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TPD Station Brilliance

Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven crossed his arms, thinking for a long moment.

"Interesting, can't say I have ever heard of anything like that happening before. Though that last bit about the wires and sparks, that seems to be a common theme with her?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

As her face was hidden behind a veil it was hard to tell, but Nadia seemed to smile at Deelin as she sat down on the offered chair, elegantly crossing her legs under her robe. "Please, no need to be so formal. This won't be an official TPD mission." She motioned for them to sit. Once everybody took a seat, she took a few taps on her data pad. "Time's running short, so I'll give it to you quick and dirty." Her eyes glanced over to the Klarr, and she cleared her throat. Just how much on them was in her files? "You've heard by now that the Nnyarthall are making another push, and the Directorate's troops are spread thin. You and a bunch of other freelancers will retake and staff an abandoned TPD space station called The Dividing Line on the edge of former Ashotur territory. It will be our base of operations for quite some time, so you're signing up for the long run." Her head turned towards Talen. "ARTEMIS already agreed to lend you to us. During the mission, you will be put under my command and will be compensated equally to all others. Large sum up front, regular payments each full month you stay on the mission, potential bonuses for contracts." Addressing everybody once more, she added, "Opposition will include the Nnyarthall, space pirates and AFOs. I won't blame you if you have no idea what AFOs are, I didn't know it myself before today. They are large, spacefaring organisms that eat ships, and they can't be reasoned with." She looks around for a moment before remembering something. "Your teammates include two engineers, medical and scientific personnel, mercenaries and something called an Ingrali. If you have any questions, ask them NOW, we'll be leaving soon." Leaning back and catching her breath for a moment, she looked at the four of them, waiting for them to say something.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Finding the canteen, Kars enters the room also, followed by Ko. He'd seen the new arrivals as they came in to land and had assumed them to likely be more turning up for the same job. Seeing them talking to Nadia more or less confirmed it. Letting them be though, he heads over to the canteen first. "Hail food warden. Can I get some kind of meat soup, preferably in a mug or cup?" The short spacer would ask crossing his arms and resting them on the counter. He'd proceed to pay for his drink if required, and then head over to lean against an empty table.

Ko hovers a while til she can approach the canteen also, seeming to hesitate a bit as she looks over the things available, and finally asking. "Do you have pineapple juice?" The rough distorted voice from the helmet speakers not entirely matching the slightly timid mannerisms.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Reno squealed. "Ooh! an adventure! Distant stars, new friends. Newer enemies..." She continued on like this for a while, rambling excitedly.

Mostly to himself, Talen sighed, "'Lent out,' huh? Well, at least I'm getting paid up front for once, that's a first." He leaned back in the chair and stretched his arms, flexing his cybernetic muscles. "Ma'am, if you could send any relevant data on UFOs and Ingrates to Reno here, I'll make sure she fills me in." He pokes Reno's cheek a few times.

Reno swats his hand away. "That's AFOs and Ingrali, you lummox. And I already have some relevant data on AFOs, but, strangely enough, my records show nothing of the 'Ingrali.'" Reno then turned to face the rest of the table as if she had just remembered something. "We never got your names! How rude of us." She stares at the other three expectantly.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven crossed his arms, thinking for a long moment.

"Interesting, can't say I have ever heard of anything like that happening before. Though that last bit about the wires and sparks, that seems to be a common theme with her?"

"Yup. Every so often when I go in to touch up a few things, something has the gall to act up and kick up a fuss. As I mentioned, I patch it up fairly quickly. I mean, I did pick her up from the depths of space. Found her floating and partially in pieces. Took some work to get her fixed, so there could have been something I missed." Digging into her tool pouch, she dug out the appropriate attachment, switching her hand for the tool.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Quick and dirty, huh?" Deelin whispered to his mate, "They know how I like it."

"Shut up!" Taavan hissed and elbowed Deelin in the side. "Ah, no ma'am. We'll be just fine," he spoke quickly when she had finished.

When the android asked its question Deelin smiled, "I'm Deelin and my companion is Taavan. We're the only two Klarr this far away from home... well. As far as I know, anyway.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Yup. Every so often when I go in to touch up a few things, something has the gall to act up and kick up a fuss. As I mentioned, I patch it up fairly quickly. I mean, I did pick her up from the depths of space. Found her floating and partially in pieces. Took some work to get her fixed, so there could have been something I missed." Digging into her tool pouch, she dug out the appropriate attachment, switching her hand for the tool.

