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Tower Descent

Re: Tower Descent

They were running?! "Zana!" Yuna called out to the witch, hopeful she'd be ready! Though just incase Yuna would rush onwards and attempt to slam open the actively struggling cocoon!

[ Lilian attempt to break out!
Yuna dragon punch the cocoon!
Zana finishes her fireball cast! Toast em!
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 13/24 MP: 30/40 WP: 30/30 Status: hurt
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 40/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: sticky webs 3 -6 speed
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 46/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: cocooned
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

Enemy status
Sp1 Dead
Sp2 2 slowed -4 speed
Sp3 Dead
Sp4 Dead

spider 2,3,4 flee with Lillian
Zana casts fireball! dealing 10 damage to all spiders
Yuna tries to pursue
Lillian attempts to grapple!
fail 22 vs 30

Letting her magic fly Zana heard the hiss of dying spiders. Still it seemed the one carrying Lillian had survived the blast and was still out pacing Yuna. Run as the might the spider was soon out of sight leaving an exhusted Yuna and concerned looking Zana behind.

Meanwhile Lillian tried to struggle out of her makshift cocoon but the bounds still proved to much for her to break. However she did feel the heat of a blast all around her but it did little to weaken the spider webs that bound her.
Re: Tower Descent

As the fireblast pierced through the woods, suddenly the spiders seemed to jump infront of it?! Much to Zanas surprise the few spiders took the blast to protect the one carrying Lilian, shielding it from more of the blast! "What?!" the witch blinked in disbelief and quickly got onto her staff to give chase!

Yuna meanwhile kept rushing onwards, but the sticky webs proved just too much sticking her feet to the ground or clinging to bushes and trees as she rushed "D-damnit!" the girl paused briefly to wipe off the webs, perhaps without them she could catch up the smoldering cocoon!

Meanwhile Lilian continue to stress the webbings, but due to their tight nature the warrior had little room! Still as something outside seemed to light up, they did appear to loosen just a little bit... Trapped inside she'd at the very least use the chance to cur--- call out to her friends!

[Both give chase!
Lilian attempts to escape!
Re: Tower Descent

Zana: HP: 13/24 MP: 30/40 WP: 30/30 Status: hurt
Taint: 0 Corruption: 2

Yuna: HP: 40/42 MP: 15 WP: 16/16 Status: sticky webs 3 -6 speed
Taint: 0 Corruption: 0

Lilian: HP: 46/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: captured by spiders
Taint: 0 Corruption: 1

Yuna has +1 damage to her punches and kicks
Yuna has +1 armor
Lillian has +1 damage

Lillian attempts to break free
25 vs 30 fail

As the heroines gave chase the spider before them seemed to shimmer and than vanish.

"Buwahahahahaha! Entertaining most entertaining. Will the knight survive her ordeal in tact or will she become one of many fallen of the tower."

Nearby the ground began to shutter as a simple structure with a locked gate appeared. Behind it glowed a swirling blue portal. They had found the exit but where still no close to the key.

Meanwhile Lillian woke up bound and naked her armor discarded and her weapons no where to be found. Nearby spiders crawled all around her their eight black eyes glimmering in the glowing fungus that light up the lair. Struggle as she might the webs that held her know where much stronger closer to shackles of steel than sticky spider web. "Look at my lovelies brought me today. Out of the corner of her eye Lillian saw the movement of a large spider. For now it stayed in the shadows but it was clear that it was far larger than its kin around her.
Re: Tower Descent

Try as they might soon enough the spider seemed to just vanish as their 'host' bellowed in laughter "Shit!" Yuna cursed out throwing some of the webbing off her in clear anger. Even Zanna seemed concerned for once as she placed a single finger on her lips in a curious fashion "Oh dear..."

Meanwhile elsewhere Lilian would awake stripped and trapped! The red haired warrior tested her restraints, but it seemed she was completely locked down! "D-damnit..." she'd look around at the spiders scurrying about as her heart beat faster, before she closed her eyes and steadied herself... a voice spurring her attention shortly after, seemed the queen was here as well.

Lilian narrowed her eyes, but hardly answered... this was certainly not the way she wished to go, but she'd not face it like a coward "You can speak? You must be the queen then." Lilian spoke up, perhaps she could win herself a chance yet.
Re: Tower Descent

"Queen?" There was a clattering of feet. "Ahh a human term." A moment later a pale skinned woman emerged from the shadows. Her skin was pale and her head was surrounded with luminous black hair entwined with delicate weaved gold chains holding it in a elegant pony tail. She had eight glowing red eyes two human sized one's where Lillian suspected the should be and six smaller ones two center of her forehead just above the bridge of her nose with the others trailing up and over in a delicate curve. to either side of her face above her eyebrows. She had a delicate feminine face with slightly pointed ears and black lips with the barest hint of fangs shown as she gave Lillian a tight lipped smile. Much to Lillian surprise the woman had normal arms and legs despite what her eyes had shown her in the shadows ( ). She was clothed in silken garments of red and black that left her mid rife exposed where Lillian could see spider like leg tattoos that crossed over her stomach. "Sorry its been a long time sense I've had to use the human tongue. Mother would be a better term." Moving forward the woman caressed Lillian's cheek.
Re: Tower Descent

