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Together (Koel & Irene)

Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

In the privacy of their, not for very long their own house, Irene gave her partner the largest smile she could muster, which just barely made the corners of her lips rise a bit. It also seemed her eloquence had been burned out for now. "Glad...happy husband is good husband. Seeing the world is good too."

Moving over to her partner, she hugged him and handed him a small backpack made of stronger leaves and sticks for him to put his stuff in. She didn't have anything herself, other then a bag of food for the human incase she couldn't manage a hunt on any given day.

Not letting Koel go unless she sensed someone was coming toward her house, she'd keep hugging him while he finished packing.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Koel’s smile grew larger without him noticing as he felt Irene’s arms surrounding him from behind, the gesture being much more endearing than he’d ever realized before… As strange as the situation was, he couldn’t keep denying he was feeling happy there was a girl embracing him in such a manner.

“Thanks.” He replied as he grabbed the small backpack to put it to use, figuring out what few pieces of clothing he had left could be stuffed there without much problem, though he still made a mental note of assaulting someone out on the road to get some more clothes he could use due to the likelihood that any more fights would probably result in his remaining outfit getting shredded as well.

He sighed contentedly, turning up to symbolically look at the sky, though given their location, he was more than likely looking at the ceiling, the bandages keeping most of his face covered keeping Irene from seeing the kid’s thoughtful gaze.

-Guess I’m not going to be able to complete the mission, Varan… should I apologize to you for that?- Koel’s smile shrunk slightly as he wondered.

“I guess I’m ready here. It’s not like I have much to my name.” The kid chuckled as he turned to face Irene.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

As Koel packed, Irene was trying very hard not to jump her partner further. A truly momentous task for the girl as her man was practically screaming 'fuck me' with how he was acting. Still, she managed to avoid doing much more then gently (sort of) rubbing herself against his back until he finished packing.

When he turned around in her arms though, she couldn't help but pulling him into a rather deep kiss, that would go on, and ooooon, and her hands would probably start wandering, until she finally had to come up for air.

"Neither do I. We will get more." She said with a small smile.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Koel managed to keep himself calm as well, taking Irene’s rubbing her body on his in stride… admittedly, he was used to this specific sort of interactions with the opposing sex thanks to Varan… The kid shook his lightly, reminding himself to try and keep his spirits high…

That task, Irene would definitely help with, taking the kid by surprise with her kiss that paralyzed him for a few seconds before instinct took over a bit, meekly reciprocating the kiss with a definitely subpar technique born out of embarrassment and surprise. In the end, it was Irene who broke the kiss first, leaving a blushing Koel looking slightly nervous. “Y-yes…” He decided to just smile, turning towards the mantis girl before gingerly embracing her with his arms. “We will.”

It was a quick, shy hug that Koel broke quickly out of embarrassment. “S-so… where are we going first?”
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Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

(There was nothing here saying you guys were done here, so I'll just leave this for when you do leave.)

Whenever they were ready, the lands beyond awaited them. As far as they knew, there were a few locations they could go to spread Suika's influence, or just venture to in general.

The Ren Xiongmao, a race of panda women, were a very relaxed race. They are known throughout the world as one of the laziest races of mamono, but also one of the deadliest. On a whim one of the Xiongmao can go feral, and they are capable of killing many a species of mamono. This had led to mixed opinions of the Xiongmao, either that they are a peaceful race that means no harm, or that they are a warlike race capable of mass destruction. They could find out together, if they venture to the Bamboo village.

Ryu village, a most prolific city with just about every kind of mamono there you can expect. Races from powerful to weak rest there, and their peace is all thanks to one of the most powerful kinds of mamono in the land resting there, watching over them. An Eastern dragon with a long serpent body called Ryu. One of the few dragons who emerged after the genocide of most of the dragon kin race at the hands of one of their own. So powerful was Ryu that she avoided murder at the hands of the green dragon in the mountains, earning her the right to call herself one of the most powerful individuals in Gaia. A peaceful village awaited them there, with overwhelmingly powerful citizens and their leader of godly caliber.

Finally, there was the Bunny Clan, officially known as Fio's Village. A race of bunny women that are masters of mysterious weaving techniques, with a legend behind them telling tales of them reversing time itself, defying the laws of nature. They are naturally feared for this ability, but also highly respected for their use of the ability to allow them to win the ancient war against Anubis.

Such were the nearby locations, but with a proper map, they could choose to go wherever they wished. (They are located near Shinobi no Sato).
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Irene looked at the map, so many interesting places, but they had three months to travel so they could visit at least a few of them before they needed to return.

Pointing to Ryu village she said to her partner. "This is probably the best start. We can likely find some mamomo there that will be willing to join us."