Again Draven seemed to drift off and think for a moment before speaking.

"Have you tried checking the power distribution and relay centers? You may have a faulty distributor somewhere that keeps having minor overloads. Or it could be a sensor that is faulty, saying power isn't getting through when it is, and it tries to increase the flow, causing an issue."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

A Klarr ship made a rather hasty landing in the already crowded hanger and within minutes of landing, a white coated female rushed out, papers scattering behind her. The woman was a Klarr herself, with green eyes and dark red hair. She had a frantic look on her face as she sprinted to find the nearest person who looked like they knew what they were doing. "P...Please tell me who I report to! I need to talk to the most senior officer here! Oh god, I'm so late!" She was pointed to the mess hall by a confused looking soldier and the woman sprinted off. Finally reaching the mess hall, the frantic woman stood in the door way, her breath heavy from all the running. "Is...Is this where I can find the most senior officer?"

-Back in the hanger-
"I guess I hadn't considered that. Might have to take a peak at both of the systems, see what I can dig up. I mean, it could have happened during my reconstruction of the ship. I mean, I rebuilt her using what bits I could find floating with her. Anything I couldn't find I had to replace with what parts I had on hand. Could be that the distributor was one of those things I missed. Or the sensor. It's been so damn long since I fixed her up that it could be anything. Mind helping me take a look?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven nodded.

"Point me where this ship's energy distributors are, and I'll see what I can do to help you. If it is that, I might be able to help you out with parts to repair or even replace it."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Right!" Nadia slapped her three-fingered hand against her forehead. "My name is Nadia Hrrrthu, soon-to-be Commanding Officer and already-am Liaison Officer to the TP...D," the Garik introduced herself, her voice petering off as the third Klarr charged into the room. "What, another one? No. NO." She threw her hands up. "I'm not giving this speech again. You." She pointed at Deelin. "You brief your kin. I need to get ready for departure, and I have a cranky Xyr on my ship with enough ammo to win the war by himself. HEY YOU," she called out to the female Klarr. "GET OVER HERE AND GET BRIEFED!" She stood then, elegantly and briskly at once, and marched off, back towards the hangar, muttering about the nerve of some people.
The canteen personnel was temporarily distracted by Nadia's departure and took their time in dealing with Kars' and Ko's orders, though both could be fulfilled. Just where they got the pineapples should forever remain a mystery, but it tasted genuine. Neither of them had to pay for their drinks, a reoccuring theme during their stay on the station. It seemed the TPD really was that desparate for manpower.
The 3D printer gave a beep, tearing Fletch from his thoughts. Lemmy likewise jumped back to his feet. The predator was used to catching sleep anywhere and everywhere and could go under at a moment's notice, awakening just as quickly.
Not a minute later, Fletch stomped up the stairway to The Shining Star again. "It's me, I got the spare part! Let's fix your bird at last." Wasting no time, he headed back into engineering.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

When Deelin looked over at Meera his jaw dropped in a comical expression of surprise. Taavan blinked mildly at his CO for about two seconds before he burst into laughter. "Science Officer, you are a welcome surprise. I haven't seen him startled like this in a long long time."

Deelin seemed to recover remarkably quickly, "He means the first time he showed me his-"

"Ship! My ship. It was fantastically messy. Someone of my caste shouldn't have had things strewn about his cabin the way that I did." It was obvious to her what they were hiding and why, but it would be up to her whether she made that knowledge public or waited to speak to them alone. "Anyway, the Garik that just left is our CO. She's... Nadia. We're to take The Dividing Line back into TPD hands and check out some of the stirrings that seem to be coming from the former Ashotur Space. Ma'am." He bowed his head to her in acknowledgement of her higher caste.

"Not to mention that the Nnyarthall are starting to shove their way back into civilised space. You ready to get your hands dirty, Science Officer?" Deelin finished and leaned back in his seat.


Maria nodded as he tromped past, "Oy! Can Lemmy keep me company or do you need him to stay with you? I've grown rather fond of the little heathen."
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Cheers." Kars says in response to getting his soup, and Ko smiling brightly behind her blacked out visor upon receiving the requested exotic juice. "Cheers." said in imitation as she took the drink and followed the Kopak to loiter near a table. Both unfasten and open a tiny door on their helmets, pulling out a straw to drink with. One may well wonder why neither simply took off or opened their helmets for this, but they were apparently very used to doing things this way.

