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Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Hazena turned a little too late, only catching sight of Tillias wading into the fray. "Oh, Goddess," she groaned, realizing he was beelining towards the commotion. Resolving to follow him, she ducked with more agility between twirling and writhing folks, hoping to catch up with him (and maybe to help him, should he get into trouble!)

Tillias managed to reach the edge of the commotion rather quickly, for a ring was beginning to form. He probably shouldn't have been surprised to see that Aleron was one of the two combatants -- and it was immediately apparent that he was a combatant, for just as the human came up on the circle, he got an eye-full of the hybrid slugging a black-skinned woman across the mouth, sending her reeling back and into the arms of the watches (thankfully not into Tillias himself!) before she bounded back. It was strange to see the hybrid man with such a ferocious grin on his face -- or spewing such crude words, as he was taunting the woman with great enthusiasm -- considering his usual restrained, but friendly attitude. Apparently the hybrid had another side that wasn't apparent under Ahket's watchful eye.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Oh no, Ahket's gonna kill me.
What now though? Tillias can't just step between the dragon and the demon, he'd be crushed! Call out? That'd distract him. With a helpless look in his eyes he turns around to look out for Hazena.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Hazena came up short beside Tillias as she was pressed into the ring of observers. "Fight, huh?" she asked, looking a little unimpressed... but she noted the plea in his eyes, and realized that the man who was currently getting pounced and pummeled -- nevermind that the woman was shorter than him and didn't necessarily look like she could have taken him -- must be the person Tillias was after. "Oh. Uh oh."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Exactly. . . Ooooooh DAMN YOU!" Tillias calls out, the desperation in his voice clear. . . and then this. "We're going in", Tillias says with determination in his voice. Before Hazena can reply he circles the woman, staying in the crowd for now and trying to get into her back.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Fending off most of her blows, Aleron didn't seem to notice Tillias at first. Neither did the woman, for that matter. Now that Tillias was closer, he could hear the shorter woman -- her hair a vibrant orange -- tossing her own insults Aleron's way: "Filthy bastard mutt, who do you think you are? You think you're tough shit, huh?"

Hazena, hands coming briefly to cover her mouth as she realized that Tillias was going to try something brave (or stupid, though it was sometimes hard to separate the two!) followed him after a moment of hesitation. It looked like Aleron was having trouble rolling the woman, the way she'd pinned him and kept him on the defensive!
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias does not know the first thing about fighting. Oh, he read books about it of course, but real experience? No. However, Tillias does know one thing - he is bony as all get out. Maybe he can use that to his advantage.

Not allowing himself further hesitation Tillias charges in, one arm raised above his head. He hopes to bring it down onto the woman's head and knock her out. Please don't notice me, please don't notice me. . .
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

((Dear god, he actually landed it. XD Tillias, you lucky whippet. Oh wait, I need to take into account who goes first!))

"Tillias, don't!" Hazena only realized that he was about to leap into the fray as Tillias was doing so. She made a grab for him, but wasn't able to snag his vest in time for the human to get away. Cringing, Hazena stayed back just now -- she didn't like fights and even though she liked the human, she wasn't going to get into a scrap with a demon over him unless he got himself in some real trouble!

The demoness, luckily in human form, was still wailing on Aleron when she noticed movement in the corner of her eye. Turning, spotting Tillias, she didn't have quite enough time to react as he beamed her in the side of the face, sending the both of them sprawling to Aleron's side. The impact left Tillias wheezing for a moment, but luckily, it seemed like he'd hurt her more than his stunt had hurt himself!

Aleron, for his part, coughed and wiped the blood from his cracked lip, rolling to his side and pushing himself up in time to see the two sprawl. "What are you doing?!" he cried, more than a little shocked that Tillias had come to save the day! He was stumbling to his feet, wanting very much not to get pinned again before the demoness had gotten up.

Hazena's Health: 20/20
Unknown Dark Demon's Health: 14/20
Tillias's Health: 20/18 (that healing spell from earlier is making him feel better than his usual!)
Aleron's Health: 14/20
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Uchuh - you're welcome", Tillias replies in a cough. He quickly gets up and takes a few steps back from the demoness. "What the hell is going on", he demands to know. His fists are clenched, yet by his side. Maybe, just maybe, he has knocked some sense into the demoness. But he's not going to count on it.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

The demoness struggled to her feet just as Tillias was scrambling back, groaning and turning her malevolent orange eyes on him. He might not have known how to fight, but Tillias was still keen enough to realize that she wasn't in the mood to talk. She dove at him, knocking him back before he could get his footing underneath him, and sent him reeling painfully on his back. "You idiot," spat she, cocking her fist, ready to do to Tillias what she'd been doing to his friend a moment ago.