She's look over at her partner. "What do you think? The town or one of these other places?"
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

“Hmm…” Koel pondered, lowering his bandages down again to keep his skin from starting to hurt again, it’s not like he didn’t know this place either… but to a degree… he didn’t know the place…

All the places on the map, he’d only ever heard of these places before from other humans, and understandably, nobody ever spoke anything reassuring of these places… “The town sounds good.” He replied, with a hint of nervousness in his voice, having decided to trust Irene’s judgment on the matter.
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Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

"Okay, the town it is." Irene said with a nod, before she lead her partner along. There was a slight urge to pull him along by the hand, but she would need both her hands if another monstergirl tried to take Koel away again, or if humans came to try to 'rescue' him. Either or, they'd be at the receiving end of her blades if they tried to seperate her from her human again.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Leaving their clan behind, the rest of her species already knew the details without even asking. They'd also know that she'd be back. Otherwise, why fight over something like this only to walk away from it?

So, into the mystical forests of Zippangu, and towards the widely accepting Ryu Village. Their journey wouldn't be a simple one, as it never was when going through the strange lands. Naturally, they might be misled if they were none the wiser, when their trip began with a simple day of walking together through the glades of magic that constantly twisted the world around them. It was like a land of majestic chaos, the trees going through the seasons and then taking shapes and colors no season would ever prompt them to do. The trees from the glade they left were green, traditional of Irene's homeland. Soon enough, they might think it autumn from the cool wind and brown leaves falling around them. Not when it was warm and spring not that long ago. Then, a tranquil temperature greeted them as the trees were an odd shade of blue, their leaves the color of the sky, and the grass gray like decayed death. It was in this area of odd and bizarre vegetation that they'd find a blue oni, sitting in the grass and drinking from a clay jug, with the scene of alcohol heavy in the air. "Don't be strangers," she said to them when they arrived.

"A human and a mantis, traveling alone together? Have you a place to stay for the night?" she inquired. "Stay with me, and my fellows. We enjoy meeting new people, and conversing about topics we haven't shared already over a jug of sake. I highly insist that you don't refuse. It'd be quite rude and insulting, after I've gone to such lengths to welcome you."
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Koel would admire the different views the place had to offer, taking a peek for a couple minutes at time. Finding it interesting and intriguing that he could see some of the lands Varan used to talk about, and of course of the inhabitants of the land, he was just a little bit wary as they walked, keeping his senses open just in case Irene would miss something, unlikely as it was.

The kid would look just a tiny bit concerned when a certain aroma reached his nose. It wasn’t anything unfamiliar, he knew the strong smell of alcohol, though it wasn’t something he related to open areas… And that’s why he lifted just a bit the bandages over his right eye. “An oni?” The kid muttered to Irene, the oni looking just like what he’d imagined they’d look like from the stories Varan used to tell him about her times exploring the deeper parts of the island.

Of course, he kind of did know it usually wasn’t an extreme wise idea to join a oni in their parties… But he looked at Irene with his one uncovered eye, slight concern showing as he looked at Irene for a second before looking back at the Oni.

Irene practically didn't let her Partner out of her sight as they walked. It wasn't actually a true statement, one spotted threats better when looking for them, not when looking at the person they are supposed to protect, but figuratively atleast.

What was much more worrying was the scent of alcohol, and them runing into an Oni. She wasn't entirely sure she could take the Oni by herself, especially with it not completely smashed yet, and she was equally unsure if the Oni wouldn't just have friends nearby she could call for help. Looking back to her partner, Koel would notice she looked very nervous, the mantis mouthed. 'I don't know.'

Koel looked back at the oni, not feeling quite confident from Irene's response. His eye would dart back again to Irene, as he muttered. "Can we run?" The kid clenched his teeth, his mind still flooding with stories from Varan about how onis were just a tad too strong to keep them from their objectives. "W-well... we were looking to reach the city before dark." The kid replied, trying to stave off for a bit of time, but it would still be hard coming up with a plan with Irene if they couldn't really talk.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

The Oni came closer, and would lean towards them if they didn't run, hands on hips. "Oh, you'll never make it before dark. Best you sleep in the care of the powerful oni!" she declared. Her tall and overwhelmingly powerful figure came close to them. She didn't make any hostile gestures, but her mere presence was intimidating, given what she was, and how big she was.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Koel swallowed, his smile clearly broken, twisted with some fear as the oni leaned towards them. For the briefest moment his eye travelling down her body, though not just to appreciate the monster girl's body. His nervous mind begged for him to analize the oni as best as he could, see if he could figure anything to use against her if needed... But he was just too worried to do so correctly.

The kid back leaned just a fraction, quite intimidated by the oni, and he looked to Irene. His smile defeated, his uncovered eye unsure and his mind quite certain that trying to escape with the oni so close was simply not going to happen. "T-that is a convincing argument." He said with a nervous chuckle, before his smile turned into a bit of a pained expression, his hand quickly moving to cover his eye again... "I g-guess... umm..." Sweat rolled down his cheeks, his head turning as if to try and look at Irene through the bandages before he let out a sigh. "I guess we c-can come with you... if it isn't too much of a hassle."

