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Tournament of Champions (Formerly Mud Wrestling) OOC

Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Hopefully the latest angel won't nearly be as menacing as Nadia.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Anthriel will most likely spend all of her spare time on top of buildings doing absolutely nothing of consequence.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Anthriel will most likely spend all of her spare time on top of buildings doing absolutely nothing of consequence.

Until the daemon host gets bored with that and puts her in a slime pit with someone... :V
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

What happens, Happens
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

I still honestly don't get the menace that people have seemingly inflated Nadia into. She hasn't done THAT much yet! Has she? D:
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread


Anyway, Blind is now allowed to do rolls and such for matches! Though it has slowed down somewhat, so his help is more an added convenience than a necessity.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Just trying to get this straight.

Alex vs Alice - Round 2
Turn 1
Alice summons her pet
Alex does nothing

Turn 2
Alice disrobes/delays turn for Shadow Armor
Alex disrobes/grapples

So it's my turn again?
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Given that the grapple was unresisted by Alice, it seems the quicker way to go, yeah.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

I thought it was

turn 3
Alice attempts foreplay.

I had envisioned that she would "delay" by just forfeiting initiative.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

That's what I meant...
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

I think it's your turn then, yeah. Maybe.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Going to introduce Banshee to the Island thread. Anyone have a character who is all alone or a scene that needs another character to make things move forward?
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Six is sitting around idle. Last I knew Pale wanted to talk to her again but is still occupied and a bit out of her timeflux at present, so should be good for other interactions.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

For Gail:

Foreplay: 2d4 + 32/4 + 6 = 2d4 + 14 (+4 Paizuri)
Penetration: 2d8 + 32/3 + 12 + 2 + 2 + 6 = 2d8 + 33

EP Drain +18

She can pretty much stand toe to toe with a Greater Succubus, and I think the PP pool will actually let her out drain one. But to really put her over-the-top I'd say take another flaw so you can take the Kama Sutra talent. Then none can stand in her way...
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Poor girl, all she wants is to cum for a change.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

So many character posts yet nothing else here wat.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

I'm using it as a dump thread for unused DG characters I have. For potential future use, you know.
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Arena Idea!

Tranquil Grove
A small clearing, bordered on all sides by thick, impassible trees, with assorted boulders and a small, clear meditation pond in the very center.
The calmness of the area reduces PP taken by [insert some balanced amount here].
Re: Mud Wrestling OOC thread

Alex should go after Dungeon du Jes simply because that pun was a crime against nature.