Lilian would harshly turn away "If you expect me to beg, you'll be disappointed." she'd turn to the freakish creature darkly "Why am I still alive?" the warrior asked bluntly, though defeat was a bitter pill to swallow it was entirely her fault. Yet the spiders kept her alive? For what reason?
Re: Tower Descent

Lillian gains 3 taint and takes 2 damage
Lilian: HP: 44/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: captured by spiders
Taint: 3 Corruption: 1
The woman would smile and move away. "Fine by me." Heading around and behind Lillian she soon felt a foreign body enter her tight confines her unaroused body hurting from the sudden entry. "Sense you wanted to rush things this will hurt a bit. No worries my juices will get you lubed up for the full show. Four spider legs wrapped themselves around Lillian holding her in place as the Spider Mother began to thrust into her slowly. True to her word the pain stopped as the monsters juices began to flow.
Re: Tower Descent

Lilian frowned darkly "Just get it over with it quickly." she'd prepare for the worst... only for things to not take an unexpected turn?! Wasn't she left for dead? The warrior blinked as suddenly she felt... cock-esque object slam into her!

"W-what the hell are you doing!" Lilian growled out as the spider unfortunately got comfy and began to actually fuck her in a slow comfy manner, mating with the red-haired girl on the spot!
Re: Tower Descent

3 rounds will pass
Lillian gains 12 taint!
Lilian: HP: 44/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: captured by spiders
Taint: 15 Corruption: 1

Every thrust into Lillian seemed to cause her own desires to stir to life as her body responded in its own natural way. The sounds of wet skin slapping against wet skin echoed into the chamber as the spider woman mated Lillian. Suddenly the spider woman cried out as Lillian felt something large push into her. "Phew... there the first... lets see how many more i can get in there." Once more the woman began to slam into Lillian.
Re: Tower Descent

Lilian gritted her teeth angrily as her body forced a blush on her face, her hands clenched into fists! This was utterly humiliating, but there was little she could do to stop the monster from having its way!

It was only salt on Lilians already wounded pride, seeing just how much the monster was enjoying itself! "D-damn you!" Even if her body reacted, the warrior spirit would hardly falter as she'd bear through it, keeping her presence of mind intact throughout the ordeal as her body was by beast to its hearts content!
Re: Tower Descent

3 rounds will pass
Lillian gains 13 taint! Lillian hits her cap and gains 1 corruption
Lilian: HP: 44/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: captured by spiders
Taint: 8 Corruption: 2

Unmoved by Lillian's struggle the woman continued to pump away crying out again as another mass passed threw her and into Lillian. This didn't stop her either as she kept going at it. "Your going to make a wonderful mother to my children." At the back her head a feminine yet dark giggle echoed out.
Re: Tower Descent

There had to be a way out of this! At this rate, she'd indeed be doomed to be this spider-bitches relief! Lilian would attempt to struggle her hands out to no avail... only to hear a familiar giggle? Who was there?

It did not come from the cave, it was as if something... someone was lingering just at the edge of her own consciousness, just observing the spidey fuck.
Re: Tower Descent

3 rounds will pass
Lillian gains 5 taint
Lilian: HP: 44/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: 4 eggs captured by spiders
Taint: 13 Corruption: 2

Just as the thought occurred to her the Spider woman shuttered violently and Lillian felt two eggs enter her. "Ohhh Im gonna rest a bit after that. Be right back dear and maybe put a little effort into it next time." With that the woman smacked her ass and walked off into the darkness. Looking down Lillian could she her bellow bloated with the eggs. "Ya know luv I can help if you just ask. I'm always here for you.
Re: Tower Descent

Lilian winced strongly and cursed out as the eggs squeezed their way inside, though thankfully the arachne would step away for now... still the scene she was left in was... "Damn it!..."

The warrior breathed strongly, before hearing the voice much clearer... it was the demoness from before. Lilian blinked 'You?' she'd answer in her mind 'You're the demon from before...' the girl narrowed her eyes subtly 'And what would the price of your aid be?' like it or not... the demoness had her in a situation, where she could hardly refuse.
Re: Tower Descent

"Im hurt luv. Besides any price you payed would be better than the what spider butt has in store for you, and competely depend on what you ask me to do. The more you ask the more it costs simple." Lillian felt the eggs inside her stir slightly.
Re: Tower Descent

'Get... me out of here! And get these things out of me...' Lilian made her request known, still gritting her teeth in anger as her blush lingered... the eggs were stirring to life?!
Re: Tower Descent

Lillian gains 1 corruption
Lilian: HP: 48/48 MP: 15 WP: 20 Status: fine
Taint: 13 Corruption: 3

"Done.." Lillian felt the eggs disappear. " ...and done!" For a moment Lillian felt weightless as the world turned black. Once more the voice echoed seemingly in her head. "Ohh Ive never been so full in a while. Maybe I should speak with the spider mother again let her knock me up a few times." Lillian felt a dark feeling of satisfaction flow into her thoughts from the demoness. "Now for payment.. hummm I think Ill take just the tinyist piece of your essence and call it good after all your still my favorite." Suddenly Lillian was wracked with a burning sensation that quickly cooled leaving her weak. Once more their was a weightless feeling as her world went from black to green. Looking around she was still in the forest her armor and weapons nearby leaving her truly naked all her undergarments having been lost.