"Your going to need to replace your straw if you keep putting acidic drinks through it like that. The hydrophobic coating will degrade."

Ko shrugs, enjoying the rare juice. "I have plenty spare in my kit."

Kars murmurs a sound of dismissive acceptance and turns his attention back to the goings on of the room. So a possy of Klarr would be accompanying them on this gig too apparently. He hadn't seen any of their kind in a while now. Wrong end of space was all. The pair of augmented Terrans were an equally curious sight. They looked pretty high grade at a glance. Still leaning back against his table, not too far off from the gathering, he holds his soup in one hand and lifts the other to tap at some buttons under a narrow notch in his helmet.

Two full cyborgs? No, one full military grade cyborg and one high grade android, infact, according to what Kars' helmets electrosenors showed him. He couldn't discern too much about the "male's" internal systems due to the predictable EMP shielded design blocking his sensors. The android clearly wasn't a combat model, but he could spot the tell tale signature of a personal shield generator hidden within her innards. Then he noticed the name Artemis on the jacket. These were the guys that built Ko's legs then. Probably best not to mention the black market cyber-surgen he bought them from though.

Ko meanwhile had been doing just the same sensor snooping. Whispering into her helmet coms and transmitting only to Kars, "Hey, are those both androids?"

"Take a look at their noggins on thermal." Kars quietly replies back likewise. The suggestion answering Ko's question.

"Oh... oh! Wow..." She mutters to herself inside the helmet. She also happened to notice one of the Klarr changing body temperature rather rapidly during their conversation about something-something 'fantastically messy', or whatever. New aliens were always confusing to learn the quirks of.

"So you guys are all here for the Dividing Line gig too then?"
Kars speaks out openly now, leaning just off to the side of the group. "That's some fancy kit you're made of there." He says casually toward Talen.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Talen jumped up and rendered a brief salute as he watched Nadia storm out of the mess hall in a huff. He shouted after her, "Don't forget that data I requested, ma'am!" With a huff of his own, he turned to face his partner. "Reno, I need you to go find someone who can actually give us the coordinates to this 'Dividing Line.' It would also be nice if you could figure out when exactly we are supposed to depart." Reno had stood up at this point, and made a mental note of the tasks Talen was assigning her. "Oh, and find out about getting extra munitions for the railgun. Preferably something with a nice 'kick' to it."

"'Kick,' right. Got it." Reno nodded in approval. "I'll go to the armory first, see what munitions they have."

"Good. I'll meet you in the hangar." He turned to acknowledge the newcomer before walking away. "Ma'am."

After Talen had left, Reno also turned to face the newcomer. "Hi, I'm Reno. The guy who just left is Talen."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Talen stopped to face the Kopak who had just addressed him. "Thanks. Top-of-the-line, some of these parts aren't even in mass production yet. And yeah, we're here for the gig, too. The name's Talen. I work for the ARTEMIS Group, if you hadn't noticed. I take it you two were at the original mission briefing, then?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"I can tell. I hope they're still paying you and haven't got you filed under equipment expenses or anything. Kars." He replies, pointing a thumb back at himself as he states his name. "I work for the money. And yeah, I was there. Investigate station. Evict squatters. Build a cozy fort. Meet the local wildlife. Go on field trips. Keep an eye out for invading Nnyarthall armardas. Tis about the gist of it. It's one of those "must be able to work on own initiative" jobs." He continues, stopping to tip his cup up and having to manually assist the straw in slurping up the last of his soup. He had always wondered why so few Terran bars actually sold these animal drinks, and why the cultural insistence on putting it in bowls?

"And the Co-ordinates? I can give you those. If you want starship munitions though, don't bother going to the armoury, they'll only give you personal equipment and otherwise point you to the requisition terminals in the hanger. I've done the walkabout myself already."
Kars' would inform them before Reno went off on her errand. If asked he'd be plenty able to pull up and send over the co-ordinates right away using his suits computer.

"Hi." Ko adds sheepishly from behind Kars, with a little wave, even though as always the distorted voice that issued from the helmets speakers, rather changed the tone of the greeting. Ko watching both Talen and the android with a fair degree of fascination overall. Her stares hidden behind the visor.
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Talen laughed. "Equipment expenses, good one. Not far off, though. I'm just a tool to them. A very expensive one, but a tool nonetheless. Reno, get over here!" Reno walks over from where she was with the Klarr.

