair. "As far as I know, you only need one to get that visit, you just... don't know if it will come sooner or later.

"And hey," he further tried to suggest, "if we tell Ahket that we're chaperoning one another, she won't mind that we're gone for a while. She knows there are more things to do in this huge place than sit and read, but she won't expect us of succumbing to anything if we're watching out for one another. Frankly," he leaned forward, lowering his voice, "I've been feeling kind of under-her-thumb lately. I wouldn't mind an excuse to sample greener pastures."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Chaperon?" Tillias replies with an amused tone. "Have you been reading a classic recently?" It doesn't take long for the young man to decide. "Heh. . . I figure if she doesn't find out there's no reason for her to be upset, right?" He casts a glance over his shoulder. It would have been - very inconvenient if Ahket would've entered just now and caught that last bit. "But I'm kinda here for a checkup, so. . . Maybe after that?"
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

No sight of Ahket yet, though Aleron raised his brows in concern. "After that, if you're up for it. You doing okay?"
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Oh same old, same old. Just hope we don't have to run from somebody later, probably couldn't make it far. Too dusty would be bad, too." Tillias chuckles. Despite the regular food he gets his body hasn't filled out at the least, remaining the bony, frail looking frame he always had.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Alright, then, you'll have to let me know, okay?" Aleron told the human, concern not leaving his expression. Then, raising his voice, "Hey, ma!" He waved as the dragoness entered the cavern, towering over everyone else in her quadrupedal form. It was hard to tell that they were related, when she stood like that! "Till's over here!"

Padding over, deftly avoiding the smaller denizens and their meager property in this cavern, Ahket shifted into human form before she made her final approach. She hadn't determined whether or not Tillias was allergic to dragon dander, but she figured that it would be best to keep her shaggy form out of their checkups, just in case. "Good morning, Tillias," she greeted him, a serene smile crossing her face. "Are you doing well today?" She cast a glance at Aleron, clearly meaning 'shoo!'

The hybrid grinned and winked at Tillias before hurrying off, book under his elbow to read in a less mother-cluttered space.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Good morning", Tillias replies with a warm smile as he gets up to shake hands with the dragoness. Once again the strand falls into his face, and once again he brushes it away - it has become somewhat of a custom already. "Oh, the same as always", he answers her question about his well-being. "Never going to run a marathon, I figure."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Hopefully you won't have to," she chuckled, then added, "you know, if you ever do want a hair-cut, I would be happy to oblige. You'll get whiplash if you toss your head like that one too many times."

Gesturing for him to take a seat, Ahket settled herself and closed her eyes, breathing deeply. "As usual, just hold on for a moment. I need to gather enough magic to sense what's not working properly, and enough to hold you over for a few days after that. It should take a few minutes. In the mean time, please list your symptoms specifically -- it will make it easier on the both of us."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias nods and sits back down on the couch, pulling his legs up and crossing them. He takes a moment to study Ahket before focussing on the task at hand.
"The symptoms, right. . . I run out of breath very easily and constantly have to take things slow. Less than perfect air sends me into coughing fits that exhaust me within minutes.
My body contains almost no fat and only little muscle, and I have an extremely hard time gaining weight, no matter how much food I eat", he finishes.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"And pain..." Ahket asked, voice slow and somewhat distracted, "does it hurt to breathe at all? Do you feel like your throat is closing up? Is the coughing dry, or does it bring up fluid of any kind?"

She had brought her hands, palm up, onto her lap. Little wavery orbs of... something -- it was hard to see save for the merest outline of light -- took shape right above them. That would be her creating a spell, or spells, to take a look at him and then heal him. Or if not heal him, than at least relieve his symptoms!

She leaned forward, placing her hands just out of range of contact over his chest and back, frowning slightly as she concentrated.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias takes a moment to study the balls of. . . light? for a moment before answering. "After the coughing fits my lungs hurt. Like a small sting with every breath. Lasts for a a few minutes. But the coughing is always dry, no mucus. No tightness in the throat, either." He answers her questions patiently, his eyes glued to the hand on his chest.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

At first, nothing seemed to happen. Ahket's hands traveled all the way up to the top of his head, then down -- moving around his body as she did so the better to scan him completely. "I can see that, yes," she murmured. "I can't tell you exactly what it is," she eventually told him, bringing her hands back into her lap, "but like I said before, I can alleviate the symptoms for a time. I'll keep looking for a proper healer, in the meantime... though Falia seems to bring in precious few with that skill."

The strange light in her palms rose to full strength again, and this time she did place her hands directly on his skin and clothing. Her hands felt warm -- deliciously, soothingly warm, like a breath of fresh, clean air -- as she allowed the magic to sink into his throat and chest. It might have left him feeling a little detached from his body, but that sensation didn't last for long.

"There," Ahket told him, her inhumanly red lips drawn up in a smile. "That should do it for now."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias shakes his head to get rid of the strange feeling of bodylessness. "Thanks, that was - thanks", he smiles. After a testing deep breath he nods and casts Ahket another big smile and nods. "Feels great. I don't think I can thank you enough, Ahket."
He pauses for a moment, trying to make the next part sound as unimportant as possible. "Aleron and me were going to go for a little trip, is that okay?"
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Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Ahket blinked a little, raising her brows as she brushed a stray bang of her own behind her ear. "Oh, of course. You're both grown men," she smiled... but she couldn't quite get rid of that motherly impression she was giving. "You don't have to ask my permission, after all."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"I don't just want to whisk away your son", Tillias grins as he gets up. "Great. I'll go and meet up with him then. See you later, Ahket", he calls out with a wave as he heads for the exit.
Well, that went over smoothly - and he didn't even have to lie.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Ahket, nodding after him, quirked her lips. "They're definitely getting into trouble," she murmured to herself.

Well, she wasn't going to worry about it now. As much as she wanted to keep her son close, he was a grown up... technically, so she had to give him breathing room. And Tillias seemed like a nice enough boy, even if he was a little too self-depreciating about it. If they were getting into trouble, it couldn't be too bad. She hoped.

Tillias caught up to Aleron without much trouble, considering the fire dragon hybrid was lurking, pretending to read his book. "So, pumped up and ready to roll?" the man asked, grinning and snapping the book shut under his arm.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias grins. "Of course. Your mother knows we're gone for a bit so she won't worry. Just a moment", he adds as he walks over to his sleeping spot and picks up a ragged vest. Throwing it on he returns to Aleron. "NOW we can go." It can get pretty drafty in the main cave after all!