Nearby Zana felt a shift in the air. Heading that way she found Lillian slightly dazed and naked. Sadly all Zana could do was watch as dark magic coursed threw her body. Touching Lillian could cause herself anyone else to suffer its effects as well.
Re: Tower Descent

"Lilian!" Yuna called out to the woods, but unfortunately nor the spider, nor the warrior were anywhere to be seen "We've got to find her!" the girl turned to Zana, who seemed in fair thought, but relatively calm "I don't believe our host would let one of his contestants drop-out just yet..." she'd muse lightly.

"That's not encouraging! Spiders took her! Spi-ders!" Yuna highlighted the fact "God knows whats happening to her as we speak! They're... Oh god I don't even wanna think about it..." the girl seemed to grow even more nervous and lightly green at the sickening thought "Mating her?" Zana finished the thought with a casual smile "What? No!... Ew no! I mean ea---"

Suddenly the witch raised a hand and turned to a nearby clearing... something dark had suddenly appeared, she'd turn to Yuna and place a finger on her lips, mutely sitting on her staff and floating over without even making a noise.

Meanwhile Lilian seemed to feel the other presence grow more promiment across her body, rushing a sheer primal and lusty sensation across her body coupled with the thoughts of what occured, almost warping her memory of the events... before she hit the grass!

"Ugh...." the knight slowly sat up shaking her head... not quite havign gathered her presence of mind yet. It was then Zana found her and noted the sheer black energies swirling around the girl briefly "Zana?" Yuna approached silently, as the witch glanced back and stopped the girl from seeing this. Gods forbid she tried to rush to Lilian now...

Still soon enough the red haired girl seemed to shake her daze off, just in time as the dark energies subsided "Let... me... see..." she'd hear a familiar voice from nearby, as she'd note first Zana smiling to her casually, before Yuna peeked from behind the quite stirring witch!

"Lilly? Lilian!" Yuna rushed forward and hugged the warrior deeply, Zana keeping Yuna back just enough for the act to be safe as she'd approach the two in turn "Welcome back." she'd lean forward with a smile.

Lilian meanwhile was certainly rejoiced not only to finally be out of the spiders den, but reunited with her friends "H-hey---" she'd be tackle-hugged by Yuna "Thank the gods you're okay! I was dreading the worst!"

"Though speaking of which, how DID you escape?" the witch asked from her leaned forward position as Lilian turned to the female and seemed to absolutely gape at the supreme cleavage before her! It was flatout incredibly she hardly noted Zanas... assests up till now! "Oh---" Lilian quickly gathered herself "An ally helped me escape." she'd look up to the witch, who seemed to subtly pucker her lips and sharpen her gaze clearly noting Lilians far greater 'interests'.

Still with all of them reunited and Lilian back in gear they could continue! "We found the exit while chasing after you as well... no key tho. AGAIN..." Yuna groaned cutely and sighed, much to a snicker from Zana "Well, I'm sure there's not much left of the forest by now."

Meanwhile Lilian seemed to actually have a subtle smile on her face for once, she hardly noticed before how each of her companions had a certain charm about them... as well as beauty "I can say one thing though, I'd definedly rather not meet those spiders again. Let's find that key quickly." the warrior picked up her shield and weapon and nodded to the group, getting back to her usual demeanor for now.
Re: Tower Descent

Reunited the trio would head out only to find the remains of a rough fort. Sticky webs clung to almost every surface and the rough worked fort door hung to side only supported by the webs the rope that had once bound it in place having been severed in the fight. Taking a hesitant step inside the trio found the remains of a few freshly dead spiders as well as a few desiccated corpses. A few human sized cocoons hung from towers or where attached to walls leaving little doubt to the fate of those inside. From the looks of the remains it seems that these men had been bandits. On one they found remarkably spiky armor with half a dozen of the dead spiders around it. In one now clawed hand he held a glowing portal stone, the key to the next level. Near him written in a flowing feminine script that only Zana and Lillian could read was. "Oh my lovely guardian see what your spider babies have done. Isn't such a joy to see them rampage." Zana knew the writing as demonic which to Yuna looked like wired pictures. Lillian just seemed to understand it with out even really knowing what it meant. With that concern in mind the trio went back to the portal which flashed between two scenes. The bar from earlier and a misty shrouded field.