Irene meanwhile did analayze the Oni, considering how her larger size would give her extra reach but also make her easier to strike at her hamstrings and hobble her. They have to keep themselves from getting hit at all though, and it wasn't like Irene couldn't just fly away if the Oni got too forceful or handsy. She didn't say anything though, instead she just stared at the Oni, not letting the large monmusu to intimidate her. Then she nodded along with her partner. "Yes, we will stay the night. Though we must continue our adventure in the morning." She put emphasis on the 'we' and the 'must' parts. She would at the very least mark her territory before the inevitable orgy occurred.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

The oni laughed. "You both look so nervous! Don't be scared just because I'm big. Look at it this way..." she leaned in close. "With you two already this close, wouldn't the mantis have already been buried and the boy hauled off?" she alerted them, before turning and moving forth after grabbing her jug. "So, I already missed my best chance. Don't be so paranoid." she advised them, leaving it up to them if they followed.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Mantis took a moment to consider the Oni's point. It was true, but the protective instinct for her mate was still there and it kept Irene from entirely dropping her worry. With a nod she said. "You have a point." Still, she let herself fall into a more relaxed stance, but still stuck to Koel like glue.

Koel sighed, the oni definitely making sense in her words. It seemed to calm him down a bit, but Irene sticking so much to him kind of sent him the message he should at least be a litte bit alert... if only to avoid popping out a boner from Irene's breasts pressed on him. "Y-yeah." He conceded, "Thanks for the offer then, we'll follow." With those words, Koel would follow the distint footsteps of the oni.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

The oni led them through the woods, as a mysterious wind passed that was warm, yet made them shudder. With its passing came the change in color of the leaves and grass, slowly becoming a pink coloration of leaves, and green grass, as if returning to slight normalcy. With the change in the norm, they soon came upon a large rock foundation that seemed to have been mined out and made hollow to allow others to live in it. Despite them being oni, there were various ingenius designs to the simple home. The opening to the hollow rock was angled downward. Rain would not get inside. Various holes were made with similar angles to allow ventilation and light, causing the home to be dimly lit with an almost erotic kind of dark light. The blue oni seemed to be the only one of her skin tone, as they came upon a group of other oni whose skin was red.

"Sisters, I return with guests!" she cheered.

The oni gave a celebratory cheer in response, raising their jugs of sake. "And one of them is a boy! Ah, but he's with a girl." they were excited and then were lamenting about the latter fact. "Hey, girl, are you into group sex?" one asked Irene. "What's your names?" another asked. "Come, share a drink with us!" a third requested.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

"Nice design." Irene had to admit, the Oni that designed this place could have been a good architect if she ever tried to go into such a business, though she liked her leaf and tree homes better then this one of stone.

She was still a bit on edge though, mostly at the sight of a number of more Oni, but at the same time they seemed to be nice enough, so she relaxed enough to at least answer their questions. "I am Irene, this is Koel." Then she blushed a little bit and added quietly to the one oni. "Haven't tried it."
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Well, Koel couldn't comment much himself, his eyes covered for most of the trip, except for the occasional peeking every once in a while.

In the end though, it was clear that they'd run into 3 more oni besides the one that lead us to their home. Koel peeked for a second to at least have their image in his mind before protecting his eyes once more. As it stood, it seemed they were more interested in asking questions to Irene, though the answers definitely involved both him and his... wife.

Seemed he wasn't expected to answer, as Irene made sure to at least give the oni his name as well. So he stayed quiet, smiling a bit as he tried to force himself to relax some more... After all... he already knew what was going to follow soonr or later.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

The oni all laughed. "Oh, that's right, mantis clans. Quite devoted to one man." they noted. "So, guess we won't be having fun this night. But we can still make friends. Come, you two! Sit down, and experience the strongest alcohol in the entire world! Oni sake!" a red oni beckoned. They made space for the two smaller guests to sit down and join in the drinking circle.
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

"Never said couldn't try it. Just haven't tried it before." Irene admitted, to the Oni, given where she was at the moment, she was becoming a bit more certain that the oni weren't out to get them, at this point they could have beat the shit out of her and just taken Koel given their numbers and how close they were. Grabbing Koel by the nad she'd pull him toward the drinking circle, her voice was quite so only Koel could here. "Won't agree if you don't want to, but...might be fun?"
Re: Together (Koel & Irene)

Koel grunted lightly as he was pulled into whispering range, looking just a little bit worried, even when he could tell the hand was Irene's. His eyes went wide even if the mantis girl couldn't really see it, though the way he backed off ever so slightly was enough of a hint.

"I-if I agree? W-well..." The kid got a bit thoughtful, giving a bit of a review of the situation before he let out a bit of a sigh. Irene didn't seem to not want it... and she was even suggesting that it could be fun... admittedly, the prospect of doing it with more girls was really enticing by itself, but now... Irene was basically giving not only permission but just a bit of encouragement.

"I... I do. Th-thanks." He said, just a bit confused if he really should be thankful or not to the girl, but he was anyways, and he showed it to her by actually moving to give her a quick peck right on her lips.