Aleron, wobbling over to the pair, tried to reason, "she dared me," he sounded sheepish, his voice barely reaching over the noise of the watchers and the drums. Even now Tillias could hear people shouting, taking bets on the change of the fight! The hybrid had grabbed her arm before she managed to land a blow on the downed human, though restraining her was proving more than difficult.

Hazena's Health: 20/20
Unknown Dark Demon's Health: 14/20
Tillias's Health: 19/18
Aleron's Health: 14/20
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias grunts as he is tackled to the ground. At Aleron's reply, however, his eyes go wide. "She. . . SHE DARED YOU?" Anger wells up in him. That is not very easy to achieve. "Here I am, trying to save your butt, and it was a DARE?" He struggles to get out from under the demoness. "If she doesn't beat us both to a pulp and if your mother doesn't beat us both to a pulp, I SURE WILL!"
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

"Stay out of it, human!" the demoness retorted, taking a moment from her struggles with Aleron as she was half-dragged off of her new quarry in order to clip Tillias with a foot, right in the ribs. Frail as he knew he was, that managed to leave him a little winded.

Using her distraction to try to pin the enraged demon, Aleron only managed to drag her fully off of Tillias before she squirmed out of the way. "You're both pathetic," she spat, literally, on the ground next to their faces. "I could walk all over the both of you and back without cracking a sweat!" Nevermind that her nose was bleeding, red standing out against the pitch tone of her face.

Hazena's Health: 20/20
Unknown Dark Demon's Health: 14/20
Tillias's Health: 17/18
Aleron's Health: 14/20
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

A grunt leaves Tillias' hurting chest as he scrambles to his feet. "Alright fine. Now that I know you're not going to KILL each other. . ." With a hand clutching his ribs the young man turns his back on both of them. He is tempted to leave the cave entirely.
Rather he returns to Hazena slowly and leans against her for a moment. "A dare", he growls.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Hazena caught his arm, lending him support. "I heard," she nodded, looking a little mournful. She watched for a moment more as the two circled one another again, both a little worse for wear. "I was wondering why it didn't get stopped sooner... usually unprovoked fights get stopped right away."

The demoness lunged at Aleron, and the hybrid man ducked out of the way, just in time. He cast an apologetic look Tillias's way, not wanting the man to think badly of him but at the same time, too busy to rectify the situation.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias returns the look with eyes cold as steel. It seems once he is thoroughly angered he stays that way for a bit. Is he going to bring Aleron back to Ahket to patch him back together? Of course! But for now he's upset.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

It seemed that the demoness was quite happy to take advantage of Aleron's sorry state, for she'd gotten in close again and tripped the young man -- it looked like the hybrid was going to wind up just as he'd started when Tillias arrived.

Hazena tugged on his arm. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" she asked, hoping to quench his indignation in distraction.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias thinks about it for a second. . . and the cold look in his eyes breaks. "I would love to, really. But I've gotta pick him up when she's done. Bring him back to his mother to piece him back together. Weather the storm as well", he adds with a sad little smile. Turning fully towards her he leans his forehead against hers. "I'm sorry. This evening started off so well. . ."
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Hazena squeezed his arm again, glancing briefly at the fight. Aleron seemed to be raising his arms in defeat, given that the demon had laid a few more good blows across his face. "I don't know if you'll get him out that easily," she observed, given that the black-skinned woman had slipped off of him and was now pulling him up by the hair, another hand grabbing him by the hem of his pants when he was up on his knees. Some of the observers were whistling lewd applause, as much as Aleron looked chagrined, like his ego had been popped.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Tillias glances. And glances again. "Oh, for. . ." His hand finds itself applied very firmly to his forehead - for a very long moment. "Yeah, he'll be fine. You said something about going somewhere else?" He was not about to watch his friend have sex!
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Hazena rolled her eyes at the convoluted shenanigans, apparently as unimpressed as Tillias. "Of course. You want to go back to the play? Or we could find something a little quieter." Apparently the fight had ruined her interest in dancing.
Re: Tillias' Thread (Rule 34)

Catching her rolling her eyes Tillias laughs out. "That has to be the most messed up courtship I have witnessed. . . well, ever", he jokes. "Something quiet sounds nice. I need to lick my wounds after my heroic battle", he continues. Seemingly his mood is picking up again.