"What is it?"

"Kars, Reno. Reno, Kars. And that's..." Talen motioned towards the other Kopak who hadn't introduced itself yet. "Kars here says the armory won't help you with ship-level munitions, and that you should check with requisitions in the hangar." Reno nods in understanding. Motioning towards Kars, Talen adds, "He also happens to have the coordinates we need and is willing to send them to you."

Reno smiles. "Great! Thanks, that will save me a trip. I'm already connected to the station's network, so you can just wire them over. Don't worry about the firewalls; they don't bite too hard." Both Talen and Reno's brains had a number of network security protocols to prevent wireless body-jacking that would make short work of any would be assailant.
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Keep those in the back. Here, let me get the ladder." Moving the small ladder she uses to climb into the ship, she wheels it around to the rear of the ship, setting it up properly for her 'assistant'. "Go nuts, big guy. See if you can't find anything."

Meera looked somewhat bothered by the reaction of the officer, putting a massive damper on her already troubled mood. But then it perked up at the sight of two of her own kind, one of them belonging to a caste closer to hers. Good to know she'd at least have someone to talk to. "I am? I was just answering the call just like any good woman of science should. If I can help even one person with what I do here, then I know I did a good job." She seemed rather proud of that statement, knowing her kin might either agree or find her silly. Most likely the second. However, the two seemed to have a rather...odd relationship. One covering for the other and almost afraid of what might have been said. Had she been more like her family, she would have looked down on how casual the two were with each other. But she was not like them. She was even nice enough to return the bow from her kin, out of kindness.

She got a short briefing on the situation at hand. "I see. The Terran are to the point where they must rely of the kindness of strangers. Hopefully our efforts will mean something." However, she looked in shock as she heard of the Nnyarthall. And the need to get thrown into combat. "I...I hope so. I mean...I'm hardly trained for combat. I know enough self defense to keep myself safe and to use my stun gun, but nothing more...I pray I won't have to use more than that."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Taavan paled visibly when she bowed back at him, "I assure you, Officer, that's unnecessary. A great honor, but you shouldn't lower yourself to bowing at one of my station. As to your statement of self defense... as do we all believe. Well, most of us, anyway." He then turned to face Kars, shutting himself away from the conversation. "Coordinates? Those would be great to have. I only wish we'd gotten here earlier. My Captain is hopelessly inept at getting us places on time."

"Ah, ignore him," Deelin rose and kissed her cheek in a more than friendly fashion, "Why don't you and I get acquainted and you can tell me all about yourself and answer all of my questions, hm? I haven't been home in 40 Terran years, how is the planet? The council? Have there been any radical changes in power since I left? Is Daani on the council still having that affair with General Gooren?"
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Oh don't worry so much about formalities. We are not amongst our kin and no one will judge us. I do so out of kindness. I can tell you are a good man and worthy of such respect, caste or no. But digress. Hopefully our companions will take our share of the fighting for us." She merely chuckled at his next statement, surprised these two were so open about the dynamic they shared. Quite an odd pair. However, she her attention from Taavan was interrupted by the peck from Deelin, the higher caste of the pair.

"The...The homeland is doing fine, I suppose. I've been focusing on my studies for some time, so I haven't had the chance to focus on all the gossips and goings on. The council is more or less the same. I know one of my brothers works for one of the council members and has been looking to take his place. And nothing as far as shifts in power. And the affair? Goodness, that ended quite...poorly for both sides. Daani stepped down and has been in seclusion where as Gooren was shipped off to some hell hole of a part of the galaxy." She tried answering the questions as best she could for the inquisitive man, knowing her answers might not be satisfactory. "And I wouldn't worry about me so much. I'll admit, I'm not all that interesting. Just another scientist. Looking to help our people as best I can."
Re: TPD Station Brilliance

At her words to Taavan, Deelin's face relaxed and he looked a lot more friendly and open. "That's such a shame about the affair. They were beautiful together." He sighed. "But, my dear... I do want to know more about you. Specifically your name, what you do, and why you don't seem to care bout the relationship I have with my," he hesitated and decided that he couldn't let Taavan's hang-up keep them from total honesty with their teammates, "mate." he finished quietly.